Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Luther Rocks Report on Another Effort
Toward Women's Ordination.
SP Schroeder Is Greasing the Skids.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Precedents V

In May of 2009 we were out of CTR and in at Holy Word. I was in Soul Track Mind and happily distracted from all things churchy. I played trumpet in church occasionally; attended Bible class and that was it. In fall Pr. Patterson approached me on being nominated for an elder spot. I turned it down. I needed a break from church politics and was having the time of my life in the band. 2010 was another story as told previously. As I studied Scripture and the Lutheran Confessions in light of what happened at CTR, things started to come into focus.

WELS' first Deaconess (I welcome any corrections on the claim to fame infamy) was installed along side our Vicar last fall on the same Sunday and in the same service. In Bible class that day she was introduced as Holy Word's Deaconess of Hispanic Ministry. Some of her first words were and I paraphrase…'never in my wildest dreams did I think I would be able have this kind of a position, especially in WELS. I wonder how long before there’s a woman pastor.' She was joking, but I couldn't believe she had the guts to say that in public. When I later had a meeting with my Elder, Ron Stelljes he told me he had the same reaction. In an email to Stelljes (prior to our meeting) stating my concerns, I wrote this:

"Twenty or thirty years ago it would have been unheard of to have the office of Deaconess at a WELS church. Since Scripture does not change or the Confessions, one has to ask; what did? Jocelyn’s comment on the day she was installed to paraphrase, ‘Never in my wildest dreams did I ever expect to have an opportunity like this, especially in the WELS…’ immediately caused me to ask that question.

Deaconess doesn’t appear in the KJV or the NIV; the two officially synod recognized versions of the Bible for its entire existence. The word was actually invented in the 14 or 1500’s and yet was not used in the KJV which was published after. I think there was a reason for this. Deacon (diakonos) as it appears in the Bible is always used as a masculine term. Deacon is mentioned a few times in the Bible and it seems to infer an office that was filled by a man. We see this in Acts as seven of them were chosen. We also find the expectations of a deacon in a couple of places and it always refers to men. There is a hint of a woman deacon (Phoebe) in Romans 16, and yet the church fathers used the word ‘servant’ instead. I found this source helpful in my study:

The root word definition of running an errand is quite striking since this is what Phoebe was doing; bringing the letter of Romans to the Christians in Rome. When you look at the other definitions and given the weak evidence to support Phoebe in an office of a deacon; when looking at context and keeping in the consistency of women’s role in the church, I can see why the choice of the word ‘servant’ was made.

I am not diminishing Jocelyn’s expertise in this area nor am I saying we shouldn’t use her gifts in this ministry, but I feel it would have been more prudent to hire her as a staff member as you would a secretary or admin. assistant. I believe we are in error installing a Deaconess in our church."

A few days later I met with Ron. We discussed this issue as well as some other things. He had spoken with Pr. Patterson regarding my concerns (and no doubt forwarded my email to Pastor). Ron said that Pastor had capitulated on them more or less except for the Deaconess. They believed they were not in disagreement with Scripture. I told Ron that I did not agree. In a follow-up email to our meeting I wrote this:

“I stand by my concern about the Office of Deaconess that we have created at Holy Word. I fear we are headed down a road that is dangerous. The KJV and NIV Bibles may not have been the ‘officially’ endorsed translations, but they are/were nevertheless used because they are solid. And deaconess does not appear in them. The fact that many translations do not use this word tells me that there was trepidation regarding its use. There is conflict/contradiction with deacon which is only spoken of in the masculine in all other places of the Bible and this leaves the door open to confusion regarding women’s role in the church. My study notes say ‘probably a deaconess’, but what kind? We are willing to hang our hats on a probably? There were things that were unheard of in other denominations twenty or thirty years ago and now they are rank with apostasy. One look at ELCA is enough to make you sick. We are headed in the same direction when you look at where we were at one time and where we are now.”

When I was studying this issue regarding the deaconess role in church, I found the following article extremely helpful. It is logical and objective in regards to what is stated in the Bible on the subject. It even calls into question whether it is even proper to call a man into the office of a Deacon. I would encourage the reader to click on the link and read the article.

Here is the summary from the article:

"The early church had problem (sic) serving the needs of the widows in a fair and equitable manner. The apostles determined that the care of widows was not a part of their function or responsibility, but belonged to men of good character within the congregation.

The apostles instruct the elect to choose men to perform this task. Once men were chosen they were set apart for this service—they were not chosen by the apostles or the elders and ordained to an office.

