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The Rolf Preus Synod once met with and worshiped with ELDONA, because Heiser cared more about having additional congregations than Justification by Faith, the Chief Article of Christianity. |
Some Clarifications in Articulating Objective Justification | Steadfast Lutherans:
"Pastor Andrew Preus on May 21, 2015 at 9:59 am
@Bill #111
Bill, you are either incapable of understanding the issue or you are being ungracious. The Synodical Conference (W/ElS (sic) , LCMS) does not teach universalism. OJ simply teaches that Jesus took the sin of the whole world away by his obedience and death, and his resurrection declares this through the Word, which offers this free gift to all. Why some rejected it or never even heard it while others believed it is something we leave to the hidden will and majesty of God. But what is revealed in the gospel is forgiveness for all sinners. This is objective justification. Those who do not believe this die in their sins and the wrath of God remains on them. This is what we teach. This is what we have always taught. The fact that some people have given crass and, at best, confusing articulations of this doctrine (like that Judas and all members of hell were given the status of saint) doesn’t change the fact that the teaching itself of OJ is biblical and confessional.
Also, the fact that you reject that the Atonement has made full satisfaction for the sins of all people of all time is very telling. And those who claim to be faithful to the historic Lutheran teaching on justification while rejecting OJ should read what you are writing. You are demonstrating that if you reject OJ then you are necessarily rejecting that Christ made satisfaction for the sins of all people."
'via Blog this'
GJ - This is one more example of a Preus family member merging the Atonement with Justification by Faith, dropping the Chief Article and using the label - Objective Justification - that the Calvinist translator of Knapp promoted.
Oh yes - OJ teaches this nonsense, but the Scriptures, Luther, and the Book of Concord do not. Yet young Andrew dares to borrow the language of Jesus from the Fourth Gospel - You will die in your sins - to condemn anyone who denies his dogma.
John 8:24 I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in your sins: for if ye believe not that I am he, ye shall die in your sins.
Andy One-Note is so obsessed with this dogma that he uses a familiar logical fallacy to defend himself. His opponent is either
- incapable of understanding, or
- ungracious.
That sounds like a false paradox, a fallacy older than dirt. Is there possibly a third alternative? Preus Family Enterprises could be completely wrong, obstinate in error, and blind to the Chief Article.
Christ did die for the sins of the world but only the Enthusiasts - among them the Universalists - declare that God pronounced the world to be righteous, free of sin, and saved. Many of us realize that Walther taught this and the Waltherites canonized the same in 1932. But that does not make this OJ/SJ rubbish Scriptural, Confessional, or Lutheran. As Luther taught, the Holy Spirit distributes this treasure - the Atonement - through the Word and Sacraments. Through faith we receive the Promises of God.
Worst of all, in my opinion, the OJ One-Noters make "faith" into faith in this universal forgiveness and salvation. The poor slobs who deny Universal Forgiveness and Salvation will die in their sins because they do not agree they were justified before birth, as Grampa Preus once wrote, but later rejected in Justification and Rome.
The LCMS Higher Things business and Pope Francis jabber the same Enthusiasm.
"God has given salvation to all. And all means all."
"Everyone is saved. Everyone!"