Saturday, January 8, 2022

Some Think I Am OK


Dear Pastor Jackson: You are "the voice crying in the wilderness" against the false theology both among the liberals and the so-called "conservatives."  You return the Church to the Word of God, faithfully translated  and to the Doctrine of JBFA which is the Doctrine by which the Church stands or falls.  And the strong evidence of your faithfulness to God and His Word--BOTH the liberals AND the so-called "conservatives" oppose you!  But by God's grace you continue to stand where Luther did.  May the Lord of the Church continue to bless and strengthen you for His service!


GJ - All we do is teach Luther's Biblical doctrine, use the traditional liturgy and hymns, and read from the Luther-Tyndale Bible, commonly known as the King James Version.

I am thankful for all the people, from babies to great-grands, who participate in the Means of Grace. I find it quite enjoyable.

Over 10 years ago, people mocked our online worship, because our members are scattered and traditional churches are few. But now the mockers use online services.

Friday, January 7, 2022

Sassy Says Hello


Sassy and I often walk to Pat and John's on Joye Street. Sometimes Sassy has not wanted to walk that far, but she did this afternoon. She really wants an afternoon walk, because it is her best chance to catch Ranger Bob read to go to work or ready come over and give her snacks, calling her "Chow Hound" and "Spoiled Rotten." She grins for every faux-tirade.

Almost at Pat and John's, Sassy saw two women emerging from the corner house. She begin smiling and walking toward them, unbidden. I asked, "Do you want to meet them?" Sassy smiled harder and trotted toward them. They fussed over her and petted her. I said, "She's gentle." One said, "I have a German Shepherd. I know." They really made her day, and Sassy moved to the next yard to harvest food.

Pat's son Sam has brought chunks of chicken for her, so Sassy considers him #1 forever.

The Epiphany of Our Lord, 20211.

The player will appear below this message. Clearing the browser's history beforehand will help. Check the setting (sprocket gear, lower right) lower or on auto.

The Hymn # 132                O God of God, O Light of Light
The Order of Vespers p. 41
The Psalmody

The Lections

Isaiah 60:1-6

Matthew 2:1-12

The Sermon Hymn #131  The Star Proclaims   

The Star of Bethlehem Made a Comeback

The Prayers and Lord’s Prayer p. 44
The Collect for Peace p. 45
The Benediction p. 45
The Hymn # 127        As With Gladness Men of Old

Announcements and Prayers

  • We are looking at camera and broadcasting options.
  • Two are facing unConstitutional mandates. Keep them in your prayers.
  • Monday and next Monday - Cataract operations, Pastor Jackson
  • Medical issues - Pastor K, Doc Lito, Pastor James Schrader and his wife Chris
  • Callie, C, and a family with three boys, one with a very rare disorder - Aaron.


KJV Isaiah 60

Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee. 2 For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee. 3 And the Gentiles shall come to thy light, and kings to the brightness of thy rising. 4 Lift up thine eyes round about, and see: all they gather themselves together, they come to thee: thy sons shall come from far, and thy daughters shall be nursed at thy side. 5 Then thou shalt see, and flow together, and thine heart shall fear, and be enlarged; because the abundance of the sea shall be converted unto thee, the forces of the Gentiles shall come unto thee.

KJV Matthew 2

2:1 Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem, 2 Saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him. 3 When Herod the king had heard these things, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him. 4 And when he had gathered all the chief priests and scribes of the people together, he demanded of them where Christ should be born. 5 And they said unto him, In Bethlehem of Judaea: for thus it is written by the prophet, 6 And thou Bethlehem, in the land of Juda, art not the least among the princes of Juda: for out of thee shall come a Governor, that shall rule my people Israel. 7 Then Herod, when he had privily called the wise men, enquired of them diligently what time the star appeared. 8 And he sent them to Bethlehem, and said, Go and search diligently for the young child; and when ye have found him, bring me word again, that I may come and worship him also. 9 When they had heard the king, they departed; and, lo, the star, which they saw in the east, went before them, till it came and stood over where the young child was. 10 When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy. 11 And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshipped him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts; gold, and frankincense and myrrh. 12 And being warned of God in a dream that they should not return to Herod, they departed into their own country another way.

