ICHABOD, THE GLORY HAS DEPARTED - explores the Age of Apostasy, predicted in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, to attack Objective Faithless Justification, Church Growth Clowns, and their ringmasters. The antidote to these poisons is trusting the efficacious Word in the Means of Grace. John 16:8. Isaiah 55:8ff. Romans 10. Most readers are WELS, LCMS, ELS, or ELCA. This blog also covers the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodoxy, and the Left-wing, National Council of Churches denominations.
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Saturday, April 2, 2016
The First Sunday after Easter - Quasimodo Geniti - Doubting Thomas.
John 20:19-31
Luther's Sermon for the SUNDAY AFTER EASTER. John 20:19-31
This sermon is not in edition c. It is found in the “Rules and Instructions for those going to the Lord’s Supper.”
German text: Erlangen edition vol. 2, 324; Walch edition vol. 2, 989; St.
Louis edition vol. 2, 724.
John 20:19-31. When therefore it was evening, on that day, the first day of the week, and when the doors were shut where the disciples were, for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood in the midst, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you. And when he had said this, he showed unto them his hands and his side. The disciples therefore were glad, when they saw the Lord. Jesus therefore said to them again, Peace be unto you: as the Father hath sent me, even so send I you. And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and saith unto them, Receive ye the Holy Spirit: whose soever sins ye forgive, they are forgiven unto them; whose soever sins ye retain, they are retained.
But Thomas, one of the twelve, called Didymus, was not with them when Jesus came. The other disciples therefore said unto him, We have seen the Lord. But he said unto them, Except I shall see in his hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe.
And after eight days again his disciples were within, and Thomas with them. Jesus cometh, the doors being shut, and stood in the midst, and said, Peace be unto you. Then said he to Thomas, Reach hither thy finger, and see my hands; and reach hither thy hand, and put it into my side: and be not faithless, but believing.
Thomas answered and said unto him, My Lord and my God. Jesus saith unto him, Because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.
Many other signs therefore did Jesus in the presence of the disciples, which are not written, in this book: but these are written, that ye may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye may have life in his name.
A. The Nature And Character Of Faith, Which 1. Is here set forth In clear words 2.
2. Is illustrated by Christ’s entrance through closed doors 3-4.
B. The Fruit Of Faith.
1. The first fruit is peace. a. The nature of this peace n5-7 b. How this peace is to be distinguished from the peace of the world 7- 8. c. How this peace springs from faith
2. The second fruit is joy 10-11.
C. Of The Power Or Virtue Faith Should Show Forth.
1. In general, that we love our neighbor
2. In detail. a . That we seek to bring our neighbor to believe 13. b. That we seek to serve our neighbor, only in that which he needs 14.
D. Of The Authority Christ Gave To Faith.
1. That this authority is so great and mighty that no one can praise it enough 15.
2. That this is not bodily nor temporal but spiritua1 authority 15-16.
3. This authority belongs to every Christian
4. How we should thank God for this power
5. How this authority becomes of great comfort to believers
18. 6 . How this authority is to be rescued from the misuse of the papists 19-20.
* Unbelief is great blasphemy of God 21.
1. First, it is shown that the disciples are deficient in their faith; for they were afraid, as all are who have not been made bold by the Spirit of God.
Moreover, Thomas believes not until he sees and feels.
2. The disciples believe not without public signs. But blessed are they who have not seen, and believe only the Word of God.
3. The signs, by which the Lord Christ was known he shows us in the times of trouble and when we are under the cross, and then we learn aright who Christ is.
1. That we have peace, as the fruit of Christ’s resurrection.
2. As Christ was sent by the Father, so we also are sent; therefore no one should think that he will come to glory without tribulations and the cross.
3. The true and faithful, that is, those in whom the Spirit of Christ is have the power to forgive and retain sins.
4. But when John says: “These things are written that ye may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye may have life in his name;” ye see what John wrote is sufficient for faith, and where faith is, there is also life in the name of Christ. Therefore all teaching is in vain and unprofitable, that does not proclaim the Gospel.
1. This Gospel praises the fruit of faith, and illustrates its nature and character. Among the fruits of faith are these two: peace and joy, as St.
Paul writes to the Galatians, where he mentions in order all kinds of fruit saying: “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, meekness, self-control.” Galatians 5:22. Thus these two fruits are also mentioned in our text. In the first place, Christ stands there among the disciples, who sit in fear and terror, and whose hearts are greatly troubled every hour expecting death; to them he comes and comforts them, saying: “Peace be unto you.” This is one fruit. In the second place there follows from this sweet word the other fruit, that they were glad when they saw the Lord. Then he further bestows upon faith power and authority over all things in heaven and on earth, and truly extols it in that he says: “As the Father hath sent me, even so send I you.” And again: “Receive ye the Holy Spirit: whose soever sins ye forgive, they are forgiven unto them; whose soever sins ye retain, they are retained.” Let us now consider each thought in order.
2. Faith, as we have often said, is of the nature, that every one appropriates to himself the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, of which we have already said enough; namely, that it is not sufficient simply to believe Christ rose from the dead, for this produces neither peace nor joy, neither power nor authority; but you must believe that he rose for your sake, for your benefit, and was not glorified for his own sake; but that he might help you and all who believe in him, and that through his resurrection sin, death and hell are vanquished and the victory given to you.
3. This is signified by Christ entering through closed doors, and standing in the midst of his disciples. For this standing denotes nothing else than that he is standing in our hearts; there he is in the midst of us, so that he is ours, as he stands there and they have him among them. And when he thus stands within our hearts, we at once hear his loving voice saying to the troubled consciences: Peace, there is no danger; your sins are forgiven and blotted out, and they shall harm you no more.
4. And this entrance the Lord made here through barred doors, going through wood and stone, and still leaving everything whole, breaking nothing, yet getting in among his disciples. This illustrates how the Lord comes into our hearts and stands in us, namely, through the office of the ministry. Therefore, since God has commanded men to preach his Word, one should in no wise despise a mortal man into whose mouth he has put his Word; lest we get the idea that every one must expect a special message from heaven, and that God should speak to him by the word of his mouth. For if he imparts faith to any one, he does it by means of the preaching of man and the external word of man.
