Thursday, July 14, 2011

Antinomianism Comes from Univeral Objective Justification.
Just Ask ELCA, Jungkuntz, Kelm

rlschultz has left a new comment on your post "Come On, WELS - I Have the Graphics You Need To Co...":

The term Legalistic Antinomian may seem to be a paradox. It is accurate because it describes the logical outcome of straying away from the Means of Grace and the Lutheran Confessions. The Legalism comes from the Pharisaical use of the Law. The Antinomianism comes from always trying to find loopholes in the Law.

rlschultz has left a new comment on your post "Nominated for Worst Sermon Ever. Worse Than Ski an...":

These wrong use of the law admonitions are a dime-a-dozen in the cesspool known as American Evangelicalism. This is what you get when you have lazy pastors who leave evangelism visits up to a visitation committee. This is what you get when you have an expensive expansion program and you cannot get warm bodies fast enough to fill up the coffers. This is what you get when your doctrine of vocation is faulted and you preach that everyone is a minister. The final result is unduly binding the consciences of the laity. I would not be able to stay for the entire sermon. I would be in the men's room retching.