The Star of Bethlehem Made a Comeback

KJV Matthew 2:1 Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem, 2 Saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him.

Kepler, the astronomer was considered a crank, a "mystic," someone who believed in miracles. He carefully calculated and found that there was indeed a Star of Bethlehem at the time of Jesus' birth. That was treated as mythology as late as this generation. Roland Bainton, who was trained in New Testament rationalism, scoffed at the Star and the Wise Men.

The Star did appear, although there are a few possible candidates. Planetariums now get long lines explaining that to people. The people believe and what they believe is factually argued - the Star of Bethlehem made a big comeback through science.

As I mentioned before, I ran into an astronomer - on the Internet - who was disgusted the Star of Bethlehem was filling the planetariums. He did not think the astronomers should pander to the public. So he was blinded to the truth.

One point of this miracle is to show that Jesus came as the Savior of all mankind. He came from a tiny, hardly known religion, and was to go to the Jews first, then the Gentiles, like Paul. His first efforts were to reveal Himself to His own people, as shown by the shepherds seeing and hearing the angel chorus.

In this case, the Gentiles came to Him, as prophesied in the Old Testament. 

3 When Herod the king had heard these things, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him. 4 And when he had gathered all the chief priests and scribes of the people together, he demanded of them where Christ should be born.

The problem with being powerful is that there is so far to fall from that throne. Herod was all the more anxious because he was a pagan ruler. He knew the scholars were reading the future and knew what was coming. One could say that he believed, but only for his own good. That only made his actions worse. That will be true of many leaders today. No matter how much they escape their deserved fate, they will still have to face God Himself. Their pride and arrogance will do them no good, only harm, even if they grovel and make a show of convenient contrition.

This is where we see the importance of believing like a small child. They have the IQ and they grasp the message easily. The only fault they have is being impressed with adult wisdom. One mostly absent day put it this way, "No offense pastor, but I love the children's Christmas pageant is so pure coming from them. It is the Gospel. They are not doing it for a living - excuse me pastor. They are speaking from the heart."

There are so many excuses to be made, like the now-forgotten scientists in the age of Kepler. They agreed with one thing - Kepler was a nut.

That is why so many people concede that the Great Pyramid is solid poof of something, but nothing or nobody on earth.

5 And they said unto him, In Bethlehem of Judaea: for thus it is written by the prophet, 6 And thou Bethlehem, in the land of Juda, art not the least among the princes of Juda: for out of thee shall come a Governor, that shall rule my people Israel. 7 Then Herod, when he had privily called the wise men, enquired of them diligently what time the star appeared. 

All through the Bible we have solid facts about the future. Some want to believe only what fits into their mindset, discarding the rest. But God's Word is so clear and powerful  that we can trust every single passage. What seems difficult now becomes much clearer as we deal with its message, over and over. 

The miracle of water turned into wine. At first, we are very impressed that the Son of God could do something like that. The actual miracle remains in our hearts and then we realize it is also an analogy to marriage. It starts out as romance (or even an arrangement, as they do among the very wealthy) But with Gospel help and maturing faith, the husband and wife see that this ordinary institution, only water to most people, can turn into something quite miraculous through God's power.  We learn to love and forgive, so love grows stronger. We teach God's Word to children and that bears fruit. We go through sorrow, challenges, failures, and successes, and realize God's role in it all.

Herod wanted only evil, which he doubtless saw as protecting the kingdom for Rome. Maybe he heard the marching footsteps of the elite soldiers in his mind. They could depose him. They were coming, but later when conflict turned into civil war, after the resurrection of Jesus plus 40 years. 