This is going through closed doors, when he comes into the heart through the Word, not breaking nor displacing anything. For when the Word of God comes, it neither injures the conscience, nor deranges the understanding of the heart and the external senses; as the false teachers do who break all the doors and windows, breaking through like thieves, leaving nothing whole and undamaged, and perverting, falsifying and injuring all life, conscience, reason, and the senses. Christ does not do thus.
Such now is the power of the Word of God. Thus we have two parts, preaching and believing. His coming to us is preaching; his standing in our hearts is faith. For it is not sufficient that he stands before our eyes and ears; he must stand in the midst of us in our hearts, and offer and impart to us peace.
5. For the fruit of faith is peace; not only that which one has outwardly, but that of which Paul speaks to the Philippians ( Philippians 4:7) saying it is a peace that passeth all reason, sense and understanding. And where this peace is, one shall not and cannot judge according to reason. This we shall see still farther in our Gospel lesson.
6. First, the disciples sit there behind barred doors in great fear of the Jews, afraid to venture outside, with death staring them in the face. Outwardly they indeed have peace, no one is doing them any harm; but inwardly their hearts are troubled, and they have neither peace nor rest. Amid their fear and anguish the Lord comes, quiets their hearts and makes them glad, so that their fear is removed, not by removing the danger, but in that their hearts were no more afraid. For thereby the malice of the Jews is not taken away, nor changed; they rave and rage as before, and outwardly everything remains the same. But they are changed inwardly, receiving such boldness and joy as to declare: “We have seen the Lord.” Thus he quiets their hearts, so that they become cheerful and fearless, not caring how the Jews rage.
7. This is the true peace that satisfies and quiets the heart; not in times when no adversity is at hand, but in the midst of adversity, when outwardly there is nothing but strife before the eyes. And this is the difference between worldly and spiritual peace. Worldly peace consists in removing the outward evil that disturbs the peace; as when the enemies besiege a city there is no peace; but when they depart peace returns. Such is the case with poverty and sickness. While they afflict you, you are not contented; but when they are removed and you are rid of the distress, there is peace and rest again from without. But he who experiences this is not changed, being just as fainthearted whether the evil be present or not; only he feels it and is frightened when it is present.
8. Christian or spiritual peace, however, just turns the thing about, so that outwardly the evil remains, as enemies, sickness, poverty, sin, death and the devil. These are there and never desist, encompassing us on every side; nevertheless, within there is peace, strength and comfort in the heart, so that the heart cares for no evil, yea, is really bolder and more joyful in its presence than in its absence. Therefore it is peace which passeth and transcendeth all understanding and all the senses. For reason can not grasp any peace except worldly or external peace, for it can not reconcile itself to it nor understand how that is peace if evil is present, and it knows not how to satisfy and comfort a person; hence it thinks if the evil depart, peace departs also. When however the Spirit comes, he lets outward adversity remain, but strengthens the person, making the timid fearless, the trembling bold, changing the troubled into a quite, peaceful conscience, and such an one is bold, fearless and joyful in things by which all the world otherwise is terrified.
9. Whence does he receive this? From his faith in Christ. For if I truly believe in the Lord from the real depth of my heart, that my heart can truly say: My Lord Christ has by his resurrection conquered my need, my sin, death and all evil, and will be thus with and in me, so that body and soul shall want nothing, that I shall have all I need, and no evil shall harm me: if I believe this, it is impossible for me to be faint-hearted and timid no matter how much sin and death oppress me. For faith is ever present and says:
Does sin burden you, does death terrify you, look to Christ who died for your sake and rose again, and conquered every evil; what can harm you?
Why will you then fear? So also in case other misfortunes burden you, as sickness or poverty, turn your eyes from it, lock the door to reason and cast yourself upon Christ and cleave to him, so shall you be strengthened and comforted. If you look to Christ and believe on him, no evil that may befall you is so great that it can harm you and cause you to despair.
Therefore it is impossible for this fruit to remain outside, where faith is, so that peace does not follow.
10. From peace the other fruit now follows, as is taught in this Gospel.
When Christ came to the disciples and said: “Peace be unto you!” and showed them his hands and feet; then they were glad that they saw the Lord. Yes, to be sure they had to be glad, for that they saw Christ was the greatest joy the heart of man can experience. Hitherto we have been permitted to see our hands, that is, we have been taught to trust in our works; this brought no gladness. But to see Christ makes us glad. And this takes, place by faith; for thus St. Paul in Romans 5:1-2 says: “Being therefore justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ; through whom also we have had our access by faith into this grace wherein we stand; and we rejoice in hope of the glory of God.”
11. Thus we have the fruit whereby we know who are true Christians. For he who has no peace in that in which the world finds nothing but unrest, and is joyful in that which in the world is nothing but gloom and sorrow, is not yet a Christian, and does not yet believe. This truth is being also sung at this season everywhere in the hymn on the Lord’s resurrection; but hardly anybody understands it. He who composed it surely understood it aright. He does not stop at the Lord is risen, when he says: “Christ is risen from his Passion ;” as though this were sufficient, but brings it home to us and adds: Let us all rejoice in this. But how can we rejoice in it, if we have nothing of it and it is not ours? Therefore, if I am to rejoice in it, it must be mine, that I may claim it as my own property, that it may profit me. And finally he closes: Christ will be our consolation, that we can and shall have no other consolation but Christ. He wants to be it himself and he alone, that we should cling to him in every time of need; for he has conquered all for our benefit, and by his resurrection he comforts all troubled consciences and sad hearts. This the Gospel teaches concerning faith and its fruits.
12. Now follows the office of the ministry. The power of faith now develops love. For it does not yet suffice that I have the Lord so that he is mine, and that I find in him all comfort, peace and joy; but I must henceforth also do as he has done: for it follows thus in the text: “As the Father hath sent me, even so send I you.”
