ICHABOD, THE GLORY HAS DEPARTED - explores the Age of Apostasy, predicted in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, to attack Objective Faithless Justification, Church Growth Clowns, and their ringmasters. The antidote to these poisons is trusting the efficacious Word in the Means of Grace. John 16:8. Isaiah 55:8ff. Romans 10. Most readers are WELS, LCMS, ELS, or ELCA. This blog also covers the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodoxy, and the Left-wing, National Council of Churches denominations.
Congregation Mission Offerings
Our congregations have been expressing their thanks to God through their gifts of love and faith in support of the mission of the synod to proclaim the gospel to more and more people. Congregation Mission Offerings for November were 26% higher than November offerings the previous year. Even in a time when the economic climate is still filled with uncertainty, when many of our members are experiencing unemployment, and when congregations are facing their own financial struggles, Congregation Mission Offerings received through November are at 99% of year-to-date commitments made last January. We thank God for moving his people to express their thanks to him in this way. We thank congregational leaders for keeping the synod's work before our people. And we thank you for your faithful support of our mission to proclaim God's grace in Jesus.
*** GJ - I got the nickname from Jay Webber. He told me the ELS calls Mequon "The Sausage Factory" because they all come out the same. That GA-induced conformity has been useful in conforming everyone to Church Growth doctrine - false doctrine. Back in the old days, if they did not get enough from Valleskey, they got a dose a week after graduation, when a seminary was forced upon all graduates. If that was not enough torture, they will ordered back a year later for another dose - from Paul Calvin Kelm, Larry Oh!, and future first VP Huebner. So you missed the point, again.
--- mjleyrer has left a new comment on your post "Missed Opportunities To Stop the CG Juggernaut": Okay... but the nickname is still totally off because I know plenty of WELS pastors who are anti Church Growth. I don't think Jay was in all seriousness when he said that. Maybe just a joke. *** GJ - I would like a list of the articles or papers they have published against Church Growth, starting with Jay's list.
--- Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Missed Opportunities To Stop the CG Juggernaut": In the Peoples Bible Teachings, Church-Mission-Ministry, Prof. Armin Shuetze Has a few things to say concerning church growth: "By its emphasis on addressing the "felt needs" in a society, it shifts away from the inportance of proclaiming forgiveness in Christ by a proper use of law and gospel with ultimate goal of eternal life in heaven. "In the felt needs approach ... sanctification becomes the means to fulfill the prospect's need for acceptance, fulfillment, and a better life through the victory over sin." "God has not promised that everyone who hears the good news will come to faith. The church cannot expect more success than its Lord." "How do we measure succeess ? And growth? Even one sinner who repents and turns in aith to the Lord Jesus causes rejoicing in heaven." "In the 1950's a missionary in India for the Disciples of Christ, Donald McGavran, was troubled by the lack of numerical growth. His concerns began what has become known as the Church Growth Movement." There is much more I could quote. I recomend you read the book for yourself. Schuetze echoes the same thing that Pastor Jackson has been saying. The CG pastors could learn from this book. In Christ, from WELS church lady *** GJ - John D. Schuetze has published a Wisconsin Lutheran Quarterly article where he emphasizes the Means of Grace. I hope he has good connections, because a lot of WELSians are allergic to that message.
--- mjleyrer has left a new comment on your post "Missed Opportunities To Stop the CG Juggernaut": First I would like to say that there are probably papers written against it and secondly, even if there WEREN'T papers that doesn't mean you can just write off every pastor in the synod. There are those in the WELS that are against C&G. It just isn't fair to put a giant black mark on the entire synod just because there's no one writing papers. I'm not trying to defend C&G, I dislike it as much as you do but I do have to defend a sister synod. Yeah papers are a good way to oppose something in your synod but there is leading by example. I think that's what most of them do. *** GJ - It is indeed comforting to know that there are "probably papers written against" Church Growth. If I wrote off every pastor in WELS or put a black mark on the entire synod, I would not bother posting. I spend little time on the LCMS and even less on the ELCA, because both are far gone. Perhaps someone could write a paper about the Appleton Dumbling gang. Or, they could lead by example and kick the Enthusiasts out.
