Saturday, August 27, 2011

The Heavy Hand of WELS Discipline:
Jeff Gunn Keynote Speaker, Featured on
Have Mercy, DP Buchholz!

Jeff Gunn has been the poster boy for Church and Change. That cancer supposedly went away, but managed to metastasize and split into many entities before being pronounced excised, removed, stomped. Who do I see, seated at the board of Thrivent Inter-Religious Fraternal Insurance? Mark and Avoid Jeske, the head of Church and Change.

About three years ago, DP Buchholz was "doing something about Jeff Gunn" and Jeff's aping of Emergent Churches. Since that time Gunn has been elected to the board of Willowcreek's Liberal College and appointed as keynote speaker at this shindig.

Savage discipline indeed.

Jeff's congregation has not been accepted into any denomination, but the Daddy Warbucks are behind him. That is the most important denomination - C-notes and larger. In WELS, false doctrine is rewarded. Discussing sound doctrine is punished with excommunication.

I noticed, before barfing, that Mark Paustian was another speaker at this conference. Paustian is another Changer who denies being a Changer.

Don Patterson denies being a Changer, even though he is an active participant and leader of the cancerous growth. He even attended the "final" meeting, Regaining Momentum. He must have gone to support it, because he did not report back to me about how awful it was.

The conference worked well. Schroeder did an Al Barry, doing nothing against the apostates for a full term, so the assembly of nincompoops re-elected him, while the ever-useful Intrepids announced that as a great victory for them.

Confidential to the Intrepids - Do not celebrate losses as victories.


Brett Meyer sent this link from FIC, which shows SP Schroeder's doctrinal leadership:

Love makes leadership contagious Jesus is the humble, loving servant-leader that claims us as his disciples and inspires us to follow his example. Emotion is contagious. If you don’t believe it, try this little experiment. Smile at others. Researchers say that of all emotional signals, smiles are the most contagious; they have an almost irresistible power to make others smile in return.

But which emotions are more contagious than others? Would you say, for instance, that love is more contagious than hatred, or hatred than love? Yale University did a study a number of years ago that tried to determine which emotions were more contagious. What they discovered is actually pretty interesting: “Emotions may spread like viruses, but not all emotions spread with the same ease. A study at Yale University School of Management found that among working groups, cheerfulness and warmth spread most easily, while irritability is less contagious and depression spreads hardly at all” (Primal Leadership—Realizing the Importance of Emotional Intelligence, Daniel Goleman, Richard Boyatzis, and Annie McKee, p. 10).

etc. etc. blech


AC V has left a new comment on your post "The Heavy Hand of WELS Discipline: Jeff Gunn Keyno...":

This quote from Gunn is creepy: "Go out and make some non-Christian friends."

That's just plain weird. I make friends with people because I have common interests, not because I have an ulterior motive to convert them.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Universalism Everywhere:
ELCA, Rome, Syn Conference.
Let Us Disbelieve Together in Love

Herman Otten was bewailing Universalism in the Church of Rome but not in the LCMS. I saw an editorial that sound Universalistic, by Scott Murray, LCMS, another UOJ friend of Paul McCain and Otten, the odd couple who elected Al Barry and Matt Harrison. 

Scott asked, "What must I do to be saved?" He answered himself, not from the Scriptures, but from his UOJ talking points. The answer is "literally. Nothing. It is done."
Christian News, 8-22-2011, "Nothing To Conquer," p. 4.

Acts of the Apostles
KJV Acts 2:37 Now when they heard this, they were pricked in their heart, and said unto Peter and to the rest of the apostles, Men and brethren, what shall we do?

Acts 2:38 Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.

The Gospel of John
KJV John 6:26 Jesus answered them and said, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Ye seek me, not because ye saw the miracles, but because ye did eat of the loaves, and were filled. 27 Labour not for the meat which perisheth, but for that meat which endureth unto everlasting life, which the Son of man shall give unto you: for him hath God the Father sealed.

28 Then said they unto him, What shall we do, that we might work the works of God?

John 6:29 Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on Him whom He hath sent.

The Apostle Paul
KJV Romans 4:24 But for us also, to whom it shall be imputed, if we believe on him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead; 25 Who was delivered for our offences, and was raised again for our justification.

KJV Romans 10:8 But what saith it? The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach; 9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

The Holy Spirit moves us to faith through the Means of Grace
The UOJ fanatics want to say they are devoted to grace, but they obliterate faith and the Means of Grace. They have to eliminate the Holy Spirit's work in the Word because their foundation is Halle Pietism - not Biblical, Lutheran doctrine.

