ICHABOD, THE GLORY HAS DEPARTED - explores the Age of Apostasy, predicted in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, to attack Objective Faithless Justification, Church Growth Clowns, and their ringmasters. The antidote to these poisons is trusting the efficacious Word in the Means of Grace. John 16:8. Isaiah 55:8ff. Romans 10. Most readers are WELS, LCMS, ELS, or ELCA. This blog also covers the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodoxy, and the Left-wing, National Council of Churches denominations.
Martin Luther Sermons
Bethany Lutheran Hymnal Blog
Bethany Lutheran Church P.O. Box 6561 Springdale AR 72766 Reformation Seminary Lectures USA, Canada, Australia, Philippines 10 AM Central - Sunday Service
We use The Lutheran Hymnal and the King James Version
Luther's Sermons: Lenker Edition
Click here for the latest YouTube Videos
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Fox Valley Endorsement - Anything Goes District President Confirms His Love of Ichabod
DP Englebrecht confirmed that he reads Ichabod, because his letter (left when he skipped the meeting) blamed Ichabod and me by name for the conflict in his district.
I never said he read this blog with comprehension or edification.
But he does read it all the time.
The Appleton light is always glowing on Feedjit.
Page reads are up by 25% since June. Can you top those numbers, boys?
Confidential to Tim - I linked your anonymous blog.
Tim Glende; Pastor Ski
Yes, The Lutheran Hymnal Rocks - Joe Krohn Confirms It
LutherRocks has left a new comment on your post "WELS Feminist Hymnal and Creed":
That old hymnal had more pluses than minuses when you compare it to CW. It was a self contained organizer and planner for worship and a great template for those who may have wanted to do something a little different. My biggest pet peeve besides the feminist leaning language was the omission of what scripture text the hymn was based on. The notes in CW in this regard to me at least are useless.
I've heard the comment as well from other church musicians that the harmonizations are weird in many cases. When I was taking music theory in college, old hymns were typically used to teach basic harmony; i.e. voice leading in regards to chord changes.
California wrote:
"Re: Comment from "Luther Rocks", Joe says when he was in college old hymns were typically used to teach basic harmony in college music theory classes. It brought to mind that when my daughter who was a music major at San Diego State University in the late 1970's, she was surprised when the 1941 Lutheran Hymnal with which she grew up, was used in a music theory class by a professor who considered it the best example available for study of harmony."
GJ - Oh my, Christian Worship went downhill from The Lutheran Hymnal? I thought the deep, deep insights from James Tiefel would be such an improvement. I remember him making fun of the "vermicular" hymns in the 1941 one, which the entire Synodical Conference once used.
That is the trouble with same sect's hymnals. They reflect the weirdness and political alliances of a few mediocrities.
The WELS hymnal slavishly copied the format and texts of ELCA's old Liberal Book of Weirdness. But the confessional Little Sect on the Prairie...slavishly copied the texts of the LBW. Everyone is copying the Roman Catholic three-year readings cycle.
In the 1960s, all the Lutherans in America were using liturgical services - either the Service Book and Hymnal or The Lutheran Hymnal. Now we have chaos, mediocrity, and plenty of excuses for rolling out the movie screen in church.
That old hymnal had more pluses than minuses when you compare it to CW. It was a self contained organizer and planner for worship and a great template for those who may have wanted to do something a little different. My biggest pet peeve besides the feminist leaning language was the omission of what scripture text the hymn was based on. The notes in CW in this regard to me at least are useless.
I've heard the comment as well from other church musicians that the harmonizations are weird in many cases. When I was taking music theory in college, old hymns were typically used to teach basic harmony; i.e. voice leading in regards to chord changes.
California wrote:
"Re: Comment from "Luther Rocks", Joe says when he was in college old hymns were typically used to teach basic harmony in college music theory classes. It brought to mind that when my daughter who was a music major at San Diego State University in the late 1970's, she was surprised when the 1941 Lutheran Hymnal with which she grew up, was used in a music theory class by a professor who considered it the best example available for study of harmony."
GJ - Oh my, Christian Worship went downhill from The Lutheran Hymnal? I thought the deep, deep insights from James Tiefel would be such an improvement. I remember him making fun of the "vermicular" hymns in the 1941 one, which the entire Synodical Conference once used.
That is the trouble with same sect's hymnals. They reflect the weirdness and political alliances of a few mediocrities.
The WELS hymnal slavishly copied the format and texts of ELCA's old Liberal Book of Weirdness. But the confessional Little Sect on the Prairie...slavishly copied the texts of the LBW. Everyone is copying the Roman Catholic three-year readings cycle.
In the 1960s, all the Lutherans in America were using liturgical services - either the Service Book and Hymnal or The Lutheran Hymnal. Now we have chaos, mediocrity, and plenty of excuses for rolling out the movie screen in church.
The Lutheran Hymnal
Coming Soon - Thy Strong Word - Martin Chemnitz Press
The final Word file for the English-only version of Thy Strong Word is finished. Some additional touches are needed, but it should be available this weekend, God willing.
The Greek and Hebrew passages have been removed.
Perhaps the original version, flaws and all, will be uploaded to Lulu fairly soon. I no longer have any copies of the original, but some are floating around on the used market. There was a printing problem with duplicated pages. Those were "fixed" but the fixes tended to come loose, as one person told me.
The upcoming library liquidation sale is intended to finance TSW and the promotion of Justification by Faith.
The opposition to Liberalism: Its Cause and Cure was nothing compared to the blackout imposed on Thy Strong Word. I told Brett Meyer that it seemed all that work on TSW was for naught. His response was, "Silly pastor."
Although Catholic, Lutheran, Protestant has sold 5,000+ copies, TSW is influencing people to turn against the theology of Church Shrinkage and UOJ. Skirmishes continue about guilt-free Hottentot saints in Hell.
