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The Ten Commandments are on the Supreme Court building. |
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This is the reason the Wisconsin sect loves the New NIV - everyone is justified - just a spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down. |
ICHABOD, THE GLORY HAS DEPARTED - explores the Age of Apostasy, predicted in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, to attack Objective Faithless Justification, Church Growth Clowns, and their ringmasters. The antidote to these poisons is trusting the efficacious Word in the Means of Grace. John 16:8. Isaiah 55:8ff. Romans 10. Most readers are WELS, LCMS, ELS, or ELCA. This blog also covers the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodoxy, and the Left-wing, National Council of Churches denominations.
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The Ten Commandments are on the Supreme Court building. |
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This is the reason the Wisconsin sect loves the New NIV - everyone is justified - just a spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down. |
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Queen Elizabeth, developed by a Lutheran Six-Day Creationist. |
One lesson learned is - wait for the surprise success. I had no trouble growing Hollyhocks in Michigan and Arizona, but no results here, until... I wondered what the huge plant with enormous leaves was doing, right where people turned to get into the Ichabode front door. Careful research proved it to be - Hollyhocks.
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Hollyhocks are as graceful as Ford pickup, but bees love them. |
I remembered planting root stock for Hollyhocks and thought I saw some starts. I decided one plant was pretty good. But then, after generous rains and sunny skies, some appeared here and there where I planted them. I have to allow for rabbits eating yummy fresh, tender salad on various types - such as Hosta - but also a rebirth of that plant in spite of the haircut.
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Clethra - blooming in July - enticing the butterflies. |
One meal really bothered me - a brand new Clethra was yanked out of its hole, the crime scene pointing to a squirrel. A second also failed but provided a tasty meal for some critter. However, three Clethra are doing well and should be flowering next year.
The previous Clethra veterans are 8 feet tall now and just starting to open their buds. Butterflies have arrived to enjoy the Joe Pye, Clethra, and other flowers.
Joe Pye is my favorite for rebounding. The first one planted was protected but not the second one, so it got weed-whacked. It seemed to disappear thought I gave it extra water. Now #2 is very tall, and so are the backyard ones and the Little Joe Pyes, which I also thought were gone.
Veterans Honor, in memory of Pete Ellenberger |
The best experience today was walking over to fill a hummingbird feeder and finding a perfect Veterans Honor rose, peeking out of a very healthy Joe Pye. (I believe in companion planting.) We have so much Joe Pye that I did not mind cutting that rose and trimming the extra Joe Pye around it. The rose stem was the stoutest of all I picked today.
Besides that, the Enchanted Peace roses were blooming - six to a bush - all over the garden. At first I thought they were over-rated, but they have proven to be stunning, changing in color as they blossomed, and prolific in production.
We have always loved Queen Elizabeth roses. We have planted them in memory of Bethany and Erin. Last year's did not do well, but today we had a beautiful, delicate, long-stemmed Queen E for the altar arrangement.
Every gardener can (and will) talk about all the horticultural disasters. But God created through the Logos - the Son of God - so that mistakes and misfortune would be overcome by the superb engineering of those first Six Days. A bad gardener is one who gives up. A good gardener is one who, without prompting, will say, "You think that is bad...?"
As experts have said, the congregation used to be a place where a pastor started and never left. He and the congregation grew with the community. That was when the pastor, parish, and community respected the Word of God.
The alternative to that model is a faction or rival pastor driving the minister out of that parish. That is no shame. As I told several pastors (the old joke) - "Better pastors than you have been driven out of a church." That just means God is giving the Word a chance to grow someone else. We all know that the denominations protect the evil, felonious, and seldom sober pastors because the leaders identify with them.
Creation is not going to change, and neither will the growth and the abuse of Christianity. The Word will have an effect that is solely God's will and prospers God's will so obviously that no one can say, "Look at what I did." Fuller Seminary salesmen want to take credit and have their fellow apostates admire them, their Father Below nodding his approval.