These men were to administer and distribute the goods and services provided for the care of deserving widows within the congregation. But, they were not the personal servants or assistants of the ministry. And they were not the enforcers of the faith within the congregation.

The establishment of an office of authority denoted as Deacon or Deaconess within the congregations of the Sovereign Father's earthly family is contrary to the apostles instruction and intent."

These concerns presented to the leadership at Holy Word were disregarded. This issue became one point in a letter to Pastor Patterson and the Elders last week in the context of other practices that are symptomatic of WELS in general regarding Scriptures and the Lutheran Confessions of which all Pastors and teachers give an oath to uphold.


GJ - My guess is that Kudu Don Patterson got a grant for another free staffer, in addition to his annual free vicar. How else could Holy Word afford African safaris? Someone has to sacrifice, and it might as well be the ordinary WELS members. If you read the pink bulletin insert, you will see that the Antioch Foundation gave Kudu Don a LARGE three-year grant. Doebler also got at least one grant from Antioch, $60,000 when he wanted $200,000. Dream big, as Parlow would say, begging works. Doebler got a three- year grant, $20,000 per year for each of three years. The first year's grant went to the musician from Mary Lou College who was on sabbatical. Where the other money went - I do not know - the trail grows cold. It was supposed to be designated each year.

The concept of deaconess was borrowed from Roman Catholics and Mennonites. The Lutheran deaconess movement was quite significant in the Muhlenberg tradition (which became a large part of the LCA). Those deaconesses were teachers and nurses. They often were in that service a short time, before they married - since all were single. One founder was rather frustrated with "marriage fever."

The nurses had an impact on all medical care through Florence Nightingale, who learned from their training. In the Crimean War, she battled night and day for better sanitary care for British soldiers and later for better nursing care at home.

Call me jaundiced, but this seems to be another case of WELS deviously abusing titles to advance the Church and Change agenda of the Enthusiasts.

Years ago I said WELS would have women pastors before Missouri. I was right. WELS does not bother to ordain theirs, but they have women leading in worship. The pastors will not fight it. They are all Wauwatose.*

*Wauwatose is a condition where all doctrinal discernment has beeen taken away by the myth of Wauwatosa's superior methods, which is just another version of Pietism.

Rogue Lutheran Has Two Fascinating Stories

Rogue Lutheran has two good stories, linked here.

RL even kelmed one of my doctrinal graphics. Feel free to use them all over, no credit is needed. If you are in stealth-Ichabod mode, you are permitted to say, "I dunno where it came from. My cousin in Borneo sent it to me." That will keep you safe, because most officials could not find Borneo on a map with a flag pinned to it.

Links back to Ichabod are always welcome, because new readers keep adding to the page-reads. I know the synod officials always read it.

One student told me most of the faculty at Mary Lou College is using Google to let them know when they are named.

RL wrote about Missouri stealing another parish property, plus the elderly women left with a $600,000 legal bill, after California-Hawaii failed to steal it from them. The district used offering money, but the parish did not have that kind of loot to skim.

I thought, under Harrison, the synod would voluntarily pay back the costs of a meretricious lawsuit. That big word comes from the Latin term for prostitute.

WELS Gathers Innocent Third Worlders To Partake in Enthusiasm

WELS, a putative confessional synod, hired Babtist Ed Stetzer, via Church and Change (aka Synod Staff) to teach the Word of God.
WELS lied about the invitation repeatedly.
This blog posted about it doggedly, reproducing the schedule from Stetzer, his mocking comments about Lutherans, and his Tweet.
The invitation that never was, was rescinded.

Representatives from about 30 countries will be gathering in Minnesota June 4 - 6 for the seventh triennial convention of the Confessional Evangelical Lutheran Conference - the largest number of countries ever to gather at a meeting of the fellowship.

The representatives include 80 delegates and advisors from at least 19 of the 21 member churches of the CELC as well as guests from about 12 other countries.  Among the attendees are the presidents of the two conferences of the Lutheran Church of Central Africa - Rev. Davison Mutentami from Zambia and Rev. Riphat Matope from Malawi.  Representatives of those countries were unable to attend the last CELC convention in Ukraine.

“The convention is a wonderful opportunity for us to give encouragement to one another in our Lutheran Christian faith,” says Prof. Thomas Nass, secretary of the CELC planning committee. “A conference like this is important to help keep our international fellowship united in doctrine and practice, as we study the Bible together and worship Christ together.”