He only wanted to know the signs so he could kill, but like all evil people, he died anyway.

8 And he sent them to Bethlehem, and said, Go and search diligently for the young child; and when ye have found him, bring me word again, that I may come and worship him also. 9 When they had heard the king, they departed; and, lo, the star, which they saw in the east, went before them, till it came and stood over where the young child was.

Bainton was amused by the idea of a star moving. Planets move relative to our place on earth, and that is why they are called planets (Greek for wanderer). If this was a conjunction of two or three planets, they would certainly would have seen this strange and exciting movement.

People hardly look up into the skies, partly because of light pollution, trees blocking the view, and clouds.  In those days they had almost no illumination in a dry climate with few clouds. Then the sky is spectacular and changes are impossible to miss. 

The Star led the Wise men because they had faith in what God was doing.

10 When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy. 11 And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshipped him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts; gold, and frankincense and myrrh. 

47. However, that heretics originated from the Scriptures, is true. From where else should they have come? There is no other book that teaches the Christian faith but the Scriptures. Therefore, as no one can become a Christian except by the Scriptures, so also can no one become a heretic but by the same Scriptures. Christ is indeed a sign spoken against and set for the falling and rising of many. Should we on that account reject him or set up another Christ by his side? You do not at the same time need wine and bread, but should we on that account quit tilling the farm and the vineyards or start others besides them? Satan is the enemy of the Scriptures and therefore he has decried and calumniated them by this clamor and blasphemy.

48. But what does this Gospel teach? In the first place, these wise men did not inquire after the chief priests and do not ask: Where is Annas or Caiaphas, or how did this or that man live? But they ask: Where is the newborn king of the Jews? Yes, Christ permits them, as a warning to us, to go astray and to seek him in Jerusalem in the holy city among the priests, the learned and the royalty. He is not found in the holy place nor in the holy customs. Nor did they receive as an answer any human opinions, but only what the Scriptures say about Christ, which alone are to be sought among the holy people and in holy places.

They wandered around at first, because they went to the natural places to find out - the cultural centers in Jerusalem. So we wander around in life until we realize that the sole source of God's wisdom is God's Word. Many times the great and educated have to be pushed aside because they do not teach the truth. We still have the clear Word of Jesus Christ, which can be discerned in the midst of all the turmoil.

Let's take a poll. All of the institutions are KJV-Nevers. They will allow any translation or paraphrase except the KJV. They go easy on the "living" (verbose) and "amplified" (extremely verbose) versions. But the KJV? NO!

These are men and women with multiple degrees. They will gladly offer that information. They want the best Bible text of science and discovery - and they have it - the Majority or Byzantine Text. That text keeps reproducing itself because it is the text of the Christian Church of believers. 

Their so-called scientific texts are 1) the fraudulent Sinaiticus and 2) the Vaticanus forgery. Neither one has any descendants, so there are two mysteries. 
A. Why did no one make any copies of these great, wonderful, marvelous, best ever texts of our New Testament? They have no children, not a good way to deal with the best texts, eh? 
B. Manuscripts written on leather should not have lasted 1400-1500 years. They would have been used to death, right? 
C. One man wrote a letter to the newspaper in London, saying, "I created that Bible called Sinaiticus, as a present to the Russian Tzar."

And that is proving to be true. The previously despised and ignored Majority Text, which is the basis for the KJV, is now being accepted by serious scholars as the only possible NT text.

The NIV, ESV, RSV, NRSV, and many others could become as ridiculous and out of place as The Cottonpatch Bible (done in Southern lingo) and The Women's Bible (100 years old, changing words for the early Suffragettes). They are hulahoops, not the Holy Bible.

12 And being warned of God in a dream that they should not return to Herod, they departed into their own country another way.

They took the Gospel back with them. Who knows how many became Christian believers or preserved the Faith in that land, which may have been relatively close or far away, just as we are far away from that original place of revelation.

