Saturday, December 9, 2017

Concordia Seminary, LCMS, Is Rebuking Two Districts about Creation.
WWMFD - What Would Matt the Fatt Do?

 The original quotation was, "In chess, too, bishops
move obliquely."

Modern Lutherans seem to be informed by every persuasion, except Luther. Concordia Seminary in St. Louis sent a letter to every pastor in two districts, because of Missouri's soft or moderating position on Creation.

Using the horticultural subjunctive - "Let us skip the Chief Article and skip to Creation." No one in the LCMS will discuss Justification by Faith, except to replace it with Halle's University's universalism, disguised as Objective Justification or the more robust and redundant Universal Objective Justification, WELS's favorite flavor of this blasphemy.

Both are answered by the Biblical doctrine of the Word, which gave Luther a consistency lacking in the non-Lutheran Reformation, Rome, and Eastern Orthodoxy.

God only works through the Word, and the Word is always effective. Not only is it effective, but it prospers the will of God. So when God wills something, through the Word, the result is so powerful that few doubt its origin. In these last days, of course, the divine cause of anything is doubted, but that is a result of the Word blinding and hardening obstinate hearts so efficaciously.

The more someone in a teaching or preaching position works against the Word and uses the Word to turn God's doctrine inside-out, the more that individual is hardened, blinded, and turned into bitter hatred of the Scriptures.

The situation is so dire in the UniSynod (WELS-ELCA-ELS-LCMS-CLC sic) that the leadership is entirely on the side of ELCA:

  1. For universal forgiveness and salvation.
  2. For Church Growth and Pentecostalism.
  3. For cell groups.
  4. For open communion.
  5. For women's ordination.
  6. For any translation or paraphrase - except the KJV family.
  7. Against the warnings of Romans 1.
  8. Against closed communion.
  9. Against Luther, Melanchthon, and Chemnitz.
  10. Dumber than a box of quartz about Luther's doctrine.

Luther's Biblical doctrine of the Word is not important because of his name, but simply because he stuck to the Scriptures as one unified Truth rather than as a toolkit to impress people with new ideas. That is what kept rationalism from corrupting the Lutheran Reformation. The problems later caused by faint-hearted and compromising Lutherans came from the incursion of rationalism from Calvin, Zwingli, and their Father Below.

One answer addresses both issues - Justification by Faith and Creation.

The Gospel Word plants faith in our hearts, even as babies at baptism, but also sometimes as adults when we were spiritually neglected by our parents. The Spirit dwells in us and directs us to appreciate and love the Promises of God. This implanted faith is represented by James as a graft, a technique in gardening or farming where two plants grow together with the attributes of both.
Thus faith is good as God's Creation through the Word, not something to be rejected, hated, and denigrated as the blind followers of Walther, JP Meyer, and David Valleskey do so maladroitly.

The sending of the Gospel Word and its reception are the result of the Holy Spirit at work. Please see Isaiah 55 for confirmation of this doctrine, which is found all over the Bible, from Creation onwards.

Creation by the Word
The crypto-Calvinists are no longer crypto, as one WELS wit noted (in print!) and he is still alive. His survival stems from no one reading scholarly books in WELS/ELS. If they do, they misapprehend what is written.

These modern Lutherans have a Satanic gift for troubling themselves about the wrong issues. If someone believes what the Bible teaches, he is no longer troubled by Creation through the Word of God: Genesis 1 and John 1. That God created in six 24-hour days is not an issue for those who believe in the power and efficacy of God's Word. The UniSynod does not.

The St. Louis seminary faculty is either Calvinist, Roman, or both. They are aroused, kindled, and energized in opposition to faith. No wonder they love working together with ELCA. St. Louis faculty members are so ecumenical - they love every denomination except their own.

Receptionism in Another Form
Some may remember the UniSynod being indifferent about Holy Communion. Dave Preus, as president of The ALC, wrote me about their joint communion services with the Calvinists, mocking the Real Presence. ELCA will commune anyone, and the ELS will commune ELCA. WELS practices demi-semi-closed communion. Basically, close your eyes to their open communion practices. Missouri honors closed communion in the breach.

The LCMS-WELS-ELS mocked Holy Communion by saying the elements become the Body and Blood of Christ by being received. I had trouble accepting that as anyone's opinion, until one WELS pastor told me, "That is what we were taught." OK, that makes it so. I was taught to say "wash" as "warsh" and Washington DC and Warshington DC. However, I learned better English later.

This is another example of error from the rejection of the efficacy of the Word, an error basic to Zwingli and Calvin. In place of Biblical doctrine, they inserted their human opinions, their Old Adam reasoning. And Calvin openly mocked the Real Presence in his Institutes, just as the Calvinists did in their war with the Lutherans.

Replacing Faith with Doubt
In each case - Creation, Justification by Faith, Consecration of the elements by the Word - the denigration of the Word has led to fatal errors, which promote disbelief in all the Promises of God.

