Saturday, September 23, 2017

Encomium for an Evangelical Catholic | Carl E. Braaten | First Things

Encomium for an Evangelical Catholic | Carl E. Braaten | First Things:

"Robert Jenson was my closest friend and collaborator for sixty years. We first met when we were both students at Luther Seminary in St. Paul in the early 1950s, though we did not become friends until we were both graduate students at Heidelberg University in 1957. We met virtually every week during that one year, with our spouses, Blanche and LaVonne, eating and drinking together, while coming to terms with the great theological minds and issues of that era: Bultmann’s demythologizing, Barth’s dogmatics, Bonhoeffer’s letters from prison, Tillich’s systematics, Ebeling’s hermeneutics, Rahner’s neo-Thomism, the Lundensian theology of AulĂ©n and Nygren, and the revival of confessional Lutheran theology undertaken by Peter Brunner and Edmund Schlink at Heidelberg University. That year we also met Wolfhart Pannenberg, who at that time was head of a circle conceiving a new theology of “revelation as history,” beyond Barth and Bultmann.

[GJ - Luther, Luther? Bueller? Bueller? Anyone? Anyone?]

After receiving his doctorate from Heidelberg with a dissertation on Karl Barth’s theology of election (with Peter Brunner serving as his doctor-father), Robert Jenson returned to the United States to join the faculty of religion at Luther College in Decorah, Iowa. There he began his career as a professor of Christian theology and a prolific author of theological books (around thirty) and hundreds of articles and editorials in various journals and magazines. He taught for the next 38 years in Lutheran institutions: at Luther College; as dean and tutor of Lutheran students at Mansfield College in Oxford; at Lutheran Theological Seminary in Gettysburg; and at St. Olaf College. While at Oxford, Jenson encountered the strengths of Anglicanism, which, unlike most other Protestant denominations, had retained theological and liturgical elements of the great catholic tradition of western Christianity. This encounter prepared Jenson to play a prominent role as a Lutheran representative in ecumenical dialogues with Anglicans and Roman Catholics."

'via Blog this'

A Giant among Apostate Frauds - Because God Is: A Tribute to Robert W. Jenson (1930-2017) | Christianity Today,
Billy Graham's Magazine Has Slipped into the Mire

Robert Jenson - a giant fraud among apostates.

Braaten and Jenson were both Pietists
who taught UOJ Universalism. A co-inky-dink?

Because God Is: A Tribute to Robert W. Jenson (1930-2017) | Christianity Today:

 Braaten considers himself "confessional," and an
Evangelical Catholic, whatever that is.
UOJ came from Pietism, as Stephan and Walther prove,
and the terms that delighted Walther - from a Calvinist's explanation.

"Rubbing shoulders with giants
Jens lived an active and productive life. A seminary and college professor over a period of nearly 50 years, he first taught at Luther College in Decorah, Iowa, before moving to Oxford University, Gettysburg Seminary, and St. Olaf College. He then spent seven years as the director of the Center for Theological Inquiry in Princeton, New Jersey, before retiring in 2007.

He wrote and edited several dozen books, including a much-praised two-volume Systematic Theology, and over 100 articles and chapters. He was a pioneer in the ecumenical movement; he helped to spearhead the initial Episcopal-Lutheran dialogue, served the Catholic-Lutheran dialogue for over ten years, and, with his close friend Carl Braaten, founded The Center for Catholic and Evangelical Theology and edited the Center’s influential ecumenical journal, Pro Ecclesia."

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GJ - On one website, such articles are accompanied by such warnings as "hurl alert" and "projectile vomiting alert." But that is hardly enough here. Braaten and Jenson gathered their friends, like Forde, to produce their two-volume Dogmatics. The purpose was to show ELCA that one could still write about God. But the books denied every article of faith, from the divinity of Christ to His Virgin Birth, to His atoning death and resurrection. Yes, they denied the Trinity too. What was left? The less the Enthusiasts believe, the more they write. See the WELS Justification files for this.

Here is an interesting note from someone:
What is the purpose of your blog? I am intrigued at the mixture of Christian and nonChristian content, stories and statements. Are you a Christian? Are you a Lutheran? Do you hate Christians? Do you hate Lutherans? I really want to understand what the mission is. Thanks!


Gerhard Forde was part of this project, and the LCMS is hotter than Georgia asphalt for Forde - maybe because he is German.

ELCA differs a bit in elevating them to earthly status.

Friday, September 22, 2017

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Pride goeth before a fall, right McCain?

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