One reader mentioned Laurence Vance's work on the KJV, and that name resonated at once. Vance wrote The Other Side of Calvinism, a book which eviscerates that particular form of Enthusiasm.
Solely on his merits, displayed in that book, Vance books on the KJV were ordered for the second edition of The Bible Book.
Alec Satin, our Lutheran Librarian, put me in touch with David Daniels' work, which is probably the only good source for the facts behind Dynamic Spammic Translating- Eugene Nida.
Lest we forget, all the Lutheran sects are being managed by people with crippled educations. They have never been exposed to anything close to Biblical scholarship, which makes them poor judges in the Bible business.
The KJV translators were superb Biblical scholars and linguistic experts. Tyndale, who gave us the English Bible and therefore the KJV, was equal to Shakespeare in his language skills.
That is why I laugh when people complain about the KJV and the burden of Shakespearean prose. It has been proven that Shakespeare used more words and made up more new words than any other English author, including John Milton.
So the Nida Fan Club brags about the Bibles with the vocabulary and eloquence of Dick, Jane, and Sally. "Look, look, look. See Spot Run! Run, run, run!" Even in elementary school, I was caustic in my evaluable of books intended to talk down to us.
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LutherQueasies convinced me that they have never smiled, not once. |
Jojakim Dettmann (Random_layman) Senior Member Username: Random_layman Post Number: 3952 Registered: 5-2006 |
Rev. Jackson's blog binds your conscience with catch-22s especially when you don't understand the secular and philosophical origins of his disagreement with most other American Lutheran clergy in the former Synodical Conference bodies. When a disagreement is secular and philosophical, but the parties involved mistakenly think it is sacred, they can argue on-and-on for eternity on sacred things without coming to any resolution. Are you willing to research things like I suggested above? For this question in particular you'd also want to teach yourself about the different political theories involving authority--the theories present in Germany during the 1700s and 1800s. |
Simon Reynolds (Simon) Intermediate Member Username: Simon Post Number: 357 Registered: 1-2005 |
For the record, it wasn't during the worship service. It was after the service had concluded. I don't really know how to respond to what else you have written. In my opinion, you are wide-of-the-mark. To use the photoshopped photos of Mr. Gregory Jackson as evidence of anything except mischief-making and nastiness on his part reveals a decided lack of good judgment on your part. You are using the Augsburg Confession like a rule book in a way which is completely at odds with what was accomplished at Augsburg. May I respectfully ask you to take to heart the words of Lord Jesus, "I desire mercy, not sacrifice..." and all that that Scripture implies. |
Juan Jeanniton (Casusconscientiae) Intermediate Member Username: Casusconscientiae Post Number: 299 Registered: 2-2021 |
Rev. Herzberger: Daniel Gorman: So, precisely WHERE does the AUTHORITY of the deacon lie, if not to PREACH and TEACH in church, or administer the Sacraments, or exercise government over the congregation in Church? It is now a mathematical, theological, and theonomical CERTAINTY that if the occupation or activity which defines the very concept of a deaconess is to be a lawful occupation, well then such an occupation or activity cannot be quite the same as the MALE OFFICE of a DEACON. http://cyclopedia.lcms.org/display.asp?t1=d&word=D EACONESSES: So, if the Church should, in its official capacity, appoint women to such a position as described above in the Christian Cyclopedia, namely, a position of active service in the church like that of Olympias, and 39 other so-called "deaconesses", in Chrysostom's own 4th century Church, and ceremonially inaugurate them, in ecclesiastical and liturgical ceremonies, to the position, would that be ipso facto an act of allowing these women to teach and exercise authority over MEN in the Church???? Daniel Gorman: "Rev. Herzberger: "There is but one limitation—imposed by the Lord of the harvest Himself—they are not to preach the Gospel in public worship [I Cor. 14:34-35 and I Timothy 2:11-14)..." Did the LCMS celebrate its hundredth year of feminist apostacy?" Celebrating precisely this sort of "feminist" apostasy of allowing women to publicly perform functions belonging ONLY to the pastoral office is PRECISELY what one local WELS congregation already did a few years ago! See also: https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-E0OmGDoK0s4/VvxWdyVpnWI /AAAAAAABpcw/bR2uxCx91dk98YgSalhEGuKe3N1KN14Rg/s16 00/wels_woman.jpg: COME TO THE WELS WHERE THE WOMAN AT THE WELL COULD PREACH TOO! http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-t051WTw27PA/UgxVBugDFDI/ AAAAAAABLEw/0bN20K58Tf8/s1600/wels_women_pulpit.pn g: THEN THEY SAID WELS DOESN'T LET WOMEN IN THE PULPIT! Those nominal WELS local congregations in which these things happen ARE NO LONGER CONFESSIONAL LUTHERAN! |
We have an interesting calendar of blooming and fruiting. The mints are early and persistent, which makes the bees grateful. Hardy bulbs come up soon after and spring bulbs last. The roses can be prolific on Mother's Day - but not this year. The last celebrities to bloom are the Clethra shrubs and Joe Pye.