So - "Starbucks Takes Care of Their Employees"? - Lord High Bishop James Heiser, STM


 "This has to go better than Finland did."

ELDONA's recruitment drive is to line up a job at Starbuck's for its pastors. ELDONA seems to be a KJV-Never organization but what about unConstitutional mandates? -

Stolen Authority and Favorite Forgeries

 Augustine left a lot of good material, like this passage quoted in the Apology, but he supported Purgatory at times and deferred to the Pope. 

I decided against doing a essay within The Bible Book about the negative influence of the Church of Rome. Stealing authority has been the mainstay of Roman Catholicism since St. Augustine's time.

In the Pelagian controversy, he said in Latin, "Rome has spoken, the case is closed. (Roma locuta est, causa finita est)." He may have invented the rhyming quip.

He did not say, "The Scriptures reveal..." So, from the earliest days, Rome has stolen the authority of the Scriptures and abrogated doctrinal decisions to the pope.

Secondly, the papacy has enthusiastically forged documents to serve its purpose. Wiki these -

Symmachian forgeries

The Pseudo-Isadore decretals

The Donation of Constantine

Codex Vaticanus?

The Catholic Encyclopedia has a funny post on forgeries, with the formal citations included about it - so everyone can look up Rome's spin on the topic. What could be more ironic that the forgery capital of world history clucking its cloven tongue and stomping its cloven feet about the topic? 

Yes, there is something more ironic, but I will let Matt the Fatt explain it at his earliest convenience. He is quite busy running the LCMS into the ground, so be patient. He has work to do to finish his task.

Consider the history of forgeries when reading about Codex Vaticanus in the second edition of The Bible Book. There will be references to the scandals, but  the topic deserves a book of its own. That is why I would rather deal with the treasures, so clearly taught in the Bible. The Gospel of John is next.

 Luther was the master of doctrinal humor, steadfastly ignored by the humorless Objective Justification parasites.

Thursday, January 6, 2022

Tomorrow - Friday at 7 PM - Day of Epiphany Vespers

Tomorrow - Friday - I will be working on the chapel hardware set-up. I know today is the Day of Epiphany, celebrating the Wise Men seeing the baby Jesus, but tomorrow will work better - 7 PM Central Standard Time.

I want to see how much difference one change (the camera) will make.

Mike Pompeo, Former Trump Secretary, Lost 100 Pounds


 "Does my fur make me look fat?"

NY Post has an interesting article on Mike Pompeo losing 100 pounds through daily exercise and nutritious eating. 

He might modestly call it the Ichabod diet, because this was my lunch - sweet potatoes microwaved with a pat of butter on them. They were delicious, and I was hungry. 

I once had a slice of Walmart's sweet potato pie - poison. 

Look at the nutrition in sweet potatoes.

One cup (200 grams) of baked sweet potato with skin provides (2Trusted Source):

  • Calories: 180
  • Carbs: 41.4 grams
  • Protein: 4 grams
  • Fat: 0.3 grams
  • Fiber: 6.6 grams
  • Vitamin A: 769% of the
    Daily Value (DV)
  • Vitamin C: 65% of the DV
  • Manganese: 50% of the DV
  • Vitamin B6: 29% of the DV
  • Potassium: 27% of the DV
  • Pantothenic acid: 18% of the DV
  • Copper: 16% of the DV
  • Niacin: 15% of the DV
Another example to consider - Compare the price of one large package of meat versus the same amount spent on frozen or canned vegetables. That would probably be one package in one hand and one large sack in the other.

Questions To Ask While Reading The Bible Book: The KJV Reborn for Those Who Love the Word of God


Questions To Be Asked While Reading The Bible Book


1.      Since manuscripts do not have a date, how can scholars like Tischendorf promote a very early date that enhances their careers?

