Saturday, October 17, 2020

From Virtue Online - Episcopal Bishops Condemn Bishop Love

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

October 16, 2020

In what can only be described as a meaningless, cowardly act, eight  Communion Partner bishops expressed their concern over the verdict that will ecclesiastically destroy one of their own, the Rt. Rev William H. Love, Bishop of Albany.

After a verdict finding the evangelical catholic bishop guilty of violating Resolution B012 mandating homosexual marriage, the eight bishops issued a statement regarding the hearing and conviction of the Albany bishop.

Their statement is absolutely meaningless posturing. While showing verbal support for Bishop Love, they are not actually doing anything.

Here is their lame response: "We remain dismayed that latitude is extended to some in the enforcement of our canons, but not to others. If members of the church who hold the traditional teaching on the question of marriage have "an indispensable place" (Resolution A227) in our church, as the General Convention has said, then securing that place needs to be a priority. Again, now is the time. This indispensable place should not be an unstable one." You can read their full statement here:

For a brilliant analytical look at the legal claims TEC has made to get rid of Bishop Love, you can read this piece by David Duggan, a Chicago-based lawyer. His in-depth analysis is worth your time to read. It is a study in sophistry. You can read it here:

This bishop used pagan nonsense as part of her enthronement.


So, the question that must be asked is this. Why doesn't the Archbishop of Canterbury, a Holy Trinity Brompton evangelical, not come out in full support of the evangelical catholic, episcopal Albany bishop?

Welby has no problem declaring his admiration for a heretic like Presiding Bishop Michael Curry, who believes that General Convention resolutions override the authority of scripture on human sexual behavior. Welby invited Curry him to preach at a royal wedding and listened to his endless talk of "love" and "beloved community," which will soon be less one beloved bishop. So, Welby completely ignores a bishop who shares the same apostolic faith that he says he possesses?

But does he, that is the question?

Welby has shown himself to be deeply conflicted over homosexuality, even though the scriptures are abundantly clear on the subject. He agonizes over calling a spade a spade lest he appear uninclusive and homophobic. He is desperately trying to square the circle over a behavior that has never been theologically or morally endorsed in 2,000 years!

For his obfuscation and prevarication, Welby has alienated more than 80 percent of the Anglican Communion's clergy and laity. He has refused to uphold and enforce Resolution 1:10 and keeps insisting through his theological spokespersons that we can all get along if we would just give and compromise a little. His best-known agent provocateur is the Archbishop of the Anglican Church of Southern Africa, Thabo Makgabo. Makgabo has whined and cajoled Global South primates to attend Lambeth in 2022, while Welby uninvites ACNA archbishop Foley Beach to Lambeth 2022. How successful Welby is, we still do not know. By all accounts, all the GAFCON bishops will not appear and most of the Global South primates won't be at Lambeth 2022.


A notable evangelical Episcopal bishop died this week. The Rt. Rev. William Carl "Bill" Frey spent most of his early ministry as a missionary in Latin America, until Guatemala's militarist government ejected him for protesting repression. He was filled with the Holy Spirit in the early days of charismatic renewal and crossed ideological divides as Bishop of Colorado and dean of Trinity School for ministry. He combined advocacy for social justice with a robust defense of traditional doctrine. One of the Episcopal Church's most influential evangelicals, Frey died at his home in San Antonio on October 11, aged 90.

After early ministry in rural mission churches in Colorado and as a rector in Los Alamos, New Mexico, Frey went to Costa Rica as an Episcopal Church missionary in 1962. There he operated the Spanish Publications Center in San Jose. He served as editor of a Spanish-language church newspaper for the scattered missions of the Diocese of Central America, which gathered Episcopalians from six Latin American countries.

During Frey's tenure in Colorado, he firmly supported women's ordination and insisted that all his parishes use the 1979 Book of Common Prayer, effectively seizing control of St. Mark's, Denver in 1984, when its rector, Rev. Louis Tarsitano, an Anglo Catholic, threatened secession from the diocese over the issue. Frey was Bishop of Colorado till 1990 when he became the third dean and president of Trinity School for Ministry in Ambridge, PA.

The Lutheran Library - New Books


The Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry
In This Issue
The Key to the Apocalypse by Henry Grattan Guinness
The Lord's Supper Practically Considered by A. H. Lochman [Journal Article]
True Christianity: A Treatise on Sincere Repentance, True Faith, The Holy Walk of the True Christian, Etc. by John Arndt
Lincoln's Gettysburg World Message by Henry Eyster Jacobs
Forty Years In The Church of Christ by Charles Chiniquy
The Key to the Apocalypse by Henry Grattan Guinness

“It is an unquestionable fact that the intimately related prophecies of Daniel and John contain seven divinely given interpretations, and it is evident that these must constitute the only infallible basis of exposition.