The latest dust-up has been out in the open, for once. The Intrepid Lutherans introduced up the problem, backed down, parried the question, and started over again. I have to take Dramamine whenever I read their blog, because my head goes back and forth more quickly than it did at Wimbledon last year.
Justification by Faith will be in good shape just after Christmas. Good news in that department - a subsequent edition will include extra material on the topic, making the volume a useful resource for future debates. Some original research is being finished by a Lutheran, and I hope to have some exegetical essays from a Missouri pastor who never was refuted or disciplined for opposing UOJ.
All my books will continue to be available as free PDF downloads. And they can be shared with as many people as you wish.
Justification will be an e-book. Perhaps TSW will be too. There is a $200 cost for each one being produced as an e-book. Hip techies tell me that is the way most are going to read them as books.
Thy Strong Word
Grumpy Cheers Up
Loved, loved, loved Party in the MLC.
Seriously, Grumpy, we cannot keep our own colleges open."
grumpy has left a new comment on your post "Martin Luther College":
I would agree in the common sense of combining those schools, and yes, WISCONSIN would be the likely location given that it is the WISCONSIN Lutheran Synod.
It might be a benefit to enrollment as well as for the quality of education to have a single school that has colleges of education, arts and science, divinity, maybe business and health sciences also. Those planning secondary teaching careers could actually get a strong major in their chosen field of concentration. Those in divinity school might be able to pick up a few basic accounting and business classes (some pastors are woefully ignorant of anything dealing with simple finances and bookkeeping).
However, when common sense comes up against tradition and nostalgia in the WELS, 9 times out of 10 common sense loses.
Just saying....
Martin Luther College
What Will LCMS, WELS, ELS Look Like in 2017?
Narrow-minded Lutheran has left a new comment on your post "Corporate News - Thrivent Financial for Lutherans ...":
The Arminian-wannabes in the mainline Lutheran synods are probably right at home with the Salvation Army. The Ablaze movement is proof of that, as the Means of Grace take a back seat to that "critical moment," which is just decision theology worded in a way so as to not offend us old, grumpy Lutherans.
The old saying, "Birds of a feather...," is quite applicable to Pietists. Perhaps Missouri and WELS should openly allow their parishioners to be Freemasons, since they also do nice things for the community.
And let's not forget being in fellowship with church bodies that are LWF members while we condemn LWF. Sorry, you better scratch this remark, as I was told that membership doesn't equal fellowship. LWF says differently, though: "LWF member churches...are united in pulpit and altar fellowship."
Bored in a WELS Sunday Service
bored has left a new comment on your post "Martin Luther College":
I went to a WELS church this past Sunday:
The message: "Be Ark builders". But the pastor said that (paraphrase) faith is the ark that carries us the through the troubled waters of this sinful world.
??? (sigh)
But my real purpose for commenting is bring attention to the WELS worship supplement. The service I went to used the supplement exclusively. Lemme tell you, it is rotten.
I didn't nick a copy from the church, otherwise I could offer some examples. If someone could print the words to hymn # 703 I'd appreciate it. #703 was pretty gnostic. Then of course we also sang the Holst (astrology) version of Jerusalem the Golden.
Several others had terrible theology too, but I didn't want to disturb the service by tearing out pages and burning them.
One question: Why is the Kyrie before the Absolution in WELS liturgy? Isn't it traditionally after the absolution?
GJ - I told 29a that the synods have ruined Lutheran worship with all their money-making new hymnals, each one worse than the previous one. The synods have made it easier to go to movie screen services and Entertainment Evangelism. Perhaps they wanted to accomplish that all along.
I understand the Kyrie is misplaced because the Pietists did that. So you may ask, "Why follow the Pietists?" I think Tiefel did that and many other barbarous things as a message to traditionalists. I suggested to Tiefel a modest revision of page 5 and 15, as an alternative for those he was going to leave behind with his ELCA-lite hymnal. He looked at me like was I blob on the windshield of his Mercedes.
Tiefel's erratic driving may be a result of the guilt he feels for the damage he has done. That is putting the best construction on it.
Martin Luther College
bruce-church (https://bruce-church.myopenid.com/) has left a new comment on your post "NY Post Covers Sent by Anonymous":
Grumpy, You say MLC closing is a far off pipe dream, but as I recall, no one was seriously talking about closing Northwestern College in Watertown until early 1992. The mid-1993 synodical convention approved the merger of the two colleges and the two prep schools by 1995. The main reason given was "finances". Wikipedia said the idea was discussed for "several" years, but I think it was only WIDELY discussed for a year and a half.
In 2007 before the financial crisis, Rev. Mark Schroeder said that the synod was chopping programs and yet the financial situation of the synod was getting worse. So imagine what he's saying now! Even after his "get rid of the debt" campaign, WELS still has $15+ million in debt, or thereabouts, and that's with the constitution and bylaws saying the WELS is supposed to be a pay-as-you-go operation!
To me it only makes sense to go the route other denominations have, that being, running as many tracks as one can at one school to eliminate redundancies and introduce economies of scale. The 1995 merger put two tracks at one school, but they could do better than that:
The new school, named Martin Luther College, opened its doors for the 1995-1996 school year.
The synod voted earlier this year to consolidate Northwestern College of Watertown and Dr. Martin Luther College in New Ulm, MN, into one college at the New Ulm campus and to consolidate Northwestern Prep School of Watertown and Dr. Martin Luther Prep School of Prairie du Chien into one high school at the Watertown campus.
Mark Schroeder. May 17, 2007: "But the financial problems have only persisted and grown worse."
Nick has left a new comment on your post "WELS Is Not Going To Admit the Obvious":
As for the MLC video, let's not make the college equal to its students. Are we human? are we sinful? Certinaly.
Will there be students at MLC not fully invested towards the ministry, using their own 'cleverness' to commit blatant sins? Certainly.
For the talent night, sadly there was a time when screening the videos wasn't needed. Since the gay video came out, screening is a must.
