Saturday, June 4, 2011

Adolph Hoenecke - On the Word and Holy Spirit

"Aus dem allen folgt die Verwerflichkeit des schwarmgeistlichen Grundsatzes, dass der Geist wirke ohne die Schrift. Geist nicht ohne Schrift, Schrift nicht ohne Geist, das is gesunde Lehre.

From this follows the repudiation of Pentecostal principles, that the Spirit works without the Scriptures. Spirit not without the Word, the Word not without the Spirit - that is sound doctrine.)"
Adolf Hoenecke, Evangelische-Lutherische Dogmatik, 4 vols., ed., Walter and Otto Hoenecke, Milwaukee: Northwestern Publishing House, 1912, IV, p. 17.

WELS at War Against Its Most Honored--
And Forgotten--Theologian, Hoenecke

"Those who defend a false union assert that while practicing unionistic fellowship one can still cling firmly to the true confession, that unionism is not then synonymous with indifferentism. This is an illusion, even as experience has sufficiently shown that a false union opens the doors wide to indifferentism. And how could it be otherwise?"
Adolf Hoenecke, Dogmatik III, p. 441f.
Carl Lawrenz, Chairman, Commission on Doctrinal Matters, Fellowship Then and Now, Concerning the Impasse in the Intersynodical Discussions on Church Fellowship, p. 31.

Gorillas in Our Midst.
"They Scream and Pound Their Chests
When They Are Most Afraid."
Claude Shoulders, Wild Animal Trainer

 bored has left a new comment on your post "Do Not Discuss This in Cyberspace -Because Only Ku...":

Good for you Joe.

I mean, in such circumstances nothing can be taken with abject joy, but it was good for to give the members of the congregation something to think about. After all, they, by remaining in the church are party to the unscrupulous behavior by the Pastor, and their consciences should be afflicted by the truth. Likely Pastor Patterson will lie and obfuscate to make himself look like the Saint, but by giving the other congregants access to the full story, you will have sharpened their wits and increased their ability to discern. Good job.

Scott E. Jungen has left a new comment on your post "Patterson and Glende Became Facebook Friends in Ma...":

Thank you for your concern. I just got a new job this last week. I will be making piston rings. One of the reasons I post here and use my name is because my teaching days are done. To be blunt, the last thing I want right now is a call. I will be missing my 35th MLS reunion because of this new job. So they still invite me, even though they know me!
There have been no attempts so far to "Krohn" me (a new "Icha-word"?). My new pastor does know I am an Intrepid Lutheran, but that's about it. So far, no "left foot of fellowship".

Scott E. Jungen

LutherRocks has left a new comment on your post "Patterson and Glende Became Facebook Friends in Ma...": really need to get your nose in the Icha-slang Lexicon...It is left 'boot' of fellowship. didn't even hurt...I knew it was coming and made sure I had the Word of God in between me and the boot...kind of like when I was a kid and there was a spanking coming...I'd stick a little extra padding in one of my back pockets and make sure I turned my cheek in the direction of the spanking :O Hope the new job works out well for you!!

Scott E. Jungen has left a new comment on your post "Patterson and Glende Became Facebook Friends in Ma...":

Mea culpa. You're right, I do need to brush-up on my Icha-slang! Thank you for the encouragement, it is nice to be employed full-time again.

Scott E. Jungen

Appleton's Premier Groeschel Plagiarist Apes
Pope Paul the Unlearned.
Lazy Man's Gospel

A Taste of His Own Medicine- From Tim the Anonymous Bully

Rev. Paul McCain of Concordia Publishing House in St. Louis has written some scathing remarks about Dr. Gregory L. Jackson, PhD on Luther Quest, a discussion forum of mostly LCMS pastors. McCain has referred to Jackson as a cult leader, who celebrates Communion through his Internet worship services by having his listeners partake of bread and wine after he has said the Words of Institution online. With McCain's comments, Jackson is getting a taste of his own medicine.

We have long thought Jackson was a wolf in sheep's clothing, especially with his denial of universal objective justification. McCain has it right, that Jackson cannot understand this comforting Biblical doctrine because of his non-Lutheran and liberal-Lutheran theological education.

Followers of Greg Jackson, we have mentioned on Ichabod how you need to beware of this deceiver. Maybe you will finally realize who you're following when he wants you to all move to Guyana with him, and the favorite beverage is Kool-Aid.


