Tuesday, February 16, 2016

From 20`2 - LCMS Seminary Costs Continue To Soar.
Baby Boomer Leaders Keep Mission Money for Their Salaries and Benefits

Ichabod Had the Scoop on the Seminary Tuition Scandal

bruce-church (https://bruce-church.myopenid.com/) has left a new comment on your post "Walther Became a Pastor After a Four-Year Rational...":

Here are some of the more memorable LCMS seminary cost posts, which sketch excludes many minor posts and comics:

Fake Pastoral Shortage in the LCMS, Friday, August 8, 2008

Maybe Because Bruce Church Told the Truth about Sky-High Tuition and the 600 Empty Parish Lie, 9 Sep 2010:

The Seminary Question, 14 Sep 2010

The Boomers Got Their Cheap Seminary Education, Only To Stick the Next Generations with Harvard Costs and Mudville Quality, Saturday, October 2, 2010:


LCMS Seminary Costs, 28 Dec 2010

Lutheran Seminary Fraud: Students Are Bankrupting Themselves To Provide an Easy Living for the Profs. "No Call for You" Threat Stifles Dissent, 16 May 2011


LCMS Seminary Cost Scandal: Fabulous Costs To Support Posh Professor Salaries, September 17, 2011


LCMS Seminaries - Where the Money Is. Ultra High Tuition and Salaries, December 8, 2011


Walther Became a Pastor After a Four-Year Rationalistic Degree from Leipzig and Cell Group Revelations. Now It Takes Eight Years, Feb 13, 2012:



bruce-church (https://bruce-church.myopenid.com/) has left a new comment on your post "Walther Became a Pastor After a Four-Year Rational...":

Understanding The Costs Of Pastoral Education: Do We Pay Pastors Too Much? April 18th, 2012, by
a Lutheran Brethren Church pastor:


Church of the Lutheran Brethren of America (CLBA):

The Church of the Lutheran Brethren has 123 congregations with about 8,860 baptized members[2] in the United States (114) and Canada (9),

MDiv program at Lutheran Brethren Seminary:

Credit hour cost of $340 on page 22:

Fergus Falls, pop. 13,000: