Saturday, June 22, 2024

Daily Luther Sermon Quote - Trinity 4 - Second Sermon - "Now, when one should justly be kind and give, and show his thankfulness to God for the holy Gospel, everyone is about to perish with hunger, no one will give anything, but will only receive."


Luther's Sermons - Luke 6:36-42.
Fourth Sunday after Trinity, Second Sermon

36. Now dear friends, do not despise such a warning, but take it to yourselves, and if you have already been ensnared by this covetousness, turn again and reform. Formerly when one served the devil in popedom, everyone was merciful and kind, then they gave with both hands joyfully and with great devotion, to support the false worship of God. Now, when one should justly be kind and give, and show his thankfulness to God for the holy Gospel, everyone is about to perish with hunger, no one will give anything, but will only receive. Formerly every city according to its size, liberally supported several cloisters, not to mention mass-priests and rich monasteries. Now, when only two or three persons, who preach God’s Word, administer the sacraments, visit and comfort the sick in an honest and Christian manner and instruct the youth, are to be supported in one city, and that too not from their own but from property that came to us from the papacy, it is hard for everybody to give.

37. But thus it must be, that Jesus with Mary and Joseph should have no room in the inn at Bethlehem, but after all he finds a crib, and Mary and Joseph a stall, in which they miserably help themselves as best they may.

And as they are not at home in Nazareth but in a strange place at an inconvenient time, in the midst of winter, and altogether forgotten in the stall by the people of Bethlehem, yet after all they do not perish with hunger. But before they should suffer hunger among their blood relations who care nothing for them, even the heathen must come from rich Arabia and present the little child Jesus gold, frankincense and myrrh. Christians understand well enough what is meant.

38. Therefore let everyone be diligent to comply with this admonition, that he willingly give, if he desires that it shall be given unto him again. If he will not do this, Christ will most certainly keep his Word, that it shall not be given unto him again. And though he already has something, there shall not be given him grace enough to enjoy it, as has already been shown from Scripture passages, Now God does not only show us by his Word that our covetousness is displeasing to him, and that usurers shall not enjoy their goods, but proves it also by daily examples. I will relate one as a warning which has recently occurred, although some may be offended at it: It is not far from here to Wittenberg, as has been reported to me and have also myself made proper inquiries, there was a farmer, who all his life cheated and took advantage of the people in the market, as at present nearly all are accustomed to do, he went into his barn to look after his grain; then the devil set such a ghost before his eyes, that he found his barn empty, and could see no corn there. What happened? The miserable, stingy man becomes frightened, and thinks the corn was secretly stolen from his barn. He goes down to his wife and servants with great cries and lamentations and says all his grain has been stolen out of his barn. As the wife and servants go in to look after it, in the meantime the wretched man hangs himself for grief, and dies in the rope before they return again to him. And yet it was but the deception of the devil. For all the corn was still lying untouched on the floor. The devil by the decree of God had thus infatuated him, that he could not see even a single grain.

39. This I say, has taken place before our very doors, to frighten and warn us. What benefit did the poor man reap from it? What help are now his goods to him, which he had scraped together so long with care and labor? The devil wanted to kill him, therefore he so blindfolded him that he could not see his own corn, and thus he gave him a cause, to hang himself for grief. This is I think a curse, which came upon ill-gotten goods, that he should not only not enjoy it, but even not behold it, and thereby lose both body and soul. More similar histories have appeared, as you at other times have heard from me; and it is good not to forget them, there may yet be some who will be reformed by them. The wretched man who so miserably hung himself will find his sentence. But we tell it you as a warning. If you will not receive it, but despise it, you do not despise me who told it you, but the Lord Christ, who tells it to you through me. But if you receive it and do better, I will give you no reward, for I cannot reward the works of a Christian. But he who here says: Give and it shall be given to you, will richly reward it. Whoever will, let him accept, and whoever will not, can let it alone. This text will not become false on that account. For although not all are punished like this man, yet everyone who despises this admonition of Christ, will find his condemnation on the last day. And it is indeed to be wondered at, that we willingly and with great care, weariness and labor, for the stingy man’s stinginess becomes very hard, 1 Timothy 6:10, should bring into our own house first our own injury and curse, whereas with lighter labor and a more joyful courage, if we according to the doctrine of Christ would give and help our neighbor, could well be rich. For he who said, Give, and it will be given you, will certainly keep his Word, and give again to those who obey his admonition, and that abundantly; for he says: A full, pressed down, shaken together, and overrunning measure shall be given to you again.