“In building on them, we build not on the shifting sands of human opinion, but on the stable rock of revealed truth. Without such a foundation no interpretation of Daniel and the Apocalypse can be secure and trustworthy, as resting upon divine authority, but can only stand on ‘begged principles and mere human conjectures.’ The basis on which we build is divine interpretation.”

“May the Divine Spirit, who ‘searches all things, yea the deep things of God,’ enlighten us to understand these sublime and sacred prophecies, and sanctify us through the knowledge of the Truth.” — H. Grattan Guinness

On This Page

Henry Grattan Guinness (1835-1910) was an Irish Protestant Christian preacher, evangelist and author. He started Harley College, also known as the East London Missionary Training School. A traveling preacher, he drew thousands to hear him during the Ulster Revival of 1859. Rev. Guinness trained and sent hundreds of “faith missionaries” all over the world. [Wikipedia]

Level of Difficulty: Primer: No subject matter knowledge needed.

Book Contents

  • Preface
  • 1. Preliminary Points
    • I. The Writer Of “the Apocalypse Is The Apostle John
    • II. The Date Of The Apocalypse Is That Of The Banishment Of The Apostle John Under The Roman Emperor Domitian Towards The Close Of The First Century
    • III. The Theme Of The Apocalypse Is Defined In Its Opening Verses
  • 2. Interpretation Of The Apocalypse: Scripture Key To The Subject Of The Prophecy
    • The Old Testament Introduction To The Apocalypse
  • 3. The Seven Interpretations Of Symbolic Prophecy
    • I. The Interpretation of the Vision of the Great Image in Dan. 2.
    • II. The Interpretation Of The Vision Of The Great Tree In Dan. 4
    • III. The Interpretation Of The Handwriting On The Wall Of Belshazzar’s Palace In Dan. 5
    • IV. The Interpretation Of The Ram And He-goat In Dan. 8
    • V. The Interpretation Of The Four Wild Beast Kingdoms, And Of The Kingdom Of The Son Of Man, In Dan. 7
    • VI. The Interpretation Of The Seven Stars And The Seven Candlesticks In Rev. 1
    • VII. The Interpretation Of The Woman, “Babylon The Great,” And Of The Seven-headed, Ten-horned Beast That Carrieth Her
  • 4. Historical Fulfillment Of The Prophecy Concerning The Harlot Babylon, Or Proof From History That Rome Is The Babylon Of The Apocalypse
    • The Church Of Rome Symbolized By A Harlot
    • The Name On The Forehead Of The Harlot
    • The Harlot Carried By The Ten-Horned Beast
    • The Ten Horns
    • Geographical Sphere Of The Ten Horns
    • Average Number Of The Gothic Kingdoms Of Western Christendom
    • Italy, Austria, Switzerland, France, Germany, England, Holland, Belgium, Spain, And Portugal.
    • The Harlot Recognized By Her Attire
    • The Persecuting Character Of The Church Of Rome
  • 5. Use Of The Key
    • I. Identity of the Beast
    • II. Three Visions Of The Beast Power
    • III. The Same Great Power: The Roman Empire
    • IV. Successive Stages
    • V. Two Principle Stages
    • VI. The “Deadly Wound” And The “Hindering Power”
    • VII. The Beast and Babylon Central to Apocalyptic Prophecy
    • VIII. These Visions Fall Into Three Divisions
    • IX. Connected and Orderly Whole
    • Interpreted Vision In Chapter 17. The Rosetta Stone For Deciphering The Apocalypse.
  • 6. The Two Last Kingdoms Of Prophecy, Or The Relation Of The Roman Empire To The Kingdom Of God
  • Diagram Of Professor Gaussen

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Friday, October 16, 2020

Opus Diaboli

My supervisor (who is Opus Dei) at NML sent me over to meet the Opus Dei leader in St. Louis. I learned nothing except how secretive they are. Escriva was quickly named a saint after he died.

Many Lutherans are moaning about how mean, radical, and nasty the Left is. They are right, of course. Most fail to recognize that their own "conservative" leaders are no better. Their leaders protect criminals, hide felonies, and persecute believers. They are like the jurors in Vanity Fair, The Pilgrim's Progress - in case you have not read the book.

