Saturday, July 24, 2021

Bible Buyers Benefit the Business of Modern Bible Builders.
Twenty-First Century Tower of Babel

The Ten Commandments are on the Supreme Court building.

Bible builders only need a few corporate buyers to turn their printing presses into money machines. Newly minted Bibles are praised by their paid-for cheerleaders in each denomination. Is it any wonder that the synods promote and sell the NIV, ESV, EHV, and the Beck Bible?

KJV. "Aiming at truth, they achieved what later generations recognized as beauty and elegance." Alister McGrath, In the Beginning, p. 254.

In-house celebrity endorsements guarantee that no pastor can object without incurring the wrath of the cheerleaders, who are not leaders and not cheerful. WELS does not excommunicate pastors for criminal acts or false doctrine, but they do extend the Left Foot of Fellowship for criticizing the Bible business and Thrivent. In one act of ultimate irony, they kicked out a group of families who insisted the WELS practice be followed in the schools. "Off with their heads!" and they were ejected.

There is not a single modern paraphrase that satisfies the lust for easy money, so more 
Bibles keep coming out and being changed. 

WELS keyed all their materials to the old NIV, which was bad enough. They threw up a smoke screen and made the latest NIV de facto the sect's official Bible, but they had to obsolete the old NIV and create new materials. Were those who gained from reprinting sore about having more work? No.

Who knows how many free trips and bonuses were handed out to those who endorsed the NIVs?

The ESV is just as bad but those cheerleaders argue it is better than the NIV - faint praise from pastors who like to play with words.

Add to this all the other versions and there is a clear dilution of Biblical doctrine in the name of making it easy for the indifferent, lazy, and poorly educated - and not just the seminarians but the laity as well.

They do not like Shakespeare, so they offer Sesame Street to replace the KJV.

This is the reason the Wisconsin sect loves the New NIV - everyone is justified - just a spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down.

The Law of God Is Good and Wise - #295 - Matthias Loy

"The Law of God Is Good and Wise"
by Matthias Loy, 1828-1915

1. The Law of God is good and wise
And sets His will before our eyes,
Shows us the way of righteousness,
And dooms to death when we transgress.

2. Its light of holiness imparts
The knowledge of our sinful hearts
That we may see our lost estate
And seek deliverance ere too late.

3. To those who help in Christ have found
And would in works of love abound
It shows what deeds are His delight
And should be done as good and right.

4. When men the offered help disdain
And wilfully in sin remain,
Its terror in their ear resounds
And keeps their wickedness in bounds.

5. The Law is good; but since the Fall
Its holiness condemns us all;
It dooms us for our sin to die
And has no power to justify.

6. To Jesus we for refuge flee,
Who from the curse has set us free,
And humbly worship at His throne,
Saved by His grace through faith alone.

Hymn #295
The Lutheran Hymnal
Text: Psalm 19: 8
Author: Matthias Loy, 1863
Tune: "Erhalt uns, Herr"
1st Published in: Geistliche Lieder
Town: Wittenberg, 1543

Friday, July 23, 2021

Peak Garden Delights - Lesson Learned

 Queen Elizabeth, developed by a Lutheran Six-Day Creationist.

One lesson learned is - wait for the surprise success. I had no trouble growing Hollyhocks in Michigan and Arizona, but no results here, until... I wondered what the huge plant with enormous leaves was doing, right where people turned to get into the Ichabode front door. Careful research proved it to be - Hollyhocks. 

 Hollyhocks are as graceful as Ford pickup, but bees love them.

I remembered planting root stock for Hollyhocks and thought I saw some starts. I decided one plant was pretty good. But then, after generous rains and sunny skies, some appeared here and there where I planted them. I have to allow for rabbits eating yummy fresh, tender salad on various types - such as Hosta - but also a rebirth of that plant in spite of the haircut.

Clethra - blooming in July - enticing the butterflies.

One meal really bothered me - a brand new Clethra was yanked out of its hole, the crime scene pointing to a squirrel. A second also failed but provided a tasty meal for some critter. However, three Clethra are doing well and should be flowering next year.

The previous Clethra veterans are 8 feet tall now and just starting to open their buds. Butterflies have arrived to enjoy the Joe Pye, Clethra, and other flowers.

Joe Pye is my favorite for rebounding. The first one planted was protected but not the second one, so it got weed-whacked. It seemed to disappear thought I gave it extra water. Now #2 is very tall, and so are the backyard ones and the Little Joe Pyes, which I also thought were gone.

 Veterans Honor, in memory of Pete Ellenberger

The best experience today was walking over to fill a hummingbird feeder and finding a perfect Veterans Honor rose, peeking out of a very healthy Joe Pye. (I believe in companion planting.) We have so much Joe Pye that I did not mind cutting that rose and trimming the extra Joe Pye around it. The rose stem was the stoutest of all I picked today.

Besides that, the Enchanted Peace roses were blooming - six to a bush - all over the garden. At first I thought they were over-rated, but they have proven to be stunning, changing in color as they blossomed, and prolific in production.

We have always loved Queen Elizabeth roses. We have planted them in memory of Bethany and Erin. Last year's did not do well, but today we had a beautiful, delicate, long-stemmed Queen E for the altar arrangement.