40. Were it not better, you had but little with God and honor, and give and help the needy according to your ability, and have thereby a good conscience and the glorious comfort that God will bless and increase your humble store, than that you should, with care and restlessness and with an evil conscience, have great possessions, which you not only cannot enjoy, but cannot even be master of, for a miser is mammon’s servant and a captive. And yet, you do not only know from God’s Word, although you will not believe it, but also from daily experience, that it will do your children or heirs no good, but by the very consumption of it they shall become poor.

41. What have you of it at last, O wretched man, when you have so long scraped and scratched together, except that you have made your life very toilsome in sins, and the devil, when your last hour comes, will drag you into the abyss of hell, and so you will not only shamefully lose your money and goods, which in this life you never could enjoy, but besides you also wretchedly lose both body and soul, and upon all this with your condemned treasures you bring down God’s displeasure and curse upon your children and heirs, who have become no better than yourself, but fall into poverty and into all distress and misfortune. Very well, he that will hear, let him hear. For everyone must bear his own burden, as St. Paul says, Galatians 6:5: I believe it also. Therefore you who will not hear, answer for yourselves. This is enough of this Gospel for a small admonition. God grant, that in some of you it may bring forth fruit! Amen.

Friday, June 21, 2024

The Unique Metric Is Not Found Anywhere - Except the KJV Bible.
Listen to the Hissing, Spitting, And Groaning Expelled from the New Papacy -
RSV, NIV, ESV, NRSV, Beck, Living and Amplified Toxins.

Metrics are king - or rather queen - in the denominations, the driving and dying force in all the denominations. ELCA strives to be even worse than before, and the Walther Four - LCMS-WELS-ELS-CLC (sic) are nothing more than lint on Velcro. Waltherians stick closely to ELCA because they are on the same winding path downward.

One ELCA genius keeps track of bishops who happen to be women - but this male bishop does not address the gay/lesbian metric, which has its own cheering section: 

Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries - Queer Seminarians & Rostered Leaders in the Lutheran Church

Yet he - Bishop Michael Rinehart - fails to offer the metrics for the consecrated and consecrating rainbow herd of prelates. They are ashamed to tell the truth, or at least to the millions who suffer the apostasy and donate money for support.

WELS warned against the new snip and clip Bibles, offering this graphic above, never minding their own precious NIV monstrosities, backed by their District Popes. The latest NIV included double justification in Romans 3, though the "all are justified" in not in the Greek. There are two major themes in WELS - cross-dressing and lying, both products of the hazing culture 

All the denominations rushed downward after WWII, making fun of the KJV but not telling the truth about their new, semi-shredded translations. The Waltherians were just as bad as the LCA-ALC, just as phony as their Christian News Beck Bibles, which followed the same template as the shredded apostate Bible.

I could stop here, because the case is closed. The barn doors are open and locked in that position, thanks to greed, skirt-chasing millionaires, and Thrivent (in descending order).

Larry's WELS buddy insisted (in Otten's Christian News) that the misled boy never went to Fuller Seminary, though Larry did finish a D.Min. in Church Growth there.

This is how the deliberate Biblical errors are infecting all aspects of congregations:

Fuller Seminary evangelism was led by Donald McGavran, a Disciples of Christ pro-abortion sociologist (grand slam for baseball fans), greatly influencing LCMS, WELS, and ELCA. It nothing more than expensive baloney, marked by devastating losses of their membership.

Fuller kicked out their earlier, feeble inerrancy pledge and shouted at everyone that their weak inerrancy was holding them back from being really significant (unrestrained). Fuller Seminary was glad to re-invent the feminist Bible and disciplined any student or DP who questioned the feminist pastors they were developing.

You know a successful church when the service is followed by an expensive food court. One summary of the Hybels scandal suggested that they had a squadron of like-minded ministers. They were no different from denominational and synodical staff.

WELS and other fools paid big money to Bill Hybels' Willow Creek (cross-free) Church. I was there but not on a scholarship from the Milwaukee hypocrites. After 40 years of adultery, Hybels resigned from all his affiliations, copyrights, and trophies for being a really cool pastor. He is worth is $35 million. Others have taken over his Willow Creek.

Hybels was chasing female staff around the desk while insisting that he had to have feminist Bibles in churches. He started a club for denominational fools, and that seems to be a source of loot too. I know of WELS and LCMS congregations that also affiliated with Willow Creek.

Hybels is a perfect example of Look How Successful I Am! 

Fuller will soon be so loose that they will serve Bud Light on tap, and many seminaries will follow. Notre Dame served beer on tap for their seminary students.

WELS has boasted about having "Bible studies" at bars, and doubtless shares that gimmick with LCMS. 