13. The first and highest work of love a Christian ought to do when he has become a believer, is to bring others also to believe in the way he himself came to believe. And here you notice Christ begins and institutes the office of the ministry of the external Word in every Christian; for he himself came with this office and the external Word. Let us lay hold of this, for we must admit it was spoken to us. In this way the Lord desires to say: You have now received enough from me, peace and joy, and all you should have; for your person you need nothing more. Therefore labor now and follow my example, as I have done, so do ye. My Father sent me into the world only for your sake, that I might serve you, not for my own benefit. I have finished the work, have died for you, and given you all that I am and have; remember and do ye also likewise, that henceforth ye may only serve and help everybody, otherwise ye would have nothing to do on earth. For by faith ye have enough of everything. Hence I send you into the world as my Father hath sent me; namely, that every Christian should instruct and teach his neighbor, that he may also come to Christ. By this, no power is delegated exclusively to popes and bishops, but all Christians are commanded to profess their faith publicly and also to lead others to believe.
14. Secondly, if you have exercised yourself in this highest work and taught others the right way of truth, then make up your mind to keep on and serve everybody. Then the example of your life and good works follows; not that you can thereby merit and acquire anything, seeing you have beforehand everything that is necessary to salvation. Furthermore Christ now gives a command, he breathes upon the disciples and says: “Receive ye the Holy Spirit: whose soever sins ye forgive, they are forgiven unto them; whose soever sins ye retain, they are retained.”
15. This is a great and mighty power which no one can sufficiently extol, given to mortal men of flesh and blood over sin, death and hell, and over all things. The pope too boasts in the canon law that Christ has given to him power over all earthly things; which would indeed be correct if the people rightly understood it. For they apply it to the civil government; this is not Christ’s thought; but he gives spiritual power and rule, and wishes to say this much: When ye speak a word concerning a sinner, it shall be spoken in heaven, and shall avail so much as if God himself spake it in heaven; for he is in your mouth, therefore it has the same force as if he himself spoke it.
Now it is always true, if Christ speaks a word, since he is Lord over sin and hell, and says to you: Thy sins are forgiven; then they must be forgiven and nothing can prevent it. Again, if he says: Thy sins shall not be forgiven thee; then they remain unforgiven, so that neither you, nor an angel, nor a saint, nor any creature, can forgive your sin, even if you martyred yourself to death.
16. This same power belongs to every Christian, since Christ has made us all partakers of his power and dominion; and here his is not a civil but a spiritual rule, and his Christians also rule spiritually. For he does not say:
This city, this country, this bishopric or kingdom you shall rule, as the pope does; but he says: Ye shall have power to forgive and to retain sins. Hence this power pertains to the conscience, so that by virtue of God’s Word I can pass judgment as to what the conscience can cleave to, so that against and above that no creature can do anything, neither sin, nor the world nor Satan. This is true power. But thereby no power is given me to rule over temporal matters, over a country and people, externally after the manner of civil governments, but a much higher and nobler power, which can in no sense be compared with it.
17. Therefore we shall thank God, that we now know the great power and glory given us through Christ in his plain Word, as St. Paul also highly praises and extols it to the Ephesians, saying: “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ.” Ephesians 1:3. And again: “God made us alive together with Christ, and raised us up with him, and made us sit with him in heavenly places, in Christ Jesus: that in the ages to come he might show the exceeding riches of his grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus: for by grace have ye been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not of works, that no man should glory. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God afore prepared that we should walk in them.” Ephesians 2:5-10.
18. Observe, what great transcendent comfort we have in that God awakens in us also the same power he exercises in Christ, and bestows upon us equal authority. As he made him sit in heavenly places, above all power and might, and everything that can be named; so has he invested us also with the same power, that those who believe have all power over heaven and earth. This we have in the words he left behind him; and they are so powerful, that when they are spoken by us, they avail as much as if he himself were on earth and spake them in the majesty and glory in which he now exists. And this is the power we have from his resurrection and ascension; there he gives us power to. kill and to make alive, to consign to the devil and to rescue from him.
19. But in this matter one must proceed carefully, and not do like the popes. For they have reached the point to have the power, that however and whatever they say, so it must be, because they say it. Nay, this power you have not, but the divine Majesty alone has. it. They say thus: If the pope speaks a word and says: Thy sins are forgiven thee, they are blotted out, even though you neither repent nor believe. They mean by this, that they have the power to bestow and withhold heaven, to open or shut it, to locate one in heaven or cast into hell; far from it that it should be so. For from this it would then follow that our salvation depended on the works, authority and power of man. Therefore, since this is in conflict with all the Scriptures it can not be true that when you open or shut, it must be open or shut.
20. Therefore we must rightly understand Christ when he says: “Whose soever sins ye forgive, they are forgiven unto them; whose soever sins ye retain, they are retained ;” that this does not establish the power of him who speaks but of those who believe. Now the power of him who speaks and of him who believes are as far apart as heaven and earth.
God has given us the Word and the authority to speak; but it does not therefore follow from this that it must so be done, as Christ also preached and taught the Word, and yet not all who heard it believed, and it was not everywhere done as he spake the Word, although it was God’s Word.
Therefore Christ’s meaning is: Ye shall have the power to speak the Word, and to preach the Gospel, saying, Whosoever believeth, has the remission of his sins; but whosoever believeth not, has no remission of sin. But ye have not the power to create faith. For there is a great difference between planting and giving the growth; as Paul says to the Corinthians: “I planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.” 1 Corinthians 3:6. Hence we have no authority to rule as lords; but to be servants and ministers who shall preach the Word, by means of which we incite people to believe.
Therefore, if you believe the Word, you gain this power; but if you believe not, then what I speak or preach will avail nothing even though it be God’s Word; and if you believe not these words you are not treating me but God himself with dishonor and contempt.