The clergy and teachers are too distant from Creation and the Word to see the relationship. I am watching our garden fall into its winter sleep. The Cat Mint and Borage were hanging on and bright green, in spite of many short-term freezes. But 20 degree nights have cast a shroud over their bright color - they have retired until spring arrives.

Meanwhile, the soil is alive with last-minute mole digging for the remaining grubs and worms.

Birds stayed away from the feeders when our Indian Summer gave them lots of fresh food to enjoy. Now the Cardinals, Finches, and Chickadees are happy to munch on the sunflower seeds they ignored for weeks.

I must be the only Creationist on the block, because I have bags of leaves on the rose garden and under the Mother of All Crepe Myrtles. The bush will rest above ground, but the roots will continue to grow and enrich the soil all winter, fed by the gradual decomposition of the leaf blanket.

Faith in the power of the Word informs our actions, so we can see neglect of the articles of faith as a direct result of rejecting the efficacy of the Word. Lutherdom has skidded off its foundation, like a tower of stone dislodged by a tornado.

Friday, December 8, 2017

The Perfect Prayer And Its Lessons: A Devotional Study Of The Lord's Prayer by Charles Armond Miller - Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry

 By Norma Boeckler

The Perfect Prayer And Its Lessons: A Devotional Study Of The Lord's Prayer by Charles Armond Miller - Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry:

"But isn’t it “Vain Repetition”?

One of the objections made to the use of the Lord’s Prayer is Jesus’s condemnation of the “vain repetition” of the unbelievers in Matthew 6:7-8. Rev. Miller says this:

It is not a question of the repeating of so many forms. Prayer is not acceptable in proportion to its length. That is a heathen idea. The prophets of Baal, crying aloud from morning till night, “O Baal, hear us!” “O Baal, hear us!” had that idea. The Hindus and Mohammedans of today have that idea. The Church of Rome, teaching her people, as a penance, to repeat so many “Ave Marias” and so many “Pater Nosters,” keeping account, the while, on their string of beads, arranged for that purpose, has something very like the idea the Master rejected.

Rather, this perfect prayer given by our Lord is to be used thoughtfully. Luther, as quoted by Rev. Miller:

“The Lord’s Prayer, because it arises from the Lord, is without question the highest, noblest and best. For if He had known a better, the holy faithful school-master that He was, He would have taught us that also. There is on earth no nobler prayer to be found, it is the highest under the sun. It is a wall and bulwark of the Church, a strong weapon for all godly Christians, a prayer above all prayers. I am well aware that I do not rightly know the Lord’s Prayer, old and experienced Doctor that I am! Like a babe I daily draw milk from the Lord’s Prayer, and cannot get enough of it; to me it surpasses even the Psalms, although I have great love for them, and it is the very best of prayers. In other prayers is not the sap, the power, the fervor and the fire, which I find in the Psalter and the Lord’s Prayer. Truly He was a wise man who made it, after whom no one can do any thing! The Lord’s Prayer binds the people together, so that each prays with and for the other, and it makes strong and mighty, so that it drives away even death. The Lord’s Prayer is my prayer, I use it, and intermingle at times something from the Psalms. But it is a pity above all pities that such a prayer of such a Master should be babbled and chattered without the least devotion over all the world.

“Many pray the Lord’s Prayer many times in a year, and if they prayed in the same way a thousand years, they would never then have tasted or prayed a word or a tittle of it.” – Martin Luther


The School Of Prayer
1 Prayer is Indispensable to the Christian Life.
2 Prayer is a Thing of Intimate, Secret Communion with God.
3 Prayer Involves Trust in the Father’s Love and Wisdom.
4 Prayer Should Expect and Receive an Answer.
The Introduction
The First Petition
The Second Petition
The Third Petition
The Fourth Petition
The Fifth Petition
The Sixth Petition
The Seventh Petition
The Conclusion
The Prayer As A Whole
“Lord, teach us to pray.”"

'via Blog this'

Do I Want To Keep Horst Gutsche's Obituary Online Forever - For Only $90?

 Question - "How can you call him a convict?"
Answer -
"Because I have the court records for Gutsche here."

Koenig wanted to know who leaked the photo.
I got it from Facebook, where it was published.

 You can bet Herman Otten never reported on Gutsche.

 Gutsche joined more denominations than Al Barry!

The Guest Book for Horst Gutsche will go offline soon.

The Guest Book for Horst Gutsche will remain online until 2017-12-13, after which it will no longer be available to read or add an entry. The team wants you to be aware of this should you wish to visit, print, or sponsor the Guest Book to keep it online longer.

Maybe Koenig's friend Paul Tiefel can start a GoFundMe.
Nothing was done by the CLC (sic) about Gutsche until he
appeared on this blog. Nothing.