Daily Luther Sermon Quote - Trinity 4 - Second Sermon - "But the holy Gospel says: Give, and it shall be given unto you; if we do not hold ourselves to this rule, we shall hear the opposite: Steal and rob, and you shall be robbed and stolen from again."


Luther's Sermons - Luke 6:36-42.
Fourth Sunday after Trinity, Second Sermon

28. This much is said of the chief meaning of this Gospel, how we are to be merciful also toward our enemies. Now we should also apply it to our own lives, we who want to be Christians and brethren should practice this among ourselves; for it is very necessary also that this admonition be preached to us. Although we are all called Evangelical, I fear that the most of us are heathen under the Christian name. Well, what shall we do about it? We must allow the name to all, although few there be who bear it in truth. For St. Paul in 2 Thessalonians 3:2 says: “For all have not faith”; and Christ himself complains, Matthew 22:14, that many are called but few are chosen. Now, those who are true Christians should with all diligence take this admonition of Christ to heart, that they may not only be friendly toward enemies, but also much more toward those called Christians.

29. Therefore let everyone who goes to the sacrament and pretends to be a Christian take heed to himself that he deceive not himself. For one can now well see what a scraping, grabbing and scratching there is even among those who want to be Christians, from the lowest to the highest stage of society. It is a sin and a shame to hear it. Nearly everyone falls into this shameful greed, and such a state may well be called a swine’s life, for as the swine in the trough, whichever one is the strongest pushes the rest away, as though she wanted to devour all herself, just so it goes in the world today, and everyone goes securely forth, gives nothing whatever and takes all he can get, whether he gets it rightfully or wrongfully, so that the word give, which stands here in the Gospel, has almost disappeared, and instead robbery and theft in homes and in the market have everywhere come to take its place. What unfaithfulness prevails even among day laborers and house servants, how shamefully they earn their bread with malicious unfaithfulness, cheating and overcharging. They do not look upon it as stealing, and yet it is just as much stealing when they labor unfaithfully, as when they steal it out of our purse. This is the way servants and laborers do, and it matters not by what they are called.

30. But how will such people stand in that day when Christ shall ask them, whether they have done according to his admonition? For if Christians are to be merciful to their enemies as Christ here teaches, much more will it become them to show all love and friendship toward their brethren and Christian people; and as they are not to curse their enemies, much less should they curse their friends. Again, if they are not to avenge themselves on unbelievers, but give to them and do them good, much more should they show this kindness to the household of faith. Yes, turn the thing around to rob, to covet, and to take advantage of another wherever one can; this goes on yet in the world with violence. But the holy Gospel says: Give, and it shall be given unto you; if we do not hold ourselves to this rule, we shall hear the opposite: Steal and rob, and you shall be robbed and stolen from again.

31. But our Lord God is so full of resources that he can send misfortune upon a city or a country so that even after they have gathered and hoarded for a long time, some tramp brother or fellow pilgrim comes along, to whom one must give or he will take it himself by force. For it must surely come to this that if we willfully forget that word “give,” our Lord God will make out of it “take.” After such misfortune we strive with all diligence, for wherever the Lord says “give” there we only wish to make out of it “take.” Well then take, steal and rob as long as you will, what will it avail you; things will take a turn some day so that it will be taken from you again.

32. All history teaches us, that when a kingdom, a principality, or a city, has been exalted to the highest pitch and becomes rich, then comes a war, or some other misfortune, so that it again becomes poor. Thus it happens also to individual families and persons; when they rise suddenly and become powerful, they also immediately fall again. I have already observed several who sat amid great possessions, and yet in a short time were thoroughly ruined. Why is this? Because they did not want to give as Christ here admonishes, but much rather took from others, for this reason a change took place with them, that it was again taken from them; as also teaches experience, and the common proverb runs: Goods unjustly won, will not last to the third son, that he may enjoy it. Such things we see daily in all ranks of life; and if it does endure for a time and descends from father to son, yet it sinks with the third heir, for it is a cursed wealth, which has either been obtained by theft or greed.

33. By such daily experience the children of the world ought to become wise and think: Why scratch and scrape so long, you cannot rightfully possess goods obtained by stinginess after all, nor will it prosper in your hands, as you have time and again experienced from one or another.