21. Therefore, unbelief is nothing but blasphemy, which makes God a liar.
For if I say, your sins are forgiven you in God’s name, and you believe it not, it is the same as if you said: who knows whether it be true, and whether he be in earnest? by this you charge God and his Word with lying.
Therefore you better be far from the Word, if you believe it not. For when a man preaches his Word, God would have it as highly esteemed as if he himself had preached it. This then is the power given by God. which every Christian has, and of which we have already spoken much and often; hence this is enough for the present.
John 20:19-31
The Lincoln Effect
I grew up in the Land of Lincoln, which is Illinois for those who graduated from Mequon. No, I am not being offensive. They think Wisconsin is the only state in the Union, the only seminary, the place to go for choice calls that will tolerate all kinds of malfeasance, laziness, and incompetence. No education? Become a seminary professor. But I digress.
As a natural-born Illinois child, I grew up with stories about Lincoln in school and at home. My mother was natural-born Illinois and my father from Iowa, which almost counts. One grade school in Moline was Lincoln. We had a required semester of Illinois history in junior high. Augustana College had a library collection of Lincolniana, anything owned or touched or referencing our Sixteenth President.
We took a trip to Springfield, Illinois in school, visited the Lincoln Memorial in DC. I honeymooned with Mrs. Ichabod in Springfield, and we visited all the Lincoln sites there.
Lincoln-JFK parallels were noted in many conversations. Lincoln had a Vice President named Johnson. JFK also had a VP named Johnson. Lincoln grew up in a log cabin. JFK spilled Log Cabin syrup in his father's Lincoln.
When I began reading more books about Lincoln, I noticed how much conservatives blamed Lincoln for everything wrong in America. Besides that, he was not perfect man portrayed in the stories I heard all my life. He had many strange characteristics, and yet he had many life-long friends who admired him.
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Nobody, but nobody reads this commentary anymore. OK, I do, but no one else. |
The Lincoln Effect
I often think of the Lincoln Effect (knowing only the glowing stories) when I see people react against the truth about their denomination. They have only heard saint-stories of their founders, although some characters of the past are necessarily evil (Loehe, for some reason, in the Walther fan club).
They are so shocked by the truth that their brains seem to be tasered. "Why, if that is true. then all the lore I have learned is wrong. Then my denomination is wrong. And my professors were wrong. You are the spawn of the devil. Begone." I was cursed by one Ft. Wayne seminary graduate for quoting Romans 4:24. He only knew the official LCMS mantra of Romans 4:25 (see the Brief Statement, 1932).
As one pastor wrote me, paraphrased, "Everything at Ft. Wayne was filtered through Pieper."
In effect, the students of that era were taught by Pieper, who was hand-picked by Walther, a BA Pietist, who learned his UOJ from Stephan, a Pietist who could not bother himself to finish college.
Thus Paul McCain, Jay Webber, and many others.
No one will ever write a critical biography of Walther, because the LCMS cadre will tear apart anyone who disturbs the myth of Walther. They will not print a critical biography of Walther, and no one else thinks the Lutheran world revolves about the old Pietist.
So - yes, I understand the Lincoln Effect when people have had a similar exposure to Waltheriana. The difference is this - Lincoln is not the axis of all Lutheran doctrine. In WELS-ELS-LCMS, Walther is.
Abraham Lincoln,
CFW Walther,
The Rustic Fence and Other Enhancements
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This is more formal than my current arrangement of logs. |
In a Creation garden, 99% of what happens is built into the engineering of every plant and creature, the weather, and even the rocks. That is also true in the formal man-made garden, but the hard-working humans often do not realize it. The ultra-neat chemical gardeners destroy much of the natural life by using chemical fertilizers and insecticides.
Trees are being trimmed, and wood treasures are being placed at the curb to be taken away. I also grabbed a few tree trunk sections to use as bird perches and informal chairs. The end of the main rose garden will be logs, end to end.
Our helper and I carried logs from across the street so robins would have watch-towers for their insect and worm hunts. I am more concerned about stubs sticking into the air than neatness. Later we will put cardboard under them to make them a little neater.
When I drove back from the store with Mrs. I, a robin was on the top of his perch and pouncing on meals. I said, "That just what I wanted!"
A few trunks can make a short border or a circle around the feeders or informal seating. Our helper's son used a trunk to sit on while he filled the big bird-bath.
What happens when a log or trunk section is placed on the ground?
- Shade and trapped moisture gives the soil creatures underneath a place for shelter and food. Beneath is really a miniature compost area, with earthworms, sowbugs, pillbugs, centipedes, millipedes, slugs, mites, bacteria, and protozoa enjoying the bounty of food and damp conditions of rot.
- Fungi begin to dissolve the wood into plant food, which they deliver to roots through their tube system.
- Spiders build webs because they know insect activity will increase.
- Toads use the log for shelter and enjoy the extra food there.
- Birds perch on top to sun themselves and preen their feathers after a bath.
- Insects use quiet places to warm up and dry out after hatching.
Given all that activity, wouldn't want some trunks in your gardening area? I think so.
Creation Garden
Friday, April 1, 2016
Building the Rose Garden - Rough Draft - Creation Gardening
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Bride's Dream, $5 - special sale. |
Building the Rose Garden
Growing roses is easy, fun,
and fulfilling. No other flower is appreciated or feared by so many. Everyone
says to me, “I have heard roses are hard to grow.” That is definitely true when
roses are grown the wrong way. Therefore, a step by step approach follows, from
the start to the harvest of bouquet after bouquet of roses.
The large American rose
gardens and Queen Elizabeth’s private gardens follow the same principles as I
do, avoiding toxins, building organic solutions, and encouraging fungi in their
gardens. A program on Queen Elizabeth’s gardens showed that the plants
flourished and attracted an enormous array of animals to the peaceful,
poison-free area, earth before the Fall of Man.
The modern rose industry
develops about 1500 different roses for each one that makes it to the market.
Many of those new arrivals do not catch on and fade away from memory. The ones
that do become established, loved, and planted for decades have one thing in
common with all the supposed failures – they come from one plant. The initial
effort is cross pollination, breeding varieties in the hope of a new Peace, Mr.
