Friday, May 13, 2011

Imagine a Doctrinal Pussycat Writing a Public Letter of Support

TERMINATED - Posted on Light from Light

Linda Sasieta
Dear Rick, my dear brother in Christ,
As mentioned above in so many ways, there is nothing externally that can separate you from Christ. A paper from an erring pastor, supported by yes-man voters who either blindly follow this pastor due to weakness/absence of spine, unwillingness to follow the example of the eager Bereans and research what he says, or are possibly some new members brought in by social gospel and have NO idea what the truth really is, is something for which he and his followers will answer to Jesus. The guilt is not yours to carry. These present sufferings you are experiencing are not worth comparing to the glory that will be revealed in you.

This church has put you as an outcast, but you have more support than you know. There are many inside WELS and obviously outside WELS that support you; the blessed communion of saints supports you. You are never alone, despite the words and actions of these weak people. You have a great example in our beloved Martin Luther who wore the same shoes. He wasn’t looking to start something new, but wanted to help his church to see the light (sounds a lot like you). God used Him to guide His Church through bad times.

The WELS IS in bad times. Most of the members don’t even know it; the same could be said for the pastors too. Of course some are aware, but I am so TIRED of things being hidden from the view of the whole church. So many of us are hanging on to the blogs and websites of those who are taking bold stands just as you have done. Thank you Rick for YOUR bold stand, not based on your ideas, but those that God tells us in His Holy Word! 

I wish the people who are in positions to do something, and know that they can and SHOULD do something but have not been in the past, find a voice and a spine and start standing for the truth. Enough of the “loving manner” talks and move things along! Specifically I am speaking of the Synod President who has talked the talk, and does have support if he finds his voice to speak up. Silence and weak positions are not what is needed. By doing this a silent approval is being given to the false doctrine that is among us.

All the above comments are correct. I especially agree with Douglas Lindee and Joe Sarnowski. This may have been meant as evil towards you, but God can and will work it for your good.

One thing is true already. You are now free to talk about all the things of which they tried to bind you from saying. You are not subject to their “manmade” rules, but God’s rules. Your words and talents may better serve our Lord from “outside” the so-called church, as from “inside” from where this falseness originates.
What has changed for you? You received a paper from an erring church body. Not being lighthearted about your situation, but you could possibly put that next to your confirmation certificate because it is a witness to the bold stand you have taken to try to communicate with your church about their persistent error and the stand you have taken for our Lord.

May God continue to bless you as you persevere in your walk with Him. He loves you and is always for you, no matter what happens in this world.

Blogger Is Restoring Deleted Posts, They Claim

From deep inside HAL:

Blogger is back

What a frustrating day. We’re very sorry that you’ve been unable to publish to Blogger for the past 20.5 hours. We’re nearly back to normal — you can publish again, and in the coming hours posts and comments that were temporarily removed should be restored. Thank you for your patience while we fix this situation. We use Blogger for our own blogs, so we’ve also felt your pain.

Did I Break Google Blogger?

I finished a post on WELS Doctrinal Pussycat Englebrecht. His opposition to Lutheran doctrine and his support of plagiarizing false doctrine should eliminate him from the ministry altogether.

I kept trying to post it. After several tries, Google Blogger broke down completely and all posting stopped. It was a global scandal, falling on Friday the 13th, the very day Jacques De Molay was executed by the evil King of France.

The trouble with people trying to deal with Glende and Ski is that it gives Englebrecht more opportunities to obstruct, duck, prevaricate, cavil, threaten, and get even.

The real problem is DP Enabler.

Based on SP Schroeder's presentation at the Emmaus Conference, Englebrecht has broken all ties with the sect they both claim to love so dearly.

It would be better if they loved orthodox Lutheran doctrine.