I know something about modern theology because my professors studied under Barth, Tillich, Bultmann, and Moltmann. Stan Hauerwas, on my dissertation committee, is the best known theologian in America. Martin Marty recommended the publication of my dissertation, and so forth. Marty was good enough to lecture at Wisconsin Lutheran College, so he must be kosher for WELS.

The names are relevant because my studies meant reading hundreds of books of modern theology, not to mention writing essays based on those studies and lectures.

UOJ, mainline theology, ELCA, and modern Romanism all share the same basics of Universalism, expressed with a little variety. As someone said about gardens, "Each one is unique, but few are original."

When Team Ichabod was discussing What Happened To Knapp, the Founder of Double-Justification?, I found the clue. Knapp is largely forgotten, overshadowed by men like Schleiermacher, but the old Halle Pietist is still in print. My English copy is dated from 1830, and Knapp's Halle lectures began long before that. But people are still printing and buying his lectures from 180 years ago.

More importantly, Knapp became the gold standard for mainline theology.

Knapp's double-justification scheme, starting with the justification of the entire world, turned easily into Step One as a solo. Schleiermacher, considered the father of modern theology, studied at Halle and taught at Halle, specializing in Step One Universalism.

I remember many a mainline theology book warning. "We must not make this contingent upon faith." Similarly, Syn Conference types glare and say, "Do not make faith a work of man." Those who are giddy with UOJ love to emphasize unbelief as a virtue.

God creates and nurtures faith through the Gospel in the Means of Grace. Since faith is the foundation for the Christian life, unbelief is the basis for all sin and evil.

Many are in deep pain as they realize their synods teach against Luther's doctrine, contrary to the Book of Concord. The results are everywhere. One friend went to  a WELS service where the congregation was involved in worshiping with the help of their volunteer kazoo band. 

Luther's Sermon for the Tenth Sunday after Trinity.
A Warning to the UOJ Fanatics in Their Abusive Sects

Sermon for the Tenth Sunday after Trinity; Luke 19:41-48

A Sermon by Martin Luther; taken from his Church Postil. [The following sermon is taken from volume IV:316-335 of The Sermons of Martin Luther, published by Baker Book House (Grand Rapids, MI, 1983).

It was originally published in 1904 in English by Lutherans in All Lands (Minneapolis, MN), as The Precious and Sacred Writings of Martin Luther, vol. 13. The pagination from the Baker edition has been maintained for referencing. This e-text was scanned and edited by Richard P. Bucher, it is in the public domain and it may be copied and distributed without restriction.]

[Ed. This sermon appeared first in the year 1525 and was issued in pamphlet form in nearly a dozen separate editions. From this we conclude that it awakened a great interest among the people, as it certainly ought to have done. It bore the title: "A sermon on destruction of Jerusalem. In like manner will Germany also be destroyed, if she will not recognize the time of her visitation. What the temple of God is. Martin Luther. Wittenberg, 1525."] PART I. THE PROPHECY OF THE DESTRUCTION OF JERUSALEM.

1. This Gospel presents that which took place on Palm Sunday, when Christ rode into Jerusalem. On this occasion, he preached two or three days in the temple, which was more than he ever did before at one time. The sum and substance of this Gospel is, that Christ grieves and laments over the afflictions of those who despise God's Word.

2. Now you have often heard what the Word of God is, what it brings us, and what kind of scholars it has. Of all this nothing is said here. Only the punishment and distress which shall come upon the Jews because they would not recognize the time of their visitation, are here described. And let us well consider this, because the time of their visitation also deeply concerns us. If they are punished who do not know the time of their visitation, what will be done to those who maliciously persecute, blaspheme and disgrace the Gospel and the Word of God? However, here he only speaks of those who do not know it.

3. There are two methods of preaching against the despisers of God's Word. The first is by threats, as Christ threatens them in Mat. 11:21-24: "Woe unto thee, Chorazin! woe unto thee Bethsaida! for if the mighty works had been done in Tyre and Sidon which were done in you, they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes. But I say unto you, it shall be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon in the day of judgment than for you. And thou, Capernaum (which was his own city, where he performed most of his mighty works), shalt thou be exalted unto heaven? thou shalt go down unto hell; for if the mighty works bad been done in Sodom which were done in thee, it would have remained until this day. But I say unto you that it shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom in the day of judgment, than for thee." With these threatening words he would frighten them to their senses, and not to cast to the winds the Word which God sends them.