Every gardener can (and will) talk about all the horticultural disasters. But God created through the Logos - the Son of God - so that mistakes and misfortune would be overcome by the superb engineering of those first Six Days. A bad gardener is one who gives up.  A good gardener is one who, without prompting, will say, "You think that is bad...?" 

As experts have said, the congregation used to be a place where a pastor started and never left. He and the congregation grew with the community. That was when the pastor, parish, and community respected the Word of God.

The alternative to that model is a faction or rival pastor driving the minister out of that parish. That is no shame. As I told several pastors (the old joke) - "Better pastors than you have been driven out of a church." That just means God is giving the Word a chance to grow someone else. We all know that the denominations protect the evil, felonious, and seldom sober pastors because the leaders identify with them.

Creation is not going to change, and neither will the growth and the abuse of Christianity. The Word will have an effect that is solely God's will and prospers God's will so obviously that no one can say, "Look at what I did." Fuller Seminary salesmen want to take credit and have their fellow apostates admire them, their Father Below nodding his approval.

More KJV Insights Arriving - Laurence M. Vance

One reader mentioned Laurence Vance's work on the KJV, and that name resonated at once. Vance wrote The Other Side of Calvinism, a book which eviscerates that particular form of Enthusiasm.

Solely on his merits, displayed in that book, Vance books on the KJV were ordered for the second edition of The Bible Book.

Alec Satin, our Lutheran Librarian, put me in touch with David Daniels' work, which is probably the only good source for the facts behind Dynamic Spammic Translating- Eugene Nida.

Lest we forget, all the Lutheran sects are being managed by people with crippled educations. They have never been exposed to anything close to Biblical scholarship, which makes them poor judges in the Bible business. 

The KJV translators were superb Biblical scholars and linguistic experts. Tyndale, who gave us the English Bible and therefore the KJV, was equal to Shakespeare in his language skills.

That is why I laugh when people complain about the KJV and the burden of Shakespearean prose. It has been proven that Shakespeare used more words and made up more new words than any other English author, including John Milton. 

So the Nida Fan Club brags about the Bibles with the vocabulary and eloquence of Dick, Jane, and Sally. "Look, look, look. See Spot Run! Run, run, run!" Even in elementary school, I was caustic in my evaluable of books intended to talk down to us.

LutherQueasies Explode Erratically - Like Cheap Chinese Fireworks

LutherQueasies convinced me that they have never smiled, not once.

Jojakim Dettmann (Random_layman)
Senior Member
Username: Random_layman

Post Number: 3952
Registered: 5-2006
Posted on Thursday, July 22, 2021 - 9:25 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Rev. Jackson's blog binds your conscience with catch-22s especially when you don't understand the secular and philosophical origins of his disagreement with most other American Lutheran clergy in the former Synodical Conference bodies.

When a disagreement is secular and philosophical, but the parties involved mistakenly think it is sacred, they can argue on-and-on for eternity on sacred things without coming to any resolution.

Are you willing to research things like I suggested above? For this question in particular you'd also want to teach yourself about the different political theories involving authority--the theories present in Germany during the 1700s and 1800s.


Simon Reynolds (Simon)
Intermediate Member
Username: Simon

Post Number: 357
Registered: 1-2005
Posted on Thursday, July 22, 2021 - 8:00 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

For the record, it wasn't during the worship service. It was after the service had concluded.

I don't really know how to respond to what else you have written. In my opinion, you are wide-of-the-mark. To use the photoshopped photos of Mr. Gregory Jackson as evidence of anything except mischief-making and nastiness on his part reveals a decided lack of good judgment on your part.

You are using the Augsburg Confession like a rule book in a way which is completely at odds with what was accomplished at Augsburg. May I respectfully ask you to take to heart the words of Lord Jesus, "I desire mercy, not sacrifice..." and all that that Scripture implies.

Juan Jeanniton (Casusconscientiae)
Intermediate Member
Username: Casusconscientiae

Post Number: 299
Registered: 2-2021
Posted on Thursday, July 22, 2021 - 11:00 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Rev. Herzberger:


There is but one limitation—imposed by the Lord of the harvest Himself—they are not to preach the Gospel in public worship [I Cor. 14:34-35 and I Timothy 2:11-14]...

Daniel Gorman:


...the office of deacon is clearly an all male authoritative office forbidden to all women:

"Let each deacon be the husband of only one wife, managing his children and his own household well." 1 Tim 3:12, EHV

So, precisely WHERE does the AUTHORITY of the deacon lie, if not to PREACH and TEACH in church, or administer the Sacraments, or exercise government over the congregation in Church?

It is now a mathematical, theological, and theonomical CERTAINTY that if the occupation or activity which defines the very concept of a deaconess is to be a lawful occupation, well then such an occupation or activity cannot be quite the same as the MALE OFFICE of a DEACON. EACONESSES:


1. Female servants in the ch., formerly unmarried or widowed (some contemporary diaconates permit married women to serve as deaconesses); a special ministry in the ch.; “Phoebe, a deaconess.” (Ro 16:1 RSV)

2. Custom and usage of the ancient world forbade intimate assoc. of the sexes in pub. assemblies. Functions of deaconesses in the early ch. were to instruct female catechumens, assist at the baptism of women, care for sick or impoverished women, minister to women martyrs and confessors in prison, and act as ushers for women in chs.

3. The 4th c. was the Golden Age of the female diaconate. Forty deaconesses served in the cong. of J. Chrysostom* in Constantinople. Among the deaconesses of that time was Olympias.