2.      Why did Tischendorf, a German Lutheran, have an audience with the Pope, an arrangement with a Roman Catholic king, and a deal with a Russian Orthodox Tzar?

3.      How can anyone claim, as Tischendorf did, that monks devoted to ancient manuscripts were burning up pages from a 1500 year-old bound volume (codex) with leather pages that could not burn?

4.      How does anyone explain Sinaiticus having white, supple pages after resting unknown for 15 centuries? Two witnesses attest to the whiteness, and yet the codex later looked very much darkened, not so much by age but by special treatments.

5.      Since Tischendorf lied so many times about Codex Sinaiticus, what does that suggest about his earlier work with Codex Ephraim Rescriptus[1] – and his later work embracing Codex Vaticanus – “so much like Sinaiticus?” They disagree at a 40% level, not exactly a match, except for the sketchy origins.

6.      Why did the mysterious Codex Sinaiticus suddenly appear at St. Catherine’s Monastery, having no previous history, and was later stolen by Tischendorf – but never returned – so the Russians “could set Sinaiticus in print for the whole world.”

7.      How did Tischendorf happen upon a codex with no history and get away with his garbage to be burned excuse for spiriting pages away for the Catholic king?

8.      Biblical apostates in England and America were burning to have the earliest and best possible New Testament Greek text, but why did they accept the least trustworthy and most heretical Sinaiticus and Vaticanus?

9.      Indeed, why did the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod use Vaticanus as the main source for the Gospel of Mark commentary, 1000 pages long?

10.  Since Westcott and Hort were honored clergy and scholars in England, why were they allowed to secretly push their Greek New Testament on the KJV Revision Committee?

11.  Why did the Westcott-Hort Greek New Testament stay hidden until the horrible KJV Revision came out?

12.  The wild bragging of Tischendorf and the absurd theories of Westcott-Hort are an embarrassment to text scholars, so why are they still locked into loyalty to these Til Eulenspiegels but opposed to the clear, well-documented, apostolic sources of the Byzantine Majority Text?

13.  Which is more likely to be the true apostolic heritage? – 5,000 or more individual examples of the Byzantine Text from a Christian empire 1100 years old – or a handful of dubious and heretical exceptions with no history and no children proving they were never used for anything other than supporting papal supremacy over the Word of God.

14.  When will the New King James Version and any other KJV copycats stop referring to the Nestle-Aland-Nida texts as genuine alternatives? Do we join the apostates in saying a Virgin - or young woman - will bear a son?[2] Are we so frightened by these hucksters that we whisper the Biblical truths softly in Mequon/Mankato/St.Louis/FtWayne lest we be heard on the streets of Gath?

[1] Tischendorf claimed to have superb eyesight, enabling him to detect what others could not, since the pages were erased and overwritten.

[2] The RSV first used young woman instead of virgin in Isaiah 7:10. After the firestorm, they used virgin in the text and footnoted young woman. Now the RSV has young woman in the text and footnotes virgin. A con artist always rigs the game against the suckers.

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Those Married to the Wretched NIV and ESV in This Age Will Find Themselves Widowers in the Age To Come

A Case for Byzantine Priority

The New Testament In The Original Greek According To The Byzantine / Majority Textform

(Maurice A. Robinson and William G. Pierpont)

The "Byzantine" Textform (otherwise called the "Majority" or "Traditional Text") predominated throughout the greatest period of manual copying of Greek New Testament manuscripts -- a span of over 1000 years (ca. AD 350 to AD 1516). It was without question the dominant text used both liturgically and popularly by the Greek-speaking Christian community. Most Greek manuscripts in existence today reflect this Byzantine Textform, whether appearing in normal continuous-text style or specially arranged in lectionary format for liturgical use. Of over 5000 total continuous-text and lectionary manuscripts, 90% or more contain a basically Byzantine Textform.

