Saturday, June 13, 2020

Luther's Sermon for the First Sunday after Trinity - The Rich Man and Lazarus

Bartholomeus van Bassen, The Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus, circa 1620


Luther's Sermon

Text. Luke 16:19-31. Now there was a certain rich man, and he was clothed in purple and fine linen, faring sumptuously every day: and a certain beggar named Lazarus was laid at his gate, full of sores, and desiring to be fed with the crumbs that fell from the rich man’s table; yea, even the dogs came and licked his sores. And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and that he was carried away by the angels into Abraham’s bosom: and the rich man also died, and was buried. And in hell he lifted up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom. And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am in anguish in this flame. But Abraham said, Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime receivedst thy good things, and Lazarus in like manner evil things: but now here he is comforted, and thou art in anguish. And besides all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed, that they who would pass front hence to you may not be able, and that none may cross over from thence to us. And he said, I pray thee therefore, father, that thou wouldst send him to my father’s house; for I have five brethren; that he may testify unto them, lest they also come into this place of torment. But Abraham saith, They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them. And he said, Nay, father Abraham: but if one go to them from the dead, they will repent. And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, if one rise from the dead.

1. We have hitherto heard in our Gospel lessons of various examples of faith and of love; for as they all teach faith and love, I hope you are abundantly and sufficiently informed that no human being can be pleasing to God unless he believes and loves. Now in this Gospel text the Lord presents to us at the same time an example of faith and of unbelief or of the state of the godless, in order that we also may abhor the contrary and the opposite of faith and love, and that we may cleave to faith and love more diligently.

For here we see the judgment of God upon the believers and the unbelievers, which is both dreadful and comforting. Dreadful to the faithless and comforting to the faithful. But in order that we may the better grasp the meaning of this text we must picture to ourselves both the rich man and poor Lazarus. In the rich man we see the nature of unbelief and in Lazarus the nature of belief.


2. We must not view the rich man according to his outward conduct; for he is in sheep’s clothing, his life glitters and shines beautifully, while he tactfully conceals the wolf. For this Gospel text does not accuse him of adultery, of murder, or robbery, of violence or of having done anything that the world or reason would censure. Yea, he has been as honorable and respectable in his life as that Pharisee who fasted twice a week and was not as other men, of whom Luke 18:11f. speaks. For had he committed such glaring sins the Gospel would have mentioned them since it examines him so particularly that it describes even the purple robe he wore and the food he ate, which are only external matters and God does not judge according to them. Therefore he must have led outwardly an exemplary, holy life; and according to his own opinion and that of others, he must have kept the whole law of Moses.

3. But we must look into his heart and judge his spirit. For the Gospel has penetrating eyes and sees deep into the secret recesses of the soul; reproves also the works which reason cannot reprove, and looks not at the sheep’s clothing, but at the true fruit of the tree to learn whether it is good or not, as the Lord teaches in Matthew 7:17. Hence if we judge this rich man according to the fruits of faith, we will find a heart and a tree of unbelief. For the Gospel chastises him that he fares sumptuously every day and clothes himself so richly, which reason never considers as especially great sins. Besides, the work-righteous people think it is right, and that they are worthy of it, and have merited it by virtue of their holy lives, and they do not see how they thus sin by their unbelief.

4. For this rich man is not punished because he indulged in sumptuous fare and fine clothes; since many saints, kings and queens in ancient times wore costly apparel, as Solomon, Esther, David, Daniel and others; but because his heart was attached to them, sought them, trusted in and chose them, and because he found in them all his joy, delight and pleasure; and made them in fact his idols. This Christ indicates by the words “every day,” that he lived thus sumptuously daily, continuously. From this is seen that he diligently’ sought and chose such a life, was not forced to it nor was he in it by accident, or because of his office or to serve his neighbor; but he only thereby gratified his own . lust, and lived to himself and served only himself.

5. Here one traces the secret sins of his heart as the evil fruit. For where faith is, there is no anxiety for fine clothing and sumptuous feasting, yea, there is no longing for riches, honor, pleasure, influence and all that is not God himself; but there is a seeking and a striving for and a cleaving to nothing except to God, the highest good alone; it is the same to him whether his food be dainty or plain, whether his clothing be fine or homespun. For although they even do wear costly clothes, possess great influence and honor, yet they esteem none of these things; but are forced to them, or come to them by accident, or they are compelled to use them in the service of others.

Thus queen Esther says, that she bore the royal crown against her will, and that she had to wear it for the sake of the King. David also would rather have lived a private life; but for the sake of God and of his people he had to become king. In like manner all the saints considered that they were constrained to fill their stations of influence, honor and glory; and their hearts were never entangled by them, and labored in these external things to be helpful to their neighbor, as Psalm 62:10 says: “Trust not in oppression and become not vain in robbery; if riches increase set not your heart thereon.”