4. When the diaconate came to be regarded as a meritorious work, its deterioration began. Escape sought from a corrupt world resulted in monastic life. By the 12th c. deaconesses had nearly disappeared.

5. The modern career woman in ch. work looks back to 1833 for the beginnings of her work. T. Fliedner,* planning ways to meet the needs of people in distress, opened a door for women who wanted to use their talents for the ch. He est. the first motherhouse 1836 at Kaiserswerth, Ger., where he trained ca. 425 deaconesses. J. K. W. Löhe* est. a motherhouse at Neuendettelsau 1854. Among others in Eur. were those at Bielefeld, Basel, Paris, and St. Petersburg. The diaconate was introd. also in Eng. and Scand.

6. Among chs. that have deaconesses are the Ch. of Eng., the Ch. of Scot., the Episc., Presb., Ref., Meth., Mennonite, and Bap. chs. Many deaconesses are active throughout the world.

7. W. A. Passavant* introd. the diaconate in Am. He est. a Luth. hosp. in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1849, and on his request Fliedner brought 4 deaconesses from Ger. to be nurses in this “Pittsburgh Infirmary,” later called Passavant Hosp. One of the 4 deaconesses was Maria Elizabeth Hess, later wife of Philipp Wambsganss, Sr. (December 19, 1823–October 1, 1901).

8. Motherhouses were est. at Philadelphia 1884 and Baltimore 1895. In Omaha, E. A. Fogelström organized the Ev. Immanuel Assoc. for Works of Mercy 1889; a hospital opened 1890; home for deaconesses built 1891; Immanuel Deaconess Assoc. formed 1892. The Milwaukee motherhouse, later connected with the ALC, was est. ca. 1893. Other deaconess homes include those est. in Chicago, Minneapolis, Brooklyn, Brush (Colorado), and Axtell Nebraska). See also Wenner, George Unangst.

9. F. W. Herzberger* helped est. the deaconess movement in the Syn. Conf. He was ably supported by P. Wambsganss, Jr., pres. of the Ev.-Luth. Wohltütigkeitskonferenz.

10. The Luth. ;Deaconess Assoc. of the Ev. Luth. Syn. Conf. of N. Am. (LDA) was organized in August 1919 at Fort Wayne, Indiana Deaconess training was given in connection with the Luth. Hosp., Fort Wayne. First grad.: Ina Kempff 1922. First deaconess sent to a for. field: Louise Rathke, to India 1926.

11. LDA Pres.: P. Wambsganss, Jr., 1919–33; Walter Klausing 1933–55; Edgar H. Albers 1955– Supts. (called Ex. Dir. beginning in 1957): Bruno Poch 1923–32; Herman B. Kohlmeier 1932–41; Arnold F. Krentz 1941–61; Walter C. Gerken 1961–67; Arne P. Kristo 1968–71;. Lucille Wassman 1971–. Dir. of Training: Arne P. Kristo 1961–71. Dir. of Deaconess Educ.: Lucille Wassman 1971–. Over 300 deaconesses have been trained since 1920.

So, if the Church should, in its official capacity, appoint women to such a position as described above in the Christian Cyclopedia, namely, a position of active service in the church like that of Olympias, and 39 other so-called "deaconesses", in Chrysostom's own 4th century Church, and ceremonially inaugurate them, in ecclesiastical and liturgical ceremonies, to the position, would that be ipso facto an act of allowing these women to teach and exercise authority over MEN in the Church????

Daniel Gorman: "Rev. Herzberger: "There is but one limitation—imposed by the Lord of the harvest Himself—they are not to preach the Gospel in public worship [I Cor. 14:34-35 and I Timothy 2:11-14)..."

Did the LCMS celebrate its hundredth year of feminist apostacy?"

Celebrating precisely this sort of "feminist" apostasy of allowing women to publicly perform functions belonging ONLY to the pastoral office is PRECISELY what one local WELS congregation already did a few years ago!

See also: /AAAAAAABpcw/bR2uxCx91dk98YgSalhEGuKe3N1KN14Rg/s16 00/wels_woman.jpg:




Those nominal WELS local congregations in which these things happen ARE NO LONGER CONFESSIONAL LUTHERAN!


GJ - I have mailed coupons to these scribblers, so they can obtain the pharmaceutical help they need. I would untangle their lack of substance and research, if it mattered. I think some are enraged they they have no legitimate heritage while I am part of the Apostolic Succession, which - like a real education - is missed most by those lacking it.

The descendants of the Perryville Sex Cult call themselves orthodox or confessional or conservative when they praise themselves for covering up the felonies of the Walther Crime Family, who aided and abetted the promiscuity of Bishop Stephan. They solved their problems by using the outbreak of high church syphilis to rob Stephan of his gold, land, books, and everything else. They threatened their bishop's life and kidnapped him to Illinois.

But that is piddling compared to their rejection of the Chief Article of Christianity - Justification by Faith.

Their biggest deception is not the Stephan cover-up, but the claim that Missouri began with Objective Justification - it is pure baloney. Missouri was Justification by Faith in the beginning, just as WELS was. 