34. But we Christians should be more influenced by what the Holy Scriptures teach about it. Thus David says, Psalm 37:16-18: “Better is a little that the righteous hath, than the abundance of many wicked,” and the reason immediately follows: “For the arm of the wicked shall be broken, and the Lord upholdeth the righteous. The Lord knoweth the days of the perfect; and their inheritance shall be forever.” As though he would say:

Although a good man may have but little, if he only has it with God and honor, it will be dearer to him than all the treasures of the ungodly. For our Lord God will shower his blessings upon that little, so that it will last to children’s children to the thousandth generation. This is also apparent; for at the present time we find many old and honorable families in the cities, whose possessions have reached to several hundred generations, whereas with others it has disappeared with the third.

We should learn from this and similar passages, and hold to it because it is the truth, that it is better to have thirty dollars with God and honor, than three thousand won without God and with dishonor. For God blesses the little which the righteous have (says Psalm 37:16), so that he may not only possess it with a good conscience, but will also be to his benefit and he will use it so that God may be pleased with it. But the wealth that has been unjustly obtained, may be enjoyed for a time; yet because God’s blessing does not rest upon it, it wears away and loses itself, so that we cannot tell what has become of it; for it has been won by greed and wrong, and as they did not regard it as stealing for one to scrape all together and give nothing away, the rust is entered into it and eats it up, so that it cannot be seen that there ever was a penny there. As also the heathen have learned from experience and said: “By evil acquired, by evil it goes,” “As it is won, so it is gone.”

35. But why say more? One will not grow wise except by his own losses; we let our Lord God promise and threat in vain, but who asks about it?

Though we preach ever so much, Proverbs 11:4: “Riches profit not in the day of wrath; but righteousness delivereth from death,” and Proverbs 5:28: “He that trusteth in his riches shall fall; but the righteous shall flourish as the green leaf;” everyone thinks the while: “Dear Sir, say what you will, if I had money and goods, I would be free from all distress;” they simply make our Lord God a liar. But they will experience sooner than they wish, that they are deceived.

Therefore, my dear friends, let us fear and trust in God, and hereafter be merciful and kind, not only toward enemies as this Gospel teaches, but still more toward our friends and brethren; especially because we hear that our Lord is such an enemy to shameful covetousness, that he will blow upon such ill-gotten gain, so that it will vanish and fly away as the dust before the wind. The prophet Haggai 1:6, says of the miser, that he gathers into a bag with holes; as though he would say: Well, they may gather, but it will do them no good, because they want to get rich by greed even to the injury of others. And Solomon says: The godless man, when he has for a long time gathered wealth in heaps, has such a curse in his house, that he not only does not become better by his wealth, but it also disappears under his hands, as though the rust had devoured it.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

This Excommunication from the Corrupt Vatican Sounds Very Familiar,
But Are Lutherans Different? - The Big Five - ELCA-LCMS-WELS-ELS-CLC (sic) Hate and Despise Luther - More Importantly They Loathe His Biblical Doctrine.


Breaking News – Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano has been summoned to the Vatican to be Excommunicated by Red Pope Francis.

Archbishop Carlo Vigano, a friend of the faithful and totally dedicated to the church and sharing Jesus Christ in all he does has been notified that he is being summoned to the Vatican.

Our friend, Archbishop Vigano has stood up against the destruction of the church, COVID mandates that crushed individual rights worldwide, and stolen elections. He has called out this Pope for his destructive actions against the church and others like China and the World Economic Forum. For this he is being excommunicated from the Hoy Catholic Church.

Here is the message moments ago from Archbishop Vigano’s Twitter page:

(art. 2 SST; can. 1364 CIC)

The Dicastery (Community) for the Doctrine of the Faith has informed me, with a simple email, of the initiation of an extrajudicial penal trial against me, with the accusation of having committed the crime of schism and charging me of having denied the legitimacy of “Pope Francis” of having broken communion “with Him” and of having rejected the Second Vatican Council. I have been summoned to the Palace of the Holy Office on June 20, in person or represented by a canon lawyer. I assume that the sentence has already been prepared, given that it is an extrajudicial process.

I regard the accusations against me as an honor. I believe that the very wording of the charges confirms the theses that I have repeatedly defended in my various addresses. It is no coincidence that the accusation against me concerns the questioning of the legitimacy of Jorge Mario Bergoglio and the rejection of Vatican II: the Council represents the ideological, theological, moral, and liturgical cancer of which the Bergoglian “synodal church” is the necessary metastasis.

Complete text of the announcement:

See the message below:

The destruction of the Catholic Church is nearly complete.

Reformation Seminary - Matthew's Special Contributions to the New Testament


Special Contributions - Each of the Four Gospels

Two of the Gospels are directly associated with the Apostles - Mark and Luke. 

Matthew and John are Apostles. 

KJV John 14:But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.