Long after that, Beauty Berries bloom and fruit to feed the birds into autumn and beyond. Beauty Berries are like that cute little pet that someone adopts for irrational reasons, then find themselves enslaved by that overgrown, impossible to get rid of, no longer cute pet. Our two Beauty Berry bushes are so broad now that trimming them back will be a major task.
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Calvinists cannot be considered Biblical church bodies because Zwingli and Calvin placed human reason above the Word of God. Calvinists say the Word of God is dead and lifeless unless it is made appealing and germane to its victims.
Roman Catholics have always appealed to the authority of the Pope, though not all the way back to St. Peter, as they claim. Rome is the perfect place for apostates and other deviants, because any belief is acceptable as long as fidelity to Rome is maintained. What people imagine about the Church of Rome is fantasy, because few have the stomach to recognize what transpires now and has been practiced for centuries. When Pope Francis popped up like a parasitic worm, the world press adored the Jesuit, which should be the ultimate warning.
Baptists are a mixed group, with many of them succumbing to the vapors of Calvinism, because of the sure-fire covenant dogma - "If you want God to bless you, you must toe the line and pay the tithe to Him - or else." Fortunately, many teach Baptist fidelity to the Scriptures - KJV - and Justification by Faith. They do not teach the Sacraments, which is an heirloom of the Zwinglians and Calvinists.
Lutherans began well in the US but fell for the power of the organization. Even tiny sects elevate their officers to mini-popes and their MDiv in-house professors to The Final Word on Any Topic. Worst is the tiny Eldona, where everyone has to play Bishop May I? But Eldona's Biblical fidelity is all over the map, like the World Council of Churches. "Making disciples" is fraudulent but fine with them. Calvinist paraphrases like the ESV are used and excused, though they have butchered the original texts and perverted the art of translating to suit their dogmas. The New KJV pays homage to Westcott-Hort-Nestle-Aland, but "So what?" - they mutter.
The result of Lutherans trying to be Roman Catholics - besides a curious love of fancy expensive clothing - is insisting on trivia "for the sake of good order," while ignoring the use of bad Bibles. Why not have everyone use the same, good Bible - the KJV - and work out the issues from the revealed Word rather man's need for power and majesty?
I know some use KJV variants, like the Third Millennium and KJV21. I know almost nothing about them because I have relied on the KJV for the last 30 years or so. There should be a central, unchanging authoritative Bible, and no one can top the KJV so far.
America may be weak and flabby in the face of rot because the church bodies raised them that way, spineless ministers interested in their glory but ready to barter the Word of God for the same of harmony and pleasing the mini-pope.
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The Bible Book |
The Bible Book:The KJV Reborn for Those Who Love the Word of GodPaperback – June 16, 2021 |
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The Bible Book |
Ranger Bob came over to order some truck parts, so we took Christina out (to the porch) for coffee.
