Some people are allergic to the Book of ConcordFrom the Book of Concord, Formula of Concord, Solid Declaration, On the Righteousness of Faith:
59] Therefore we unanimously reject and condemn, besides the above-mentioned, also the following and all similar errors, as contrary to God's Word, the doctrine of the prophets and apostles, and our Christian faith:
60] 1. When it is taught that Christ is our righteousness before God according to His divine nature alone.
61] 2. That Christ is our righteousness according to His human nature alone.
62] 3. That in the passages from the prophets and apostles, when the righteousness of faith is spoken of, the words justify and to be justified are not to signify to declare free from sins and to obtain the forgiveness of sins, but to be made actually and really righteous because of love infused by the Holy Ghost, virtues, and the works following from it.
63] 4. That faith looks not only to the obedience of Christ, but to His divine nature as it dwells and works in us, and that by this indwelling our sins are covered before God.
64] 5. That faith is such a trust in the obedience of Christ as can be and remain in a person notwithstanding he has no genuine repentance, in whom also no love follows, but who persists in sins against his conscience.
65] 6. That not God dwells in the believers, but only the gifts of God.
66] These and like errors, one and all, we unanimously reject as contrary to the clear Word of God, and by God's grace abide firmly and constantly in the doctrine of the righteousness of faith before God, as it is embodied, expounded, and proved from God's Word in the Augsburg Confession, and the Apology issued after it.
67] Concerning what is needful furthermore for the proper explanation of this profound and chief article of justification before God, upon which depends the salvation of our souls, we direct, and for the sake of brevity herewith refer, every one to Dr. Luther's beautiful and glorious exposition of the Epistle of St. Paul to the Galatians.
GJ - The condemnation of false doctrine is just as important to the Confessions as the positive witness to the truth. We do that all the time in giving road directions: "But if you see the Dairy Queen, you have driven too far."
Schmauk pointed out that those who condemn the confessions quickly abandon the Scriptures as well. The unionists and apostates like to scream "Nasty! Nasty! Unloving!" when their favorite false doctrine is condemned, but they are the ones who prey upon the weak, make fun of sound doctrine, mock the Means of Grace, praise the false teachers, drive out the faithful, and harvest only the weed seed of their evil ways. Then they plant their weeds and tell everyone, "Look how strong they grow. Look at how large they are. We are changing the church for the better."