John's Gospel is clearly the last of the Four Gospels, and we may assume that Matthew, Mark, and Luke are in order.

Matthew is especially Jewish in its format, which can be seen as relating to the Five Books of Torah (Pentateuch)  - Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy. 

The Messiah is proclaimed and described throughout the Old Testament. As Luther wrote, the Scriptures for the Apostles are confined to the Old Testament. The New Testament books are sermons on the Scriptures, which the Biblical sermons are built upon. My Old Testament students agree that they have very little Old Testament in their background. 

Genesis 3:15 - the Atonement.

And Genesis 15:6 Justification by Faith. 

Outline based on the Five Discourses

Introduction: Infancy Narrative: Chapters 1–2

Narrative: 3–4

First Discourse: "Sermon on the Mount": 5–7

Narrative: 8–9

Second Discourse: "Missionary Instructions": 10

Narrative: 11–12

Third Discourse: "Collection of Parables": 13

Narrative: 14–17

Fourth Discourse: "Community Instructions": 18

Narrative: 19–22

Fifth Discourse: "Sermon on Eschatology": 23–25

Conclusion: Passion & Resurrection Narrative: 26–28 

If All Else Fails, Try Common Sense

Oh No! The Faithians can be found at Concordia Publishing House, cash cow of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod.

I am the consultant for the Big Five - ELCA-LCMS-WELS-ELS-CLC (sic) - no fees since they have buried as many widows' estates as they can. Even then, I have no craving for their loot, since we run in the black and need no expensive campaigns and salesmen. Desperate attempts to use AI have failed to discover clever slogans to escape their upcoming financial meltdown. They imagine they know "all about the numbers."

Bulk discounts!

The Big Five are grouped together because of their wrong-headed attitudes. For instance, they are so threatened about their membership that they come across as elitist, nasty, smug, and bigoted. One must fit in - under their microscopes - to stay. The trouble is - they have no faith in Jesus Christ and must add something to replace John 16:8-9.

KJV John 16:8 And when He is come, He will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment: 9 Of sin, because they believe not on Me;

Luther condensed that even more succinctly with "faith equals righteousness." The Big Five  rejects the "faithians" - claiming their own themes, shouting in anger - "You are making faith a work of man!" 

ELCA only deals in grace - no faith - amazing! They are purifying themselves by quashing the few remaining Faithians and glorifying their alternative clergy. One ALPB  Ovaltine - an ELCA pastor with 10,000 posts on their discussion page - was arrested and placed in the slammer. Nobody noticed. Anyone denouncing this would be considered insensitive.

The Walther Four - LCMS-WELS-ELS-CLC (sic) - should be united in their cranial confusion, but they fear the intermingling of DNA - bragging about their ancestors. They keep flogging the pristine nature of CFW Walther's Complete Works, which are all about him.

Walther's clergy circle knew all about Bishop Martin Stephan's adultery, since his #1 mistress sailed with Ferdie to America in the leader's cabin, near Walther's oldest son. Stephan's wife and remaining children were left in Germany.

This has to be the most humorous or sardonic book of the Great Walther.

Daily Luther Sermon Quote - Trinity 4 - Second Sermon - "And for this our mercy we have received from them the reward, that they have put us under the ban, cursed and persecuted us, and driven many of our brethren from their possessions and murdered them."


Luther's Sermons - Luke 6:36-42.
Fourth Sunday after Trinity, Second Sermon

23. Therefore it is senseless for the Papists to cry: We of course teach others not to judge, nor condemn, but we ourselves do the contrary, punish, judge and condemn everyone. For as I said, what we do in this, we do by virtue of our office. Therefore our judging and punishing is of such a nature, that it only makes one better and harms no one. And we are obliged to do it on account of the command of Christ our Lord, Luke 24:47, that repentance and forgiveness of sins be preached in his name among all nations on earth; and John 16:8: “The Holy Spirit will reprove the world of sin.”

24. According to this command all the Apostles have first judged and reproved the world, and proclaimed God’s wrath against it; afterwards they preached forgiveness of sins in Christ’s name, as St. Paul does, Romans 1:3, and St. Peter, Acts 2:3-10, and Christ himself when he says, John 9:39: “For judgment came I into this world.” Those who have accepted this preaching and permit themselves to be judged and reproved by it, have received the comfort of the Gospel, that without merit, by God’s grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus they are justified and saved, Romans 3:24.

This judgment and reproof of Christ and the Apostles is not harmful, but beneficial, comfortable and wholesome. Moreover, those who have not allowed themselves to be reproved by these have remained in their sins, and have died and perished forever; and also, in time, have their cities, lands and kingdoms in which they have lived, been most woefully devastated and destroyed.

