LutherQuest (sic) always retreats from a battle about Biblical doctrine, because - like the losers at the Battle of Pea Ridge - they have no ammunition.
Thus I was forced into the desert of Lutheran blogs. But soon I found an old eructation from Andrew Preus, son of Rolf, son of Robert, son of Jacob, Governor of Minnesota and insurance magnate.
Young Andrew has an STM from Concordia Ft. Wayne, and an MDiv from St. Catharines, Ontario, eh? He was already an Objective Justification expert in seminary. At one point, Paul McCain jumped in to ban links to Ichabod, mentions of Ichabod, etc. Also, anyone teaching Justification by Faith was banned from posting comments on this precious blog.
Pr. Rossow thanks for stepping in and calling a halt to the commentary being offered here by Lito Cruz, PhD, I urge similar action be taken against any and all coming on here advocating for Greg Jackson’s errors. I believe that these errors are very much a public skandalon/offense to the Body of Christ and of particular danger to the laity who will only ultimately, potentially, end up being confused and left to doubt the orthodox doctrine their pastors and others have taught them.
I also do not believe it is fair for a seminarian to have to shoulder the burden of this public false teaching and responding to it.
I would therefore respectfully urge BJS to consider banning those who are here, very intentionally, to try to spread the false doctrine of Jackson, errors that are attacks on the very heart of the Gospel.
And as for Cruz’ gracious response to you, this is by no means the case. Somebody sent me the link to Jackson’s blog site where Jackson and Cruz excoriated you and the BJS site.
Cruz said this about you: “Rossow stepping in shows he is afraid of something. He seems to be embarrassed by my question.”
So, such is the deception of this group of errorists, and they crave attention.
Bonus - McCain could not deal with his plagiarism being exposed to the world, so his blog (linked in the Steadfast comments to prove the OJ case) was erased, without a Pauline apology. "And sinks beneath the waves with watery groan, unknelled, uncoffined, and unknown." Byron, Apostrophe to the Ocean.
Confirmation bias is rampant in the OJ Lodge of Free and Accepted Blockheads.
"Confirmation bias is the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms one's preexisting beliefs or hypotheses."
Young Andrew followed the example of Jack B. Simple Cascione and argued that his grandfather actually did teach OJ, a factoid never in doubt. Andy had the lecture notes to prove grandpa really did teach OJ!
Jack Kilcrease, OJ buddy with David Scaer and Jay Webber, dominated the comments section with the typical OJ line. He definitely knows as much as Joe Krohn, who fell back into OJ after seeing its errors.
Proverbs 26:11 (KJV)As a dog returneth to his vomit, so a fool returneth to his folly.The Steadfastly blind all want to say that Justification and Rome is pure Objective Justification, but many were alarmed at the publication - seeing that Robert departed OJdom and expressed that rejection in various ways.
Andy posed in this photo with his wife and his baby - who was born forgiven, according the essay loved by Grandpa Robert Preus. |
Notice that no one - from baby-faced Andy the Seminarian to ELCA online professor Jack Kilcrease - put up a Scriptural defense of OJ.
I cannot teach these people, who hatefully attack Lutherans I know, believers not even on the Steadfast blog. If a few got a comment in, they were called morons and erased.
So I will let the Holy Spirit soften their hardened hearts and open their blinded eyes.