Wednesday, March 16, 2011

At Least DP Benke Was Disciplined for a Time!

Narrow-minded Lutheran has left a new comment on your post "Prayed with a Priest and a Rabbi? But What Is the Punchline?...":

How many WELS people shook their heads in shame at Benke's unionistic and syncretistic Yankee Stadium performance? This is not to say that WELS is worse than Missouri, but they're no better; yet, many WELS people puff out their chests with pride while putting down the heterodox LCMS. They are just two peas in the ecumenistic Thrivent pod.

Also, I saw no mention of Word and Sacrament in the above "wish list." May I use the new vocab word, Methobapticostal, since the historical Lutheran liturgy is, "stiff, overly formal, unemotional, smotheringly doctrinal?" And there's that head vs. heart deal again. This is too sad to laugh at.


GJ - Icha-slang is adding to our rich heritage of English, so feel free to use Methobapticostal, which someone else offered on this blog.

I am always happy to kelm a good idea or word. But I do not hide its origin.