6. But where unbelief reigns man is absorbed by these vanities, he cleaves to them, seeks them and has no rest until he has acquired them, and after he possesses them, he feeds and fattens himself with them as the swine wallow in the mire, and finds at the same time his happiness and felicity there. He never inquires how his heart stands with his God and what he possesses in God and may expect from him; but his belly is his God; and if he cannot get what he wants, he imagines things are going wrong. And lo, these dreadful and wicked fruits of unbelief the rich man does not see, he covers them over, and blinds his own eyes by the good works of his pharisaical life, and hardens himself until no teaching, exhortation, threatening nor promise can help him. Behold, this is the secret sin which to-day’s Gospel punishes and condemns.

7. From this now follows the other sin, that he forgets to exercise love toward his neighbor; for there he lets poor Lazarus lie at his door, and offers him not the least assistance. And if he had not wished to help him personally, he should have commanded his servants to take him in and care for him. It may have been, he knew nothing of God and had never experienced his goodness. For whoever feels the goodness of God, feels also for the misfortune of his neighbor; but whoever is not conscious of the goodness of God, sympathizes not in the misfortune of his neighbor.

Therefore as he has no pleasure in God, he has no heart for his neighbor.

8. For the nature of faith is that it expects all good from God, and relies only on God. For from this faith man knows God, how he is good and gracious, that by reason of such knowledge his heart becomes so tender and merciful, that he wishes cheerfully to do to every one, as he experiences God has done to him. Therefore he breaks forth with love and serves his neighbor out of his whole heart, with his body and life, with his means and honor, with his soul and spirit, and makes him partaker of all he has, just like God did to him. Therefore he does not look after the healthy, the high, the strong, the rich, the noble, the holy persons, who do not need his care; but he looks after the sick, the weak, the poor, the despised, the sinful people, to whom he can be of benefit, and among whom he can exercise his tender heart, and do to them as God has done to him.

9. But the nature of unbelief is that it does not expect any good from God By which unbelief the heart is blinded so that it neither feels nor knows how good and gracious God is; but as Psalm 14:2 says: he cares not for God, seeks not after him. Out of this blindness follows further that his heart becomes so hard, obdurate and unmerciful that he has no desire to do a kindness to his fellow man; yea, he would rather harm and offend everybody. For as he is insensible to the goodness of God, so he takes no pleasure in doing good to his neighbor. Consequently it follows that he does not look after the sick, poor and despised people, to whom he could and should be helpful and profitable; but he casts his eyes upward and sees only the high, rich and influential, from whom he himself may receive advantage, gain, pleasure and honor.

10. So we see now in the example of the rich man that it is impossible to love, where no faith exists, and impossible to believe, where there is no love; for both will and must be together, so that a believer loves everybody and serves everybody; but an unbeliever at heart is an enemy of everybody and wishes to be served by every person and yet he covers all such horrible, perverted sins with the little show of his hypocritical works as with a sheep’s skin; just as that large bird, the ostrich, which is so stupid that when it sticks its head into a bush, it thinks its entire body is concealed. Yea, here you see that there is nothing slinder and more unmerciful than unbelief. For here the dogs, the most irascible animals, are more merciful to poor Lazarus than this rich man, and they recognize the need of the poor man and lick his sores; while the obdurate, blinded hypocrite is so hard hearted that he does not wish him to have the crumbs that fell from his table.

11. Now all unbelieving people are like this rich hypocrite. Unbelief cannot do nor be different than this rich man is pictured and set forth by his life.

And especially is this the character of the clergy-, as we see before our eyes, who never do a truly good work, but only seek a good time, never serving nor profiting any one; but reversing the order they want everybody to serve them. Like harpies they only claw everything into their own pockets; and like the old adage runs they “rob the poor of his purse.” They are not moved in the least by the poverty of others. And although some have not expensive food and raiment, yet they do not lack will power and the spirit of action; for they imitate the rich, the princes and the lords, and do many hypocritically good works by founding institutions and building churches, with which they conceal the great rogue, the wolf of unbelief; so that they become obdurate and hardened and are of no use to anybody.

These are the rich man.


12. Likewise we must not judge poor Lazarus in his sores, poverty and anxiety, according to his outward appearance. For many persons suffer from affliction and want, and yet they gain nothing by it; for example King Herod suffered a great affliction, as is related in Acts 12:23; but afterwards he did not have it better before God on account of it. Poverty and suffering make no one acceptable to God; but, whoever is first acceptable to God, his poverty and suffering are precious in the eyes of God, as <19B615> Psalm 116:15 says: “Precious in the sight of Jehovah is the death of his saints.”

13. Thus we must look into the heart of Lazarus also, and seek the treasure which made his sores so precious. That was surely his faith and love; for without faith it is impossible to please God, as the author of the Epistle to the Hebrews says, Hebrews 11:6. Therefore his heart also must have confessed that he even in the midst of such poverty and misery expected all good from God, and comfortably relied upon him; with whose blessings and grace he was so richly satisfied, and had such pleasure in them, that he would have heartily and willingly suffered even more misery, if the will of his gracious God had so determined. See, that is a true, living faith, which softened his heart by the knowledge of the divine goodness; so that nothing was too heavy or too much to suffer and to do. So clever and skillful does faith make the heart, when it experiences the grace of God.