GJ - Tim forgot - he shares McCain's need to attack, using my departed daughters, Bethany and Erin Joy. Glende and McCain write their own character references.

And they both adore UOJ.

LQ dominatrix - huge fan base: five or six underemployed guys.

Scott E. Jungen has left a new comment on your post "Appleton's Premier Groeschel Plagiarist Apes Pope ...":

OK, I get it now! It is better to belong to his church and get excommunicated!

Scott E. Jungen


Medium Rare wrote:

I'm thinking UOJ is a lazy man's gospel. You don't have to tell the whole story.
In this 'puffed up world", where self esteem is called good and humility called bad, the Truth is a tough sell. If the preacher is without trust in the efficacy of the Word, I think he or "she" would be inclined to go with the easy story.

Bored Commends Joe Krohn

bored has left a new comment on your post "Do Not Discuss This in Cyberspace -Because Only Ku...":

Good for you Joe.

I mean, in such circumstances nothing can be taken with abject joy, but it was good for to give the members of the congregation something to think about. After all, they, by remaining in the church are party to the unscrupulous behavior by the Pastor, and their consciences should be afflicted by the truth. Likely Pastor Patterson will lie and obfuscate to make himself look like the Saint, but by giving the other congregants access to the full story, you will have sharpened their wits and increased their ability to discern. Good job.

Friday, June 3, 2011


page-reads today, on a slow day. Times 365. Oh oh. Ramp up the abuse.

No wait. That only drives up readership.


Timothy Blank (Timothyblank)
Intermediate Member
Username: Timothyblank

Post Number: 427
Registered: 11-2004
Posted on Friday, June 03, 2011 - 11:50 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

To spare you some time wasted, check out this link:
Then skip to the time segment 46:45.

Also, I should note that he mentioned at the end of his Ascension Day service the recent criticism he has received:, starting at about the 41st minute.



GJ -

Aww. Tim (CLC - sic) is watching a Lutheran service, but only to keep people from "wasting their time" watching the whole Ascension Day vespers.

Tell us, Tim - on the basis of UOJ, in harmony with Stephanie Kurzahn and others in your sorority:

Can a CLC member impregnate his own daughter, make her quite insane with abuse, raise his daughter/grandaughter, carry on with a mistress, and still be a communicant in the CLC (sic)?

After all, he was declared forgiven before he was born (first trimester) and so were all of you CLC (sic) pastors, absolving you of evil before you were even baptized.

Back to Luther:
Dealing with the False Teachers

The synod bullies cannot deal with Luther. Their rage against him is Satanic.

This is a statement he made about false teachers, as I recall it from the Lenker set.

"They grab Jesus by the shoulders and babble in His ear, telling Him what He should have said."

That makes me laugh, each time I think of the wording.

LI pointed out a lesson he learned from an expert in airplane design, "If the explanation about something is too complicated, it is bogus." The man who said that invented the Spitfire fighter, a key element in WWII in England.

That concept also works well in Christian doctrine. Those who make justification too complicated are creating a smokescreen. If they can correct Jesus, Paul, and Luther long enough, their opinions become so esoteric that no one can comprehend them. Their own diciples (to use the Stetzer copyrighted spelling) cannot explain it to anyone.

All the UOJ advocates are pathological liars, forever assuming an air of great sanctity while feasting on mutton and wearing the best wool. They are still alive because heaven is not good enough for them yet - so they think. They are only one step away from obnoxious atheism.

Wolf-Preachers Tear and Murder the Sheep:
Accuse Chytraeus, Chemnitz, Luther,
And the Apostle Paul of Heresy

Luther wrote about the wolf-preachers who tear into the sheep and murder the flock. Our family's close friends raised sheep, so we got to see the animals close up - in their pens. They are easy prey unless protected.

Worse than the wolves are the synodical officials who empower them. One of the LutherQueasies asked, in the spirit of hope, "All the other Lutheran groups agree with us, right? right?"

Yes, they do, including ELCA. From ELCA down to the micro-mini sects of Lutherdom, all embrace the doctrine of Knapp, the Halle professor who taught all the mainlines double justification, which quickly degenerates into Universalism.

Luther warned that the Christian faith is attacked on three main fronts - the divinity of Christ, the humanity of Christ, and justification by faith.