4. The other method the Lord gives here when he weeps, and shows his sympathy for the poor blinded people, and rebukes and threatens them, not as the hardened and stubbornly blind; but when he melts in love and compassion over his enemies, and with great heart- rending pity and cries, he tells them what shall befall them, which he would gladly prevent, but all is in vain. In the passage just quoted, Mat. 11:21-24, where he rebukes them, he does not treat them in love, but in the severity of faith. However here, it is all sincere love and mercy. This is worthy of our consideration.

5. First, as he approached the city they went before and followed him with songs of great joy, saying: "Hosanna to the Son of David!" and spread their garments in the way and cut branches from the trees and strewed them in the way; the whole scene was most glorious. But in the midst of all this joy he begins to weep. He permits all the world to be joyful, while he himself was bowed with grief, when he beheld the city and said: "If thou hadst known in this day, even thou, the things that belong unto peace! but now they are hid from thine eyes."

6. As though he would say: Oh, if you only knew what belongs to your peace, that you might not be destroyed, but be preserved with both temporal and eternal peace, you would yet this day consider, and redeem the time! And now it is high time for You to know what is for your highest welfare. But you are blind, and will neglect the opportunity, until there shall be neither help nor counsel. As though to say: Here you stand, firmly built, and within you are strong and mighty men, who, secure and happy, think there is no danger! Yet, about forty years more, and you shall be utterly destroyed The Lord plainly says this in these words: "For the days shall come upon thee, when thy enemies shall cast up a bank about thee, and compass thee round, and keep thee in on every side and shall dash thee to the ground and thy children within thee; and they shall not leave in thee one stone upon another; because thou knowest not the time of thy visitation."

7. But the Jews were stubborn, and depended on God's promises, which they thought meant nothing else than that they should continue forever. They were secure, and vainly thought: God will not do such things to us. We own the temple; here God himself dwells; besides we have mighty men, money and treasures enough to defy all our enemies! For even the Romans, and the emperor after he had conquered the city, confessed that the city was so well and firmly built, that it would have been impossible to take it, had God not especially willed it. Therefore they trusted in their own glory, and built their confidence on a false delusion, which finally deceived them.

8. The Lord, however, saw deeper into the future than they when he said: 0, Jerusalem! if thou hadst known what I know, thou wouldst seek thy peace. Peace in the Scriptures means, when all things go well with us. You now think you have pleasant days, but if you knew how your enemies will encamp round about you, compass you about and hedge you in on every side, crush you to the ground and demolish all your beautiful buildings, and leave not one stone upon another; you would eagerly accept the Word, which brings to you solid peace and every blessing. [The woeful history of the destruction of Jerusalem you can read in books, from which those who wish will easily understand this Gospel.]

9. God caused his threats to be executed even thus, that the city was besieged at the time of the Easter festival, when the Jews were assembled within the walls of Jerusalem from every land, and as the historian Josephus writes, there were together at that time about three million people. This was an enormous multitude. Only one hundred thousand people would have been enough to crowd the city. But all this great multitude God in his wrath intended to bake, melt and weld together into one mass of ruin. Yet, the Apostles and Christians were all out of the city, they had withdrawn into the land of Herod, Samaria, Galilee, and were scattered among the heathen. Thus God separated and saved the good grain and poured the chaff into one place. There was such an immense multitude of Jews present., that they were sufficient to devour a whole kingdom, to say nothing of only one city. They also fell into such distress and famine, that they devoured everything and had nothing left, until they were at last compelled to eat their leather bow-strings, shoe latchets and shoe leather; and finally mothers moved by their distress butchered their own children, which the soldiers snatched from them, for they smelt the odor of the boiling meat through the squares of the city. They used dove's dung for salt, which commanded a high price. In short, there was distress and bloodshed enough to melt a rock to tears; so that no one could have believed that God's wrath could be so horrible and that he would so unmercifully martyr a people. The buildings and the streets were piled full of the dead, who perished from starvation, and yet the Jews were so raging that they defied God and refused to yield, until the emperor was compelled to use force and capture the city, when they could no longer maintain their ground.

