Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Man-Made Global Warming Proven":
Hi Dr. Jackson,
Did you notice the similarity between ClimateGate and Church GrowthGate? Turns out the climatologists were massaging the numbers, and adding in false data, while the Church Growth-ologists touted bigger, better attended mall-like churches. Yet, over time they finally had to admit that they hardly converted anyone to Christianity, and once the ready supply of sheep to sheep-steal from the long-established alphabet soup of denominations became a trickle, their growth stagnated and in many cases reversed. Hence, the church growthers are rightly called church shrinkers.
I have noticed.
Here is the latest from Australia, and their version of the fraudulent Cap and Trade Double Energy Costs Tax. American Spectator has this.
For those who have missed the scientific scandal of all time - the global warming scientists have been exposed in England and New Zealand for faking data while blackballing any scientist with legitimate complaints about their methods and "facts." I knew that man-made global warming was invented to generate millions for "research" and billions for "carbon credits." Wowee - those carbon credits are just like those YoVille gifts people buy with real money on Facebook. Yes, people are paying for pixels with YoVille, so they should love buying carbon credits for a non-existing problem.
Back to the main theme - the Church Shrinkers have been running their Ponzi scheme for decades. The worse they do, the more they want to claim for themselves. St. Paul in German Village (Columbus, Ohio) had a variety of Shrinkers: Floyd Luther Stolzenburg, Roger Zehms, Bob Schumann, and Mike Nitz. Schumann envisioned 8,000 communicants and a world-famous parking valet ministry. (If you think any of my posts are humorous, just imagine the how much material I have to work with. I could do three blogs on Columbus alone.)
Mrs. Ichabod, upon hearing about this Schumann vision thing, asked at the time, "What if Marc Schroeder (now LCMS) has the same plan? Where will they get all these communicants?" Schumann is a Jungkuntz relative, and I trace the whole CG gang in WELS to Jungkuntz teaching at Northwestern College. Zehms, choking up, called Jungkuntz the best teacher he ever had. Zehms is now a member at St. Marcus, Milwaukee.
Where was I? What did CG do for St. Paul in German Village? It should be its own denomination by now, but the congregation did not prosper under the tutelage of so many gurus.
The comparisons are so obvious. The globaloney experts worked overtime to silence anyone who doubted their man-made global warming scare tactics.
WELS, Missouri, the Little Sect on the Prairie, ELCA, and the CLC (sic) have all pursued training in CG while idolizing the Fuller apostates. These thugs have worked together secretly, knowing each other's identity, yet denying their study at Fuller, their support of cheesey Reformed doctrine, and their looting of synod funds for their own destructive projects.
Do they work together to suppress dissent from their Church Shrinkerage? I have given many examples in the past. The clergy are afraid of their wrath. Like the ongoing GA hazing at Mequon, the denials work because so many participate in lying.
Calling me a liar, Valleskey and Bivens have denied going to Fuller Seminary and yet both have admitted it. Waldo Werning admitted his Fuller study to me, denied it later, and flew into a rage when I pointed out that I wrote down his admission on that day in my Day-Timer. I made it a habit to take notes when Shrinkers talked because they consistently denied ever saying what I wrote down. Later, Werning was proud to get a blue ribbon or Happy Meal or some other award from Fuller for selling their product so vigorously. That suggests he did go there.
Rich Krause defended Larry Olson (DMin, Fuller), without mentioning that he (as circuit pastor and conference chairman!) was doing an unionistic DMin with Larry Oh! as his supervisor. Rich and Larry call themselves "Dr." now - for the equivalent of a very weak STM degree.
All the synods have promoted and defended those men who have done their best to destroy Lutheran doctrine. Just as the scientists are against honest science, these Shrinkers are against their own doctrine. Fuller has trained men and women to subvert and undermine the confessions of all denominations - not just Lutherans. They are united by their disbelief in the Word - and proud of it. Our Staph Infection (Larry Oh!) bragged that more Lutherans went to Fuller than to synodical schools.
The Shrinkers also have their fake statistics. They highlight a few congregations where someone has succeeded in being non-Lutheran, vaguely Christian, and very entertaining - yielding a bumper crop of transfers from other congregations. Long ago, Reuel Schulz' man, C. Ponzi Wagner, admitted that "CG principles do not work." Has that fact--from their top defrauder--affected their ardor? Not at all.
I found a graphic in the WELS Perish Services presentation. The figures were for a "turnaround church," before and after. Very impressive - and faked. It showed what could happen. What a joke. When someone else was using WELS statistics, he got a call from Gurgle himself, asking where the information came from. (Implied accusation - you working with Name Him Not.) He answered, "From the WELS statistical report." Astonishing that all these statistics experts never stopped to analyze their own.
Several computers ago, I devised actual Excel graphs showing how WELS had started shrinking under CG, with The Love Shack staff growing each year. WELS supplied the statistics from their annual "Book of Sins." The Shrinkers strangled the schools, promoting their expensive programs and hiring additional buddies to lobby for more programs and hire more parasites at 2929. The trend lines were obvious - membership steadily downward, staff hires steadily upward, schools gradually defunded. And yet the conventions kept voting for these anti-Lutheran clowns.
Gurgle left office, suddenly, when the money gaps became too obvious to be explained or blamed away.
The Global Warming fanatics are already pushing their talking points. Ed Begley went Werning on Fox, yelling "peer reviews" and shouting down the interviewer. There is no known serious reaction to the scandal so far. Blogs will help get the word past the watchful dragons of the mainstream media.
The Shrinkers are so deceptive that they deny CG exists, yet they have their own private club in WELS to promote CG - Church and Change, started with WELS money, with offshoots to promote more of the same. The Shrinkers are not volunteers working in their spare time. No, they are on the synod dole - mission counselors and parish assistants and seminary professors.
Church and Change has its own listserve, which I repost every so often - to their howls of dismay. They do not need their own magazine, because the submissive WELS members pay for FIC to be used as the Xerox room of Church and Change. The regular contributors to FIC are the founders and leaders of Church and Change:
- Kissin' Jim Aderman
- Fuller Bivens
- Dom Perignon Patterson
- Peter Pan-denominational
- Paul Calvin Kelm
- Randy Latte Hunter
- James Mattek
- David Figs-from-Thistles Valleskey
- His Grace, Mark Jeske
- Wayne--no CG in WELS--Mueller.
- The pastor and congregation must want to grow.
- God wants His church to grow. God needs massive amounts of money to make this happen. He is depending on you.
- Numerical growth is good, by whatever means necessary--short of sin, and actual work, of course.
- Cell groups are absolutely necessary for growth.
- Pipe organs are bad, bad, and pit orchestras are good, good.
- The liturgy is bad, bad, but bad dancing and lame drama are good, good.
- Hymns hurt growth, but peppy songs help growth.
- Creeds and sermons are bad - so are church buildings.
- Movie theaters are way cool. Offer treats before and during, for belly-servers.
- Ministers should dress like they are going to change the oil in their cars afterwards.
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Fuller Fraud Resembles Global Warming Statistics":
WELS really sowed the seeds of confusion when it conflated CG with exhortations to amend one’s own behavior to serve the needs of WELS. The dissonance with the Word of God alone was enough to drive away followers.
GJ - The exhortations may have laid claim to helping Holy Mother Synod, but they betrayed a real hatred for Lutheran doctrine and worship. I will dedicate a new post to that reality.