WELS and Missouri both taught justification by faith in their Small Catechism editions. Missouri still does in the KJV edition. The Gausewitz and the Missouri KJV are remarkably concise and Word-centered. No fluff. No UOJ.

Gausewitz was honored and respected in the entire Synodical Conference. He was the pastor at Grace (WELS) Milwaukee, where the First VP of WELS, Huebner, has forgotten the congregation's history.

There is a direct connection between abandoning justification by faith and the moral corruption of the synods today. They think nothing of forcing adulterous, murderous, and drunken pastors on congregations, to rend and murder the flocks. Like the Roman Catholic Church, they have moved their homosexual pastors around, too. Nor do they mind adopting from another synod--and absolving--an unrepentant adulterer and abortionist pastor, if there is money in it for them.

These matters are known to many, but not all, of the ordinary clergy. Anyone suspected of knowing the truth and questioning it will face a battery of accusations.

More ELCA Departures.
Some Leave Quietly, As They Do in the Syn Conference Too

Leaving Sodom

ALPB Forum

In the June issue of The Lutheran, the ELCA Secretary reports that, as of May 5, the number of congregations having voted the 1st & 2nd times to leave the ELCA since August 2009 are;

1st votes - 851 (representing 794 congregations), 598 successful.

2nd votes - 497, 472 successful.

I few things I would note:

1st votes are successful 70% of the time - but, since several congregations which fail to pass the 1st vote try again, congregations are successful 75% of the time in passing a 1st vote eventually.

2nd votes are successful 95% of the time.

I did not see the figures for the end of March, but compared to the figures for the end of February, there have been 47 successful 1st votes in March & April, and 58 succesful 2nd votes, or an average of 24/mo. and 29/mo. respectfully.  The average per month since Aug. 2009 is 30 and 24.  The rate of departure has not significantly declined.

Assuming that these figures include the votes taken on May 1, Pastor Barnhart reports an additional 12 successful 1st votes through May 22 (out of 17 votes taken), and 22 successful 2nd votes (out of 22).

Marshall Hahn

That doesn't include the two congregations in Florida who saw what happened to another former LCA congregations in their synod who therefore decided to not even take a vote, but to instead deliberately dual-roster and simply ignore the ELCA.

Nor does it include all the congregations who have cut off the ELCA financially and who otherwise ignore the ELCA as if it didn't exist. That might irritate those who are strict ELCA company men, but it is an effective strategy for keeping a congregation from splitting or even losing many members through exodus.

Do Not Discuss This in Cyberspace -
Because Only Kudu Don Patterson Has Permission To Do So

LutherRocks has left a new comment on your post "Joe Krohn Response to WELS Pastor Rydecki.Patterso...":

I know we all love irony...I only heard from Holy Word folks who had similar issues with Patterson. I heard nothing from the 'inner circle' who was all about 'love' after our shunning off the Yahoo Mailserv of Holy Word...

This is what we posted last Sunday...

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Some of you may know me and others not. For those who don't, I played the trumpet at Holy Word for the past two years and occasionally before that.

Sadly, we will not be attending any longer since the leadership of your church body has broken fellowship with our family. Many times these things happen behind the scenes and many are left with `I wonder whatever happened to so and so?'

We feel very strongly about the issues we brought up to the leadership and we were unequivocally denied on all points. We feel that the direction of Holy Word is drifting far from its Lutheran roots. When the Confession is eliminated as it was during a service in March; when there is more and more music that is used that is not appropriate lyrically for worship; when it was voted to drop the name `Lutheran' from the school name; when the Pastor leaves the duties of teaching the Word to layman while teaching a false view of forgiveness, we feel compelled and obligated to bring these to your attention.

Since your leaders are acting in your stead by applying the Ministry of the Keys, it is fitting and proper that you hear us and not only what your leaders tell you so that you can determine an informed opinion. The people who continue to be members at Holy Word share the responsibility of excommunicating a Christian--and as far as I understand it, improperly applying The Office of the Keys is a very serious sin.

I have been chronicling our experiences here:

If the hyperlink does not work, please copy and paste the url into your browser window.

We will miss you all.

In His Grace,
The Krohns

This came across from Patterson before we were benevolently deleted...