Let's try to keep all the facts in check, please.
Were those students wrong? Yes.
By their actions of posting the video later via Facebook, they have shown that they were clearly impenitent.
GJ - Nick, the prosecution will stipulate that the students are indeed idiots, and they are impenitent liars. They are also plagiarists who have broken the law by using protected music without permission. Disney approved the homosexual Fire Island Pines group using the music, after the fact, because it was a good promotion for a girl with limited talents. I have not seen any evidence that Disney also approved Martin Luther College stealing the music.
The ongoing broadcast of the stolen music via YouTube and Facebook constitutes a violation of the law.
The problem lies with the college and synod leadership. Pueri pueri erint does not cancel the legal responsibilities of a synod-owned school, not to mention its stated relationship with the Scriptures and Martin Luther himself.
Far worse was the statue fight, also proudly uploaded to YouTube by Martin Luther College students. They were quite grumpy with me about taking it down. In both cases, the original complaint came from WELS laity. They knew the best way to protest without having their teeth knocked in was to publish via Ichabod. That speaks volumes about Matthew 18 in WELS.
I have not seen the statue video since it was taken down, but the homosexual video has appeared all over. It continues to be played, featured, and described on homosexual websites. WELS alumni must be proud that they are mentioned so often around the world.
I see from your other post, Nick, that you are a UOJ fan. No wonder you dismiss objections so easily. Everyone is already declared forgiven, even without faith - and it seems, especially without faith.
Martin Luther College
Feminist Flops in Failing Mainline Sects
bruce-church (https://bruce-church.myopenid.com/) has left a new comment on your post "WELS Feminist Hymnal and Creed":
The main problem is keeping men and boys active in church, not so much keeping women and girls in church. That way Sunday morning doesn't have, say, 80% women and 20% men, attending. Gender imbalance leads to a shrinking church since emasculated Christianity won't attract men, and a feminine church won't attract that many people. As proof that conventional thinking is wrong, colleges thought that if they only recruited women by emasculating the university and provided them services (free medical clinics, women studies, clubs, etc.) that men aren't interested in, they wouldn't have to recruit men since they'd be pounding on the door trying to get where all the educated women are, but what happened is the idea of college became a turn-off to many men, and so now colleges are heading toward 60% women and 40% men.
Now the campuses have an anti-male feel and are totally unromantic because, for example, every parking lot and every 100 yards along the sidewalk there's a pole with a blue light where people can call campus police. It all works together to put the kibosh on the idea of finding a wife in college. The same thing could be said for marriage. They thought that liberated women with careers making as much, or more, money then men would attract men to marry women, but the latest Time magazine has statistics that show where that has got us. Of course, Time tried to put a PC spin on the data so they could say in their subtitle that men need marriage more than women. They can say what they want in the magazines and in the universities, but it always has and will be the case that women are the ones who more often try to drag men to altar, not vice versa. By the way, the reason the liberals are so big on the pay gap between men and women is they say their programs will be beneficial for society once complete parity is achieved. It's like the undaunted Marxist professors who still say that communism didn't work only because it was never really tried, since Stalin ruined it.
GJ - Many of my classes are 80% female. Some areas have more males than females - computers, MBA. Adult education is mostly feminist.
Also - women are now the achievers in education because they are career oriented. Their interest in having children is diminished by the potential income loss.
Women like going to church where men are leaders. Feminist churches repel feminine women and masculine men, so places like HerChurch.org are small operations for the fringe element. MLC is definitely training ministers for the future, and a bleak future it is.
Martin Luther College
Corporate News - Thrivent Financial for Lutherans and Salvation Army Heretics:
Your Thrivent Premiums at Work
Does anyone wonder why Appleton Lutherans are so mixed up?
Corporate News - Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
News Releases
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Another $125,000 match in the making this year
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans announces $125,000 Red Kettle Match Day Challenge
APPLETON, Wis. (Nov. 17, 2010) – On Dec. 3, quarters dropped into The Salvation Army red kettles throughout the Fox Cities, Wisc. could result in a quarter-million dollar contribution, thanks to the seventh-annual Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Red Kettle Match Day Challenge. Thrivent Financial will match donations dollar for dollar up to $125,000 at more than 50 Fox Cities Salvation Army red kettles on Friday, Dec. 3. If all $125,000 is matched this year, Thrivent Financial and the Fox Cities community will hold the national record for Salvation Army giving a third-consecutive year. Thrivent Financial’s Red Kettle Match Day Challenge remains the largest matching day event for The Salvation Army. This pledge sets the stage for an even bigger challenge to the community - repeating the results from the historic match days that occurred in 2008 and 2009, when community contributions, combined with the Thrivent Financial match, set and maintained the national record for single-day giving for The Salvation Army. Match day tradition approaches $1.5 million mark Thanks to community response each year, what started as a $25,000 match grant in 2004 has increased to $125,000 in 2008, 2009 and 2010. According to The Salvation Army, it is also the largest continuous community match day in the United States. To date, Thrivent Financial match days have generated nearly $1.3 million. A full $125,000 match would bring that amount to over $1.5 million. “Thrivent’s Red Kettle challenge inspires people to give generously,” said Peter Gianopoulos of Thrivent Financial. “We know that the funds raised help the Salvation Army serve many people in need – and that strengthens our community for everyone.” Employee, community volunteers Bell ringers play an instrumental role in the success of the Thrivent Financial Red Kettle Match Day as donations are much greater when a volunteer is present. Thrivent Financial employees will be among those volunteering to ring bells in the community and (more) at area Thrivent Financial facilities on Dec. 3. This will also be the fifth year for the Thrivent