Bob decided to tell me how he would have planted Joe Pye, since it grows so tall. I listened in astonishment. "This is the landscaper who found a collection of Hog Peanut Weed plants carefully cut and placed in a little pile in his yard." Bob jumped in to tell Christina, "I knew who did that the moment I saw it."
In defense of my plans and plants, I pointed out that I had no idea that Joe Pye could grow over eight feet tall and spread out as well. The beauty of this plant is that I can cut individual branches off - to give more sun to roses - and the rest of the plant will thrive.
The gardening industry seduced me with the Butterfly Plants genre and then expanded that to Pollinator and Hummingbird Plants. But now the dreams can be harvested daily. The late-blooming Joe Pye and Clethra are attracting butterflies and hummingbirds as surely as those ads caught my attention.
We had hummingbirds competing in the backyard for glads and in the front for the feeders.
Plant Insect Nostalgia
Our rural romps as children led us to breaking open milkweed pods to scatter the seed, opening the stems to see the milky sap. They were easy to find and taken for granted. Now people buy milkweed plants (as I did) and hope the crop will last. We want Monarch butterflies to prosper.
I have been aiming for them since we moved to Springdale. I got Butterfly Weed going and added many butterfly plants, but no Milkweed grew. I forgot that I planted some along the tiny front porch fence and they finally grew up and formed buds.
Yesterday, before anyone was around, I saw a Monarch stop at the row of plants along the porch fence. It settled down - making my day.
Weeks ago, while struggling with how to understand what has happened, I picked up a copy of Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals. Then I looked at a book by David Horowitz entitled Barack Obama's Rules for Revolution: The Alinsky Model. What I read convinced me that our family, more so our children, had been targeted. We, as a middle-class family who used to live together in the suburbs, were in the bull's eye.
Consider the last chapter of Rules, which was published in 1971. It is entitled "The Way Forward." Alinsky writes, "Organization for action will now and in the decade ahead center upon America's white middle class. That is where the power is[.] ... Large parts of the middle class, the 'silent majority,' must be activated[.]"
GJ - I have heard so much about this - and experienced it - I think people should be aware of how prevalent this is - and not by accident. I give a lot of the credit to the public school systems, which are monolithic and dedicated to Left-wing causes. Large corporations fund and promote these trends, for whatever reasons they might have, such as avoiding wrath.
I have found younger people stopping me from saying anything before I said it. For example, when I mentioned Queen, the music group, the young lady said, "Stop. Don't say anything against my favorite group." Or one mother - who did not want her child donning a toy Vikings helmet, because...Packers.
Hyper-Pietistic cults like WELS and ELDONA contribute with their holier than thou self-righteousness.
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UOP wrote and said, "You have taught over 5,000 students." |
Hello Gregory,
It is an honor for me to congratulate you for being nominated for our 2021 Faculty of the Year Award. This spring, we reached out to students, employees, and faculty, and asked them to share stories of faculty who truly exemplify the values reflected in our Mission and who demonstrates the highest level of dedication to our students.
While we were able to select only 18 winners for the award, we want to recognize all faculty who were nominated. Here is one of the specific comments made about you and your impact on a student who nominated you.
Mr. Jackson displayed at the start of class that he had both a sense of humor and professionalism. As time went by, Gregory Jackson (as he preferred to be called) showed empathy with his students when something unforeseen came up. If an effprt was made to get assignments done, Mr. Jackson recognized this and when he had a personal issue come up, he kept his students in the loop of things.
It's without a doubt that Gregory Jackson exemplifies the type of instructor that our textbook authors and others mentioned as a "facilitator". To whom it may concern, Gregory Jackson is my nominee for 2021.
W. M-F.
Your nomination shows that your efforts made a real difference in the lives of your students, and I am proud you are a faculty member at University of Phoenix.
Thank you for everything you do,
John Woods, Ph.D.
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Norma Boeckler's Christian Art Books |