Delegates will be meeting under the theme “Unity of Spirit – Bond of Peace” at Martin Luther College in New Ulm with a one-day visit to Bethany Lutheran College and Seminary in Mankato, the headquarters of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod.  This is the first time in the history of the CELC, founded in 1993, that a triennial convention has been held in the Midwest.    

All worship services and sessions are open to visitors. The schedule is posted on the CELC Web site.


GJ - The WELS definition of "confessional" consists of using the Book of Concord to fool people while aping the Enthusiasts.

Ba-zingo News Release:
The Love Shack Sold.
Church and Change Staff Moves to Pewaukee

The possible relocation of the synod headquarters came two steps closer to reality last week. First, a contract to sell the current administration building was finalized. The buyer is planning to raze the existing buildings and construct new facilities on the site. The sale price is $2.82 million. The transaction will not be finalized until the actual closing of the sale, which is scheduled for January 4, 2012. The closing could take place sooner if the buyer desires to begin construction prior to winter.

Second, the synod also reached agreement to purchase an existing building in the western Milwaukee suburb of Pewaukee as the new site of the synod’s administrative offices. The seller accepted an offer of $2.85 million. This transaction also does not become final until the actual closing, scheduled for July 26, 2011.

The purchase price is only $30,000 more than what will be received for the current building. While the deals are yet to be finalized, President Mark Schroeder says, “we thank God that he has blessed us with a solution that will provide the synod with a new administrative home without the use of mission dollars.” Moving costs and other building preparation will be covered with funds already on hand in the synod’s facilities fund.

The decision to relocate the synod offices was prompted by two major considerations. First, the existing administration building on Mayfair Road in Milwaukee is in need of more than $2 million in major repairs and renovation. “When a developer expressed interest in purchasing the current facility, it seemed to be a good opportunity to consider relocation,” says Schroeder.

The first relocation option considered - building on synod-owned property (such as the campus of the seminary in Mequon) – was ruled out as too costly. A committee then considered 20 existing office buildings in the Milwaukee area. The Pewaukee building stood out as ideal.

The two-story 33,000 square foot building (pictured) is only nine years old and will require only minimal changes. It also has a full basement that will provide storage space and potential space to house the synod archives. It is located adjacent to I-94 and is easily accessible.


GJ - Advantages to the Church and Change administration -

  • Rich Krause, with his fake CG "doctorate" will be next door, to keep World Missions following its disastrous Church Shrinkage agenda. Curt Peterson, atheist and CG fanatic, used to be on that board with Valleskey.
  • I will have to spend time reworking my Love Shack graphics.
  • WELS will forget what a dumb idea 2929 was in the first place.
  • The divider that Ron Roth (RIP) hid behind will be left and forgotten.
  • Wormhaven Gardening Book Rejoinder

    bored has left a new comment on your post "Mark Braun WELS, WLC - Soil Testing To Make Fuller...":

    Modern science believes that soil is merely an inert medium with minerals in it, so when modern practitioners test soil they only measure minerals. Testing the soil in a garden will mostly deal with N P K, three very important nutrients. The more expensive tests will give a detailed report of present micro-nutrients, magnesium, iron, manganese, calcium, etc.

    What these tests can't measure is the very thing that makes soil special--countless species of microscopic critters eating and excreting, responsible for millions of chemical reactions responsible for everything from low-light photo synthesis to natural plant-created pest protection. Science refuses to believe that the biome known as "soil" is God's way of feeding and regenerating the earth. They refuse to measure the thing that makes the constituent parts work. The ignore the fact that there is more life, pound for pound, under the soil's crust than above it.

    So, with the confidence that accompanies all post-modern reductionism, Scientists do their soil tests, looking only at one millionth of the equation and scornfully deeming the rest to be unimportant. They apply their synthetic fertilizers, chemically burning to death all the invertebrates, and causing plants to grow "fat", retaining free-nitrogen. Free nitrogen is candy to pests, insects and fungi.

    This is metaphoric of "soil testing" for churches. Mark Braun, Paul Kelm, Mark Jeske ad nauseam, are the Church's equivalent of modern science. They "test" for the elements they think are the important ones--and this edges out the Holy Spirit and the Word. They define what growth is, and then apply any and all means that cause their definition of growth to occur. Rock music and Cell groups just happens to be the synthetic nitrogen of the day. All the problems come from it: False Justification, anti-nomianism, legalism, junking of the Sacraments, Missionary Mimes and the whole bit.

