Thursday, May 26, 2011

Luther's Diamond:
Unbelief a Sin, The Foundational Sin - Not the Foundation of Universal Objective Justification - Timid Universalism

But the Holy Spirit, says Christ, “Will convict the world in respect of sin, because they believe not in Me.” Therefore it follows that unbelief is the right and true sin; other sins flow out of unbelief and are even the fruit from this root.
Luther, Sermons, 8 vol, ed. Lenker, III, p. 111. Fourth Sunday after Easter. John 16:8-10.


GJ - At LutherQueasy, the partisans of UOJ frequently fall into bouts of self-congratulations, but they never address Luther's doctrine or the Bible.

This quotation and the sermon with it prove that:
  • SP Harrison is not a Lutheran, because he does not teach this. Instead, he is a Walther disciple.
  • SP Mark Schroeder is not a Lutheran, because he and the Intrepids claque support UOJ, contra Luther and the Book of Concord.
  • Pope John the Malefactor is not a Lutheran, because he is just as bad as WELS, but also believes in His own infallibility.