14. From this faith follows now another virtue, namely, love to one’s neighbor, so that he is willing and ready to serve everybody; but since Lazarus is poor and in misery himself, he had nothing with which he could serve others; therefore his good will is taken for the deed.

15. But this lack of service in temporal things he abundantly makes good by his services in things spiritual. For even now, long after his death, he serves the whole world with his sores, hunger and misery. His bodily hunger feeds our spiritual hunger; his bodily nakedness clothes (or feeds, as some editions read) our spiritual nakedness; his bodily sores heal our spiritual sores; in this way he teaches and comforts by his example, how God is pleased with us, when we are not prosperous here upon the earth, if we believe; and warns us how God is angry with us, even if we are prosperous in our unbelief; just as God had pleasure in Lazarus in his misery, and was displeased with the rich man.

16. Tell me, what king could have rendered a service to the whole world with his possessions, like poor Lazarus has done with his sores, hunger and poverty? Oh, the wonderful works and judgments of God! In what a masterly manner he puts to shame the cunning goddess and fool of this world, namely, reason and worldly wisdom! She stalks abroad and fixes her eyes rather upon the beautiful purple of the rich man, than upon the wounds of poor Lazarus; she would rather center her eyes upon a healthy, handsome person, as this rich man was, than upon a revolting and naked person like Lazarus; yea, she holds her nose before the stench of his wounds and turns her eyes from his nakedness. Thus the great goddess and fool of this world overlooks God in the very presence of such a noble treasure, and always quietly passes her own judgment, and at the same time makes this poor person so precious and dear, that all the kings hence are not worthy to serve him or to dress his sores. For what king, do you think, would not now with his whole heart exchange his health, purple and crown for the sores, poverty and misery of poor Lazarus, if it were possible for him to do so? And what person is there who would now give a snuff for the purple and all the riches of this rich man?

17. Do you not think that this rich man himself, had he not been so blind and had known that such a treasure, a man so precious in the eyes of God, was dying at his gate, would have run out, and dressed and kissed his sores, and laid him in his best bed; and made all his purple and riches to serve him? But at the time God’s judgment went forth, he did not see that he could do it. Then God thought, truly, you are not worthy to serve him.

When later the judgment and work of God were accomplished, the wise fool begins to come to himself; and since he suffers now in hell he will gladly give his house and land, to whom before he would not give a crumb of bread; and wishes now that Lazarus might cool his tongue with the tips of his fingers, whom before he would not touch.

18. Behold, even at the present day God is filling the world with such judgments and works, but no one sees it; yea, everybody despises it. There are continually before our eyes poor and needy persons, whom God lays before us as the greatest treasures; but we close our eyes to them, and see not what God does there; later, when God has done his work, and we have neglected the treasure, then we hasten and wish to serve, but we waited too long. Then we begin and make sacred relics of their garments, shoes and furniture, and make pilgrimages to and erect. churches over their graves, are occupied with many like foolish deeds and thus ridicule ourselves in that we permit the living saints to be trodden under our feet and to perish, and we worship their garments, which is neither necessary nor of any use; so that indeed our Lord will let the judgment fall as he did in Matthew 23:29-33, and say: “Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye build the sepulchres of the prophets, and garnish the tombs of the righteous, and say, If we had been in the days of our fathers, we should not have been partakers with them in the blood of the prophets.

Wherefore ye witness to yourselves, that ye are sons of them that slew the prophets. Fill ye up then the measure of your fathers. Ye serpents, ye offspring of vipers, how shall ye escape the judgment of hell?”

19. All believers are like poor Lazarus; and every believer is a true Lazarus, for he is of the same faith, mind and will, as Lazarus. And whoever will not be a Lazarus, will surely have his portion with the rich glutton in the flames of hell. For we all must like Lazarus trust in God, surrender ourselves to him to work in us according to his own good pleasure, and be ready to serve all men. And although we all do not suffer from such sores and poverty, yet the same mind and will must be in us, that were in Lazarus, cheerfully to bear such things, wherever God wills it.

20. For such poverty of spirit may exist in those who have very great possessions; as Job, David, Abraham were poor and rich. For David in Psalm 39:12 says: “I am a stranger with thee, a sojourner, as all my fathers were.” How could that be, since he was a king and possessed extensive lands and large cities? Thus it came about; although he indeed possessed these, yet his heart did not cleave to them, and they were as nothing compared with the riches he had with God. Likewise he had said of the health of his body that it was as nothing compared to the health of his soul before God, and he would indeed not have murmured, had God afflicted him with bodily sores and sickness. So Abraham also, although he had not the poverty and affliction of Lazarus, yet he had the mind and will to bear what Lazarus did, if God had visited him thus. For the saints should have one and the same inner mind and spirit, but they cannot have the same outward work and suffering. Therefore Abraham also recognized Lazarus as one of his own and received him into his bosom; which he would not have done, were he not of the same mind and had he not taken pleasure in the poverty and maladies of Lazarus. Thus is set forth the sum and meaning of the Gospel, that we may see, how faith everywhere saves and unbelief condemns.