25. As therefore the Apostles have preached according to the command of Christ, so too must we do, and say that all men are conceived and born in sin and are by nature children of wrath, and on this account condemned, and can neither by their own or any other creature’s help, advice, work or merit, receive forgiveness of sins and be saved. This is to reprove, judge and condemn everybody, and yet we do this, not out of our own wantonness, or that we take pleasure in crying down men as sinners and godless; but out of Christ’s order and command. With this however we do not cease, but we again encourage and comfort those whom we have rebuked, and say that Jesus Christ has come into the world to save sinners, so that all who believe in him, should not perish, but receive everlasting life.

26. Therefore God-fearing people accuse us of no fault in this; for they observe that we do not preach human nonsense like monks in their hoods, but proclaim the Gospel of Christ; they are glad therefore, and heartily thank God that they have lived to see the time when they can know the precious truth, and thereby obtain comfort for their consciences, and accept this our reproof and judgment as a great mercy. Again, the great and godless crowd scold and condemn us on account of this our reproof, as heretics and traitors, who disturb both the old faith and worship and also the worldly government and peace. We must bear this; yet our conscience gives us the testimony that they wrongfully accuse us, and besides we are comforted to know that we are not the first ones who have been thus slandered. St. Paul also had to hear from Jews and Gentiles, that he was a blasphemer and traitor. Yea, Christ himself was accused before Pilate for misleading the people and making them disobedient to the emperor, for which also he was crucified, With them we are glad to be cried down as heretics and traitors, until the time when our innocence shall come to light.

27. If now the wretched, hardened Papists were not such bitter enemies of the truth, and of us on account of the truth, they could observe by our life that we hold firmly to this admonition of Christ, be merciful; for God be praised, we have not thus far avenged ourselves against any man who has done us injury, we have not driven anyone from house and home, wife and child, we have cast no one into prison on account of his faith, much less have we beheaded, burnt at the stake or hung anyone for their faith, as the Papists have done, the tender saints, who have for the last few years shed much innocent blood, and still do not cease. But we have complied with this doctrine and admonition of Christ, and have honored their order and government and confirmed it with our doctrine as far as they are right, we have prayed and pleaded for them, privately and publicly, and have faithfully also admonished them in writings by virtue of our office which God has committed to our charge.

And for this our mercy we have received from them the reward, that they have put us under the ban, cursed and persecuted us, and driven many of our brethren from their possessions and murdered them. What more shall we do? Yet we must bear the name of being impatient, angry, spiteful, and revengeful people, who judge and condemn all the world. Well, we must bear this disgrace before the world, until our dear Lord Jesus Christ, the just Judge, shall examine us and decide the matter; in the meantime we permit them evermore to lie, slander and persecute us; but they shall learn by experience when God’s time comes, whom they have slandered and persecuted in us.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

LutherQuest and the ALPB Ovaltines - Gloom Despair And Agony on Them


The CORE! Of what? 

I have to accept that LutherQuest has some interesting posts, in spite of their 100% Universalism. For instance, Steve Schmidt posted this YouTube link about demographics - my favorite dead-end delicacy. I consider it cocaine for faithless followers of the numbers. As the president of Northwestern Mutual told me, "It's all about the numbers." 

The ALPB Ovaltines also get stuck on the numbers, so that is a good place to find how things are going in ELCA, the Church of Rome, and their joint activities. 

Today, LQ once again chanted the chorus about running out of Germans, a frequent song from Mark Jeske's pan-Lutheran wisdom. Enough of that at a time makes me laugh at their meticulous aversion to the truth.

Statistics, good or bad, are not efficacious.

Their gloriously overbuilt churches, large schools, and deluxe offices are not efficacious.

The true leaders of the past (excluding Walther, the pimp Calvinist) are never mentioned, because they are too ignorant to dwell on Biblical teachers of the past - especially the Reformation triumvirate (Luther, Melanchthon, Chemnitz) and American greats (Loy, Jacobs, Schmauk). Their teaching is completely against efficacy.

The concept of efficacy in the Bible begins with Creation, Genesis 1:1. That is another way of saying that the Holy Spirit is never without the Word, and the Word is never without the Spirit. That includes the invisible Word of preaching and teaching, the visible Word of the Sacraments.

Nothing they are yapping about in The Big Five - ELCA-LCMS-WELS-ELS-CLC (sic) - is healthy or life-giving. If they trusted in the Gospel instead of Objective Faithless Justification, they would be doing well and enjoying the blessings of Biblical efficacy.