Dear Saints,

God loves Joe and Lisa and so so we.  If you have any questions about this recent email please talk to me off line.  Cyberspace is not the place to air such difficult matters. 

We will continue to serve Christ and each other in his love as we seek to find a resolution to those things that divide us.

Jesus teaches us, "They will know that you are my disciples if you have love for
one another."  John 13:35.

If you were in worship today you know how the word of God we heard applies to
this present situation. If you happened to miss it, that is okay.  It will be up
on our website soon, -  Click on sermons audio.

Giving a reason for our hope,

Pastor Don Patterson

Good News for the WELS Worship Conference.
Each Leader Will Have a Designated Driver Assigned

Due to several scandals about DUIs among high profile figures, Gustavus Adolphus College (ELCA) has asked WELS to appoint designated drivers for each worship conference leader.

In the good old days, a WELS pastor could pile his car into a utility pole, get a DUI ticket, and hear the synod officals say, "Just the man we need for world missions!" Off he would go, to a land of drunks, where the hooch was cheaper and the police more compassionate. It helps to be born already justified (first trimester).

A professor of worship could be arrested in his own town for DUI, convicted, and still beat the rap.

But now, a host college, even an ELCA one, has to be careful. People are bound to say, "How could you let them on your beautiful campus? What were you thinking? You know the WELS reputation."

Joe Krohn Response to WELS Pastor Rydecki.
Patterson a Logical Fallacy Factory

Friday, June 3, 2011

Response to Pastor Rydecki

Providing a response here is better visibility rather than getting buried in comments.  My thoughts in italics below...

Rev. Paul A. Rydecki said...

Hi Joe, (Say, the next time you write an open letter to Intrepid Lutherans, be sure to actually send a copy to Intrepid Lutherans. Someone directed me to your letter, or else I would never have seen it.)   An open letter assumes that the intended audience will see the letter one way or another.  I knew one of you would.  I am extremely appreciative that you took the time not only to read, but to also offer your comments.

First, I sympathize with you and your family over the turmoil you're going through. I don't know your whole situation, but I wish the dialogue on justification between you and your pastor hadn't been so quickly taken "off the table," as it were. It sounds like there's lots to talk about and study yet.  Quite frankly it never got on the table.  We traded some email correspondence until we met after an Elders meeting in February.  Instead of pulling out a Bible and discussing it I was met with 'who has your ear' and 'this isn't a topic that is typical from of a layman'.  There is no need to go into all detail.  Suffice it say that even though he agreed there were no saints in hell and the Becker/Kokomo thing went too far he did not let me get out of the meeting without feeling less than adequate since; I didn't know Greek; He has had calls to Mequon and has theological kahoonies (his term) and that the topic is better left to scholars...end of discussion.  Soon enough there was a sermon where he used an example of forgiveness that didn't sound quite right and another discussion ensued regarding UOJ.  In April we had another meeting.  There were other issues that had come to the surface that were discussed, but when we got to UOJ, there was no discussion.  I was pounded in front of another pastor and the president of the congregation.  I was told that if I didn't ask the right questions, I wouldn't get the right answers; that my faith and membership in WELS was in jeopardy if I didn't get my head around it all.  I needed to quit dancing in cyberspace with certain people.  So yes, there needed to be more study.     

To your letter: I disagree that my comment above was convoluted and "esoteric," and I also disagree with your answer of "No" to the question, "Was forgiveness acquired before repentance?", so I'm not sure if we're on the same page here or not. As I explained in the first part of my comment above, forgiveness was most certainly acquired by Christ for all people of all times (therefore, without respect to anyone's repentance). Forgiveness is not distributed to anyone apart from the Means of Grace. The forgiveness that Christ acquired for all is acquired by an individual through faith alone, worked by the Holy Spirit through the Means of Grace.