Lincoln, or Double Delight Rose. From that point, green canes are rooted and
grafted to the wild root base, to combine hardiness and beauty.
One of the best all time,
ranking with the ones above, is Queen Elizabeth. This tall grandiflora—with
magnificent, tall buds and blooms—was hybridized by Walter Lammerts, a Lutheran
who believed in Creation.
Lammerts earned a PhD in
genetics, developed dozens of new roses, and published many articles critical
of evolutionary claims. He founded Creation Science, a society still active
Anyone dealing with roses,
whether antique or new, is astonished at the almost infinite variety of blooms,
colors, shapes, fragrances, weaknesses, and strengths. Yet no one can claim to
have invented a new rose. The enormous library of DNA information is already in
each flower, capable of being adjusted to produce in its offspring
· A
fragrant white rose like Pope John Paull II or
· One so
oddly colored that it could be named Ketchup and Mustard.
Those who want specific roses
will order them, because garden supply places will probably run out of the
favorite ones. Roses ordered from the large and small rose suppliers will be
dormant, bare root roses. If I have to have Peace, Double Delight, Fragrant
Cloud, or Queen Elizabeth, I order the bare root roses early. I do not expect
to find them as potted roses at the local gardening center, although that may
Planning ahead is a good idea.
Some offers by mail and TV are for an assortment of colors and styles. These
are less expensive and fun, because no specific name is promised. Finding out
that these surprise roses include many famous and unusual kinds is part of the
fun. I bought $5 roses later that included Paradise and Bride’s Dream, normally
sold at full price. My first order, from TV, included Falling in Love for $8,
which will be a full row in the expanded garden this year.
More disciplined ordering
would include three and five of the same rose, even more, to mass color instead
of scattering it. But another part of the fun is moving roses around to
decorate in an individual way not dictated by unwritten or even canonized rules
of rose culture.
Potted roses can be ordered
locally. They show off their beauty for the buyer and seem less intimidating to
some. They are simply bare root roses that the local seller prepared for the
market. That is how I discovered and expanded our KnockOut roses.
the Garden, Early and Later
The best orientation
for roses is East. They love sunshine but are not as greedy for solar power and
heat as corn and tomatoes are. In some areas, planting roses on the West or the
South would be a bad idea.
Trees will compete for
sunshine and their roots will generate problems in digging and watering, but
they are not as bad as rumored. A rigorously pruned tree will allow plenty of
sunshine in the right circumstances. Against my judgment, my wife Chris
insisted on planted our extra 10 roses to be in a circle around the maple tree.
They blossomed their first year and decorated an area that was earlier filled
with maple tree suckers and overgrown bulb flowers of some type. We added a
second circle of roses this year for a total of 18 rose bushes.
An important consideration is
viewing the roses. They should be placed where they will be appreciated the
most. That is how our first rose garden was planted just outside our front
door, where the rose fragrance drifts in all summer long.
Roses are the queen of all
flowers and deserve to be treated royally. They do not thrive when bumping up
against other tall growing flowers, whether bushy or tall. However, they will
enjoy the company of plants that have low growth habits, like garlic chives or
garlic, which benefit the roses’ health and resistance to pests. Therefore,
plan to give each rose bush plenty of space by itself, for sunshine and space
to grow.
Preparation, the Autumn Before
Fall preparation can include
shutting down all grass growth and converting the lawn to compost, by covering
the future rose garden with newspapers or cardboard, topped by autumn leaves,
grass, or wood mulch. Leaves will not hold down newspapers in the windy fall,
so cardboard is better as a base, and easier to apply. Shredded wood mulch holds
down leaves and also looks attractive. Leaves and mulch begin to build the
beneficial bug base, so we rake all our leaves over the mulch in the fall.
Preparation, After Ordering Roses
Our latest rose garden began
with a TV deal for 8 rose bare root roses, $8 each, shipped. Rototilling the
lawn in front of the house was out, because I did not own one and did not want to
run into utilities if I borrowed one. Compost was already building in the back
yard, but I did not relish hauling wheelbarrows of compost. Instead, why not
create compost out of the lawn? The same approach can be used in a gardening
areas to be converted to roses.
We dug the holes in the lawn
by measuring a shovel’s length apart. In clay soil, which we have in abundance,
watering the area a day before will make the work relatively easy.
Bare root roses arrive
somewhat dehydrated, so they are immersed in a barrel filled with rainwater.
Alternately, the barrel is filled with tap-water and aged to let the chlorine
escape. Nothing else is added to the water. Rainwater is the best, most natural
fertilizer, and chemical fertilizers are the worst addition to any planting of
A bigger hole is better than
one too small. Each rose bush is pulled out of the water and the roots trimmed
back a bit to fit in the hole. The canes can be pruned where they look
blackened or unhealthy. Pruning spurs growth. The roots are planted on a
pyramid of soil, to provide a good base, and soil packed around it. This is a
good time to pack sod, upside-down, around the perimeter or on top of the
original hole. That will give the rose plenty of worms and soil microbes for
composting and good feeding in the future. Mushroom compost is a good way to
finish filling the hole, because the organic mixture (manure from mushroom
farms) will foster the right kind of soil activity and soil mixing.
after All the Roses Are Planted
Watering too early will create
a muddy quagmire, as I learned once. The roses will wait. Once the garden is
planted, the roses will need a good soaking and then daily watering for some days.
The roots will need to develop root hairs to do the work of popping out leaves
and absorbing solar energy from above.
into Compost
In a few days, or even a week,
the rose garden can be covered with the base of newspapers or cardboard, then
covered with shredded wood mulch. Overlapping the newspapers will inhibit weeds
from popping up, but rebel outbreaks can be quashed with a few more newspapers
and more mulch. The newspaper thickness we use is one section opened up
the Earthworms
The ultimate celebrity
composters are the red wiggler earthworms. They are not alone in feeding the
roses, but they are the champion -
1. Mixers
of soil,
2. Aerators,
3. Tunnelers,
4. Transporters
of bacteria, and
5. Makers
of perfect manure.