This statistical fact has led some simply to refer to this Textform as the "Majority Text." This misnomer, however, gives a false impression regarding the amount of agreement to be found among Byzantine manuscripts where places of variation occur. No two Byzantine-era manuscripts are exactly alike, and there are a good number of places where the testimony of the Byzantine-era manuscripts is substantially divided. In such places, the archetypical "Byzantine Textform" must be established from principles other than that of "number" alone.

An important consideration is that, except for a few small "family" relationships which have been established, the bulk of the Byzantine-era documents are not closely-related in any genealogical sense. A presumption, therefore, is toward their relative independence from each other rather than their dependence upon one another. This makes the Byzantine majority of manuscripts highly individualistic witnesses which cannot be summarily lumped together as one "mere" text type, to be played off against other competing text types. This relative autonomy has great significance, as will be explained.

The Byzantine/Majority Textform is not the text found in most modern critical editions, such as those published by the United Bible Societies or the various Nestle editions.[12] Byzantine readings, however, are often cited in the apparatus notes to those editions. The critical Greek editions favor a predominantly "Alexandrian" text, deriving primarily from early vellum and papyrus documents having an Egyptian origin -- a clear minority of manuscripts in any case. It should be remembered that most of the variant readings pertaining to one or another text type are trivial or non-translatable, and are not readily apparent in English translation (significant translatable differences are discussed above).

Not all early manuscripts, however, favor the Alexandrian text, and few are purely Alexandrian in character. Many early papyri reflect mixture with a more "Western" type of text, but few (if any) scholars today favor the "Western" readings found in such manuscripts. Such rejection, although well-founded, is basically subjective. On a similar basis, the early date and certain "preferred" readings currently cause the minority Alexandrian manuscripts to be favored by critics over against those comprising the Byzantine/Majority Textform.

Many scholars, particularly those from within the "Evangelical" camp, have begun to re-evaluate and give credence to the authenticity-claims for the Byzantine Textform, as opposed to the textual preferences of the past century and a half. The Alexandrian-based critical texts reflect the diverse textual theories held by various critics: a preference for early witnesses (as espoused by Lachmann, Tregelles or Aland); a partiality for a favorite document (as demonstrated by Tischendorf or Westcott and Hort); a "reasoned" eclectic approach (as advocated by Metzger and Fee); and a "rigorous" eclectic approach (as argued for by Kilpatrick and Elliott). The weakness of each of these positions is the subjective preference for either a specific manuscript and its textual allies, for a small group of early manuscripts, and/or for certain types of "internal evidence" regarding a reading's length, difficulty, style, or contextual considerations.


Going Off the Water Bottle Addiction

 Tired of cat selfies?

We used the kitchen water filter for a long time, plus a water cooler where we put 5 gallons of filtered water in for steaming hot and ice cold water. However, plastic water bottles are handy and portable. The kitchen filter blew up from being pushed too far - they have feelings too.

I reinstated the kitchen faucet filter because I am tired of lugging water home and filling trashcans with bottles full of air. I am going to keep cases of water bottle just in case. Get it? A stack of them is good in case public water is contaminated and the population empties the stores from the rumors or the facts. Rumors work as well or better than the facts.

I am already thinking about food tomorrow, not that I am hungry. I have a breakfast worth of vegetables (Normandy blend, Schwan, so I can conquer England). How are those kings named now? Harold the Usurper lost, and William the Conqueror won. It is great to be a historian on the winning side.

I cut back to two eggs in the morning. I may reduce that even more, only a few per week. Probably the best goal would be to get more leafy greens in the meals, because they are filling, loaded with nutrition, and almost devoid of calories. 

Here is an Internet search for Vitamin E

Vitamin E is a common nutrient found in most foods. A few foods, including cooking oils, seeds and nuts, are exceptionally rich sources.