Note the first three presidencies of the LCMS - Walther - Schwan - Pieper. Schwan's catechism is devoid of OJ. Bonus fact - he was not brain-washed at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. Walther and Pieper had the advantage of promoting Stephan's OJ dogma among generations of pliable students. The weed seed of OJ was sown and the Chief Article neatly buried by combining OJ, SJ, and "Justification by Faith" in the Dogmatics, a stew of Enthusiasm from Walther's most pliable student (and hand-picked via Walther's political gimmicks).

Where are LCMS-WELS now? 
  1. They adore the Calvinism of Church Growth and NIV/ESV.
  2. Their abandonment of the KJV and Luther are all too apparent.
  3. They are shining examples of servility to ELCA - reviving Seminex "Biblical scholarship" and promoting the love that dares not speak its name.
 Jungkuntz chaired the board of Seminex and became the official seminary of the Metropolitan Community Church.

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Clethra Is Blooming, Hummingbirds Humming, and Butterflies Landing in Eden

We have an interesting calendar of blooming and fruiting. The mints are early and persistent, which makes the bees grateful. Hardy bulbs come up soon after and spring bulbs last. The roses can be prolific on Mother's Day - but not this year. The last celebrities to bloom are the Clethra shrubs and Joe Pye. 

Long after that, Beauty Berries bloom and fruit to feed the birds into autumn and beyond. Beauty Berries are like that cute little pet that someone adopts for irrational reasons, then find themselves enslaved by that overgrown, impossible to get rid of, no longer cute pet. Our two Beauty Berry bushes are so broad now that trimming them back will be a major task.

On This Day - 1456


 The Siege of Belgrade, 1456

From the American Thinker

The Siege of Belgrade and the Church Bells of Noon

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Biblical Authority or Institutional Authority


Calvinists cannot be considered Biblical church bodies because Zwingli and Calvin placed human reason above the Word of God. Calvinists say the Word of God is dead and lifeless unless it is made appealing and germane to its victims.

Roman Catholics have always appealed to the authority of the Pope, though not all the way back to St. Peter, as they claim. Rome is the perfect place for apostates and other deviants, because any belief is acceptable as long as fidelity to Rome is maintained.  What people imagine about the Church of Rome is fantasy, because few have the stomach to recognize what transpires now and has been practiced for centuries. When Pope Francis popped up like a parasitic worm, the world press adored the Jesuit, which should be the ultimate warning.

Baptists are a mixed group, with many of them succumbing to the vapors of Calvinism, because of the sure-fire covenant dogma - "If you want God to bless you, you must toe the line and pay the tithe to Him - or else." Fortunately, many teach Baptist fidelity to the Scriptures - KJV - and Justification by Faith. They do not teach the Sacraments, which is an heirloom of the Zwinglians and Calvinists. 

Lutherans began well in the US but fell for the power of the organization. Even tiny sects elevate their officers to mini-popes and their MDiv in-house professors to The Final Word on Any Topic. Worst is the tiny Eldona, where everyone has to play Bishop May I? But Eldona's Biblical fidelity is all over the map, like the World Council of Churches. "Making disciples" is fraudulent but fine with them. Calvinist paraphrases like the ESV are used and excused, though they have butchered the original texts and perverted the art of translating to suit their dogmas. The New KJV pays homage to Westcott-Hort-Nestle-Aland, but "So what?" - they mutter. 

The result of Lutherans trying to be Roman Catholics - besides a curious love of fancy expensive clothing - is insisting on trivia "for the sake of good order," while ignoring the use of bad Bibles. Why not have everyone use the same, good Bible - the KJV - and work out the issues from the revealed Word rather man's need for power and majesty? 

I know some use KJV variants, like the Third Millennium and KJV21. I know almost nothing about them because I have relied on the KJV for the last 30 years or so. There should be a central, unchanging authoritative Bible, and no one can top the KJV so far.

America may be weak and flabby in the face of rot because the church bodies raised them that way, spineless ministers interested in their glory but ready to barter the Word of God for the same of harmony and pleasing the mini-pope. 

Here Is the Complete Review of the Latest Post on Amazon - The Bible Book:
The KJV Reborn for Those Who Love the Word of God

 The Bible Book

Top reviews from the United States

Reviewed in the United States on July 16, 2021
Verified Purchase

Gregory L Jackson PhD is a Lutheran theologian, teacher, and pastor. He received a STM degree in Biblical studies from Yale in 1973 and he earned a Master's degree and a PhD in theology at the University of Notre Dame in 1982.

The purpose of the Bible is to teach faith. Faith is the instrument God uses to save us. Doubt is the instrument the devil uses to lead us away from God.

In this book, Dr Jackson demonstrated why the King James Version (KJV) is the Bible which faithful English-speaking Christians should read.

Bible salesmen claim that 99% of the text is the same in all Bible translations. Hence, a preference for a particular Bible translation is simply a matter of opinion or personal taste. (The unspoken assumption is that no Bible is inspired, all are simply books written by men about God). Except for the KJV, which they state is inferior to “modern” translations.

However, there are objective criteria one may use to determine whether a Bible translation is truly the inspired Word of God. Scholars tell us that a Bible can be deemed to be inspired based on its origin, nature, and effect.

To demonstrate that the KJV is an inspired and trustworthy Bible, Dr Jackson described how the authentic texts of the Bible were preserved and passed down by faithful men, as what we call the Majority Texts (origin). Dr Jackson described how faithful men translated the texts from Hebrew and Greek into English to create the 1611 Authorized Version, which we call the King James Version (nature). And how the KJV creates saving faith in those who read it (effect).