Our first shipment of 2,000 red wigglers arrived late, and
I put most of them on top of the new rose garden, plus some under the maple
tree, the crepe myrtle bush, the compost pile, and other likely gardening
places. The replacement shipment arrived soon after, because the first one was
so late and dry, so I had even more for the roses and gardening places.
advantage of adding red wigglers to a mulched rose garden is their phenomenal
ability to turn organic matter into perfect manure for the roses. Many people
overlook this fascinating conversion of leaves, grass, wood chips, and animal
manure into food for their plants. Without trying to make a mathematical
formula out of this, I consider 100 pounds of organic matter to be turned into
100 pounds of useful nutrients. This bag of God’s fertilizer will be produced
by earthworms, fungi, bacteria, protozoa, nematodes, and the rest of the ocean
of life in the soil. And this healthy soil has a wonderful, pleasant earthy
aroma that comes from…bacteria. In contrast, walk through the chemical fertilizer
aisle of the gardening center. I can never get used to that smell. Even worse
is the odor from a pile of bags filled with insecticide or fungicide.
The increase
of organic matter in the soil will bring the garden to its highest level of
productivity and trap those nutrients in the top foot of soil by the constant
life and death struggles of microbes, arthropods, and earthworms. Every
creature preys upon other creatures and becomes food for others, in an endless
preparation is not in doing a lot of work, but far less, allowing God’s own
creatures to carry out their ceaseless labors in renewing the soil and feeding
the roots of the plants.
Love for the Pests as Roses Grow
When roses
are first planted, pests are few. When the soil and air warm up, the pests
multiply. During this initial growth period, the only work is making sure the
garden is kept moist. I judge by plunging my finger into the mulch. Moist mulch
is a good sign. No matter what, I spray down the bushes from time to time. Most
of my roses grow on land that drains to the street, so overwatering is not a
Some pruning
of dead wood and branches growing the wrong way may be done. Pruning is only
going to encourage growth. Established roses begin the season with heavy
pruning to get them to stretch their roots and grow with vigor.
– Put Down the Sprays
No one likes
to see the first bloom hit by aphids. I lost all the Peace, John Paul II, and
white KnockOut roses. Those blooms looked like punctured balloons because
aphids were sucking the life out of them. I did nothing because those pests are
food for beneficial bugs, ones I saw hovering around the blooms all the time. The
aphids seem to favor the lightest blooms, so the whites and Peace were traps
for aphids and suffered accordingly.
If someone
sprays down the bushes with chemical poisons or even with oil, all insects and
spiders die. The surviving pest eaters no longer have food, so they look for it
elsewhere. But the pests come back to bushes devoid of beneficial bugs and
spiders. The answer for some gardeners is – “Kill them all and let God sort
them out.”
But I waited
in patience, knowing the chemical cries of the roses for help, or the sounds of
destruction, were attracting the bugs and spiders. I saw Flower Flies and
Ichneumon wasps hovering around the rose blooms, protecting my investment while
feeding their young.
The next
boom of roses was almost perfect – Peace, John Paul II, and white KnockOuts.
The colored roses were left alone again for the second blooming cycle. When I cut John Paul II blooms from the bush,
I had to cut above the stiff spider’s web around the stalk, below that perfect
white bloom. No bug got past those little Shelobs. Peace bloomed all at once,
each flower stunning in its delicate colors. The white KnockOuts were equally
good. All summer a few roses were hit again, but I always said to myself, “You
little aphids are just multiplying and energizing your enemies.”
Mulch, Dead Leaves, and Wild Areas Help
Many gardeners
work too hard and spend too much to fight pests when an army of beneficial
creatures hope and pray for a Creationist to let them work in peace – actually a
constant state of warfare, because they live and die to keep their world in
balance, guided by an unseen but powerful Hand. Beneficial creatures love
mulch, dead leaves, tall grass, weeds, and native plants. These natural
elements build up a natural array of life, each kind seeking a way to raise and
feed its young.
When my
neighbor sprayed for mosquitoes, he killed all flying insects in his yard for a
short time. The mosquitoes kept coming back, stronger than ever before, no
longer deterred by nesting beneficial bugs. The third spraying convinced him he
was wasting his money. I let him explain that to me, since he realized he was
simply opening up his yard for another flying army to invade without
are rare because of spraying for mosquitoes, but the mosquitoes have not
disappeared. Sprays are potent against ladybugs and lacewings, too, not to
mention bees, wasps, and hornets – all of them beneficial.
The more we
study the inter-relationships, the more we see the complexity and infinite
dependencies of all Creation.
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Walter Lammerts, Creationist, developed Queen Elizabeth and Crysler Imperial. |
Creation Gardening Book
Building the Rose Garden - To Be Posted Today
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Falling in Love fragrant rose, the first row of the main rose garden. |
I am skipping the beneficial bugs chapter today, to write Building the Rose Garden for the Creation Gardening book. Look for it later today.
Creation Gardening Book
LCMS-WELS-ELS-CLC Remerge Based on Attacking Luther's Biblical Doctrine
The big merger - bigger than Sears/Kmart - is just around the corner. The Synodical Conference sects are tired of secretly working together. In 2017 they will joyously announce they are no longer sparring but smooching again.
The key factor is their overwhelming thrill at discovering their common rejection of Luther's Biblical doctrine. They did this with the Emmaus Conference essay in 2015, coming from an ELS pastor who had just completed an STM degree at ELCA's Institute of Lutheran Theology: ELCA founder, ELCA board members, ELCA/RC faculty.
Their Universal Objective Justification dogma is easily explained in a few sentences.
Objective Justification
The bedrock principle is God declaring the entire world forgiven of its sins. When individuals get really cranked up, they say, "I was saved 2000 years ago." Or - as a WELS banner declared to everyone, in the name of evangelism "I am saved just like you." They may call this General Justification, Objective Justification, or Universal Objective Justification, but the principle is the same - universal forgiveness without the Word, without the Means of Grace, without faith.