Financial “Red Kettle Idol” contest. “Red Kettle Idol” is a friendly, festive competition for Thrivent Financial employees to help trigger donors to drop a few more coins and bills into the red kettle. Participants will showcase their talents by singing or playing holiday songs, demonstrating unusual skills or simply dressing up in holiday costumes. Thrivent Financial employee Sue Uitenbroek was on a winning team in last year’s Red Kettle Idol competition, dressed as a mismatched Christmas present in a group called the “Musical Misfits.” She encourages anyone in the community to get involved in bell ringing on this year’s match day and throughout the holiday season. “Ringing the bells is rewarding in so many ways,” Uitenbroek said. “It’s a great feeling to spread holiday cheer and see the outpouring of support come from community members at the kettles, and it’s a lot of fun.” How to donate, ring bells There are several ways to donate to The Salvation Army – Fox Cities red kettles - either in person at one of 50 sites across the Fox Cities, online at www.safoxcities.org or by calling 920-734-3324. To become a bell-ringer, you can sign up for a kettle site at www.safoxcities.org or call the bell-ringer coordinator at 920-955-1225. Those interested can also host a virtual kettle online to encourage friends and family to contribute. About The Salvation Army The Salvation Army, an international movement, is an evangelical part of the Christian church. As a faith based organization, The Salvation Army also provides physical aid such as food, clothing and shelter, in an atmosphere of dignity and respect. Nearly 29 million Americans receive assistance from The Salvation Army each year through the broadest array of social services that range from providing food for the hungry, relief for disaster victims, assistance for the disabled, outreach to the elderly and ill, clothing and shelter to the homeless and opportunities for underprivileged children. About 83 cents of every dollar raised is used to support those services in 5,000 communities nationwide. The Salvation Army - Fox Cities has been located in Appleton since 1917. They serve the Fox Valley area in Neenah, Menasha, Kimberly, Kaukauna, Combined Locks, Larsen, Grand Chute, Little Chute, Appleton and Darboy. The Salvation Army - Fox Cites is not a participating United Way agency. For more information visit us on the web at safoxcities.org About Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Thrivent Financial for Lutherans is a not-for-profit, Fortune 500 financial services membership organization helping approximately 2.6 million members achieve financial security and give back to their communities. Thrivent Financial and its affiliates offer a broad range of financial products and services including life insurance, annuities, mutual funds, disability income insurance, bank products and more. As a not-for-profit organization, Thrivent Financial creates and supports national outreach programs and activities that help congregations, schools, charitable organizations and individuals in need. For more information, visit Thrivent.com. Also, you can find us on Facebook andTwitter. |
GJ - LCMS, WELS, ELS, and CLC (sic) support the Salvation Army, which is a church teaching heretical ideas about Christ.
But they do a lot of good things.
And they have jumped into Church Growth too, so they must be good.
LCMS; WELS; Thrivent
Another Celebrity Endorsement
Lindsay Lohan
Electronic Computer Invented in My Hometown Area
Few people realize John Vincent Atanasoff invented the electronic computer, because his plans were copied by another scientist and marketed eventually as the Eniac.
John V. Atanasoff was a remarkable scientist who did valuable work for the US during WWII.
As an applied physics professor at Ames, Iowa, he was looking for ways of doing math calculations, the most laborious part of his work. He kept thinking about it and trying various methods for years. Meanwhile, others were working on a calculating device.
One December day in 1937 he took off in his car and drove to relax and think about the solution. He crossed the Mississippi:
"I had reached the Mississippi River and was crossing into Illinois at a place where there are three cities...one of which is Rock Island. I drove into Illinois and turned off the highway into a little road, and went into a roadhouse, which had bright lights...I sat down and ordered a drink...As the delivery of the drink was made, I realized that I was no longer so nervous and my thoughts turned again to computing machines." Jane Smiley, The Man Who Invented the Computer, The Biography of John Atanasoff, Digital Pioneer, p. 2.
During this stop in Rock Island he thought of four basic concepts to make a computer work. He wrote down his ideas on a napkin, went back to Ames, and asked for funding for this project. He received $200 for parts and $450 to pay his assistant, an exceptionally able Clifford Berry.
The computer worked, so when John Mauchley found out about it, he visited Ames, stayed at the Atanasoff home, took copious notes, asked all about the machine, and stole the idea. Sperry Rand owned the patent rights, because Ames did not pursue the patent case as it should have. Also, Atanasoff seemed especially naive about Mauchley's early intentions. One reason was - everyone but Mauchley ignored him.
The apparent murder of Berry, never solved, made Atanaoff much more involved in the difficult case of overturning the patents owned by Sperry Rand. In 1973, the judge in the federal case gave the credit to Atanasoff and took away Sperry Rand's claims.
Others made significant contributions to the invention of the computer. One method was used to help crack Enigma during WWII, in England. Konrad Zuse, a German scientist, did astonishing work, but he was ignored by the Nazi military.
The first computers were destroyed. The original ABC was taken apart because it was using up valuable space at Ames. The future head of computer science at Ames took it apart. The ABC was later rebuilt for a small fortune!
The English computer was destroyed to hide the evidence about how they read the German Enigma messages in WWII.
Konrad Zuse had his early computers bombed by the Allies in WWII.
Atanasoff will never get a Nobel Prize, because he did not submit a paper for publication, a requirement of the committee. He died in 1995.
Let's quote the Iowa State University Associate Professor of Physics John Hauptman opinion about Atanasoff:
"I came here from Berkeley," Hauptman said. "You know Berkeley must have 20 Nobel prizes and they are proud of them; poets, physicists, chemists... When I found out Atanasoff's story and read his paper... It occurred to me that if Atanasoff had been at Berkeley in 1939 (with the Atanasoff-Berry Computer) he would have gotten a Nobel prize right away. Berkeley would not have waited a minute before going after a Nobel Prize and becoming known as the birthplace of the electronic digital computer. Here at Iowa State, it was just dropped."
What Sasse Says
What Sasse Says: "Why Are There Different Interpretations of Scripture?