Dr Jackson then demonstrated how modern Bible translations such as the RSV and NIV cannot be considered inspired because they are based on defective texts, translated by faithless men, and they create doubt in their readers.

The primary source texts for recent Bible translations are not the preserved texts passed down from antiquity but instead Codex Sinaiticus and Codex Vaticanus. Proponents claim that these are the world's oldest Bibles and the best source documents, however their antiquity and accuracy are doubtful.

Dr Jackson related the story of how Constantine Von Tischendorf, the discoverer of Sinaiticus, claimed that he rescued it from destruction at hands of the monks at St Catherine's monastery, who were burning it for heat. The problem with his story is that Codex Sinaiticus is written on velum, which doesn't burn. In any other situation, such a deception would disqualify Sinaiticus from consideration as a valid source. However, since the text of Sinaiticus accords with the religious viewpoints of modern-day rationalists, they claim it as an authoritative source.

Regarding the origin of Codex Sinaiticus, if you believe that a forgery could never fool Bible scholars, please go to Wikipedia and read the article on “Codex 2427”. Kurt Aland placed Codex 2427 in Category 1 in his classification of ancient New Testament documents. This category includes the earliest manuscripts. In 2006, Codex 2427 was conclusively proved to be a 19th century forgery.

Dr Jackson demonstrated that Bible translators since the late 19th century do not submit themselves to the authority of the Word of God as revealed in Scripture, but instead they claim the right to judge Scripture by their human reason. These rationalists reject clear teachings such as the divinity of Christ, His Virgin birth, His resurrection, and His Great Commission. They contend that the Bible is not divinely inspired, but rather a book written by men about God. This places the Bible on a plane with any other human book and, as such, makes it subject to interpretation based on culture, history, etc. From this standpoint, they claim the right to add/change/delete the text of Scripture in order “to correct it”, in light of what they believe it should say.

Here's an analogy to illustrate this point. A rationalist sees the Bible as a tractable document into which he can read his beliefs about religion. An American leftist sees the US Constitution as a tractable document into which he can read his beliefs about politics.

To support their position that the Bible is not divinely inspired and hence should be subject to human interpretation, rationalists claim that only original autographs of sacred texts can be considered inspired. We don't have the original writings, therefore no Bible can be considered inspired. From this it follows that rationalists have the right, more so the obligation, to interpret the text to make it say what they believe it should say.

Many conservative Christian ministers and lay-people agree with rationalists that no present-day Bible can be considered inspired since we don't have the original autographs. Such a claim exposes these people as faithless Biblical illiterates. We can indeed consider a Bible created from faithfully preserved texts to be inspired and trustworthy. The Lord Jesus Christ himself says so.

In the Gospel of Luke chapter 4, Jesus was in the synagogue at Nazareth. He was given the scroll containing the book of Isaiah and he read Isaiah chapter 61, verses 1 and 2. After he completed reading he stated: “This day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears”. Jesus did not read from the “original autograph” of the book of Isaiah, he read from a copy made 600 years after Isaiah wrote the words, yet Jesus deemed the copy from which he read to be “scripture”. Thereby, the claim that only an original autograph can be considered inspired is refuted by the Lord Jesus himself.

Many conservative ministers and lay-people agree with rationalists that a translation of the Bible cannot be considered inspired because divine inspiration applies only to the original autograph in the original language. The Holy Spirit refutes this contention through the words of the Apostle Paul.

In the second letter to Timothy, Paul writes “from a child thou hast known the Holy Scriptures which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus”. The Scriptures that Timothy read and from which Paul preached were the Septuagint, a Greek-language translation of the Hebrew Old Testament made in the third century BC. Yet Paul deemed this Greek-language translation of the original Hebrew to be “Holy Scripture.” Thereby, the claim that only the original language of a sacred text can be considered inspired is refuted by the Holy Spirit through the words of St Paul.

By the end of this book the reader will see that Dr Jackson proved what he set out to prove: The KJV is based on accurate faithful texts, translated by faithful men, and it generates faith in its readers. The KJV meets the criteria for an inspired Bible - origin, nature, and effect - and it is the Bible that an English-speaker should read. The modern translations such as RSV and NIV fail on all 3 counts.

 I have three Greek New Testaments - Stephanus Majority Text, Westcott-Hort Invented, and the Nestle Aland UBS, a Westcott-Hort with notes. 

Top Reviews of the The Bible Book: The KJV Reborn for Those Who Love the Word of God


The Bible Book: 

The KJV Reborn for Those Who Love the Word of God 

Paperback – June 16, 2021


The Bible Book

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Random Planting Works Sporadically

Ranger Bob came over to order some truck parts, so we took Christina out (to the porch) for coffee. 

Bob decided to tell me how he would have planted Joe Pye, since it grows so tall. I listened in astonishment. "This is the landscaper who found a collection of Hog Peanut Weed plants carefully cut and placed in a little pile in his yard." Bob jumped in to tell Christina, "I knew who did that the moment I saw it."

In defense of my plans and plants, I pointed out that I had no idea that Joe Pye could grow over eight feet tall and spread out as well. The beauty of this plant is that I can cut individual branches off - to give more sun to roses - and the rest of the plant will thrive.

