Thursday, January 14, 2010

Last Post on the Gay Martin Luther College Video, Part One

Average college video producers.

When I left the Lutheran Church in America, in 1987, before the merger took place, the Lavender Mafia was already controlling the agenda. I wrote a chapter about it in Out of the Depths of ELCA, published in Christian News.

I was shocked that no one faced the outcome of an agenda driven by Marxism, abortion on demand, and homosexual activism. The LCA's last act was to spend its final $120,000 on a "study" of the homosexual issue.

ELCA added abortion to its health care plan. Not much happened over that issue. Babies count for little today.

ELCA decided that it was really subordinate to the Episcopal Church. Congregations began leaving over that issue.

Things really heated up after the August, 2009 ELCA convention, which was the logical outcome of 22 years of lobbying. Diversity quotas and black-balling of conservatives made it impossible to stop the ELCA Fire Island Express. Many will probably call it the last straw among many such travesties. The majority will stay, apparently.

WELS and ELS congregations have noticed ELCA members coming over, some of them joining. Doubtless Missouri has seen a similar movement.

Martin Luther College (WELS) and Wisconsin Luther College (WELS) have defended and supported their gay video, a copy of the homosexual "Party in the Fire Island Pines." Not only that, a large Facebook fansite has been established to make sure everyone can watch the video forever. The comments, posted for everyone to see, are instructive. The members of the fanpage are mostly WELS and include some of the students who produced the video - innocently and ignorantly - we are supposed to believe.

The robotic WELS response will be that I should not tell the truth about what they are doing. The ELCA members are savvy enough and scarred enough to check things out for themselves. WELS/ELS can hardly claim to be an alternative to ELCA when their College of Ministry giggles over an alternative lifestyle?

Will a humorous depiction of abortion be next?

There are probably enough ELCA Pietists to be attracted to a few WELS/ELS Shrinker experiments. Most are probably going to be looking for confessional Lutheran churches with traditional Means of Grace worship rather than entertainment, popcorn, and Soul Cafes.

I saw a few of goofing-around services in the LCA before I left, but there was nothing like widespread ChurchGrowthism in 1987. By now everyone has had too much of it.

ELCA members and pastors are probably illiterate about the Book of Concord, but so are many WELS/ELS pastors. They cannot be instructed if the teachers are untaught themselves.

The WELS college students cannot grasp what a ghastly impression they are making on anyone who might want to join their synod or attend their college. They are the ones promoting their slavish copy of the Fire Island Pines video.

No one reads this blog, as one person recently claimed. Google Analytics says - 20,000 pages were read in the last 30 days, many of them linked from ELCA. But what is that compared to the circulation of FIC and the readership of the ELS Newsletter - The Pope Speaks?

I can say without fear of contradiction that the ELS doctrinal board will act on this matter...eventually.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Last Post on the Gay Martin Luther College Video, ...":

Well, I'm hoping that by last you mean you're never going to talk about this topic again. If so, welcome to the WELS.


GJ - You missed the "Part One" in the headline, proving you are indeed WELS. More importantly, you missed the point of the post altogether, proving you are from MLC.

More Encouragement from the Under-Educated

Favorite toast at MLC? - Bottoms up!

mjleyrer has left a new comment on your post "MLC's Video Alive on Facebook":

Jacko, I don't really get why you post. No one listens to you, and no matter what the WELS did you would never come back. You're not helping yourself and you're not helping the synod. It's like you're an angsty teen who has too many emotions and this is your only outlet. You're not going to change anything and no one really appreciates you trying except for your handful of ichabodians.


GJ - Readers - above is a good example of a Changer full of himself, posting daily about why no one pays attention to Ichabod.

Does MLC have a purpose?

Parochial schools are closing faster than banks. The pre-seminary training can be provided at two other schools.

MLC is the only Lutheran college with gay video fansite on Facebook. Let me know if you find another. Obviously someone has a lot of time on his hands.


C.C.Baxter has left a new comment on your post "MLC's Video Alive on Facebook":

The reason I brought it up was to reinforce that it isn't Greg Jackson that is bringing this subject up again and again, but the opposite: the kids who created the group are the ones bringing it up again. And the result is a lack of respect for the office of the "lil fairy" teachers-to-be.

P.S. I hope you're having as much fun as I am, Ty and Kyle. ;)