10. And as some Jews were such rogues as to swallow their money so that it could not be taken from them, the soldiers thought that they all had swallowed their money; therefore they cut them open by the thousands, hunting for it. The slaughter and destruction were so great, that even the heathen were moved to compassion, and the emperor was forced to give orders no longer to destroy them, but to take them prisoners and sell them as slaves. The Jews then became so cheap, that thirty were sold for a penny; and thus they were scattered throughout the whole world, and were everywhere despised as the vilest people on earth, and thus they are everywhere regarded at the present day, everywhere dispersed, without a city or a country of their own, and they can never meet again as they vainly believe to establish their priesthood and kingdom. Thus God avenged the death of Christ and all his prophets, and paid them back because they knew not the day of their visitation. APPLICATION TO GERMANY.

11. Here let us learn a lesson, for this concerns us, not us alone who are here present, but the whole country of Germany. It is not a mere jest, nor should we think that it will go different with us. The Jews would not believe until they experienced it and became conscious of it. God has now also visited us, and has opened the precious treasures of his holy Gospel unto us, by which we can learn God's will, and see how we were held by the power of the devil. Yet no one will earnestly believe it, yea, we much more despise it and make light of it. No city, no officer of the government is thankful for the Gospel; and what is still worse the great majority persecute and blaspheme it. God has great patience; he waits to see how we will deal with his Gospel; but when we once let the opportunity slip, he will take his Word from us, and then the wrath which consumed the Jews will also consume us. For it is one and the selfsame Word, the very same God, and the identical Christ, the Jews themselves had; therefore the punishment in body and soul will also most certainly be the same.

[We, of course, regard it as mockery, and care nothing for it. This is only an evidence of our own blindness. We ought to perceive that God is hardening us; for there is not a single city that is concerned about it; no officer of the law shows any zeal in its favor. It is most deplorable.] And I fear the time will yet come when Germany will lay in a heap of ruins. The evil winds have already begun to blow destruction in our peasant war. We have already lost many people. Nearly one hundred thousand men, only between Easter and Pentecost! It is an awful work of God, and I fear it will not stop at this. It is only a foretaste of a threat to frighten us, that we may prepare ourselves for the coming ordeal. So far it is but a fox's tail, but God will soon come with a terrible scourge, and lash us to pieces.

12. But we will act just like the Jews, and care nothing for it, until all help and counsel are lost forever. Now we might check it, for now it is high time for us to know what is best for us, and accept the Gospel in peace, while grace is brought, and peace is offered unto us. But we permit one day after another, one year after another to pass, and do even less than formerly. No one prays now, no one is in earnest. When the time is past, prayers will be of no avail. We do not lay it to heart, and think we are safe, and do not see the awful calamity which has already begun, and are not aware that God so dreadfully punishes us with false prophets and sects, which he sends us everywhere, and who preach so securely as though they had swallowed the Holy Spirit whole. Those whom we had thought were the very best among us, go to work and lead the people astray, until they scarcely know what to do or leave undone.

13. But this is only a beginning, although it is frightful and terrible enough. For there is no greater distress and calamity than when God sends us sects and false spirits, because they are so impudent and daringly bold, that they are really to be pitied. On the other hand the Word of God is such a great treasure, that no one can sufficiently comprehend its worth. For God himself considers his treasure immensely great, and when he visits us with his grace, he earnestly desires that we should gladly and freely accept it, and does not compel us as he is able to do, but it is his will that we should gladly obey it from choice and love. For he does not wait until we come to him, but he comes first to us. He comes into the world, becomes man, serves us, dies for us, rises again from the dead, sends us his Holy Spirit, gives us his Word, and opens heaven so wide that all men can enter; besides he gives us rich promises and assurances that he will care for us in time and in eternity, here and there, and pours out into our bosoms all the fulness of his grace. Therefore the acceptable time of grace is now at hand. Yet, we neglect it, and cast it to the winds, so that he will not and cannot give it to us.

14. For when we fall and sin in other ways, he can better spare us and be lenient, he of course will spare us and forgive; but when we despise his Word, it calls for punishment, and he will also punish us, even if he delays a hundred years. But he will not wait that long. And the clearer the Word is preached the greater the punishment will be. I fear it will be the destruction of all Germany. Would to God I were a false prophet in this matter. Yet it will most certainly take place. God cannot permit this shameful disregard of his Word to go unpunished, nor will he wait long, for the Gospel is so abundantly proclaimed that it has never been as plainly and clearly taught since the days of the Apostles, as it is at present. God be praised! Hence it applies to Germany, as I fear it will be destroyed, unless we act differently.