1. Wheat Germ Oil — 135% DV per serving

1 tablespoon: 20 mg (135% DV)

100 grams: 149 mg (996% DV)

2. Sunflower Seeds — 66% DV per serving

1 ounce: 10 mg (66% DV)

100 grams: 35 mg (234% DV)

3. Almonds — 48% DV per serving

1 ounce: 7.3 mg (48% DV)

100 grams: 26 mg (171% DV)

4. Hazelnut Oil — 43% DV per serving

1 tablespoon: 6.4 mg (43% DV)

100 grams: 47 mg (315% DV)

5. Mamey Sapote — 39% DV per serving

Half a fruit: 5.9 mg (39% DV)

100 grams: 2.1 mg (14% DV)

6. Sunflower Oil — 37% DV per serving

1 tablespoon: 5.6 mg (37% DV)

100 grams: 41 mg (274% DV)

7. Almond Oil — 36% DV per serving

1 tablespoon: 5.3 mg (36% DV)

100 grams: 39 mg (261% DV)

8. Hazelnuts — 28% DV per serving

1 ounce: 4.3 mg (28% DV)

100 grams: 15 mg (100% DV)

9. Abalone — 23% DV per serving

3 ounces: 3.4 mg (23% DV)

100 grams: 4.0 mg (27% DV)

10. Pine Nuts — 18% DV per serving

1 ounce: 2.7 mg (18% DV)

100 grams: 9.3 mg (62% DV)

11. Goose Meat — 16% DV per serving

1 cup: 2.4 mg (16% DV)

100 grams: 1.7 mg (12% DV)

12. Peanuts — 16% DV per serving

1 ounce: 2.4 mg (16% DV)

100 grams: 8.3 mg (56% DV)

13. Atlantic Salmon — 14% DV per serving

Half a fillet: 2.0 mg (14% DV)

100 grams: 1.1 mg (8% DV)

14. Avocado — 14% DV per serving

Half a fruit: 2.1 mg (14% DV)

100 grams: 2.1 mg (14% DV)

15. Rainbow Trout — 13% DV per serving

1 fillet: 2.0 mg (13% DV)

100 grams: 2.8 mg (19% DV)

16. Red Sweet Pepper (raw) — 13% DV per serving

1 medium pepper: 1.9 mg (13% DV)

100 grams: 1.6 mg (11% DV)

17. Brazil Nuts — 11% DV per serving

1 ounce: 1.6 mg (11% DV)

100 grams: 5.7 mg (38% DV)

18. Mango — 10% DV per serving

Half a fruit: 1.5 mg (10% DV)

100 grams: 0.9 mg (6% DV)

19. Turnip Greens (raw) — 10% DV per serving

1 cup: 1.6 mg (10% DV)

100 grams: 2.9 mg (19% DV)

20. Kiwifruit — 7% DV per serving

1 medium fruit: 1.0 mg (7% DV)

100 grams: 1.5 mg (10% DV)

Princess cat does not approve.

A Little Night Music - Getting BB Done


  A married couple, Mr. and Mrs. Cardinal, stopped to eat at the kitchen window, in the hanging bun basket and window sill.

Tomorrow I will work on the chapel set-up. God-willing, I will have something for the Day of Epiphany, 7 PM tomorrow.

Today I worked on The Bible Book, Second Edition.

I am very happy about creating a second edition. I kept ordering KJV and Greek text books after the first edition came out, which linked me to other books, all in great condition and inexpensive. That expanded my knowledge of the battle for the KJV and Majority Text. 

When I post some information on the blog, views go up.  Some sections are clarifications with more photos. It helps to have a photo of modern authors. The more information I pursue, the more I learn. I am shocked at how gullible the 1880-1930 scholars were, but the truth was kept from them. Sinaiticus is a fake and so is Vaticanus, yet Metzger referred to the "latest discoveries" as the "earliest and best manuscripts." 

If the Majority (Byzantine) Text is so late, then why are Byzantine readings found in the earliest manuscripts.

Confidential to scholars - when manuscripts are so valuable, could some be forgeries to make money, prove a point, or both?