The gardening industry seduced me with the Butterfly Plants genre and then expanded that to Pollinator and Hummingbird Plants. But now the dreams can be harvested daily. The late-blooming Joe Pye and Clethra are attracting butterflies and hummingbirds as surely as those ads caught my attention.

We had hummingbirds competing in the backyard for glads and in the front for the feeders.

Plant Insect Nostalgia 

Our rural romps as children led us to breaking open milkweed pods to scatter the seed, opening the stems to see the milky sap. They were easy to find and taken for granted. Now people buy milkweed plants (as I did) and hope the crop will last. We want Monarch butterflies to prosper.

I have been aiming for them since we moved to Springdale. I got Butterfly Weed going and added many butterfly plants, but no Milkweed grew. I forgot that I planted some along the tiny front porch fence and they finally grew up and formed buds. 

Yesterday, before anyone was around, I saw a Monarch stop at the row of plants along the porch fence. It settled down - making my day.

Monday, July 19, 2021

Parents Canceled by Their Own Children


Parents Canceled by Their Own Children

Weeks ago, while struggling with how to understand what has happened, I picked up a copy of Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals.  Then I looked at a book by David Horowitz entitled Barack Obama's Rules for Revolution: The Alinsky Model.  What I read convinced me that our family, more so our children, had been targeted.  We, as a middle-class family who used to live together in the suburbs, were in the bull's eye.

Consider the last chapter of Rules, which was published in 1971. It is entitled "The Way Forward."  Alinsky writes, "Organization for action will now and in the decade ahead center upon America's white middle class.  That is where the power is[.] ... Large parts of the middle class, the 'silent majority,' must be activated[.]"


GJ - I have heard so much about this - and experienced it - I think people should be aware of how prevalent this is - and not by accident. I give a lot of the credit to the public school systems, which are monolithic and dedicated to Left-wing causes. Large corporations fund and promote these trends, for whatever reasons they might have, such as avoiding wrath.

I have found younger people stopping me from saying anything before I said it. For example, when I mentioned Queen, the music group, the young lady said, "Stop. Don't say anything against my favorite group." Or one mother - who did not want her child donning a toy Vikings helmet, because...Packers.

Hyper-Pietistic cults like WELS and ELDONA contribute with their holier than thou self-righteousness. 

From the University of Phoenix

 UOP wrote and said, "You have taught over 5,000 students."

Hello Gregory,  

It is an honor for me to congratulate you for being nominated for our 2021 Faculty of the Year Award. This spring, we reached out to students, employees, and faculty, and asked them to share stories of faculty who truly exemplify the values reflected in our Mission and who demonstrates the highest level of dedication to our students. 

While we were able to select only 18 winners for the award, we want to recognize all faculty who were nominated. Here is one of the specific comments made about you and your impact on a student who nominated you. 

     Mr. Jackson displayed at the start of class that he had both a sense of humor and professionalism. As time went by, Gregory Jackson (as he preferred to be called) showed empathy with his students when something unforeseen came up. If an effprt was made to get assignments done, Mr. Jackson recognized this and when he had a personal issue come up, he kept his students in the loop of things.

     It's without a doubt that Gregory Jackson exemplifies the type of instructor that our textbook authors and others mentioned  as a "facilitator". To whom it may concern, Gregory Jackson is my nominee for 2021.


W. M-F.

Your nomination shows that your efforts made a real difference in the lives of your students, and I am proud you are a faculty member at University of Phoenix.  

Thank you for everything you do,   

John Woods, Ph.D.


ELCA-LCMS=ELS-WELS-CLC: Will Their Apostasy Unravel Them Completely?

Their only dogma is Justification without Faith, which they guard as ferociously as a hyena his spoils. They never concede their agreement and work with ELCA - through Holy Mother Thrivent. Con-artists cannot help smirking.

I had a revelation while reading through the book on W. A. Criswell - Joel Gregory's Too Great a Temptation - since the author was so enamored with the size of Southern Babtist congregations. 

Many people are earning degrees (MA, MDiv) in ministry, children's ministry, youth ministry, and urban ministry without considering a mainline denomination as their host. At the same time, mainline seminaries - including all the Lutheran ones - are collapsing for various reasons. 

The big ol' seminaries cannot bear to part with their physical plant, built up and overbuilt with so many odd fantasies in their minds. 

Congregations are better off with pastors who are believers, rather than with synod loyalists who are drowning in debt and false doctrine the moment they graduate. I often think of the UCC, since my parents took us to a Congregational parish in Moline. The Congregationalists became the United Church of Christ through a series of mergers and now barely exist. 

 Matt the Fatt looks so cool as a magician. After all, he is making LCMS college disappear even faster. 

Sunday, July 18, 2021

The Seventh Sunday after Trinity, 2021. Abundance Before We Ask

The Seventh Sunday after Trinity, 2021

Pastor Gregory L. Jackson

The melodies are linked in the hymn title. 
The lyrics are linked from the Bethany Hymnal Blog.

The Hymn #1      This Day at Thy Creating Word - Bishop How                                  
The Confession of Sins
The Absolution
The Introit p. 16

Oh, clap your hands, all ye people! 
Shout unto God with the voice of triumph.
Psalm. He shall subdue the people under us: 
and the nations under our feet.

