These handy kits are available at Babtist supply stores everywhere. WELS even offered them briefly in a supplemental catalogue.
"It should perhaps be mentioned also that some of our Lutheran teachers limited the real presence to the moment of eating and drinking. This, too, goes beyond the specific words of Christ."
Review of Bjarne Wollan Teigen, TheLord's Supper in the Theology of Martin Chemnitz, W. Gawrisch, Wisconsin Lutheran Quarterly, Spring, 1987, 84, p. 155.
Those who support UOJ have also crawled into bed with Receptionism, whether they admit it or not. If the hand of the communicant--instead of the powerful and efficacious Word--can effect the miraculous change in the earthly elements of Holy Communion, then God can declare the entire world forgiven without the Word, without the Means of Grace.
At least Sig Becker, Mequon, was a consistent Enthusiast. He divorced the Holy Spirit from the Word in UOJ and in Receptionism.
I heard various Syn Conference leaders saying, "We do not know the exact moment of consecration." I had to agree with them. They did not know the moment of consecration and never would, because they did not comprehend the most basic doctrine of the Scriptures, the efficacy of the Word. They looked at the plain words of the Bible the way a cow would look at a newly painted fence, stunned and bewildered.
Someone who is only an Enthusiast about justification, but not about Holy Communion, is still an Enthusiast and doubly dangerous. He does not understand or teach justification by faith in the Sacraments. How can he? The newborn was already declared forgiven, before he was born, so Holy Baptism has nothing to do with the Old Adam or anything else. Holy Communion is merely symbolic, because the communicant is already forgiven.
One pastor on LutherQueasy said this about confession and absolution: "I told him that he was forgiven before he even came to confess." So, maybe he can keep that luscious secretary on the payroll?