I think you're actually confusing the issue when you bring repentance into it. It just adds another dimension that is not necessary if your point is to keep it simple. "Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness." Whether quoting from Genesis 15 or from Romans 3 or 4, repentance isn't brought into the picture. But faith is. Stick with talking about faith, in my opinion. This would also be in keeping with the historical Lutheran understanding of the "ingredients" of justification: 1) The grace of God, 2) The merit of Christ, 3) The promise (Means of Grace), and 4) Faith in the promise.  In a way you are also saying that one is not asking the right question, but when I see your explanation (thank you!) I see where you are coming from and I would say I am on the same page with you.  The problem I see and that of others is; where is this forgiveness?  Others, myself included are thinking in terms of men when we say 'is forgiveness distributed before faith'.  The answer to this is no.  But when you posed it as you did, it became more of a riddle.  Of course there is forgiveness before faith in the sense that Christ was forgiven for our sins.  It has to be there in order for us to receive it through faith.  But it was Christ that was forgiven for our sins and was justified and this is objectively for the world - and received through faith - this is the correct teaching of Objective Justification...the forgiveness of sins in the Third Article.  But this is not what Patterson nor others are teaching.  They go too far imputing it on all the world regardless of faith.  It is the wrong 'hoi polloi'.  Better to talk of one justification (Christ's) received through faith.  This makes the faith of all believers of all time the same as Paul preaches in Romans 4.

I think I would agree with you (not having read everything you've written on the matter) that it is not right to say that you, Joe Krohn, were forgiven before you were born. Scripture does not talk that way, nor do our Confessions, nor does Chemnitz in his Examination. Is there forgiveness in Christ for all? Yes. Did God love you before you were born and see to it that his Gospel was preached to you that you might believe and be saved? Yes. But before you were in Christ, you, like the rest of us, were still counted among "the wicked."  This from an email from Pastor Patterson towards the end of our flies in the face of things said here...4-20-11  "I have communicated with you honestly and with the intentions of love.  Your desire to make everything that is justification dependent upon faith instead of making justification that beautiful gospel that creates the faith in our hearts  -- is false doctrine.

Again, I don't know enough of your particular situation, but speaking in general, I can't imagine why anyone would be excommunicated (from a Lutheran church) for holding to justification by faith alone in Christ, as long as "faith" is not ascribed to man as man's good work, and as long as "faith" is defined as nothing more than to believe in God's promise of mercy for Christ's sake.  Agreed!!!

Peace be with you. Pr. Rydecki

 Again, Pastor thank you for commenting.  I had been WELS all my life.  But it is not the same Synod it was.  Thank you for your post of yesterday on IL...that is the church I yearn for.

In His Grace,


GJ - Patterson has no educational or doctrinal qualifications to teach at a Lutheran institution. He is so gonzo about Enthusiasm that he gathered WELS workers for the Exponential conference in Orlando, Florida.

The parson kicking out a faithful member should be kicked out of the ministry, just for that. But a district VP can do anything he wants. If DP Glaeske is so critical of DP Englebrecht for mishandling Appleton, why not show WELS what it means to be Lutheran?

But DPs can do anything they want. Pastors--even the SP--shrug their shoulders and say, "There is nothing we can do." They could apply the Word of God and the Confessions, but they do far.

The Shrinker Sisterhood is scared now, so this is the time to give them doctrinal wedgies. Press home all the issues and connect them. I will help:
  1. Exponential trip
  2. UOJ conference
  3. Following Fuller methods and doctrine

Let's look at some Patterson logical fallacies:
  • He received calls to Mequon. That is a false appeal to authority. Getting a call, from an apostate board to serve with an apostate faculty, does not refute justification by faith.
  • Patterson studied Greek. That was Glende's argument too. They are saying that some study of Greek proves they are right. But the most ardent UOJ fanatics admit that justification in the Greek New Testament means justification by faith and nothing else. False appeal to authority.
  • Joe is not a Biblical scholar, and these matters should be left to the scholars. This is the Roman Catholic priesthood argument, another false appeal to authority. "Leave it to the lower-archy, Joe. We will tell you what to think."
  • "Who has your ear?" can be labeled several ways. One is called poisoning the well. In other words, start attacking the source as toxic. This might also be wending its way into a personal attack (ala Tim Glende, Jenswold, and Pope Paul the Unlearned). All logical fallacies are attempts to avoid the issue, to deflect the other person from relevant details.
Patterson has authority issues, typical in an abusive sect. Those who pervert the Christian faith use their office to intimidate, threaten, and guilt-i-fy anyone who questions authority.

Shouting and getting angry helps a lot - helps the abusive. Most people shrink back from such behavior, not realizing it is a sure sign of fear.

I do not need to scream at someone to prove the Packers won the last Superbowl. It is a fact published on the Net and embedded in the soul of every God-fearing WELS member.

