Thursday, February 3, 2011

Quaker Towers Closed Today Due to the Chicago Storm.
ELCA Membership Up

"Does this outfit make me look...

ELCA headquarters in Chicago closed today, due to the blizzard that rolled through the Eastern United States, starting in Texas.

ELCA leaders were unable to harass, persecute, and thwart the Gospel, so membership went up temporarily.

Presiding Bishop Mark Hanson will be back soon to straighten things out.

On a serious note, all the Augustana Band members are back in Sioux Falls, after being trapped by events in Egypt.

Return of Chucky: Child's Play

"Did you hear the one about the Real Presence?
Oh, I'd like to welcome all the WELS pastors visiting today.
I'll show you how we do church."

Narrow-minded Lutheran has left a new comment on your post "Le Grande Swindle - Or Swindoll":

One time when listening to my local "Christian" radio station, I heard Chuck Swindoll. He was making fun of the Real Presence. His analogy was that if he pulled out his wallet and showed you pictures of his grandkids, was he actually showing you his grandkids? Wow! I guess 1 Cor. 11 is not in Chuck's Bible.

Perhaps this is why the Lutheran synods downplay the importance of the Eucharist. They are influenced by the pietists of American Evangelical Protestantism that replace or distort God's Word with reason and logic. The concept of the Trinity is not logical, so why believe it? What about a virgin birth? Ever seen one? What about Christ being fully God and fully man? Oh yeah, it's called Faith, thanks be to God.


GJ - This is a good illustration, because Swindoll is a Pietist from the Evangelical Free sect. The rationalistic explanation of Holy Communion comes from Calvin, who also mocked the Real Presence in his Institutes.

Objective justification also comes from Calvinism, as Sig Becker admitted in his essay.

Therefore, the WELS attraction to Swindoll comes from his rationalism, not from his fidelity to the Word.

Jesus said, in Greek, "This is my Body, given for you for the forgiveness of sin."

The Calvinistic Pietists deny both the Real Presence and the forgiveness. The emergent WELS/LCMS/ELS congregations--that model themselves after Swindoll, Groeschel, and Hybels--also denigrate Holy Communion, by not offering it or by hiding it.

Ground Hog Day Editions Uploaded to

The Ground Hog Day blizzard was not so bad in Bella Vista, but a six-inch snowfall shuts down the roads. One resident will not shovel his driveway, so he stays in until it melts, "Because I grew up here!"

I made a virtue out of necessity and re-edited Thy Strong Word and Justification. Someone sent a gift, so I was able to order print copies of Justification for...some people.

Free PDF downloads are available here - Justification, Thy Strong Word, and all Martin Chemnitz Press books.

A pastor's recent comparison of catechisms is revealing. The old WELS Gausewitz catechism teaches justification by faith, while the Kuske catechism teaches UOJ. One characteristic of a cult is changing doctrine and having everyone toe the line or else.

Many people are contributing ideas, research, encouragement, and editing skills to these books. They involve all synods, even ELCA.

Bruce Foster, the LCMS man who became an ELCA pastor, thought the UOJ essay collection was quite instructive. If ELCA is interested in your history of doctrine, so you should be too.

Taylor's Last Words

LutherRocks has left a new comment on your post "Was UOJ Always Taught in WELS?Definitely Not!":

I too have wondered this. When I stumbled across UOJ three years ago and my wife and I were talking about it, my son overheard us and and told us of an incident while he was in confirmation class. He had a hard time getting his head around it (he's pretty smart). It didn't end really well. He was confirmed, however. So I have searched for that Kuske cateschism around our house to no avail to compare it to my 1956 small catechism. It probably ended up in it's rightful place when we moved to TX.

Thanks for posting this and thanks to that pastor whoever he is.

I am feeling like Taylor at the end of Planet of the Apes these days. Maybe you can find a picture of him and use it for a future blog regarding this issue.