15. We, who have heard the Gospel for a long time, ought earnestly to pray God that he continue to grant us peace. The princes and officers want to settle everything with the sword, and too impudently interfere with God's office, until God himself shall smite them down. So it is high time faithfully to beseech God to permit his Gospel to be further spread through Germany, to those who have not yet heard it. For if the punishment came suddenly upon us, all will be lost, and many souls will be taken before the Gospel comes to them. Therefore I wish that we would not so terribly despise the Gospel, the costly treasure, not only for our own sakes, but also for the sake of those who have not yet heard it. It has become a little quiet, God grant that it may so continue, and that both the princes and the citizens may become more sane; for if it should begin afresh, I fear it would have no end.

16. But we act just like the Jews, who cared more for the belly than for God. They were more concerned how to fill their stomachs than how to be saved. For this reason they have lost both, and have been served just right. Because they would not accept eternal life and peace, God took their bodily life, so that they have lost both body and soul. They also immediately put forth the excuse, just as our own people do today. We would of course gladly accept the Gospel, if it would not place our bodies and property in jeopardy, and if thereby we would not hazzard the loss of our wives and children. For the Jews said, if we believe in him, the Romans will come and take away both our place and nation, John 11:48. As nothing will happen sooner than what the wicked fear, as Solomon says, Prov. 10:24: "The fear of the wicked, it shall come upon him." This prevented the Jews to believe God, and they did not consider the great and rich promises God bestowed upon them. So we also pass them by, and are not aware of the all powerful and comfortable promises Christ gives when he says, Mat. 19:29: Ye shall receive a hundredfold here, and there ye shall inherit eternal life. Let wife and child go, I will care for them, and restore them again to you. Only courageously trust in me. [Do you not think that I can build you another house? Do you regard me as being a hard man? Yet I will give you heaven; will you not risk it on my Word?] If you are robbed of your treasures, blessed are ye, heaven and earth are mine, I will reward you a hundredfold.

17. We pass over these and many like passages, and besides despise them, and depend only on what we have in our banks, and how we may keep our purses filled, and do not consider that God has also given us what we have, and will still give us more; nor do we consider that when we lose God, the stomach will also be lost. Therefore we are served just right in losing both the creator and the creature besides.
18. But believers in God risk all in him and transfer all things into his care, for him to do according to his pleasure, and think thus: God has given you your home and wife, you have not produced them Yourself; now because they are God's, I will entrust them all to his care, he will keep them from all harm. I must otherwise leave all at any rate, therefore I will bravely trust him with them, and for his sake give up all I have. If God wants me here, he will give me other treasures, for he has promised to give enough for this life and for the life to come. If he does not want me here, I owe him a death, which will bring me into eternal life; when he calls me, I will go trusting in his Word.

19. Whoever is not thus disposed, denies God, and must at the same time lose both, the present and the eternal life. The belly with its foul odors is our God, and prevents us from clinging to God's Word. First, I will be certain how I shall feed, and where my supplies are. The Gospel says: Trust in God; and your stomach shall most certainly be provided for, and have enough [without believing or trusting in it]. But if I have only five dollars they give me so much courage to think I have anyhow enough food for ten days, that I trust in such limited provisions, and do not trust God who fed me hitherto, that he will care for me tomorrow.

20. Is it not a shameful vexation or calamity that I trust in a penny that I will have something to eat tomorrow? How contemptible this carcass! Shall a penny have more weight in my heart and give me more courage than God himself, who holds heaven and earth in his power, who gives us the air we breathe and the water we, drink, who makes our corn to grow and gives us all things? it is so scandalous that it cannot be uttered, that God should not amount to as much with us as a hundred guilders. Why not think that God, who has created me, will surely feed me, if he wants me to live? If he does not want this, very well, I shall be satisfied.

21. Yes, says the stomach, I find no God in my chest! You silly donkey, who assures you that you will live tomorrow? You are not certain whether you will have a belly tomorrow, and you want to know where to find the bread and the food! Yes, you have a fine assurance! When our hearts are thus prompted, we see what a government of hell there would be on earth; yes, it would be the devil himself. Is it not a thing most abominable, that God who feeds so many mouths, should be held in such low esteem by me, that I will not trust him to feed me? Yea, that a guilder, thirty-eight cents, should be valued more highly than God, who pours out his treasures everywhere in rich profusion. For the world is full of God and his works. He is everywhere present with his gifts, and yet we will not trust in him, nor accept his visitation. Shame on thee, thou cursed world! What kind of a child is that, who cannot trust in God for a single day, but trusts in a guilder?