Bethany Lutheran Church - Over 200,000 Google Returns
For That Name

The Wisconsin Synod invented the ad bethany logical fallacy, which Pope Paul the Unlearned is using now.
I opposed Church Growth and clergy adultery because our daughters Bethany and Erin Joy died, according to WELS.
The pastor who followed me at Shepherd of Peace, Jenswold, tried the same line on his ELCA pastor friend, Bruce Foster.

This is Erin Joy, who really lived up to her middle name.

Paul T. McCain (Ptmccain)
Username: Ptmccain

Post Number: 94
Registered: 4-2009

Posted on Friday, June 03, 2011 - 11:41 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

By the way, I put up a blog post about Jackson. How sick is it that he is running a "congregation" named after his deceased child and doing "Internet communion"? He has kindly provided a graphic of yours truly as Pope Paul the Unlearned. I like it.

Here's the blog post: tor-and-his-long-distance-congregation/

Pope Paul the Unlearned on UOJ:

Paul T. McCain (Ptmccain)
Username: Ptmccain

Post Number: 93
Registered: 4-2009

Posted on Friday, June 03, 2011 - 8:19 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Alan: No, of course not. Jackson betrays his fundamental lack of a good, solid Lutheran theological education. He can't wrap his brain around the fact that faith is not a cause of justification, but rather a means of personal appropriation of the once-for-all sacrifice of Christ on the cross. A very pathetic figure.


GJ - As someone just wrote to me on Facebook, "It sounds like you are getting to McCain."

I enclosed Bethany Lutheran Church in quotation marks and got over 200,000 returns on Google, suggesting that Lutherans name their congregation after the Biblical city.

KJV John 11:1 Now a certain man was sick, named Lazarus, of Bethany, the town of Mary and her sister Martha.

That may be new information for McCain, who stayed on the Ft. Wayne campus several years after his MDiv and yet managed not to earn an advanced degree. Moreover, he spent most of his career with synod sinecures, where he might have earned a degree at Our Lady of Sorrows, or at least finished at The Surrendered Fort. But he did neither one.

Tim Glende tried the same approach as Paul McCain, using my departed daughters' illness against me. He erased the entire anonymous blog soon after.

Pope Paul the Unlearned is famous for demanding apologies. Ironic? He is so easily offended, even by helpful comments from friendly people.

I promise to identify every scoundrel and low-life who tries this approach with my daughters. I will quote them and refute them, holding them up to the public shame they never seem to feel in their own actions and words.


K. F. Peters has left a new comment on your post "Nastiness, Sarcasm, and IgnoranceAmong the LutherQ...":

I was friends with Paul McCain on Facebook until I left the comment that it was much easier to dismiss Jackson as insane than to respond to his accusations.

Paul saw fit to terminate our Facebook friendship.

Pity, I'll miss his insightful posts about his haircut.

Nastiness, Sarcasm, and Ignorance
Among the LutherQueasy Ankle-Biters

Pope Paul the Unlearned, MDiv, has no advanced degrees, no publications, 
and almost no parish experience. Therefore, He is an expert in all things Lutheran.
No surprise - the ALPB Forum kicked him out for his repeated nasty, dishonest behavior.
He lied about his secretive work with Herman Otten, to get Barry elected.

Paul T. McCain (Ptmccain)
Username: Ptmccain

Post Number: 94
Registered: 4-2009

Posted on Friday, June 03, 2011 - 11:41 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

By the way, I put up a blog post about Jackson. How sick is it that he is running a "congregation" named after his deceased child and doing "Internet communion"? He has kindly provided a graphic of yours truly as Pope Paul the Unlearned. I like it.