21. This Gospel lesson suggests several questions. First, what is the bosom of Abraham, since it cannot be a natural bosom that is meant? To answer this, it is necessary to know that the soul or spirit of man has no rest or place where it may abide, except the Word of God, until he comes at the last day to the clear vision of God. Therefore we conclude that the bosom of Abraham signifies nothing else than the Word of God, where Christ was promised, Genesis 22:18, to Abraham, namely: “In thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed.” In these words Christ is promised to him, as the one through whom every person shall be blessed, that is, shall be delivered from sin, death and hell, and through no one else and through no other work. All who have believed this passage, have believed on Christ, and have become good Christians, and have also through faith in this Word been released from sin, death and hell.

22. Thus were all the fathers before the birth of Christ carried into Abraham’s bosom; that is, at their death they were established in this saying of God, and they fell asleep in the same, they were embraced and guarded as in a bosom, and sleep there until the day of judgment; excepting those,. who have already risen with Christ, as Matthew 27:52 teaches, where they also remained. In like manner we, when we face death, must lay hold of and trust in the Word of Christ with strong faith, as John 11:26 says: “Whosoever believeth on me shall never die,” or like passages; and thus die in this faith, fall asleep, be embraced and guarded in the bosom of Abraham until the day of judgment. For the word spoken to Abraham and the word spoken to us is the very same word; both speak of Christ, that we must be saved through him. But the former is more particularly called Abraham’s bosom, because it was spoken first to Abraham and began with him.

23. Likewise on the other hand the hell here mentioned cannot be the true hell that will begin on the day of judgment. For the corpse of the rich man is without doubt not in hell, but buried in the earth; it must however be a place where the soul can be and has no peace, and it cannot be corporal.

Therefore it seems to me, this hell is the conscience, which is without faith and without the Word of God, in which the soul is buried and held until the day of judgment, when they are cast down body and soul into the true and real hell. For just as Abraham’s bosom is God’s Word, in which believers rest through faith, and fall asleep and are guarded there until the day of judgment; so must that on the contrary ever be hell, where God’s Word is not, into which the unbelievers are cast until the day of judgment. That can be nothing else than an empty, unbelieving, sinful, and evil conscience.

24. The second question is: How then did Abraham and the rich man converse with one another? Answer: It could not have been a conversation with the natural voice, since the bodies of both were lying in their graves; likewise as little was it the natural tongue that complained of being tormented; nor was it natural fingers and natural water that were desired from Lazarus. Therefore this all must be in the conscience thus: When the conscience is awakened by death or by the agonies of death, then it will have a testimony of its unbelief and will see then for the first time the bosom of Abraham, and those embraced by it, that is, the Word of God, in which it should have believed and did not; from which it has the very greatest pain and anxiety as in hell, and finds neither help nor consolation.

25. Then thoughts arise in the conscience, which held such a conversation, if they could speak, as this rich man did with Abraham, and seeks then whether the Word of God, and all who have believed in it, would help; and with so much anxiety that it would receive the least comfort from the very meanest of men, but even that cannot be granted to him. Then Abraham answered him, that is, his conscience took such a view of the Word of God, that it cannot be; but he had his portion of good things in his life, and he must now suffer; while the others are comforted, whom he despised.

26. At last he feels, that it is declared unto him: There is a great gulf fixed between him and the believers, that they will never be able to come together. These are the thoughts of despair, when the conscience feels that the Word of God is withdrawn forever from him; accordingly the thoughts of his conscience rage and would gladly have the living to know that such are the agonies of death, and he craves that someone would tell it to them.

But it is to no purpose; for he feels an answer in his own conscience, that Moses and the prophets are sufficient, whom they ought to believe, as he himself should have done. All such thoughts pass between the condemned conscience and the Word of God, in the hour of death or in the agonies of death; and no one can perceive what it is, except the one who experiences it; and he who experienced it wished that others should know it, but all is in vain.

27. The third question is: When did that take place, and if the rich man still daily without ceasing suffers thus until the day of judgment? That is a subtle question and not easily answered to the inexperienced. For here one must banish the idea of time from the mind and know that in the other world there is neither time nor hours, but all is an eternal moment or wink of the eye; as 2 Peter 3:8 says: “A day is with the Lord as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day,” Psalm 90:4. Therefore it seems to me that in this rich man we have an example of the future of all unbelievers, when their eyes are opened by death and its agonies; which can endure but for a moment and then cease until the day of judgment, as it may please God; for here no definite rule can be established. Therefore I dare not say that the rich man suffers still at present as he suffered at that time; and I dare not deny that he still suffers thus; for both depend upon the will of God. It is sufficient for us to know that his example and the beginning of the suffering of all unbelievers are here clearly set before us.