The Gloria Patri
The Kyrie p. 17
The Gloria in Excelsis
The Salutation and Collect p. 19

O God, whose never-failing providence ordereth all things both in heaven and earth, we humbly beseech Thee to put away from us all hurtful things and to give us those things which be profitable for us; through Jesus Christ, Thy Son, our Lord, Who liveth, etc.

The Epistle and Gradual       

Come, ye children, hearken unto me: 
I will teach you the fear of the Lord.
V. Look unto Him and be lightened: 
and let your faces not be ashamed. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
V. Oh, clap your hands, all ye people:
shout unto God with the voice of triumph. Hallelujah!

The Gospel              
Glory be to Thee, O Lord!
Praise be to Thee, O Christ!
The Nicene Creed             p. 22
Abundance Before We Ask

The Preface p. 24
The Sanctus p. 26
The Lord's Prayer p. 27
The Words of Institution
The Agnus Dei p. 28
The Nunc Dimittis p. 29
The Benediction p. 31
The Hymn #216          On Christ's Ascension                  

In Our Prayers
  • Ivy Anderson's birthday was May 18th.
  • Christian Jackson's birthday, Tuesday. 
  • Alicia Meyer's birthday- July 27th.
  • Tests and treatment - Kermit Way, Pastor Jim Shrader, Randy Anderson (rehabbing leg).

Norma Boeckler's Christian Art Books

KJV Romans 6:19 I speak after the manner of men because of the infirmity of your flesh: for as ye have yielded your members servants to uncleanness and to iniquity unto iniquity; even so now yield your members servants to righteousness unto holiness. 20 For when ye were the servants of sin, ye were free from righteousness. 21 What fruit had ye then in those things whereof ye are now ashamed? for the end of those things is death. 22 But now being made free from sin, and become servants to God, ye have your fruit unto holiness, and the end everlasting life. 23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

KJV Mark 8:1 In those days the multitude being very great, and having nothing to eat, Jesus called his disciples unto him, and saith unto them, 2 I have compassion on the multitude, because they have now been with me three days, and have nothing to eat: 3 And if I send them away fasting to their own houses, they will faint by the way: for divers of them came from far. 4 And his disciples answered him, From whence can a man satisfy these men with bread here in the wilderness? 5 And he asked them, How many loaves have ye? And they said, Seven. 6 And he commanded the people to sit down on the ground: and he took the seven loaves, and gave thanks, and brake, and gave to his disciples to set before them; and they did set them before the people. 7 And they had a few small fishes: and he blessed, and commanded to set them also before them. 8 So they did eat, and were filled: and they took up of the broken meat that was left seven baskets. 9 And they that had eaten were about four thousand: and he sent them away.


Lord God, heavenly Father, who in the wilderness didst by Thy Son abundantly feed four thousand men besides women and children with seven loaves and a few small fishes: We beseech Thee, graciously abide among us with Thy blessing, and keep us from covetousness and the cares of this life, that we may seek first Thy kingdom and Thy righteousness, and in all things needful for body and soul, experience Thine ever-present help; through Thy Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, who liveth and reigneth with Thee and the Holy Ghost, one true God, world without end. Amen.

Abundance Before We Ask

Background for the Gospel Lesson, Mark 8:1ff

The Old Testament is full of examples of God acting without being asked. God's Exodus took His people out of slavery in Egypt and provided for them throughout the journey. They complained about their difficulties, but God gave them freedom from the Egyptian soldiers, manna from heaven, birds to vary their diet, and water from a rock. It is no accident that this miracle took place in the desert, because the Gospels show how the Old Testament is a foreshadowing of the New Testament. This Gospel shows how compassionate and loving Jesus Christ is, so we should always trust Him to care for us and provide for us.

KJV Mark 8:1 In those days the multitude being very great, and having nothing to eat, Jesus called his disciples unto him, and saith unto them, 2 I have compassion on the multitude, because they have now been with me three days, and have nothing to eat: 3 And if I send them away fasting to their own houses, they will faint by the way: for divers of them came from far. 

When people complain about Christianity, they frequently skip over the portrayal of Jesus in the Scriptures. There we have the complete portrait of Christ and more details than we can hope to have. That message can be summarized in a few words. Jesus - the Son of God - is perfectly in harmony with the Father and clearly revealed by the Holy Spirit. Everything Jesus says and does in the Bible (going back to Genesis 1 and Exodus 3) is subordinated to the Father's will and plans. Therefore, the portrait of Jesus in the Bible is also the nature of the Father and fully revealed by the Spirit.

There are hundreds of ways in which this is forgotten or covered up, such as making the Bible into a history book written by ordinary men. But there are thousands of ways to discover and reveal and explain how this is true - Jesus is the face and voice and will of the Father.

The first point to remember about this miracle is that the multitude followed Jesus into the desert and stayed with Him three days. Assuming they brought food with them, all that food would be gone after three days. The folly of exploring the Grand Canyon as an amateur is not knowing the heat uses up water and food calories. Slowly starving in the heat makes people listless, even when water is available. 

Before anyone asked for food, Jesus told His disciples that He would provide for those people who followed Him into the desert. Saying that they had nothing to eat emphasizes His divine knowledge and power.

