Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Jackson Bird Paradise Shelf Shattered by Wind.
Birds Ankle-Deep in Food - Angels Unaware

I looked into our rain barrels and saw 17 inches of rain in them. Even when the rain was subsiding, the mist continued into the evening.

War Eagle Creek flooded and I saw a small creek raging with brown flood waters as I passed by. The mill is in the middle of the creek and found itself isolated by the unusual weather, which followed a long stretch of warm sunny days, shirtsleeve weather in the afternoon.

The top shelf of the Jackson Bird Paradise feeder shattered in the winds, perhaps thrown against the tree. I continued to feed the birds during heavy rains, because they were around the feeders looking for more fuel to keep themselves warm.

This morning, with no water frozen in the street, the birds were in the feeders and on the swing, browsing in the gardens and hinting about breakfast. After Sassy had a great long walk, I gave the birds a generous selection of sunflower seeds and corn kernels.

Birds appreciate food most when it is hard to gather. Squirrels will take the choicest food and discard anything less than primo - until cold, ice, and rain come. Then seeds frozen to the window ledge are worth prying off, one by one.

Those satisfied by materialism will find little of use in the Gospel, bearing the cross, or trusting in the Creator for everything, especially their spiritual needs. But those who have weathered the storms find everything in the Word delightful, since they hunger and thirst for righteousness (forgiveness through faith) and treasure the Treasure offered in the Means of Grace.