It did not happen overnight, but it is clear that the conservative leaders are unbelievers. Many are mere figureheads, finger-puppets of the ones with real power. I would call the actual leaders Opus Diaboli, the Work of the Devil, parallel to Escriva's cult, the Work of God (sic).

It is easiest to see this in WELS. The ELS-WELS-LCMS papal candidates project a theme of reformation and restoration, only to be even more dictatorial and apostate once elected. They try to look majestic and powerful, but they are more like wood chips carried and moved by the tossing sea.

People ask me about angry responses to the blog. I used to print the best ones with spelling corrections so they would not be erased (kilcreased) once sobriety took over. The diatribes stopped. I am quite sure the big guys told them to cease, because all they did was prove my case.

Now is the ultimate stage, silence and shunning. 

How Did the General Synod Go Wrong? And Then Improve for the 1918 ULCA Merger

Samuel S. Schmucker, Princeton student, General Synod Leader, 1799 - 1873

Henry Melchior Muhlenberg came over from Halle after Count Zinzendorf tried to work in America under an assumed name. Muhlenberg belonged to the earlier generation, before the General Synod, and he was quite remarkable in his efforts to provide Lutheran pastors and congregations for America.

His work became organized as the Pennsylvania Ministerium.

1711 - 1787

With the Lutheran population growing, they organized the General Synod in 1820. Their college and seminary were in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, which was the site of the Battle of Gettysburg in 1863. That is the only Seminary Hill where troops fought instead of the faculty.

Schmucker not only helped in founding Gettysburg - he also served there almost 40 years as a professor and chairman of the faculty.

This was a time when many Lutherans saw Calvinism as slightly different from their own confession of faith. That ignorance continues to this day. Schmucker was a Lutheran in name only, very much influenced by his time at Princeton, a Calvinist school. I visited there with plans to go to graduate school. They kept bragging about their Yale-educated faculty, and I went to Yale. The Princeton dean was required reading in church history, but his mentor was at Yale - Roland Bainton.

Two big movements were the union of Calvinism and Lutheranism - with Lutherans conceding everything - and revivalism. In revivalism, the congregation set up a Mourner's Bench. If a sermon was especially effective in getting people to cry, they would come forward and kneel on the bench, pledging to start a new life. The revivalists/unionists cared little for the Lutheran liturgy or Lutheran hymns (see WELS for a modern example). 

About half of the General Synod pulled away to form the General Council, which located their seminary in Philadelphia - Mt. Airy. (I was given an HEW interview there, which meant they already had their guy and needed to prove fairness. Nice trip, though.) The Philadelphia professors were Back to the Reformation Lutherans and gradually influenced the General Synod to abandon its anti-Lutheran ways. The two parts merged in 1918, but mergers always favor the weakest in doctrine, so the United Lutheran Church in America became a triumph for the unionist leaders. That devolved into the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, in communion with all denominations and all religions.

The best books of that old era came from the General Council -
  1. Henry Eyster Jacobs
  2. Charles Porterfield Krauth
  3. Theodore Schmauk
Today, Gettysburg and Mt. Airy have merged into the so-called United Lutheran Seminary, whose first moves were 

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Two Graphics

Our artist-in-residence created this, and we are happy that Norma Boeckler reaches thousands on Facebook.

Gary Allen, Moline Class 1968, Photoshopped this graphic. Everything is true to life, except running, well perhaps running for a donut.

Centenniel of Apostasy - Karl Barth's Triumph, Charlotte's Revenge

Charlotte Kirschbaum and Karl Barth worked together and traveled together.

This photo of Charlotte and Karl was taken many years later.

We can safely claim that Calvinist Karl Barth and his mistress Charlotte Kirschbaum were able to undermine Western Christianity with a two-fold attack. He appealed to the professors with his double-talking Dogmatics, and became the official theologian of Fuller Seminary, thanks to faculty studies at Basel, Switzerland. His commentary on Romans in 1919 created a sensation, and he soon became a professor rather than a parish pastor. Thus the Centennial of Apostasy.

Before taking Barth (Kirschbaum) seriously, read this book.

When various people express their awe of Barth, they either do not know or want to know about his Marxist thought or his live-in mistress, Charlotte Kirschbaum. That has been thoroughly discussed by George Hunsinger, head of the Barth Institute (Temple) at Princeton. I met Hunsinger at Yale, worked at the Yale Medical Library with his first wife, and met him again at Notre Dame. 