Le Grande Swindle - Or Swindoll

Copy and paste Luther next time.
No will will recognize the text,
but they will be furious about the content.

This recent post on WELS catechisms explains how UOJ became the Helen of Troy in WELS.

WELS dumped justification by faith in favor of Universal Objective Justification. The ministerium moved lockstep to buy the Kuske catechism, which was larger, more expensive, and based on false doctrine.

Let us go back in our time machine to the Kokomo crisis. There Pastor Papenfuss admitted that he had never heard of UOJ until he reached seminary. His teaching in the Kokomo, Indiana parish ignited the nationwide debate about UOJ. Was he previously trained with Gausewitz? Probably, because WELS tends to go with one book, one idea at a time.

Another look at WAM II is in order, because Missouri long used a justification by faith catechism, as Pastor Harley established in his work. LCMS President Jack Preus beat up WAM II in public. Concordia Seminary stopped short of burning Maier at the stake, but only because of smoke restrictions.

Supposedly UOJ has always been always taught, with Missouri basing its reverence for universal absolution on all these orthodox dudes who wrote after the Book of Concord was published in 1580, orthodox dudes out of print and only found in the musty dark corners of university libraries. Unfortunately, Robert Preus, who knew these authors, admitted before he died that justification only means justification by faith, that no one is forgiven apart from faith.

Pietism is bad. Ptui. Ptui. Ask any LCMS, WELS, or Little Sect graduate. I have heard more than one Mequon graduate claim that drinking beer is a witness against the Pietists. O happy day, that an entire ministerium can wash away Pietism so easily and bear the cross of DUI convictions while doing so.

But this wonderful UOJ, which they call the heart of the Gospel, is a brew imported from Halle University. George Christian Knapp taught Objective Justification and Subjective Justification for years. He was so important that his lectures were translated into English before the (LCMS) Perry County pioneers landed in Nawluns. Not that English mattered. These founders of Missouri spoke, taught, and published in German until the 20th century, when WWI made German less than fashionable.

All the American Lutherans honored Pietism. They came from Halle University or from a group that looked to Halle as their Vatican, whether they graduated from there or not. The entire world knew about the charitable institutions and mission societies that Halle spawned, so no one criticized Spener, even if they took shots at Pietism itself.

Pietism was a doctrinal leaven which slowly worked its way through the American Lutheran church bodies. Chuck Swindoll is a Lutheran, once or twice removed, as they say in family tree studies. The Swedish Augustana Synod began as a blend of Lutheran orthodoxy and Pietism, just as Missouri, WELS, and the Little Sect did. Two groups formed out of resistance to the Augustana Synod - the Mission Covenant (North Park U., Warner Sallman, Craig Groeschel) denomination and the Evangelical Free (Trinity, Deerfield) group. Both sects are hotter than Georgia asphalt for Church Growth.

Chuck Swindoll is E. Free but his current congregation is non-denominational. His denomination has trained so many WELS leaders at Trinity that WELS was mentioned twice in a recent academic bulletin.

WELS considers E. Free and Mission Covenant to be safe sects, so they plagiarize Swindoll and Groeschel to a fare-thee-well. No surprise - Fox Valley features one pastor who plagiarized Swindoll because he "was busy." Ski and Glende plagiarize Groeschel, because that will ignite their sputtering evangelism efforts, and Steve Witte takes the Pietistic mission to Asia.

UOJ is plagiarized from Knapp, not from Luther. To copy Luther is natural for sincere Lutherans. Didja ever wonder why Lutheran leaders hate Luther's doctrine so much? The historic liturgy? Lutheran hymns? It is because they are fakes - Pietists who favor Calvinism to the point of Universalism.

The LCMS, WELS, and ELS base all their work on UOJ. That explains why their leaders are indifferent about doctrine, except when persecuting Luther's doctrine. This "we are not in fellowship" business is their Pietism, trying to maintain a false distinction to keep the brand alive a few more years.

Reagan's Centenniel This Sunday

Reagan's Illinois Celebration