Here's the blog post: tor-and-his-long-distance-congregation/


GJ - False teachers quickly betray themselves. Here are a few examples from one post:
  1. Congregation is in quotation marks. So Pope Paul has decided it is not a congregation. Jesus said, "Wherever two or three are gathered, there am I in the midst of them." Besides that, Bethany is an ecclesiastical corporation with its own tax number. The government is convinced, without the Word.
  2. How sick is it that he is running a "congregation" named after his deceased child - The constituting group chose a Biblical name, Bethany, from a group of possible names. No one suggested naming the congregation after a child, living or dead. Pope Paul needs to get a grip on his facts and emotions.
  3. doing Internet communion. I do not consecrate the elements. The efficacious Word of God does. Pope Paul is relying on his Roman Catholic parochial school training, which he often praises, with its emphasis upon the priest sacrificing Christ. Although our situation is not ideal, the members have been previously driven away from brick and mortar congregations by false doctrine, murderous and adulterous clergy, abusive church officials, and other distractions from the Gospel.
  4. Pope Paul and His cardinals seem to think the Word of God has no efficacy, whether in their quaint embrace of UOJ or their fanatical opposition to a tiny, harmless congregation. At what point does the efficacious Word fail to consecrate the elements?
  5. McCain and Barry could not muster enough courage to deal with any doctrinal issue in the LCMS, whether it involved Pentecostalism, union worship with various pagan religions (Al Benke), or the Church Growth Movement. How does one leverage 20 years of incompetence to become the LQ peritus?
  6. The ankle-biters are good for entertainment, and they drive all kinds of readers to Ichabod. Watch the most read list in the next few weeks.

One of our regulars wrote this:

rlschultz has left a new comment on your post "Paul Paul the Unlearned Goes Medieval on Our Free,...":

I have watched and participated in the Ascension service and last Sunday's that were on Ustream. Maybe I do some a favor if they do not have to listen to my raspy voice when I follow along in the TLH. I never thought that the day would come where I could be in a truly Confessional Lutheran service from my man cave in the basement. The Liturgy which I took for granted in the days of my youth is hard to come by in my middle age.

K. F. Peters has left a new comment on your post "Nastiness, Sarcasm, and IgnoranceAmong the LutherQ...":

I was friends with Paul McCain on Facebook until I left the comment that it was much easier to dismiss Jackson as insane than to respond to his accusations.

Paul saw fit to terminate our Facebook friendship.

Pity, I'll miss his insightful posts about his haircut.


LPC has left a new comment on your post "Nastiness, Sarcasm, and IgnoranceAmong the LutherQ...":

This Pope Paul is the very epitome of a walking fallacy called - special pleading.


Thursday, June 2, 2011

Patterson and Glende Became Facebook Friends in May

What do they have in common, besides anonymous comments sent to this blog?

Church and Change!

Going to false doctrine conferences!

Imagining that Babtists have something to teach Lutherans!

Do not forget - Glende and Patterson both excommunicated members for doing what WELS demands, that someone go to them and tell what their objections are.


LutherRocks has left a new comment on your post "Patterson and Glende Became Facebook Friends in Ma...": really need to get your nose in the Icha-slang Lexicon...It is left 'boot' of fellowship. didn't even hurt...I knew it was coming and made sure I had the Word of God in between me and the boot...kind of like when I was a kid and there was a spanking coming...I'd stick a little extra padding in one of my back pockets and make sure I turned my cheek in the direction of the spanking :O Hope the new job works out well for you!!

Paul Paul the Unlearned
Goes Medieval on Our Free, World-wide Gospel Broadcasts.
The Usual Thugs Join In for Ascension Day.

Pope Paul the Unlearned loves to chant, "Anathema sit! Anathema sit!"

Paul T. McCain (Ptmccain)
Username: Ptmccain

Post Number: 90
Registered: 4-2009

Posted on Thursday, June 02, 2011 - 1:38 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

My point simply in mentioning Jackson's sectarianism is simply to demonstrate that there is no point in paying any attention to what the man does, or says.

He craves attention by which he attempts to spread his heretical views of the Gospel.

And, ironically, he has set himself up as a cult-like leader of his little "internet church" sect.

Michael Bryant (Mike)
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Posted on Thursday, June 02, 2011 - 1:44 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

"He craves attention by which he attempts to spread his heretical views of the Gospel."

And we don't help matters by comparing what he is reported to do to entirely dissimilar (reported) actions by a few within our fellowship. The fact that he is only known to truly influence those within his internet church sect is evidence (to me anyway) that there aren't waves of LCMS'ers flocking to him to "hear the truth". If 5% of our membership has even HEARD of him, I would be truly astounded! Joel Osteen is a bigger problem - but we don't need Koinonia to correct his followers either.