28. The fourth question is: Shall we pray for the dead; since here in the Gospel there is no intermediate state between Abraham’s bosom and hell, and those in Abraham’s bosom do not need it, and it does not help those in perdition. We have no command from God to pray for the dead; therefore no one sins by not praying for them; for what God does not bid or forbid us to do, in that no one can sin. Yet, on the other hand, since God has not permitted us to know, how it is with the souls of the departed and we must continue uninformed, as to how he deals with them, we will not and cannot restrain them, nor count it as sin, if they pray for the dead. For we are ever certain from the Gospel, that many have been raised from the dead, who, we must confess, did not receive nor did they have their final sentence; and likewise we are not assured of any other, that he has his final sentence.

29. Now since it is uncertain and no one knows, whether final judgment has been passed upon these souls, it is not sin if you pray for them; but in this way, that you let it rest in uncertainty and speak thus: Dear God, if the departed souls be in a state that they may yet be helped, then I pray that thou wouldst be gracious. And when you have thus prayed once or twice, then let it be sufficient and commend them unto God. For God has promised that when we pray to him for anything he would hear us.

Therefore when you have prayed once or twice, you should believe that your prayer is answered, and there let it rest, lest you tempt God and mistrust him.

30. But that we should institute masses, vigils and prayers to be repeated forever for the dead every year, as if God had not heard us the year before, is the work of Satan and is death itself, where God is mocked by unbelief, and such prayers are nothing but blasphemy of God. Therefore take warning and turn from these practices. God is not moved by these anniversary ceremonies, but by the prayer of the heart, of devotion and of faith; that will help the departed souls if anything will. Vigils, masses, indeed help the bellies of the priests, monks and nuns, but departed souls are not helped by them and God is thus mocked.

31. However, if you have in your house a spook or ghost, who pretends that the departed can be helped by saying masses, you should be fully persuaded that it is the work of Satan. No soul has yet since the beginning of the world reappeared on the earth, and it is not God’s will that it should be so. For here in this Gospel you see that Abraham declares that no one can be sent from the dead to teach the living; but he points them to the Word of God in the Scriptures, Deuteronomy 31: “They have Moses and the Prophets; let them hear them.” By these words Abraham turns to the command of God in Deuteronomy 18:11, where God says: “Thou shalt not be a consulter with a familiar spirit.” Isaiah 8:19. Therefore it is surely nothing but the contrivance of Satan that any spirits should let themselves be entreated and that they should require so and so many masses, such and such pilgrimages or other works, and appear afterwards in the clear light and pretend that certain persons are saved. In this way Satan has introduced error so that the people have fallen from faith into works, and think their deeds may accomplish such great things. And thus is fulfilled what St. Paul declared in 2 Thessalonians 2:10-11, that God would send upon them powerful error, and temptation to unrighteousness, because they have not received the love of the truth that they might be saved.

32. Therefore be prudent and know that God will not let us know how it is with the dead, so that faith may retain its place in the Word of God, which believes that God will save the believers after this life and condemn the unbelievers. If now a familiar spirit present itself before you, take no notice of it; but be assured that it is the devil, and conquer him with this saying of Abraham, “They have Moses and the prophets,” and likewise with the command in Moses, “Thou shalt not be a consulter with a familiar spirit;” then he will soon be gone. If he leave you not, then let him make a noise until he is tired, and in firm faith suffer his wantonness. as. And if it were possible that it were indeed a departed soul or a good spirit even, then you should neither learn nor inquire anything of him, since God has forbidden you to do so; because he has sent his Son himself to teach us all that is necessary for us to know. What he has not taught us, that we should gladly not wish to know, and be satisfied with the teachings of the holy Apostles, in which he is preached to us. However, I have further written on this subject in the Postils on the Gospel for Epiphany and in my booklet on the Misuse of the Mass; where you may read more along this line.

34. Likewise, to give an example, we read in the Historia Tripartita (A History in Three Parts) of a bishop, who came to Corinth where he had come to attend a Council, and as he could not find a suitable lodging for himself and his attendants, he saw a house unoccupied and condemned as uninhabitable, and he asked if he might not be allowed to occupy it. Then they told him in reply that it was infested with nightly ghosts, that no one could live in it, and often people were found dead in it in the morning.

Then the bishop said but little and immediately entered and lodged there the same right, for he very well saw that the devil was the author of all these ghost stories, and as he had firm faith that Christ was Lord over satan, therefore he was not moved by his stratagems and he entered to lodge with him. And thus that house was made free by the prayers and presence of a holy man from infesting ghosts and horrifying spectres.

Behold, you see that the ghosts are satan, and there is little use to dispute with them; but one should despise them with a cheerful spirit as nothing.