    The solution is simple in gardening and evangelism: Compost is to the garden as the Word is to the lost. Both are God's ordained way of feeding. Both are simultaneously complex and simple. Someone could write a whole book on this comparison.

    WELS disciplined Rev. Jeff Gunn, Church and Change hero, by electing him to the board of Willowcreek's Liberal College, Milwaukee.

    Spike Jones Editing of Hymns

    AC V has left a new comment on your post "Wauwatosa versus the Book of Concord":

    "Few hymns left unbutchered by Spike Jones editing."

    That was a LOL!

    I believe this is apropos to our discussion, honey child, honey lamb:

    YouTube comment:

    Wow - Spike Jones could do more damage to a song than anyone else - and I love it. This terrific musician has done so much to boost up the morale, when it needs it, by listening to his versions of famous songs - especially the love songs. They make you laugh whether you want to or not. The influence of the fabulously talented Ink Spots is really heard here at the beginning and makes this spoof of this song pure gold. It brightens my day. Thank you for posting. - Paula

    Church Growth Came In - Not On Little Cat's Feet -
    But As a Tornado To Wreck the Synods.
    Leaders Lied While Doctrine Died.

    AC V has left a new comment on your post "Fools For Christ? - AC V Asks":

    This needs to be repeated here for Mueller's sake:

    "Only those things have been recounted whereof we thought that it was necessary to speak, in order that it might be understood that in doctrine and ceremonies nothing has been received on our part against Scripture or the Church Catholic. For it is manifest that we have taken most diligent care that no new and ungodly doctrine should creep into our churches." - Augsburg Confession, Conclusion

    Hardly "complete freedom."

    Wauwatosa versus the Book of Concord

    Here is a good link to Wauwatosa hagiography.

    AC V has left a new comment on your post "Deutschlander - UOJ Is Missing from the Book of Co...":


    I appreciate your point. I wonder, however, how seriously the Wauwatosa Theologians appreciated this phrase (in bold) from the conclusion of the Augsburg Confession:

    "Only those things have been recounted whereof we thought that it was necessary to speak, in order that it might be understood that in doctrine and ceremonies nothing has been received on our part against Scripture or the Church Catholic. For it is manifest that we have taken most diligent care that no new and ungodly doctrine should creep into our churches."

    While being careful not to give them the same authority as Scripture, it seems to me the Fathers considered the beneficial traditions of the "Church Catholic" to be very important in maintaining the true faith.

    There is a way of worship and ecclesiology that by long use has proved most beneficial in proclaiming and maintaining pure doctrine.

    New ways of worship and ecclesiology that are far different from those of the "Church Catholic" usually are a reflection of "ungodly doctrine creeping into our churches."

    The "ad fontes" of the Wauwatosa theologians ought to have included the "ceremonies" and "Church Catholic" of the AC Conclusion, not above or equal to the Scriptures, but as a testimony of the Spirit's working in the Church.

    These two passages come to mind from St. Paul:

    "All things are lawful,” but not all things are helpful. “All things are lawful,” but not all things build up" (I Cor. 10:23).


    "For there must be factions among you in order that those who are genuine among you may be recognized" (I Cor. 11:19).


    GJ - I believe Dr. Cruz was addressing the entertainment aspects of Roman Catholic ceremonies. What gives sacrament-starved Protestants a buzz is often mocked among life-long Catholics. One priest shook my hand and asked, "Do you feel the thrill? I offered Mass this morning." Priests and laity are supposed to go around in a reverie after the Mass.

    I see Lutheran clergy, sinuflecting toward Rome or Constantinople, aping high church without realizing they are part of the circus.

    I say that with full appreciation for the traditional liturgy. I am even thinking of chanting the announcements.

    The emphasis must be on the efficacy of the Word. Our worship does not have to be exactly the same, but all the synods were closer together in liturgical worship 50 years ago than they are today.

    The common thread in ELCA, WELS, Missouri and the Little Sect is aping the Maggot (Emergent) Church Movement:
    1. Movie screens instead of hymnals.
    2. Hidden sacraments.
    3. Fat bellies hanging over faded bluejeans.
    4. Shirts best left for emergency spills and changing the oil.
    5. Wretched music.
    6. Few hymns left unbutchered by Spike Jones editing.
    7. No sermons.
    8. Messages plagiarized from Groeschel and other law salesmen.
    9. Forcing Pietistic cell groups on the innocent.
    10. Lawsuits and prison sentences, accompanied by synodical cover-ups.