How it is possible for Christians who really want to obey this Word, and seriously ask the Holy Spirit to enlighten them, to arrive at contradicting conclusions as to the meaning of a certain passage no one can know. The reason is not, as the Catholic churches claim, the lack of an infallible teaching office which through the unfailing enlightenment of the Holy Spirit is able to decide authoritatively which exegesis is right and which is wrong. Otherwise, one should expect that the churches which reject the sola Scriptura, the church of Rome and the Eastern churches, would agree which that infallible teaching office is. The reason is rather to be found in the nature of God's revelation. God's Word always comes to us hidden in his humanity. Thus, not by our own reason, but rather by the grace of the Holy Spirit, can we perceive the divine truth in faith. This applies also to the understanding of God's Word by the Reformers. They are fallible like us.
From This Is My Body, Luther's Contention for the Real Presence in the Sacrament of the Altar (Revised Australian Edition, Lutheran Publishing House, Adelaide, 1977) p.232."
GJ - This Sasse quotation seems a little tentative, but it is only an excerpt. Overall, he is quite good.
Difference in interpretation comes from the wrong view of the Word. Inerrancy is not the main issue. An inerrancy conference can feature 57 varieties of the Christian confession. They only agree about inerrancy - at least they think so.
When the Holy Spirit is divorced from the Word, any foul error can creep in and take over. The basic issue is treating the Bible as an old-fashioned textbook, a classic, but not taken seriously the unified Truth, the Book of the Holy Spirit.
Thus we are taught by yahoos who disagree with what the Word of God teaches about itself. They have more respect for the owner's manual of their SUV. The so-called conservative Lutherans are among the worst offenders. That explains why they love worshiping with Andy Stanley, Driscoll, Leonard Sweet, Stetzer, and Martin Marty.
rlschultz has left a new comment on your post "What Sasse Says":
It is very popular today to view the Bible as an owner's manual for life. As Luther said, "doctrine is heaven, life is earth". Now, we have "Bible studies" for everything, because the church must always be relevant. Those influenced by the Church and Money Changers like to peddle their snake oil as Bible-based financial planning. All of these methods are sanctification based, with a wrong view of sanctification. You may as well put a yellow cover on the NIV and sell it at Barnes and Noble as "Life....for Dummies".
GJ - Randall Schultz is correct, and that is the common thread uniting the fraud named Joel Osteen with the make-me-rich folks at LCMS/WELS Cornerstone. WELS pays consultants to tell them they need expensive buildings for masonry evangelism, which means they will need to pay consultants to show them how to raise all that loot.
Churchmouse Campanologist
Churchmouse Campanologist:
"The gentleman on the left is John Ortberg, 53, the senior pastor of Menlo Park Presbyterian Church (PCUSA) in California.

His congregation’s demographics are very much in line with PCUSA findings. For those who don’t know, Menlo Park is near Stanford University and Silicon Valley. Therefore, many of the 4,000 people attending his services each week are no doubt high-earners, extremely intelligent and, quite possibly, looking for that much more out of life."
For more, click on the link...
WELS Feminist Hymnal and Creed
Steven has left a new comment on your post "Just Say No To the Abusive Cult Called WELS":
James, I believe "the new feminist Creed" refers to the Nicene Creed in the WELS hymnal Christian Worship. The phrase "for us men" is reduced to simply "for us."
I am a recent graduate of MLC having studied music education there. I took a course entitled Musical Heritage of the Lutheran church with Dr. Kermit Moldenhauer, who was on the committee that developed CW. He described the committee's goal to make some of the male references more gender neutral, but added that in hindsight he believes they may have gone too far on some counts. One lamentable change was in the translation of "A Mighty Fortress." The phrase "And take they our life, goods, fame, child, and wife, let these all be gone they yet have nothing won" is replaced with "And do what they will—hate, steal, hurt, or kill—though all may be gone,our victory is won." There are many in the WELS that were upset by this text change. It will be interesting to see if they revert back to the former text when they publish the next hymnal.
GJ - The WELS apostates decided to use the liberal, ecumenical texts developed by a pan-denominational group, then claimed they were forced to use the new wording in the Creeds (note the plural).
The statement above is proof of the evil done, because the current college students have already forgotten the correct wording of the Creeds. "And became man" was replaced with "fully human." The original wording is clear and thus offensive to the feminists and their capon enablers. Nothing in the original text justifies "fully human." Jenswold said the new wording was correct because he was "an expert in Greek."
I wondered at the time, to myself. "If that is so, then what about John 3. "There came to Him by night, a fully human named Nicodemus."
The old heresiarch Ted Hartwig was the author chosen to defend the feminist Creeds in the magazine and journal. All the WELS pastors fell in line, bought the hymnals, and followed the wolf-pack.
Victor Prange said the entire hymnal was edited for the feminists. That really brought them in, eh? Their FICKLE editor Dorothy Sonntag left for ELCA.
By goofing around with everything, including Luther's hymn, The Sausage Factory and its cohorts in Church and Change signaled "Anything Goes!" in worship.
Bad coinage drives out good coinage. CW lowered the standards everywhere.
Brett Meyer Is Right about ELCA-LWR-LCMS-WELS
Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Sweet to address LCMS educators in Cincinnati, Mar...":
I appreciate your correction Dan.
My position though is supported in part by the following links showing that not only is LCMS Pres. Harrison a board member of LWR (January 2010) but also fully supports their efforts as they fund the United Nations and their murderous activities around the world.
Pres. Harrison is Executive Director of LCMS World Relief and Human Care who partner with LWR who then support Ted Turner's efforts through the United Nations to actively depopulate the world through mass genocide and eugenics.
Through these organizations they work closely with ELCA, "LCMS World Relief and Human Care partnered with Lutheran World Relief and the World Hunger Program of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America to co-sponsor Stand With Africa"
I think this statement from Pres. Harrison's is significant in respect to LWR's globalist agenda, "Missouri has a unique position in world leadership." http://www.wfn.org/2010/08/msg00020.html
"Also at its May meeting, the Board endorsed a joint proposal of the Synod and Lutheran World Relief (LWR), Baltimore, to the United Nations Foundation that includes a grant of $4 million for joint work related to the LMI.