35. A similar story we read about Gregory, the Bishop of Cappadocia, that he crossed the Alps and lodged with a heathen sexton or clerk of the church, who had an idol, that answered him the questions he asked; and he made his living by telling the people secret things. Now the bishop knew nothing of this, and proceeded the next day as soon as it was morning on his journey. But Satan or the evil spirit could not endure the prayers and presence of the holy man, and at once he betook himself out of the house, so that the heathen sexton could no longer receive answers as before. As soon as he felt his great loss, he set up a great howl to call back his idol, which appeared to him while he was asleep, and said, it was his own fault because he had lodged the bishop, with whom he (the evil spirit) could not remain. The sexton hastened to overtake the bishop and complained to him that he had taken his god and livelihood, and returned evil for the kindness extended to him. Then the bishop took paper out of his pocket and wrote these few words: “Gregory sendeth greetings to Apollinius. Be thou at liberty, O, Apollinius, to do as thou hast done before. Farewell.” The sexton took the letter and laid it by the side of his idol; then the devil came again, and did as before. Finally the sexton began to think, what a poor god is he, who allows himself to be driven away and lead by my guest who was only a man. And at once he started to the bishop, was instructed and baptized, and grew in his faith, so that he became the eminent bishop of Caesarea, a city in Cappadocia, upon the death of the bishop that baptized him. Behold, how simply faith proceeds, and acts joyfully, securely and effectively. Treat all your troublesome evil spirits in the same way’

Not Bee Balm - BEE BALM!

Photos were working before, but not now.

I decided I really needed Bee Balm in Phoenix. I ordered it, and Bee Balm never got started well - too hot, too dry.

As I mentioned before, I fell for this promotion of a bunch of Bee Balm in the fall. I got a package of roots, soaked them in rainwater, and planted them in cold weather in the cold soil. I read reviews that suggested I only added organic matter to the garden. Nothing would grow but despair, self-recrimination, and nagging doubts.

But in the spring, gloom turned to delight as Bee Balm appeared in various locations, exactly where I planted to soaked roots. Rainy weather was ideal for them, since they are mints that love to grow.

This year the plants are so tall and vigorous that I reported a Bee Balm flower in the middle of one Joe Pye, a very tall plant. The leaves are similar. Today, more awake and perceptive, I saw the red Bee Balm was as tall as Joe Pye and starting to bloom - red, bad wig - attractive to bees and butterflies alike.

This is definitely a case of having my worst conclusions turned into this - "I was really smart to order those bargain roots."

When Glenn Miller despaired of getting established in music, he asked Benny Goodman about it. (I heard Benny Goodman live at Wharton, in Moline). Goodman said, "Just keep doing what you are doing."

As many big band fans know, Miller established himself as a supremely accomplished leader of the modern orchestra. I read some criticism of him in the movie write up, and I thought, "I never head of you critics, but I can name all kinds of Glenn Miller classics."

Aristotle said, "Patience and courage are so close to each other than one is either the mother or the sister of the other."

The Bible encourages us to have patient endurance. Many troubles, disorders, problems, and diseases go on and on. The world is so contrary to the Gospel that no issue is too tiny and inconsequential for people to mock or to hold against the Christian Faith.

Hebrews 10:35 Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompence of reward.

36 For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise.


"Rejoice, My Heart, Be Glad and Sing"
by Paul Gerhardt, 1607-1676

1. Rejoice, my heart, be glad and sing,
A cheerful trust maintain;
For God, the Source of everything,
Thy Portion shall remain.

2. He is thy Treasure, He thy Joy,
Thy Life and Light and Lord,
Thy Counselor when doubts annoy,
Thy Shield and great Reward.

3. Why spend the day in blank despair,
In restless thought the night?
On thy Creator cast thy care;
He makes thy burdens light.

4. Did not His love and truth and power
Watch o'er thy childhood day?
Has He not oft in threatening hour
Turned dreaded ills away?

5. He ever will with patience chide,
His rod falls gently down,
And all thy sins He casts aside
And in the sea doth drown.

6. When silent woe thy bosom rends,
His pity sees thy grief,
Supplies what to His glory tends
And to thine own relief.

7. He knows how oft a Christian weeps
And why his tears now fall;
And in the His mercy keeps
These things are noted all.

8. His wisdom never plans in vain,
Ne'er falters or mistakes;
All that His counsels did ordain
A happy ending makes.

9. Upon thy lips, then, lay thy hand
And trust His guiding love;
Then like a rock thy peace shall stand
Here and in heaven above.

Hymn #535
The Lutheran Hymnal
Text: Ps. 56: 8
Author: Paul Gerhardt, 1653, cento
Translated by: John Kelly, 1867, alt.
Titled: Ich singe dir mit Herz und Mund
Tune: Ich singe dir
1st Published in: - Harmonischer Liederschatz-
Town: Frankfurt, 1738

Friday, June 12, 2020

The Subject Was Roses

 The altar guild is thankful for so many free roses.

I wanted to post a few roses now, because the earning morning Blogger, love-child of HAL, is clumsier and slow than I am. Images are evasive and impossible to load.

A member said my tip on roses was a success in her yard -

"Hi Pastor,

Summer is here and my garden (now that it is warmer) is doing great.  I took your tip for my roses and they are blooming like crazy."

I had to ask - "Which tip?"

She wrote back, "Mulch." Yes, that is absolutely necessary.

I will go over some basics for new and blooming roses.

 Collars protect newly planted roses from the gardener's nearsightedness.