    Fools For Christ? - AC V Asks

    AC V has left a new comment on your post "Wayne Mueller - No Church Growth Programs in WELS,...":

    Mueller said, "Our Lutheran Confessions allow complete freedom among our churches in methodology that does not conflict with the gospel." Here's a simple example of how wrong Mueller is:

    Because Scripture says: "For the foolishness of God is wiser than men,..." (1 Cor. 1:25)

    Therefore: Clown service!

    Tada! "Complete freedom" "No conflict with the gospel (because it's from the Bible)!" An "ad fontes" application of Scripture to practice.

    Do you really think the Lutheran Confessions had that in mind?

    Beyond Belief! - False Doctrine from Lutherans.
    Use the False Doctrine Graphics.
    Share Them with Others.

    I started to include the false doctrine graphics with the sound doctrine examples. I had enough examples of Enthusiasm for a separate menu, so I created a second list. Together, the two lists show what Lutherans should be teaching compared to what they teach today.

    Feel free to copy the graphics and use them. Right click to save them on the hard drive. Use Twitter and email to send them right from the blog.

    I do not know which quotations made the WELS leaders more furious - the sound doctrine ones or the examples of their false doctrine. Jim Radloff, Valleskey's classmate and co-conspirator, told one pastor, "I am not Church Growth." The pastor said, "At least you have him denying it."

    Denial is just another stage of lying in Lutherdom. Lacking faith in the Word, they run without shame from any discussion of sound doctrine. Those who imagine they can talk to Lutheran leaders about doctrine will find themselves on the list to be abused and kicked out.

    The Lutheran sects never teach the efficacy of the Word, which is so clearly stated in these two graphics from the Book of Concord. But they pound anyone who dares to question their Universal Objective Justification.

    Wayne Mueller - No Church Growth Programs in WELS,
    But If There Are, They Conform to the Confessions

    "There is no Church Growth Movement Program in our synod. Our church body is opposed to the false theology of the Church Growth Movement. We have no programs inside or outside the budget with that name. Nor do we have any programs with a different name which utilize Church Growth theology."
    Wayne D. Mueller, Administrator for the BPS, WELS, "A Response to 'Saving Souls vs. New Programs,'" The Northwestern Lutheran, November 1, 1991, February 1, 1992 p. 50.


    "There may be pastors or congregations which use methodology which church growth people use. This does not mean they have adopted the theology of the Church Growth Movement. Our Lutheran Confessions allow complete freedom among our churches in methodology that does not conflict with the gospel."
    Wayne D. Mueller, Administrator, Parish Services, "A Response to 'Saving Souls' vs.'New Programs,'" The Northwestern Lutheran, February 1, 1992 p. 50.


    GJ - This preposterous double-talk led me to include Church Growth quotations from WELS, Missouri, and Fuller sources to my doctrinal database, Megatron. WELS pastors who pretend they do not know me sent me many of those sources, such as Paul Calvin Kelm's Evangelism notebooks and campus chaplain's meetings.

    I had plenty of evidence on my own, because St. Paul's in German Village, where Tim Glende grew up, was the epicenter of Church Growth in the Ohio Conference. Many things were said to me in unguarded moments. A St. Paul's member sponsored my day of agony, another CG seminar from Fuller, when the new pastor, now an atheist, took a group of his members.

    I published the evidence in many articles in Christian News. I even suffered through a service at Willow Creek, a major training center for WELS.

    I was able to match up, almost verbatim, Fuller content and WELS content. Church Growth Eyes is one example. Promotion of Pietistic cell groups is another.

    The Wisconsin Sect, like Missouri and the Little Sect on the Prairie, did not have faith enough in God's Word to resist false doctrine. For that reason, their stewardship of the mysteries of God is being taken away from them.

    The children of the 1980s graduates will not have congregations to serve or schools to teach in.

    Hunter - Church Growth Eyes Have X-Ray Vision

    "Students of Church Growth realize that a good structure for the church that really wants to grow is the organization of celebration plus congregation plus cell. When we see the importance of the organization of the church we are looking with 'Church Growth Eyes.' We are looking from an x-ray perspective and understanding the internal organs of the body of Christ--the Church!"
    Kent R. Hunter, Launching Growth in the Local Congregation, A Workbook for Focusing Church Growth Eyes, Detroit: Church Growth Analysis and Learning Center, 1980, p. 81.

    "Church Growth is not another program. It is a process. The pastor and people who have 'Church Growth eyes' make up a church that sees the task of ministry as an outreach process that affects every aspect of the church: from ladies' aid to elders."
    Kent R. Hunter, Launching Growth in the Local Congregation, A Workbook for Focusing Church Growth Eyes, Detroit: Church Growth Analysis and Learning Center, 1980, p. 11.