LMI is a movement including the Synod, LWR, the UN Foundation, and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America."
Pres. Harrison states, "What are these humanitarian activities? The range is very broad, but let me concentrate on just one. The LCMS is a partner with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) in Lutheran World Relief (LWR), based in Baltimore, Md.
LWR is NOT a mission agency; it is a humanitarian agency. LWR specializes in international aid and development. Through LCMS World Relief/Human Care, we provide $2 to $3 million a year for humanitarian purposes through LWR. LWR—through the LCMS, ELCA, WELS (Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod) and government support—carries out some $30 million in international aid projects yearly."
More http://www.lcms.org/results.asp?q=united+nations
GJ - Wikipedia:
"Lutheran World Relief (LWR) is an international nonprofit organization and a joint ministry of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod."
[GJ - And WELS. One life-long WELS member, then a pastor, almost cried when he found out his own DP was on the board of LWR. "I grew up in WELS and didn't know it." Thus the lambs are led to the slaughter and ELCA feels another surge of self-esteem.]
"LWR is a member of ACT Development, a global alliance of churches and related agencies working on development that are committed to working together."
There is only one Lutheran World Relief, and Missouri/WELS/ELS support it. Just like Act Development, there are many other overlapping funding agencies, so the trail of dollars given and spent requires a forensic CPA firm.
Church and Change is set up the same way, with many different overlapping groups. Motto for all these crooks: "Your money, their mission."
Yes they do a lot of good in relief efforts, but the Mormons do too. Why not join the Mormons in their work? Or the Shriners? I forgot, Lutherans do support the Masons and Shriners.
Embarrassing Walther
bruce-church (https://bruce-church.myopenid.com/) has left a new comment on your post "Just Say No To the Abusive Cult Called WELS":
The Synodical Conference Lutherans have been a rough crowd since the start. It might have something to do with its heavily Prussian origins. When you read the history about the 19th C UOJ and election controversies, the Eastern Lutherans and the Iowa Synod Lutherans complained that the Midwest Lutherans were downright ornery and un-Christian in argumentation and how they treated dissenters and opponents. That's how one group of pastors who didn't believe in UOJ could call themselves the anti-Missouri Brotherhood, and no one thought the "anti-" part was the least bit uncalled for.
Narrow-minded Lutheran has left a new comment on your post "Just Say No To the Abusive Cult Called WELS":
I used to think that LCMS folks were defensive when criticizing their papacy, but I learned last weekend that one really has a tiger by the tail when having the audacity to suggest that WELS may not be the only holy, catholic, and apostolic Church.
When this person started in about how liberal the LCMS is versus the "conservative" WELS, I questioned why WELS sends their clergy to Fuller. Of course, the 8th Commandment is the first thing to come up, as I was told that I needed to check my sources and had no idea what I was talking about. "Our guys only go to WELS sems," I was told in that tone of rebuke. Funny how the internet is okay for being critical of everyone but WELS.
The next subject I brought up was Thrivent, and, of course, the reply was, "Our parish has nothing to do with them." After encouraging this person to do some research, I hope this person does so and sees that the LCMS that they broke fellowship with due to its ecumenism supports their beloved Jeske.
As usual, it went to the CW issue, which this WELS person saw no big problem with (adiaphora is the "catch-all," you know). I ended the conversation with problems arising when church focuses on us and not on Christ. Amazingly, I got the last word.
This goes for Missouri and WELS: When Walther is elevated above Luther and regarded as inerrant, your problems are soon to follow, the first being the descent into pietism.
rlschultz has left a new comment on your post "Just Say No To the Abusive Cult Called WELS":
When someone is told to write a letter, and then they are ignored, is just plain rude. These bad boys need to learn some manners.
rlschultz has left a new comment on your post "Just Say No To the Abusive Cult Called WELS":
"That is because WELS pastors cannot admit ever being wrong."
In my many conversations with WELS laity over the years, this may bother them more than anything else. There is much better treatment of peers in the secular workplace. Although there was no mention of Matthew chapter 18 in these exchanges, the 8 and 18 switch is losing its sting. In fact, the end is rather tattered and worn from overuse.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Just Say No To the Abusive Cult Called WELS
Defamation is defined here.
This takes some time, so I will list matters in chronological order.
1. I received this email from an ELCA pastor named Bruce Foster:
"----- Original Message -----
From: Bruce Foster
To: gregjackson1948@qwest.net
Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2008 7:46 AM
Subject: orthodox rhetoric
Dear Pastor Jackson
I am writing this letter against the advice of a WELS pastor who claims to know something about you (he says he has a relative who served your WELS church in Ohio after you left). He says that you are unable to see any fault in your opinions or manner of stating them. He is also sure that you are mentally ill.
As I have been reading your blog for the last few months I have not seen those two traits. You think you are right and everybody who disagrees with you is wrong. So what’s new? Everybody thinks that! But you aren’t beyond being corrected. NPH showed you how you misinterpreted their web site and you admitted it. And as to you being crazy, well, being nuts is in the eye of the beholder and being passionate isn’t being nuts even if it is sometimes confused with it.
So here it goes. I’m actually going to give you a constructive admonition, not a “brotherly admonition” since I’m a member of the ELCA and thus out of fellowship with you.
Dr. Jackson, why do you declare your love of Luther so much and never take seriously Luther’s explanation to the 8th commandment? I am not accusing you of lying, but rather of ignoring the second part of the explanation.
but will defend him, say good things about him, and see the best side of everything he does.
but defend him, speak well of him, and take his words and actions in the kindest possible way.
sondern sollen ihn entschuldigen, Gutes von ihm reden und alles zum besten kehren.