Ski taking in members from another WELS CG church? That is just the beginning.
The problem with aping the worst of the Reformed is this - Whatever WELS tries to do, the pure Enthusiasts have done better.
All the work of Ron Roth, Paul Calvin Kelm, David Valleskey, Fuller Bivens, David Hartmann, James Hueber, Larry Oh! Olson, and the spineless DPs has gone toward training people to be Enthusiasts. Missouri, the ELS, and the CLC (sic) are doing the same thing.
Once the Half-Way Enthusiasts find out where the good stuff is, they will bolt for greener pastures.
In a decade, the Fox Valley WELS CG congregations will either be empty of members or in fellowship with Unitarian-Universalists. Sure, it may take a little longer than that, but it will happen.
Anti-Confessionalism is inherently anti-Biblical.
"The modern radical spirit which would sweep away the Formula of Concord as a Confession of the Church, will not, in the end, be curbed, until it has swept away the Augsburg Confession, and the ancient Confessions of the Church--yea, not until it has crossed the borders of Scripture itself, and swept out of the Word whatsoever is not in accord with its own critical mode of thinking. The far-sighted rationalist theologian and Dresden court preacher, Ammon, grasped the logic of a mere spirit of progress, when he said: 'Experience teaches us that those who reject a Creed, will speedily reject the Scriptures themselves.'"
Theodore E. Schmauk and C. Theodore Benze, The Confessional Principle and the Confessions, as Embodying the Evangelical Confession of the Christian Church, Philadelphia: General Council Publication Board, 1911, p. 685.
Now I shout it from the highest hills
Even told the golden daffodils
At last my heart's an open door
And my secret love's no secret anymore
Hi Professor,
not trying to be contentious, but weren't you the one defending SP Schroeder before? What do you mean to turn him into a flower child? Don't get it.
GJ - Flower child? The first graphic shows a morganatic (secret) marriage between Jeske and Kieschnick. The first stage of this relationship had Jeske involved in lecturing at Concordia U. (LCMS, Mequon), participating in a joint service with the LCMS, and speaking at a Missouri district meeting.
I thought the old Doris Day lyrics fit the new situation, with Jeske promoted on the home page of the Missouri Synod. "Now my secret love's no secret anymore."
The "friendly star" is Bruce Becker, an expert in explaining fellowship principles.
"Now I shout it from the highest hills
Even told the golden daffodils."
At some point Jeske has to explain to Schroeder, and the Wisconsin State DPs that he is a Missouri pastor now. Therefore, the three DPs and the SP are the daffodils.
I still think SP Schroeder is doing a great job, and I do not envy him at all.
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "WELS Pastor Jeske on LCMS Home Page":
Pastor Jackson wrote: "all paid for through the mission offerings". Is that an assumption? My gut feeling is that some of the money for C&C and Fuller educations came out of the general operating fund and gifts that could have went towards the ministerial school system and tuition there.
Also, I bet the pastors who went to Fuller and similar seminaries would never actually think of rolling up their sleeves and going to a mission in a third world country, so why should they dip into the missions till?
GJ - I meant "missions" in the generic sense, anything given to the synod, not to mention Thrivent and Schwan money.
I know mission pastors were given free rides to "study" at Willow Creek, back in the 1980s. I doubt whether that money came from the officials' own pockets. Funny, I was never offered a Willow Creek scholarship.
Did Larry Oh, Fuller Bivens, David Valleskey, et al. pay the whole cost for their Fuller/Willow Creek/Trinity Deerfield educations? I doubt it.
Pastor Randy Hunter |
Minister of Worship, Kristen Koepsell |
Minister of Spiritual Growth, David Hochmuth |
Vicar, Alex Groth |
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