"As his unique student, critic, researcher, adviser, collaborator, companion, assistant, spokesperson, and confidante, Charlotte von Kirschbaum was indispensable to him. He could not have been what he was, or have done what he did, without her." Hunsinger, review of the S. Seliger book, Charlotte von Kirschbaum and Karl Barth: A Study in Biography and the History of Theology.

Barth was not trained to be an academic, and he was swamped. The mysterious Charlotte Kirschbaum showed up to be his assistant and his mistress. He tried to divorce his wife Nelly, but she said "Nein! mein Schnutschi-Putschi." He lived with Charlotte during the summer and moved her into his home a bit later.

We know next to nothing about Charlotte, who was willing to work for almost nothing her entire life. She was clearly the researcher and likely the one who wrote the small print in the Dogmatics. She went with him on his trips and shared the same room when he stayed at faculty homes on his trip to America. She represented him at a major Marxist confab.

In Academics

Schleiermacher, educated at Halle University, had a major struggle with the Christian Faith, so his father's urging him to study made him a highly educated sceptic. The result was a theologian who established "faith without belief," the theologians characterized by my friend as "people with a sentimental attachment to Christianity."

Schleiermacher was ideal for those who were really rationalists but chose to remain within the Church by using their God-talk, their faith-words, to express their ideas.

Barth and Kirschbaum built upon this by created a system where the radicals could exploit their double-talk from within the institution, a far more effective position than outside of it.

Barth was the dominant theologian at Notre Dame in the 1980s. Frank Fiorenza, now at Harvard, was the president of the Barth Society at one point. He shared Barth's co-writing tactics with us. As he said, "Most of us in the Barth Society thought Charlotte wrote the fine print and he wrote the large print." For those uninitiated in Barthology, the large print was the outline of each section, written in complete sentences in a larger font. Many people extolled the fine print and the special essays in the volumes. Some of the large print sections or markers were laughable.

My main advisor for the dissertation was John Howard Yoder, who studied under Barth at Basel. This made Yoder a rock star among Mennonites. Hauerwas encouraged Notre Dame to share Yoder with Goshen College, which was not far away. Hauerwas was another advisor.

Various names are mentioned among the famous modern theologians, but Barth's was always on the list, just as much for Catholics as for Protestants. Having a major work, with 12 fat volumes, was a great way to dominate in publishing and influence. 

In Church Growth

Two key figures at Fuller Seminary studied with Barth in Basel. One was the founder's son. The Battle for the Bible and its sequel deal with this. The anti-inerrancy people won, and the credit for this back-sliding was given to Barth's influence.

Fuller is not only the most influential school for Evangelicals, but also the finishing school for LCMS-WELS leaders. Those WELS-LCMS leaders who have studied there would make a glorious Wall of Shame for anyone curious about their decline. David Valleskey and Frosty Bivens are so devious that they brag about their Fuller studies to some and deny it (calling me a liar) to others.

One step removed, C. Peter Wagner earned his doctorate at Princeton, a very liberal Calvinist school, home of the Barth Society (Temple).

For WELS, LCMS, and ELCA, union with Calvinism is a nostalgic trip back to their roots. They make up 99% of registered but confused Lutherans in America. The three denominations began with a heavy dose of unionism with the Calvinists, struggled to pull away, but ran back, just like the abused children who defend their moms in court and deny the broken bones and bruises.

Fuller argues that they can turn up the heat slowly for the frog in the kettle, and it will not jump out - it will stay in until thoroughly cooked. Then why have so many Lutherans jumped out?

Valleskey borrowed "spoiling the Egyptians" from Barna, who borrowed it from Augustine. Notice how fast an analogy goes downhill? I had various Mordor graduates warming, "Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater!" I responded, "Don't wash the baby in sewage."

The Fortune Cookie Theologian

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

The Last Section of the Walther Book - Election without Faith

The Missouri Synod's only humor book can fill the parsonage with laughter, if only by comparing the solemn declarations of the Great Walther to his behavior. 

Walther the American Calvin - 

A Synod Built on Felonies and False Doctrine

I appreciate the interest being shown as the rough drafts are being published. The last section of the book will deal with Walther's Election without Faith, which he used to break up the Olde Synodical Conference. Not to worry, the genius leaders today have stitched together a new union, based by Walther's confused and anti-Biblical Objective Justification.

In brief, Walther could not convince his own sect to make OJ official, so his gambit included two assaults on the truth. One was to manipulate Missouri into hiring Francis Pieper as his successor, to parrot his OJ just as he parroted Stephan's - and that worked well, albeit slowly. The second assault was his promotion of Calvin's double-predestination, Election without Faith, to drive out anyone who disagreed with his Easter absolution of the World (OJ) nonsense.