I am willing to believe that all these versions of the last half of the explanation of the 8th commandment are part of some vast Church Growth conspiracy and in your private set of original Luther documents you have a version that says,
but spend a lot of time dreaming up abusive nicknames for your enemies.
Unless however you can produce those documents and have them authenticated, I will have to stick to the version I learned in LCMS catechism class and which is found in the Triglotta."
2. I asked him to verify his source, so ELCA Pastor Bruce Foster wrote:
From: Bruce Foster
To: Gregory L. Jackson
Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2008 8:09 AM
Subject: Re: orthodox rhetoric
The WELS pastor is Peter Lindemann Jacksonport WI. I didn't name him because it wasn't the point of my email. Love to hear your response to my actual email, email not an essay.
3. I saw that there was a Lindemann in Jacksonport, so I emailed him to see if he said this to the ELCA pastor. He did not respond and the email did not bounce back. I assume this is Jenswold's brother-in-law, the son of Dean Lindemann at the late Northwestern College.
4. WELS SP Schroeder had contacted me more than once when he wanted something corrected, so I wrote him about this. His only response was - contact them. That was late in 2009, when I was moving to Arkansas.
5. I wrote a certified letter in April of 2010, sending it to SP Schroeder, Pastor Jenswold, and Pastor Lindemann, who was in another parish. A copy of all three signed receipts is below. All three are signed May 3, 2010. But no one responded by phone, by email, or by letter.
6. When I pointed a total lack of response, SP Schroeder sent me an email denying this had happened. He said I did not need to issue a correction. He is keen on corrections. When I pointed that he signed the certified letter, so there was no need to change an accurate post, he said, on October 23, 2010:
"Since the certified letter was not addressed to me but sent as a “CC”, and since I had encouraged you to contact these men directly and you were doing so, I did not respond directly to your letter.
Regardless, I apologize if this appeared to be a lack of response. It was not intended to be.
Rev. Mark Schroeder
WELS President"
GJ - I have known about this slander campaign for many years. Various friends in WELS have told me about it. As I pointed out to all three WELS pastors, defamation is a crime punishable by the law. WELS is very big on slander. When I was writing about WELS involvement in Church Growth and Fuller, Paul Kelm and Norm Berg and Joel Gerlach all wrote to cry "Slander! Eighth Commandment!"
SP Schroeder is legally responsible for what his underlings do. So is DP John Seifert and other WELS leaders. Ecclesiastical leaders can get away with just about any defamation in their own sect. That is why the leaders, pastors, and members get used to abusive behavior. Nothing is done. But when someone is outside of their organization, defamation is a very serious matter.
Schroeder could have asked Lindemann and Jenswold to apologize, since neither one denied this happened. Both pastors could have apologized, but they did not. That is because WELS pastors cannot admit ever being wrong. They are so thin-skinned that they believe themselves entitled to slime anyone who disagrees with anything.
Schroeder himself could have apologized for the criminal behavior of his underlings, but he did not. WELS never admits wrong.
ELS Pastor John Shep (now ELCA) was caught doing the same thing via email. In an email to a generous donor to Thoughts of Faith, he praised me. In an email sent to another contact, he questioned whether I was normal or balanced. When the donor confronted him with a copy of his negative email, he did not respond at all. Shep, by the way, had never met me or talked to me, but he wrote, "How well do you know him?"
What I am reporting here is only the tip of the iceberg in WELS/ELS abusive behavior. They treat their members and pastors like trash, if it suits their immediate purpose.
I could detail many other items from my own experience with WELS, to show how pathetic their leadership is. When my wife was disabled with a life-threatening illness, they told others that she was not sick at all. As anyone can tell from the original report from Lindemann and Jenswold, they imagine they are medical experts too. Nothing is too low for them.
I showed up on the NWC campus one day, in the midst of Dean Lindemann being a tyrannical jerk with a group of students. He was being quite threatening with them about "a letter." I followed WELS procedure and invited him for a face-to-face meeting in his office. I asked about "the letter," which magically no longer existed. I told him how I defended WELS all the time, perhaps mentioning the whining the ELS Pastor Jay Webber, who wanted to break fellowship with WELS. (He is a born-again Intrepid now, Defender of the Unfaith.)
Later, students said Lindemann had a look on his face no one had seen before. They were all quite pleased. I am not saying the Lindemann clan nursed a grudge. Oh no. The entire sect nurses a grudge against anyone who does not fall down and praise them with glazed eyes.
I know from a dust-up between Paul McCain and Larry Darby that publishing a letter neutralizes it as evidence. Long ago, McCain sent one of his ugly letters around, which blamed Darby and me because a Missouri pastor failed to support UOJ. I did not even know the pastor named, so I wondered about McCain's omniscience and ethics. Darby would not give me the letter because the attorneys were dealing with it. He was not allowed to share it, even though I was named.
I discussed this matter with an attorney. I know church officials (who are often in court, due to criminal behavior) get all huffy about this. Dan Preus wrote about Walther's parallel experience.
"Walther himself initiated a lawsuit in the state of Indiana against a
fellow Lutheran of the Ohio Synod who had been guilty of slandering him. Through
his lawyer he even sought monetary damages from the man guilty of slander,
although stating that any damages awarded would not be used for his personal
benefit. Walther dropped his lawsuit only when the two individuals primarily
responsible for slandering him had retracted their slander and apologized in
writing, submitting their apologies for publication in 'Der Lutheraner.' (Der
Lutheraner, July, 1884, p. 109)Daniel Preus,
"Christians, Lawsuits and 1 Corinthians 6,"
Affirm, June, 1991, p. 5-6.
In the last two years, Jenswold, Lindemann, and Schroeder have had many chances to man up.