    "We have discovered that the Early Church was an institution that unknowingly saw its world through Church Growth eyes. We have some benefits they did not have in that we can look back today and analyze their successes and failures."
    Floyd L. Stolzenburg, "Church Growth - the Acts of the Apostles," Taught at St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Columbus, Ohio

    "Church Growth is not another program. It is a process. The pastor and people who have 'Church Growth eyes' make up a church that sees the task of ministry as an outreach process that affects every aspect of the church: from ladies' aid to elders."
    Kent R. Hunter, Launching Growth in the Local Congregation, A Workbook for Focusing Church Growth Eyes, Detroit: Church Growth Analysis and Learning Center, 1980, p. 11.

    "Discover new ways of thinking about your church and community, develop Church Growth eyes that see more accurately the various parts, the homogeneous units, the responsive segments of the community which can be won."
    Donald A. McGavran and Winfield C. Arn, Ten Steps for Church Growth, New York: Harper and Row, 1977, p. 17.

    "As we begin developing Church Growth eyes and see the possibilities, as we discover methods that prove effective and discard methods that are clearly ineffective, we will find ourselves in a new age."
    Donald A. McGavran and Winfield C. Arn, Ten Steps for Church Growth, New York: Harper and Row, 1977, p. 19.

    "As Christians refine their methods, develop Church Growth eyes, feel church growth responsibility, communicate the Gospel, and educate those who are won until they become responsible Christians, the church as a whole will receive the abundant blessing God wants to give."
    Donald A. McGavran and Winfield C. Arn, Ten Steps for Church Growth, New York: Harper and Row, 1977, p. 21f.

    "Church Growth Eyes. A characteristic of Christians who have achieved an ability to see the possibilities for growth and to apply appropriate strategies to gain maximum results for Christ and the Church."
    C. Peter Wagner, ed., with Win Arn and Elmer Towns, Church Growth: The State of the Art, Wheaton: Tyndale House, 1986, p. 284.

    "Some persons are blind to possibilities for growth, while others have eyes like eagle Scouts. If you can see the potential for growth, you have church growth eyes. If you are blind to the possibilities, you need church growth eyes."
    Delos Miles, Church Growth, A Mighty River, Nashville: Broadman Press, 1981, p. 51.

    "Church Growth Eyes. Sometimes the term is used in conjunction with the phrase, 'discerning the body.' Professor McGavran uses the terms almost synonymously. Both phrases are examples of how church growth science appropriates the medical model to express itself. Church growth eyes are 'a characteristic of Christians who have achieved an ability to see the possibilities for growth, and to apply appropriate strategies to gain maximum results for Christ and His Church.'" McGavran and Arn, Ten Steps for Church Growth, p. 127.]
    Delos Miles, Church Growth, A Mighty River, Nashville: Broadman Press, 1981, p. 51.

    "As we consider various factors and principles relating to Church Growth we need abundant, accurate information about the members of our churches. This basic principle of Church Growth is called Discerning the Body [in italics]. Pastors and lay people need to discern the Body in the congregation in which they are serving. For this, Church Growth eyes are essential."
    Donald A. McGavran and Winfield C. Arn, Ten Steps for Church Growth, New York: Harper and Row, 1977, p. 61. 1 Corinthians 10.

    "Discerning the Body begins with Church Growth eyes. Unfortunately, this is what many leaders, many Christians, do not have." Donald A. McGavran and Winfield C. Arn, Ten Steps for Church Growth, New York: Harper and Row, 1977, p. 63. 1 Corinthians 10.

    "How can my congregation develop Church Growth eyes?"
    Donald A. McGavran and Winfield C. Arn, Ten Steps for Church Growth, New York: Harper and Row, 1977, p. 72. 1 Corinthians 10.

    "Growth Awareness Kit...'Church Growth Eyes' game. An enjoyable growth simulation game for large or small groups." $39.95
    Dr. Win Arn, President, 1989-90 Church Leadership Resource Catalog, 2670 S. Myrtle Avenue, Suite 201, Monrovia, CA 91016 Church Growth, Inc. p. 9. 800-423-4844.

    "The Institute for American Church Growth has created a card game called 'Church Growth Eyes.' The game may be used in groups to learn how to see through church growth eyes."
    Delos Miles, Church Growth, A Mighty River, Nashville: Broadman Press, 1981, p. 51.