Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Bishop Heiser - What Did He Know and When Did He Know It?
The Internet Is Brutally Honest

 Bishop and Seminary President James Rodham Heiser, STM, posed in the library of St. Ignatius School of Theology, Malone. No students.

In a video series on YouTube, Heiser claimed that he "was not cognizant" of Objective Justification until Paul Rydecki was given the Left Foot of Fellowship by WELS in 2012, for the crime of teaching the Chief Article, Justification by Faith.

Heiser complained about Balmer "denying Objective Justification" at the Norfolk conference, long before 2012, and Heiser said he saw the light when he read Thy Strong Word in 2000, liking it enough to sell it with the books he offered.

But here is an interesting highlight, established in the precious WELS Essay File, the Holy of Holies for that sect, in an essay written by a seminary professor - Cherney.
In 2008 there also was published a doctrinal statement of the Association of Confessional Lutheran Churches (ACLC). This group, led by Rev. Rolf Preus, consists of six pastors and eight congregations that left the ELS in one way or another in the past two years over the doctrine of the ministry. (Cherney, p. 1)
But the ACLC and Rolf Preus divorced, as recorded here:

Let me clue you in, Mr. Ames. The ACLC did not break off fellowship talks with ELDoNA. ELDoNA broke off fellowship talks with us. Why? Because of my paper, “Making a Clear Confession in Muddy Waters,” that I gave in January of 2009. ELDoNA took strong exception to my insistence that there are indeed orthodox pastors and congregations in the LCMS with whom we may express altar and pulpit fellowship without insisting that they first either condemn or leave the LCMS. I was the impediment to the ACLC and ELDoNA establishing fellowship with each other.
I resigned from the ACLC in March. The ACLC declared fellowship with ELDoNA at their meeting in April. Once I was gone, the impediment was removed. (Rolf Preus on LutherQuest sic)

 As I mentioned, more than once, Heiser told me they would "get rid of Rolf," as if he were the Oracle of Malone - and they did.

The Right Reverend would have us believe that he went through Ft. Wayne's seminary program (OJ and Church Growth), some graduate school there, partnered with notorious OJ salesman Rolf Preus, contining with the rest of the ACLC pastors. The remnants of the Rolf Synod could not believe that ELDONA was suddenly in favor of Justification by Faith.

As told to me, Heiser promoted fellowship with Rolf and his come-outters from the Little Sect on the Prairie, even though he knew Rolf was 100% OJ, except for fleeting moments of JBFA. The rest of them were OJ too, and they were shocked at the arrival of Rydecki and JBFA. The pivoting was quick and unexpected, so they went back to Pope John the Malefactor, who knows little more that OJ.

I can only conclude that Rolf and his ACLC (aka Rolf Synod) were not very astute about Heiser's doctrine, if they failed to detect glimmerings of JBFA. Also, Heiser was not even conscious if the went through Ft. Wayne with no knowledge of OJ from Scaer and Robert Preus, Rolf Preus, and the ELS.

 "Oh, what a tangled web we weave,
when first we practice to deceive."
Sir Walter Scott