22. Now, I think, we see what the world is, how on account of the belly the world despises God, and yet must lose the belly together with body and soul. Oh, what godless people we are, and yet we are to spit upon or despise the world. If one would consider that he is such a godless wretch, that he cannot trust in God, he would not wish to live. Only choke away; for as captives we stick too deeply in the old Adam. The world is hell in prospect, yea, the real kingdom of Satan, a court yard in hell, except that the body is still here, otherwise it is true hell.

23. For this reason Christ admonishes us with tears to know our salvation and accept his visitation, that the calamity may not follow, which will surely come upon those who do not accept it, who are secure, until swift and sudden destruction comes upon them. May God give us grace, that we may know ourselves! The Gospel further reads: "And he entered into the temple, and began to cast out them that sold, saying unto them: It is written, And my house shall be a house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of robbers."

24. This is the second part of our Gospel, where the Lord takes hold of matters in earnest with his powerful hand, when he goes into the temple and casts out those who bought and sold there. For the first part was nothing but an admonition and incentive unto faith. Here the Lord now tells us what the temple of God is, and quotes passages from the Scriptures, and especially from the prophet Isaiah, 56:7, where God says: "For my house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples." You, however, have made it a house of merchandise. This is a strong passage which the prophet utters: "for all peoples, for all Gentiles," is against the Jews, who trusted in the temple of God at Jerusalem, and thought that this material house in Jerusalem would stand forever, and that it was impossible for God to demolish this temple or destroy this city. The Word of God does not lie. For this reason they also murdered Stephen, because he spoke against that holy place and said, Acts 6:14: "Jesus shall destroy this place, and shall change the customs which Moses delivered unto us." And they said: have not the prophets praised this house, and Christ himself says here, that it is a house of prayer, and you Apostles say, he will destroy it.

25. But we must rightly understand this expression, that the city of Jerusalem, the temple and the people, should remain until the time of Christ. With this agree all the prophets, who have given all things into the hands of Christ; as he would then dispose of it, so it should be and remain. Hence the passage in Isaiah goes no further than unto the times of Christ, as also all the prophets say, that after that there shall come a kingdom extending over the whole world, as in Malachi 1:10-11 we read: "For from the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same my name shall be great among the Gentiles; and in every place incense shall be offered unto my name, and a pure offering; for my name shall be great among the Gentiles, saith Jehovah of hosts." Here the prophet speaks of the spiritual kingdom of Christ, who shall build himself a house of prayer as extensive as the whole world.

26. It is true that God himself has established the temple at Jerusalem, not because it consisted of beautiful stones and costly buildings, or because it was consecrated by bishops, as at present men employ such foolery and juggling tricks; but God himself had consecrated and sanctified it with his Word, when he said: This house is my house! for his Word was preached in it. Now, wherever God's Word is preached, there is God's own true house, there God most certainly dwells with his grace. Wherever his Gospel is, there is a house of prayer, there men shall and may truly pray, and God will also hear their prayer, as Christ in John 16:23-24 says: "If ye shall ask anything of the Father, he will give it you in my name. Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name; ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be made full." Here again, where the Word is not found, there the devil has full sway.
MLC - Marvin's Little Cathedral

27. That we have imitated the Jews and built so many churches, would be well enough, if we had done it in order that the Word of God might be preached there; for where the Word goes there God is present, and looks down from heaven and pours out his grace. Therefore he says to the Jews here: I will not that you should make out of my house a den of robbers. For there were money changers in it who sold sheep and oxen, that strangers might buy them for their offerings in divine service. Why then does he call it a den of robbers? Surely, he gives it a scandalous name. He does it however because they no longer appreciate the house as the house of God, but as a market house; that is, the priests did not inquire how the Word of God was preached in it, although they sang, they babbled and read the prophets and Moses; but God cares nothing for such a murmuring of Psalms; that belongs to children.

28. They did just as our priests and monks do now, who have also made dens of robbers of our churches and cloisters, and have preached poison, and held masses only that the people might give them money and presents for holding them that they might thus fill their stomachs. They made the church a market house, in which they carried on their idle talk, corrupted and destroyed the sheep of God's pastures by their scandalous false doctrine, that it may well be called a robber's den for the soul. This title we should write on all churches in which the Gospel is not preached, for there they mock God, destroy souls, banish the pure Word and establish dens of murder; for he who listens to their words must die. Oh, how shamefully we have been deceived! Now, however, we should praise God, that this Word again brings us life, drives out the murderers, and teaches us how to pray aright; for an honest heart must pray, not with the mouth, but with the heart. THE CONCLUSION.