Jenswold does not even know me. I visited Shepherd of Peace once. He was rude to me and my wife, which is typical of WELS clergy. That Sunday he talked about what an expert he was in Greek, so no one could question the new feminist Creed promoted by Christian Worship. I said nothing. There is an old saying, "Have regard for the pastor before you and the pastor who follows you." WELS is not aware of that saying. They are crippled in ethics.
I told the congregation when I resigned from WELS, "Don't bother to call a pastor if you cannot back him up." They remembered that during the last 17 years. The statement still comes up.
Sweet to address LCMS educators in Cincinnati, March 2011
"Beam me down, Klaatu."
Sweet to address LCMS educators in Cincinnati, March 2011
Sweet is addressing educators again, it’s looking more apparent that the Missouri Synod is heavily invested in Post Modern Emergent philosophy.
This is the fourth time that Dr. Sweet is speaking to educators. If you input Sweet’s name in a search engine it delivers 657,000 hits, many of them very critical of his work and theology.
The man is a human theological piñata and poster boy for everything wrong with modern Christianity. It’s not a big secret, he’s been stigmatized for quite a while. The LCMS looks really stupid retaining this speaker, I’m embarrassed for them. Well, they’re not stupid people, they PREFER SWEET over Luther.
It’s as if the hoi polloi are saying to the people to whom doctrine still is important... “I KNOW WHAT I WANT TO BELIEVE, AND I PREFER IT, EVEN IF IT ISN’T COHERENT IN A LUTHERAN ENVIRONMENT.”
And, that’s why the LCMS has all these bizarre practices and weird pastors, DP’s, and a strange Director of Church Theology and Church Relations (CTCR), Dr. Samuel Nafzger who works to make all this strange stuff fit together.
On another tack, I wonder if the LCMS is Sweet’s biggest client?
He should write a book on his experience with Lutherans, a good title would be:
“How finding leaders in the Lutheran religious community, who can’t think critically, will pave your way to a bestseller and provide lucrative speaking engagements”.
I read the following clip and thought to myself, (knowing what I now know about the LCMS), if I had a child in the LCMS educational system, I’d be pulling them out right now even if the semester wasn’t over.
Leonard Sweet has agreed to keynote the 2011 Convocation. His presentation content and style are guaranteed to make you think—and think a lot! Online source
My child, in a public school, would have a better chance of avoiding incoherent thinking skills associated with the PoMo culture because we would already be aware that the public school is a hostile environment and be prepared for it. Plus, the public schools have to avoid promoting religion, that is regulated by law.
It’s one thing to have a secular teacher attempting transformational consensus philosophy upon your child and another thing to have a religious authority or Lutheran organization doing the same thing. The religious aspect makes it all rather reprehensible.
The PoMos Transformationals are mostly concerned about ‘behavior’ as opposed to truth, fact or being grounded in reality. The anti-thesis of Post Modern thinking is logical, rational, linear, and propositionally based thinking.
I’m certain there are probably many good Lutheran educators that care and aren’t captive to incoherent PoMo Emergent thinking, but there is a weird and growing pattern emerging. Sweet gave two presentations in Wisconsin, another appearance scheduled for January 2011 in Florida, and now this LEA conference in March, 2011, this is a growing trend.
I have to question the motives and the discernment practices of LCMS educational administrators, the very people in control of the strategic educational planning for Lutheran youth who make decisions that would not be in the best interests of my offspring.
I have to question the motives and intent of the Director for the LCMS Council on Theology and Church Relations (CTCR) Dr. Nafzger and SP Kieschnick even more. These were the first people who sanctioned this person and put him among Lutherans.
The current administration tacitly approves, since by their silence this goes forward without an objection.
The debate that will never happen in our Lutheran community is the one that should, and it all centers around how far away from historical, sound Lutheran doctrine the synod has drifted or how sinners are justified.
The pastoral fraternity will never allow it----too many relationships and that is valued more than truth. The LCMS is a federation of sects often referred to as ‘affinity groups’. Bill Hybels may be the de facto bishop of the NID.
The fraternal loyalty among the clergy, seminary and administrators is stronger than loyalty to Biblical Truth which is a good example how false doctrine, cohort learning (Sweet) and his EPIC model prevails over doctrine and Scripture in this present day anthropocentric church environment.
“Postmodernists believe that truth is myth, and myth, truth. This equation has its roots in pop psychology. The same people also believe that emotions are a form of reality. There used to be another name for this state of mind. It used to be called psychosis.”
Sunday, November 28, 2010
SP Schroeder, Harrison, and Moldstadt - Why Do You Work With These Apostates?
Lutherans comment on ELCA abortion policy.
The document would not allow me to convert it, so you will have to use the link.
I do not see how anyone in WELS, Missouri, or the Little Sect could justify a single activity or association with ELCA.
Thrivent in Appleton should hang its head in shame for funding these monsters.
Seminary Swindle Information - While DPs Keep the Loot Marked "For Missions"
bruce-church (https://bruce-church.myopenid.com/) has left a new comment on your post "Someone Thanked Ichabod - Really Bruce Church - Fo...":
Additional pages on the seminary swindle:
Fake Pastoral Shortage in the LCMS:
Honey, I Shrunk the Stats:
Lutheran Pastors Getting Swindled:
Avoid the Seminary Swindle:
Warning to Bethany, MLC, and WLC: Another One Bites the Dust:
Coming Soon - More Information on the Bogus Lutheran Clergy Shortage:
This page:
GJ - Someone sent a thankyou note, and that led to this set of links, thanks to Bruce Church again.
Missouri Lutherans - you are paying for ankle-deep carpeting, walnut desks, and Cuban stogies for the DPs. Meanwhile, the students are expected to pay a fortune, enslaving their wives, hoping perhaps they might get a call and pay down their government loans before they die.
Think twice before borrowing to go to seminary. The degree is useless apart from serving in the denomination. They will take all your money and say, "Sorry, no call for you. We heard you threw spit-wads in third grade at St. Ferdy's Lutheran School."
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