4 And his disciples answered him, From whence can a man satisfy these men with bread here in the wilderness?

The disciples, the forerunners of all church councils, said, "Impossible. Look at the facts. No one can obtain enough food to feed all these people in the desert." I was at a church council meeting where everything was going well, moving along, until one member said to this all-male group, "How much chicken are you buying for the Men's Night." I noted the time of this question, which was debated by everyone for 45 minutes. Later the retired chemist said, "Our meetings are too long." I said, "You asked the chicken question, which was discussed 45 minutes."

That illustrates how the material world occupies us, ignoring that God provides and that God provides beyond anything we can imagine.

The disciples were talking themselves into doing nothing since nothing was possible. Jesus worked another way.

5 And he asked them, How many loaves have ye? And they said, Seven. 6 And he commanded the people to sit down on the ground: and he took the seven loaves, and gave thanks, and brake, and gave to his disciples to set before them; and they did set them before the people. 

Jesus multiplied the little they had, barely enough for the disciples. I wonder if one of the disciples thought or  said, "Not OUR bread!" The people were seated on the ground and organized in groups for the distribution and for counting. A crowded mass of people, shoulder to shoulder, could not be served. 

3. You have often heard that there are also two kinds of possessions, spiritual and temporal. To-day’s Gospel treats of the temporal and bodily blessings, teaches us the faith of the child, and it is a picture for the weak, in that they should look to God for everything good, and that they might thus later learn to trust God and depend upon him for spiritual blessings.

For if we are instructed in the Gospel, how Christ feeds our stomachs, we can then conclude that he will also feed and clothe our souls. For if I cannot trust him to sustain my body, much less can I trust him to sustain my soul forever. For example, if I cannot trust a person that he will give me one dollar, how can I trust him that he will give me ten? If I cannot expect from a person that he will give me a piece of bread; much less could I have any hope, that he would give me a house and yard, and the whole earth.

4. Now, he who cannot, like the babe on its mother’s breast, have a child faith, will hardly hope that God will forgive him his sins and save his soul forever; for the soul is inexpressibly more than the stomach, for which also Christ has compassion as the Gospel to-day proves. Therefore St. Peter said correctly in 1 Peter 2:1-3: “Beloved brethren: Putting away therefore all wickedness, and all guile, anal hypocrisies, and envies, and all evil speakings, as newborn babes, long for the spiritual milk which is without guile, that ye may grow thereby unto Salvation; if ye have tasted that the Lord is gracious.” For it is not enough that a babe should imbibe milk, but it must also grow large and strong, that it may learn later to eat bread and hard food.

Luther's child-faith comparison is perfect, because babies are so trusting that they only need mother's voice and touch to feel calm again. The baby sees his mother as the source of comfort, food, dryness, and love. God gives babies such an abundance of charm that their antics, crying, fierce looks creates smiles and baby-talk to soothe them. Babies are born PhDs in human psychology, but that evaporates by the time they are parents, so it has to be re-learned from the next generation.

Likewise, child-faith strengthens us through experience so we learn how much God can do, which gives us patience and endurance during difficult times.

7 And they had a few small fishes: and he blessed, and commanded to set them also before them. 8 So they did eat, and were filled: and they took up of the broken meat that was left seven baskets.

As one of our members observed, fear is a great motivator, so it is used to control people through propaganda. But faith conquers the fear that would consume us and rob us of the intelligence God has given us. Not everyone stayed with the lessons taught, but those who did realized later that fearsome threats can be placed in perspective through faith. This enormous crowd had more at the end than they had at the beginning.

 9 And they that had eaten were about four thousand: and he sent them away.

13. Behold, what a sympathetic Christ we have, who even provides food for our poor stomachs. Here new hope is awakened and man is comforted through the words of Christ; as he says: They lie there and wait for me until the third day. I must give them also what they need. Here you see that all who thus faithfully cling to the Word of God will be fed by God himself; for that is the nature and the power of faith, which flows alone out of the Word of God.

14. Therefore, beloved friends, let us once make a beginning to believe; for unbelief is the cause of all sin and vice, which now have taken the upper hand in all stations of life. How does it come to pass that everywhere there are so many foolish women and rogues, so many rank imposters, thieves, robbers, usurers, murderers and sellers of indulgences? It all comes from unbelief. For such men judge alone according to human reason, and the reason judges only according to that which it sees; but what it does not see, it does not wish to lay hold of. Therefore, if it does not place its confidence in God through faith, then it must despair in itself and develop rogues and rascals. Observe, thus it comes to pass wherever men permit their reason to govern them, and are not ruled by faith.

Faith is God is rare today, because this faith is seldom taught and often mocked. I see professors of the Bible holding themselves above the Bible, mocking the Bible, and using it only for their own shallow philosophies. So not only is the secular world looking at everything as if God did not exist, but also the religious world is finding comfort in the good things in life and never opposing anything that is damaging to faith.

To start faith over again, among those those who have lost their way, one must begin with the nature of Jesus as described in the Gospel of John most clearly.  He is all-compassion, always teaching faith in Him, the face and voice of God the Father. 

The foundational sin is not believing in Jesus - that
  1. He was and is God born in the flesh.
  2. That was born of the Virgin Mary.
  3. That He was appointed to die for our sins.
  4. That He taught and healed people.
  5. That He turned water into wine, walked on water, fed the multitudes, raised the dead - and rose from the dead.
  6. That He taught His core followers after He rose from the dead and set up the Christian Church.
  7. That the Apostles believed and taught His Word, turning the Roman Empire Christian, using the Word and the visible Word of the Sacraments.