If they had something to say, which they don't, they could use Zoom and blogs to get the Word of God out. 

WELS and LCMS love to ape their elderly Church Growth leaders, by starting up such congregations as Illumine, The Way, The CORE, Pathfinder, and other gimmicks that scream terminal silliness. One key litmus test - merch church sales. They let go of the name "Lutheran" fast, to make room for their atheism, their embarrassment about the faith in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, Savior and Good Shepherd.


Pathfinder - Action TeamsPop-Up Events,
& Intensives provide connecting opportunities for Whole Life

This Day Comes from Abraham Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation.
Dating back to 1865, Juneteenth Commemorates the Day
When 250,000 Slaves in the State of Texas Were Set Free.


Emancipation Proclamation (1863)

Citation: Emancipation Proclamation, January 1, 1863; Presidential Proclamations, 1791-1991; Record Group 11; General Records of the United States Government; National Archives.

President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1, 1863, announcing, "that all persons held as slaves" within the rebellious areas "are, and henceforward shall be free."

Initially, the Civil War between North and South was fought by the North to prevent the secession of the Southern states and preserve the Union. Even though sectional conflicts over slavery had been a major cause of the war, ending slavery was not a goal of the war.

That changed on September 22, 1862, when President Lincoln issued his Preliminary Emancipation Proclamation, which stated that enslaved people in those states or parts of states still in rebellion as of January 1, 1863, would be declared free. One hundred days later, with the rebellion unabated, President issued the Emancipation Proclamation declaring "that all persons held as slaves" within the rebellious areas "are, and henceforward shall be free."

Lincoln’s bold step to change the goals of the war was a military measure and came just a few days after the Union’s victory in the Battle of Antietam. With this Proclamation he hoped to inspire all Black people, and enslaved people in the Confederacy in particular, to support the Union cause and to keep England and France from giving political recognition and military aid to the Confederacy.

Because it was a military measure, however, the Emancipation Proclamation was limited in many ways. It applied only to states that had seceded from the Union, leaving slavery untouched in the loyal border states. It also expressly exempted parts of the Confederacy that had already come under Union control. Most important, the freedom it promised depended upon Union military victory.

Although the Emancipation Proclamation did not end slavery in the nation, it did fundamentally transform the character of the war. After January 1, 1863, every advance of federal troops expanded the domain of freedom. Moreover, the Proclamation announced the acceptance of Black men into the Union Army and Navy, enabling the liberated to become liberators. By the end of the war, almost 200,000 Black soldiers and sailors had fought for the Union and freedom.

From the first days of the Civil War, enslaved people had acted to secure their own liberty. The Emancipation Proclamation confirmed their insistence that the war for the Union must become a war for freedom. It added moral force to the Union cause and strengthened the Union both militarily and politically. As a milestone along the road to slavery's final destruction, the Emancipation Proclamation has assumed a place among the great documents of human freedom.

Dating back to 1865, Juneteenth commemorates the day when 250,000 slaves in the state of Texas, which became the last bastion for slavery during the final days of the Civil War, were declared free by the U.S. Army.

Daily Luther Sermon Quote - Trinity 4 - Second Sermon - "Dear sir, forgive and do not judge me, and then our Lord God will again forgive thee. No, my dear fellow, the officer of the law by virtue of his office will thus answer and say: It is not necessary that I should forgive you. I do what is right, and doing right needs no forgiveness, but is praiseworthy."


Two of my college students fell in love and were engaged to be married. I dropped off these  Falling in Love Roses. We attended their wedding, and now they have children.

Luther's Sermons - Luke 6:36-42.
Fourth Sunday after Trinity, Second Sermon

15. To this friendly admonition of Christ our Lord we Christians and especially we ministers should diligently give due heed, for we also have at the present day adversaries of our faith and doctrine, who are great and powerful, kings, princes, lords, Pope and bishops. To these our enemies according to this doctrine of Christ we show all mercy, and are not willing that a hair of their heads should be injured, or that they should be robbed of a cent. But this we wish them from our heart, that they may learn to know their errors and sins, and commit themselves to the grace of God and believe the Gospel. On this account they judge, condemn and persecute us, rob us of honor, goods, body and life, as though we were the worst rogues that tread the earth. Such things we do not to them in return, God be praised! but show them all love and kindness, and would willingly help them, if they would only permit it.

16. Yes, they say, you revile us nevertheless, both in writing and preaching, and condemn us as heretics, and will not permit us to be the Christian Church. Is such reproof and condemnation mercy? We answer: This is quite a different matter. Christ in this Gospel speaks of those who shall suffer injustice. And it would not be right to apply this to those who by virtue of their office are required to reprove what is wrong. For those who have the office to judge and condemn, do no wrong thereby, in so doing.