  1. Bare root roses have to come out of dormancy when planted. The plant not producing green leaves might need encouragement. 
  2. I clip each branch and some roots to wake them up and encourage immediate growth.
  3. Next, they need regular moisture in the base (stored water or rainwater) and over the branches, which dry out in the sunshine and wind. Additional clipping of the branches can help - rather than waiting for the plant to fade from remaining dormant.
  4. Our new roses have three pair where one is leafy green in the ground and its twin is still dormant. Ranger Bob is going to water and clip his new roses, and I will do the same tomorrow.
  5. Mulch is ideal for roses. Wood mulch holds in moisture, promotes soil creatures, and keeps the soil shaded rather than toasty. Movement in the soil creatures is good for the rose, and they love shade plus moisture.
  6. Roses in bloom can be cut off when all five sepals are open. That will give the longest opening of the flower in the vase, and that is stunning with many roses.
  7. Roses must be removed when the flower begins to fade. Otherwise the bush will consider its work done and go dormant. KnockOut Roses bloom fast so they enjoy being pruned hard, harvested of roses, and watered well. 
  8. Peat Humus (Stinky Peat) is ideal for dropping on top of the plant's base. "Forking in" is for Martha Stewart, who knows as much about gardening as I know about nuclear fusion. The Peat Humus on top will be pulled down by the soil creatures (created and engineered by the Lord of Creation). This also works in the fall for over-winter fertilizing.
  9. I find the white plastic collars protect the new rose from being trampled by near-sighted gardeners. Ahem. They also keep bunnies away from new plants over the winter.
Veterans Honor Roses were headed for the gravesite of an Army Ranger veteran.

Wuhan Flu Cuts Out the Labyrinth Pagan Walks at ELCiC Church

 I vicared here, St. Peter Lutheran Church, Kitchener, Ontario.


GJ - Floyd Luther Stolzenburg's church in columbus, ohio has a labyrinth walk too.

As in the Church of Rome - So Also the Lutheran Church of Fuller?

Hi Greg,

Does this sound like people you’ve written about in Confessional (sic) Lutheranism?


(From: Why Father Sullivan Left The Church: A Review of His Recent Book, “Under Orders”. By J. J. Murphy in The Converted Catholic Magazine, March 1945.)

"Shattered Illusions
The ten years Dr. Sullivan spent in the priesthood enabled him to gradually grope his way toward the truth by deeper study of history and theology. But what is more they gave him a firsthand view of the inner workings of the church and its priesthood. It proved a bitter disillusionment. He found that outstanding priests, who were learned, intelligent, sincere and conscientious, were forced by conscience to break with Rome, only to expose themselves to vicious calumnies that the faithful willingly swallowed as an antidote to their personal doubts of faith. He tells in brief the story of a dozen or so ex-priests from Dr. Doellinger of Germany, whom the illustrious Sames Bryce called “that glory of Catholic learning,” to Father David Buel, the Jesuit, who had been president of Georgetown University and courageously left the church at the age of sixty. He gives a telling explanation of why they and others left:

 “The fundamental reason for the departure of a reasonably mature person from a system like Catholicism is not intellectual difficulty taken by itself. A man can easily juggle intellectual difficulties into some play of conformity, once he learns that low art. But there is one thing he cannot do. He cannot open his inward eye on the divine and sovereign Truth and Right and imagine that he can serve this Glory by practicing deceit or approving wrong.”

More shattering to Dr. Sullivan than learned priests’ “secession from the ancient shelter,” was his awakening to the fact that priests in high office, within the church, heads of Catholic seminaries and university professors, were led and encouraged by the Roman system to profess publicly dogmas that they disbelieved and ridiculed in private. This was hypocrisy, corruption and immorality, all in one. Worse than the cynical attitude of these skeptics was their deliberate willingness to close their eyes to the truth rather than endanger their comfortable position of security and prestige. Usually without mention of names, Dr. Sullivan parades the immoral wraiths of these men who knew their duty and failed to do it. He mentions one concrete case after another, from Archbishop Purcell of Cincinnati, who knew the deceit and trickery of the Vatican Council but was intimidated from keeping his resolution to reveal it publicly, to the seminary president who said he could pray to a triangle as easily as to the Trinity, but led his students in the singing of the Nicene creed the following day and the rest of his life.

Revolting was the word for Dr. Sullivan’s reaction to this hypocrisy in high priests and the church’s complacency in it. He well analyzes the depths of this debasement of many of the more intelligent priests, when he says:

But when a human being puts on a mask; when he mutilates himself, when he abdicates selfhood so as to be an echo, an anonymous phantom, an automaton who has obliterated the distinction between belief and make-belief, he can profess anything and consent to anything. When a man lives by words which his lips speak but to which the deep soul gives no resonance, he is capable of advocating and apologizing for any enormity and styling it the truth of God."
GJ -

First of all, I want to note that the Catholic priests I knew at Notre Dame - and the Catholic faculty - were high church Unitarians at best. They often mocked the very things they did. That is why Tillich and Barth were so appealing to them. Both theologians - and those favored Catholic counterparts - could write about God all day, but only on their terms.