These three are more difficult to remove than a grease spot after a McDonalds meal in the car. The most alarming fact is that the next bunch of SPs will be even worse, just as these false prophets have shown themselves to be even more determined than their predecessors. 

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Walther - The American Calvin. Objective Justification Belongs to Calvin,
Not St. Paul or Luther


LCMS-ELCA Book of Concord - Why?


Objective Justification Belongs to Calvin, Not St. Paul or Luther

The Scriptures do not use the shorthand label of the Means of Grace, but the term is useful for expressing what is taught –

1.      All of God’s actions come through the Holy Spirit in the Word. Isaiah 55:8ff.

2.      Therefore, God’s grace can only come to us through the Word, whether the invisible Word of preaching and teaching, or the visible Word of baptism and communion.

3.      The Gospel alone creates faith, Genesis 15:3 and Romans 1:17.

4.      Faith comes from hearing the report of the Atonement (Romans 10) and we are declared righteous by faith. Romans 4 and 5.

Luther did not invent some new concept of the Scriptures but taught the Bible as one unified truth, not a series of passages where one verse could be emphasized at the expense of all others or one theme matched up with other verses to prove a dogmatic assertion. Just as important, he carried on the rabbinic concept of God’s Word being identical to God’s will.

In contrast, Calvin teaches against the Holy Spirit always working through the Word. For good reason, Calvinism leads to Unitarianism and all kinds of quasi-Christian sects. Calvinism, far from being similar to Lutheran principles, is a deviously clever way of taking over the Reformation while opposing the essence of the Christian Faith, the Chief Article of Christianity, Justification by Faith – and rejecting the Sacraments. Worst of all, Lutherans have been suckers in giving up the Means of Grace to enjoy the favor of the Calvinists – in ecumenical talks, in union congregations, and hybrid denominations like the ELCA, the Missouri Synod, WELS, and ELS, where the label is Lutheran but the doctrine is Calvinistic Pietism.

Pietism and Calvinism share the misconception of the Church. The real church for them is not defined by the Means of Grace. Stephan’s entire group came over bearing the name Lutheran but considering themselves as an association of Pietistic cell groups. The cell groups continued in America until they were conveniently forgotten. Therefore, as separatists, they were holier than anyone else, even if they allowed the most outrageous behavior in Stephan and then responded to him with many criminal actions that enriched their colony. They transferred leadership from Stephan to Walther, and the mantle of Pietism’s guru passed to him as well.

Francis Pieper wrote correctly that Calvinism creates the monster of uncertainty. All the Lutheran leaders have taken the pilgrimages to Fuller Seminary and Willow Creek because they were no longer successful and feared for the future. The simplicity of trusting God’s Word - and sowing it with abandon - has been traded for business methods, schemes, entertainment, and snack food to fill the theater seats. How low have modern Lutherans sunk to draw people to church with -

·        Popcorn instead of the Bread of Life,

·        Pop music instead of hymns

·        Tavern Bible study groups instead of pastors teaching the Word

·        Me-centered chats instead of Scriptural sermons.

By making common cause with Calvinism through union congregations - or the hybrid called Pietism - Lutherans have denied their birthright just as Esau did his, and for much less than a bowl of lentil soup.

Simply put, denying the efficacy of the Word and the Means of Grace will always confuse the individual and place an undue emphasis on one’s emotions and various forms of legalism. Some of the more ridiculous methods of feeling successful, rather than trusting the power of the Gospel, are –

1.      Building. A large, new building will draw people.

2.      Activity. If all the members have an activity, they will be happy campers. There is even a mathematical relationship between groups and members to achieve for max results.

3.      Friendliness. “If the ushers are not friendly, the best sermon will not do any good.” That sounds so much like Calvin’s Holy Spirit visiting – or not appearing at all.

4.      Cell groups. “I don’t care what they are using in their cell group, as long as they are in one.”

5.      Theater seats. Since Willow Creek began in a movie theater, a rented cinema will be efficacious.

6.      Snacks and soda. Handing sodas and snacks to incoming visitors may seem odd. But it is even stranger to hear people munching popcorn during the prayers.

7.      Pool time. One pastor had young women invite visitors to a pool party Sunday afternoon.

8.      Cloning Groeschel material. Rev. Craig Groeschel allows people to use his sermons and graphics.

The list is a reminder of how many ways the clergy and laity can avoid the substance of Christianity.