Mike Gehlhausen (Mikeg)
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Posted on Thursday, June 02, 2011 - 2:07 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Mike B.,

You wrote:

"And we don't help matters by comparing what he is reported to do to entirely dissimilar (reported) actions by a few within our fellowship. The fact that he is only known to truly influence those within his internet church sect is evidence (to me anyway) that there aren't waves of LCMS'ers flocking to him to "hear the truth". If 5% of our membership has even HEARD of him, I would be truly astounded! Joel Osteen is a bigger problem - but we don't need Koinonia to correct his followers either."

And I have yet to understand whether he consecrates bread and wine and then ships it to members for their use -- which is similar to what elders have been said to do in some congregations -- or whether he tells his members that his consecration over the Internet is effective.

If he does claim the latter, he might be interested in this LCMS CTCR opinion.

"DVD Consecration" - A response to a request from a district president [February 2006]


GJ - I am not especially honored that Paul McCain is ranting about me again. He was so obnoxious on the ALPB Online Forum that he was suspended. He disappeared after that from ALPB. I am not sure whether they kicked him out or he left again. He quit that forum before for "mental health" reasons, as he wrote.

One reader told me he sent McCain a friendly email and got an abusive, angry reply back. The reader was stunned, to say the least.

Every so often McCain starts posting about me, so I am glad he has found a group worthy of him.

These so-called conservative Lutherans are upset that I discuss justification by faith, which makes me a heretic in their blinded eyes. That means Luther and Gausewitz were heretics too. Pope Paul McCain is selling a justification by faith (no UOJ) catechism at CPH right now. It even uses the KJV, so McCain is a heretic too, by Lutherqueasy standards.

McCain agrees with Herman Otten, his secret political buddy, but Paul does not get along with Herman either. I used to think Paul got along with ELCA best, but that blew up. Now we can see that the Cascione group is his natural home.

I need advice from the LCMS Bored of Doctrine? That is funny. One of the Enthusiasts makes a false assumption, then says, "If you are sending out the consecrated elements with a DVD, you need to read this from us." Maybe you Enthusiasts should start with your own Enthusiasts, including Rolf Preus, Jack Cascione, and Pope Paul McCain.

People asked for an independent church, and Brett Meyer was kind enough to move us from teleconference calls to free Internet video services. The LQ sorority does not need to watch anything or read anything. Thousands have used the video services, according to Ustream. The last 11 months of the blog have recorded 500,000 page-reads.

The Bethany blog is just for sermons. I have seen them being read all over the world, especially in the Third World. I am not sure why, but the map indicates that response.

Today, Ichabod had 2400 page-reads. I do not think most people regard that response as a cult.

We agree with the Scriptures, appreciate the KJV most of all, and are in complete agreement with the Book of Concord. That disqualifies us as a cult.

I am not draining away your Thrivent or Schwan dollars, so I am no threat.

But people are wise to the UOJ fraud now, and that is a threat to the sob-sisters of LQ. I
am nothing and have no power. They are convicted by the Word of God.


Still Blank:

Since I was 'drawing a Blank' during my last post, I thought I would finish the sentance (sic) I apparently deleted in process: "He even posted a fine letter I wrote to a fellow church member (that apparently shared it with him)."

Pr. Kirchner, indeed I did give permission for the letter to be shared, so in that respect, I have no problem with it being there... I just did not expect it.

Timothy Drawing a Blank, Complains about Being Quoted When He Encourgaged Sharing His Magnum Dopus

Timothy Blank (Timothyblank)
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Post Number: 425
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Posted on Thursday, June 02, 2011 - 5:54 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Wow, Mr. Jackson has added my name to his list of violations of the 8th commandment. A "UOJ stormtrooper" and a "fool." He even posted a fine letter I wrote to a fel (sic) (that apparently shared it with him): 1/01/blank-clc-uoj.html


Donald Kirchner (Kirchner)
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Posted on Thursday, June 02, 2011 - 8:53 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

...that apparently shared it with him...

You should mention that you did add a postscript to your letter: "You are free to share what I have written with whomever you wish."


GJ - I wonder why it is a sin to publish something that should be shared with "whomever you wish." I was discussing this issue when I was in the CLC (sic).

Another question is - what is this enormous list of Eighth Commandment violations? Someone who makes an accusation like that--on a public (if seldom read) forum like LutherQueasy--should back it up with facts. Otherwise we might think Bland is another sob sister.

I can tell the readers this - he has never written me directly or sat down and held my hand while telling me my faults. (I am glad for that.)