When I said Tillich - a pantheist - was virtually an atheist, someone who appalled his Union Seminary colleagues, the professor (now at Harvard) was aghast and said, "Lutherans don't understand Tillich." I said to the class, "Lutherans don't understand a Lutheran?"

So I have been shocked by the LCMS pastors who joined their ELCA pastor friends in running to Rome.

Now that I have seen Church Growth and Objective Justification work on Missouri, WELS, and the Little Sect on the Prairie (not to mention the CLC sic), I can say this -

The rigorous hazing methods, both physical and mental, have reduced the clergy to passive puppets of the leaders -

  • Ignorant about Biblical doctrine
  • As lazy as their bosses in doing pastoral work
  • Losing themselves in booze and other distractions.

I noticed that two of the worst leaders in the Michigan District, WELS, have died. They supported Church Growth absurdities, clergy adultery, and worse! throughout their dark reigns. In fact, I believe they had those rare Bibles called the Wicked Bible where not is omitted from the Sixth Commandment. But question their incompetence, their adoration of Fuller gimmicks? That is the worst kind of sin, making the drunken adulterers look like angels in comparison.

As one New Ulm graduate said to me, with a school-teacher's frown on her face, "You have criticized WELS!"

They leveraged their hypocrisy by gladly working with ELCA and pretending to be so superior to "the liberals". In fact, their coveting of ELCA's size and money leaked out every time they spoke. Have you noticed how WELS adopted the gay ministry ideals of ELCA, complete with self-appointed leaders confessing their mutual lust?

I could on and provide chapter and verse. But the best witnesses are those who contact me, disgusted they cannot find a basic Lutheran church in their community or anywhere nearby. The Lutheran synods - all of them - have become the New Rome. Why leave when it is all there in Holy Mother Synod to enjoy:

  1. Universalism
  2. Loathing Luther
  3. Bottomless kegs
  4. A five-hour work week
  5. Smells and bells, or rock and roll, either one or both.

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Oren Paris Denied Again

Appeals court denies former Ecclesia president Paris rehearing request

"FAYETTEVILLE -- A federal appeals court will not grant another hearing in the appeal of Oren Paris III, the former Ecclesia College president who pleaded guilty in a kickback scheme involving former state Sen. Jon Woods.

Paris, of Springdale, paid kickbacks to then-state Sen. Jon Woods and then-state Rep. Micah Neal, both of Springdale, in return for $550,000 in state grants to Ecclesia from 2013 to 2015. The kickbacks were routed through the consulting business of Randell Shelton Jr., a friend of Woods and Paris."

Picture Tool Not Working in Blogger - Slandering Mulch

Yesterday the tools in Blogger began acting up, once the old set was replaced with a new version. That went back and forth, causing great frustration.

That continues today. When I click on the image icon, nothing at all happens. I put up a humorous Calvin photo just now, using old methods, but that is too funny for this woke age. I switched to cats - I cannot go wrong with cats.

Today's lesson is about slandering mulch, that all inclusive word for putting stuff on top of soil to shade it and suppress weed growth. Plants like sunflowers and Joe Pye will mulch themselves, creating enough shade and exuding substances that retard the growth of other plants (a sunflower trick). Those two also grow faster than a grasshopper can eat, keeping both happy.

We had 1/4 inch of rain, our bonus from Christobel sailing up the Mississippi Valley, far East of us. That was only enough to dampen the mulch. So maybe mulch can keep the soil dry - howzabout them apples? as we said in Moline.

The sun evaporates moisture from the soil, so anything organic blocking that solar radiation will

  1. hold moisture in, 
  2. provide a home for various good creatures, and 
  3. slowly rot into the soil.

Plants do not like growing on the equivalent of a hot frying pan, which describes our soil on sunny days. Shade is good for plants, great on the three points above, and often attractive. I use shredded Cyprus, so that builds the soil as it rots away.

Added to that list of virtues is the ability to make compost from mulch - on the spot - and not haul it with aching backs and blistered hands. (Sassy is giving me drama lessons.)

Weeds make good mulch, as long as they are not inclined to take root and multiply. I let tree stumps rot into the Rose Garden soil, but I got tired of tripping over them. I kept only one, near the bushes, to provide an autonomous zone for toads. Birds and toads love dead wood for its attraction to moist, delicious, and nutritious creatures of rot. The speed of wood rotting into the soil is more evidence of the engineering skills of the Creator.

Adding to the monoculture of a grassy lawn will always increase the creature count and the fun derived from that slight change. Our friend has an enormous lawn, so it make sense to mow it with his Moline-centric John Deere tractor and tools.

I mulched the pour-over coffee didies because the white paper made the area look sloppy. I began adding to that area around the birdbaths, so Cyprus mulch helps the view in a few minutes.

As I wrote before, gardening creates happiness in so many ways. Although weeding looks and feels like the curse fallen upon Old Adam, it is also the source of many surprises, like the sudden blooming of a forgotten plant. Lest we forgot - the basic ugliness of the thorny rose bush is forgotten when fat, fragrant flowers hang from every scrawny branch.