For as little as it agrees or is valid for a child to say to its father when he would punish it; father, be merciful, and God will then also be merciful to thee; so little is it valid against those who have the office of reproof. For it would be very inappropriate for a thief or evil doer to say to the officer of the law: Dear sir, forgive and do not judge me, and then our Lord God will again forgive thee. No, my dear fellow, the officer of the law by virtue of his office will thus answer and say: It is not necessary that I should forgive you. I do what is right, and doing right needs no forgiveness, but is praiseworthy. Thus also when father and mother punish their children, they do right, for this is called true punishment, when the office requires it. But beware, that you do not revenge yourself against him who must punish you, even if at times he treats you unjustly.

17. Wherefore it is not appropriate to twist this text, as though the Lord speaks of those who have the authority to punish the wrong, as ministers and all persons in authority, fathers, mothers, princes, lords, and finally also the executioner, who should not say to the evil doer, to whom he must administer justice, as however they are accustomed to do: “Dear Sir, forgive me, what I do to you today,” for why should he say this? As he does right, he needs no forgiveness, which pertains alone to sin and wrong; for. his office is to punish wrong. Just as it would be wrong if a father would say to his son when he would punish him: Dear son, forgive me, that I punish you. No, he does right, therefore the son should bear it, for thus God will have it...

21. Just as it is a great mercy not to allow young people to have their will and way, whether it be accomplished by threats or by the rod; it will still cost trouble and labor enough to oppose and prevent evil, even though we punish severely. If punishment were altogether omitted and mercy took the place of office, the country would be full of rogues, and the world become a mere den of murderers. Then one would say to another: If you steal from me, I will rob you; if you go with my wife, I will go with yours. No, this would never do; therefore the executioner is a very beneficial and even a merciful man, for he prevents the rogue from repeating his crime, and restrains others from committing crimes. He executes the one and thus threatens others that would do the like, that they may fear the sword and keep the peace. This is a magnificent grace and pure mercy.

Let's Be Open, Honest, and Transparent about ELCA, Which Announces
New Bishops - But Omits Crucial Matters from the Press Release

An unsmiling smile looks diabolical - Newly elected Bishop Nathan D. Pipho

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America has elected it's (sic) third homosexual bishop this year.  The ELCA has a total of six practicing homosexuals who currently are bishops. (likely to grow in number this summer)

ELCA pastor Nathan Pipho was elected bishop of the New England Synod. He is gay, as he explains in an article he wrote,

"It was the saints at Good Shepherd, North Quincy, who took a chance on a pastoral candidate who was gay. This was seven years before the 2009 Churchwide Assembly lifted prohibitions on partnered LGBT persons serving as ordained ministers.  It also coincided with the height of the clergy sexual abuse crisis that was hitting the Archdiocese of Boston at the time.  Some of my friends counseled me this was not the best time for me to be open with them about my sexuality, that it was none of their business, that I should stay in the closet …but I knew for the sake of authentic witness I needed to be open." (See here)

Rev. Nathan Pipho is a "...past chair of the New England Synod Team for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Inclusion." (See here)" 

 ELCA Proves the Love That Dare Not Speak Its Name - Because ELCA Is Silent

Nathan Pipho Elected Bishop of the ELCA New England Synod

6/11/2024 8:55:00 AM

​CHICAGO — The Rev. Nathan D. Pipho, Worcester, Mass., was elected June 7 to serve a six-year term as bishop of the New England Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). The election took place during the synod assembly, June 6-8, at the DCU Center in Worcester.

Pipho was elected on the fifth ballot, with 261 votes. The Rev. Sara J. Anderson, associate to the bishop of the New England Synod, received 164 votes.

The bishop-elect has served as pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church, Worcester, since 2016. Previously he was pastor of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Quincy, Mass. (2002-2015).

Pipho earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in psychology and political science from Wartburg College, Waverly, Iowa, in 1998; a Master of Divinity from the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia (now United Lutheran Seminary) in 2002; and a Master in Public Administration from the Harvard Kennedy School, Cambridge, Mass., in 2016. Wartburg is one of 26 ELCA colleges and universities; United is one of seven ELCA seminaries.

Bishop-elect Pipho begins his term on Aug. 1; he will be installed Sept. 7 at Trinity.

The Rev. James E. Hazelwood is retiring after serving as synod bishop since 2012.

Information about the New England Synod is hidden at

 "What fools these mortals be!"