Giddy with the universality of grace, they go on to say that Judas Iscariot and those who died in the Flood are "guilt-free saints" in Hell. They add Hindu and Hottentots to the list. They tell those who come for pastoral counseling, "You were already forgiven before you came in here."
The name for their bedrock principle comes from the American Calvinist who translated the Halle University lectures of Knapp. These Knapp lectures, in print before the syphilitic bishop Stephan landed in New Orleans with the Waltherians, used the term Objective Justification in an explanatory footnote.
Subjective Justification
The second part is making a decision to accept this universal absolution of the world. This is not justification by faith. In fact, the UOJ authors studiously avoid the term justification by faith, which is anathema to their dogma, just as Luther's Biblical doctrine is anathema to theirs.
In reality, this two-part OJ/SJ construction collapses into Objective Justification alone. Why? Because their SJ is nothing more than agreeing that the entire world has already been forgiven. It is the Arminian form (decision theology) of Universalism.
And that explains how all the modern, apostate, mainline theologians and denominations became Universalists.
All of Protestantism came through the second era of Pietism. The history is like this -
- Pietism as the merger of Calvinism and Lutheranism, based on Spener, Halle, and cell groups.
- Biblical Rationalism based at Halle University as the degenerate form of Pietism. Schleiermacher is the big hero of this era, which gave birth to the Life of Jesus books, the Historical Critical Method of attacking the Bible, and the open embrace of Universalism (Tholuck, Hoenecke's mentor).
- The New Pietism, the reaction of believers against the rationalistic takeover of the state churches and universities. Stephan and the Walther circle represented this group. They were called "Pietists" and "mystics" and largely kept from official positions. Walther's father was a rationalist, but the brothers connected with two Pietist leaders and participated in Pietistic cell groups/conventicles. The New Pietists called themselves Old Lutherans at times, but they were really a hybrid of rationalism and Pietism.
The state churches of Europe were rationalistic and not about to give up their power. In time, various Lutheran Pietist groups came over to America and struggled to find their doctrinal foundations. Nobody, but nobody could criticize Spener, but they also gravitated toward Luther studies and made progress in that pursuit.
The older Muhlenberg tradition (General Synod, General Council) went through their revivialistic and unionistic period in the 1860s. Be patient. I am condensing a lot of information. They were rejecting all that nonsense and discovering the Book of Concord just as the Missouri Synod was getting on its feet.
21st Century - Pietism and Rationalism Won. Yay! Let's Merge
Pietism is always going to squeeze out Biblical faith, because it places a wedge between the Word of God and the teaching of the Church. The sneering of Pietists, how they follow "Jesus, not Luther" is an example of this departure.
If WELS, Missouri, and the ELS were Lutheran, they would never do a single thing with ELCA. Instead, they work all the time with ELCA. What do they have in common?
Thursday, March 31, 2016
Fun with the Bird Feeders Today
This is not my photo, but I bought this bird feeder at Lowe's for about $10, and it is great. I hang it from where the hanging platform once dangled.
Our athletic squirrels were banging the platform off the window.
The final bird-feeding configuration was:
- Hanging the Lowe's feeder, easy to fill with sunflower seeds.
- Buying a tall pole for the platform and planting it close to the window for viewing and away from the rain.
- Filling the squirrel-proof (HA!) feeder with finch food, which the little birds love and the squirrel ignores. The squirrels shop at the Lowe's and the platform feeder.
- Hanging seven pounds of suet from large baskets from the squirrel-proof feeder.
- Storing one bird-bath under the eaves so it can be filled with rainwater, dumped onto the Butterfly Bush, and refilled with tap-water when necessary.
- Keeping the Jackson EZ Bird Swing, which is now above the platform feeder. It is their favorite place to rest when waiting for food.
- Using rescue tree stumps as supplemental feeders in the Bird Paradise section. There I have another bird bath and some bird-friendly plants, such as blueberries.
Birds know who feed them, and they sing, chortle, and chatter when Sassy and I walk. The robin is so fixed in the rose garden, with thousands of worms to eat, that he often just ducks behind a bush and peeks out as we go by.
I was inches away from our squirrel in Bella Vista when I took this photo. He mocked and humiliated me with his raiding of the squirrel-proof feeder. I eventually stopped filling it, but I brought it with me to Springdale, 25 miles south, where the squirrels want nothing to do with the finch food I put in it.
Norma Boeckler reported that switching to finch food also keep the squirrels at bay. They will eat anything but finch food is way down on their list.
What Have We Learned from the Property Brothers' Congregation in St. Louis - Which Bragged about Their Woman Staffer Preaching and Distributing Communion?
The LCMS constantly lies about their early history, which is well documented in Zion on the Mississippi and in the Stephan In Pursuit of Religious (sic) Freedom.
For hilarious hagiography, no one can top Servant of the Word, which rivals The Glories of Mary.
For starters, the LCMS was begun by a Bohemian Pietist who never finished college. That is where their UOJ came from - Halle Pietism reinforced by Bohemian Pietism.
The Property Brothers were raised by a rationalist father, trained in rationalism in Leipzig, and nurtured in abusive Pietism by two different gurus of Pietism, Stephan taking over for the one who died.
Walther was never trained in Lutheran doctrine at all, but Stephan did have an on and off relationship with the Book of Concord. One could allow that the Property Brothers had that background of Luther studies that any Protestant clergyman would have had, doubtless more than the zilch offered at the LCMS-ELS-WELS seminaries today.
Walther had no command of Lutheran doctrine but continued in his bifircuated rationalistic Pietism. He had little knowledge of the Biblical languages, so he paraded his knowledge by being boss of everything, writing his own doctrinal compend, and crazily lecturing in Latin.
CFW continued his Property Brothers reputation by taking over his dead brother's call and later asking that Loehe give them the Ft. Wayne seminary for free while continuing to support the school. No wonder Missouri grew - with the bishop's gold, the bishop's library, the bishop's property, and a free seminary in Ft. Wayne - with promised financial support from Loehe.
I get Christian News online, so I know the new edition decries Universalism, the hidden doctrine of LCMS-WELS-ELS-CLC (sic). That came from Stephan and Walther, so they cannot give up the imaginary act of God pronouncing the entire world forgiven and saved.
The abusive tyranny of Stephan and Walther has continued in each generation, and so has the rationalism of the founders. Since UOJ is at war with Biblical, Lutheran doctrine, it was only a matter of time before Missouri came out with a clear declaration of women's ordination.
WELS already had women consecrating Holy Communion, and Missouri has had ELCA women students (Trinity ELCA Columbus) baptizing, preaching, and celebrating the eucharist--back to 1987, when I saw the official document at the Trinity Library.
Now Missouri is coming out in the open at Walthers' congregation, which is only appropriate, given their history, heritage, and hagiography.
How many founders steal the bishop's chalice and use it for Holy Communion, refusing to give it back to the Stephan family?
Community Church of Joy Takeover by Pentecostals at Dream City - FAQ
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"Brett, I cursed that Community of Joy when they left ELCA, so watch your step." |
Below are some commonly asked questions regarding the recent merger between Community Church of Joy and Dream City Church. If you have a question that is not answered below, please feel free to contact us at info@dreamcitychurch.us or 602-867-7117
Why is Community Church of Joy merging with Dream City Church?
This is the realization of a God-given joint vision of the senior pastors and leadership at Community Church of Joy and Dream City Church. The merger will will help us enhance our worship and teaching experience, as well as expand ministry opportunities and give us a greater impact on the Glendale community to reach more people for Christ.
What denomination is Dream City Church? How does this affect our Lutheran heritage?
Dream City Church and Community Church of Joy share a vision for reaching the community and seeing lives transformed by the love of Jesus Christ. While Dream City Church’s roots are Assemblies of God, and Joy’s roots are Lutheran, we believe this is a monumental step in a movement that will break down denominational walls. We are joining together in unity with a like-minded purpose and a joint mission to lead people into a fully-devoted relationship with Jesus Christ by loving people, cultivating community, and inspiring hope.
What changes can I expect to occur?
Name Change
Since Joy is now part of the Dream City Church family, we have changed our name to Dream City Church, Joy Campus. Over the next few weeks you will see a rebranding process taking place to reflect our new name.
Service Times
The new service times are 9:00 & 11:00 am to coincide with the other Dream City campuses. The first service will remain as our Traditional service, with classic elements of worship, liturgy and scripture read corporately. The second service will have a more contemporary worship style. Both services will include a message streamed from the Phoenix or Scottsdale campus.
Over the next few weeks and months you will see some changes in the ministry opportunities we offer. We will be rolling out new classes to help you connect with others and grow spiritually.
My kids go to school at Joy. How will they be affected?
Joy Christian School will not be affected by this transition. The school will operate as usual through the transition and afterward.
Will there be a midweek service?
All Dream City Church campuses are invited to the Phoenix campus for midweek service, every Wednesday at 6:30 pm. This is a special time for the entire Dream City Church family to come together for extended worship and in-depth biblical teaching from one of our teaching pastors. The First Wednesday of every month features a special guest speaker. Past speakers include Rick Bezet, Charles Nieman, and Chris Hodges.
Is Pastor Walt Kallestad still the pastor at Joy?
Pastor Walt is still a member of the church and he will be assisting us through the transition, but he has deferred to Dream City Church to shepherd the congregation. Luke Barnett, Senior Pastor of Dream City Church, is now the main contributor to the weekend teaching and preaching.
What about the other pastors and staff at Joy?
The associate pastors and staff are staying on and will help through the transition. This is a great opportunity for us to grow together as we expand our reach across the valley.
Community Church of Joy
ELDONA Pastor Publishes Book
Meditations on the Old Testament Apocrypha: 1 Esdras Tobit Judith Wisdom of Solomon Paperback – March 31, 2016
by Rev. Joshua W. Sullivan (Author)
In Meditations on the Old Testament Apocrypha, Pastor Joshua Sullivan explains the apocryphal books in an easy to understand fashion. Far from simply conveying historical information about the intertestamental period, each devotion helps the reader understand these books in a way that strengthens one's faith in Christ and excites one's zeal for the good works which flow from faith. The Christian reader will see many parallels between their own world and the world which brought forth these books. The reader will also be encouraged by the examples of these Jews who strove to maintain and confess the true faith in cultures and situations that sought to stamp out the true faith of the God of Israel. These books encourage modern readers to keep God's Word holy and to live holy lives according to it, even as they live in cultures saturated with the temptation to compromise. Pastor Sullivan also demonstrates how to read these books Christologically. The apocryphal authors, although not divinely inspired by the Holy Spirit, were steeped in Moses and the Prophets. They looked forward to the same Christ as the Old Testament Scriptures and as a result, they painted beautiful, if unintentional, portraits which foreshadow Christ's person and work. When read in this way, these books will deepen the reader's appreciation for Christ and the salvation He offers to all men in the promise of the gospel. Meditations on the Old Testament Apocrypha contains the King James text for the apocryphal books I Esdras, Tobit, Judith, and Wisdom of Solomon as well as original devotional material for each chapter of the apocryphal text.
"Warning. This books teaches justification by faith alone."
Trigger warning: "Waltherian UOJers have been known to be triggered by the JBFA microagressions in this work."
GJ - I ended up contacting Joshua Sullivan in the strangest, funniest way. Someone donated money for books for various people. He was one. I sent his order. Then another order aimed at a new person also went to him.
Finally, after those orders arrived, he got Lulu printed books aimed at a third person, who began wondering what happened to his order.
Google and the websites have ways of filling in the information based on one cell. The end result was that Pastor Sullivan won the book lottery and the others got their orders a little later.
Joshua W. Sullivan
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