29. Thus we have heard the second part of our Gospel, how Christ drove out the merchants that pandered to base appetites, and made room for his Word. It would be a good thing, in this same way to cleanse our cloisters, and turn them into schools or preaching places; if this is not done they will be and continue to be nothing but dens of robbers; for if Christ calls his own house a den of robbers, how much more will our churches and temples, not consecrated by God, be called dens of robbers?

30. I have often requested you to pray God to turn his wrath and restrain the devil now in the world. For you have undoubtedly heard of the great calamity, how many have been slain in the insurrection. We fear they have all been lost, for God requires obedience, and has himself pronounced the sentence, Mat. 26:52: "For all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword." The devil has taken possession of the world, who knows when our turn will come. Therefore let us pray that God's kingdom may come and Christians may be multiplied, that he send wise and intelligent ministers to care for the people and listen to their wants. He who knows the gift of God prays for others who have not yet heard the Word, it is high time to do so. [Pray the Lord's Prayer.]

31. Well, wherever this calamity begins and prevails, that the people maliciously despise the day God visits us with his Word and grace, for the sake of the belly and a little temporal benefit and advantage; there must follow as a consequence of such treatment the final punishment and wrath of God, who will utterly destroy them, remove the foundation of their trust, and overthrow the country and the people, so that both temporal and eternal interests go down together. For how shall he otherwise treat us, because of our scandalous ingratitude for his great love and mercy which he publicly declared unto us by his gracious visitation? How shall or can he do more for us, while we with wantonness and defiance spurn his help, and ever struggle and strive after wrath and destruction? For if those are not free of punishment who transgress the law and sin against the ten commandments; how much less will he permit those to go unpunished, who blaspheme and despise the Gospel of his grace, Seeing the law by far does not bring as many good things as the Gospel?

32. If we will not wish to enjoy this happy day which he gives us unto grace and our salvation, he can also instead permit us to see and experience nothing but the dark and terrible night of all affliction and misfortune. And since we will not hear this precious Word and the proclamation of peace, we will be forced to hear the devil's cry of murder ring in our ears from every direction. Now is the time for us to know the day, and well employ the rich and golden year, while the annual fair is before our very doors, and acknowledge that he has severely punished us. If we neglect it and allow it to pass, we can never hope for a better day or expect any peace; for the Lord, who is the Lord of peace, will be with us no longer.

33. But if Christ be no longer with us, our hope will vanish; and wherever this beloved guest is rejected, and his Christians no longer tolerated, government, peace and everything shall perish, for he too desires to eat with us, to rule and to provide bountifully. However, he desires also to be known as such a Lord, in order that we may be thankful to him, and also permit this guest and his Christians to eat with us, and give him his due tribute; if not, we will then be forced to give it to another, who will so thank and reward us for it, that we shall not be able to retain a bite of bread or a penny in peace. But the world will not believe this, just as the Jews also would not believe it, until they experienced it, and faith came to their assistance. For God has ordained, that this Christ shall be Lord and King upon the earth, under whose feet he has put all things, and whoever would have peace and good days, must be kind and obedient to him, or he will be dashed to pieces like a potter's vessel. Ps. 2:9. THE SECOND PART OF THIS GOSPEL. "And he entered into the temple, and began to cast out those that sold, saying unto them: It is written, And my house shall be a house of prayer, but ye have made it a den of robbers."

34. Here he shows the aim of his great activity, and what concerns him most of all, which was also the cause of his weeping. It is indeed a terrible history, that he who so recently wept out of great sympathy and compassion, so soon can change and come forth in great anger, (for our beloved Lord burns with great devotion and zeal), and goes into the temple as in a storm, and strikes with his uplifted arm as the Lord of the temple, of course with an excellent and warm spirit by which he is moved, beholding the chief cause of distress and the destruction, of which he spoke and over which he wept; namely, that the chief government, which should be God's own and be called his temple, is all perverted and desolate, God's Word and true worship entirely suppressed and corrupted, even by those who would be leaders and teachers of the people, on account of their disgraceful greed and their own glory. He would say by this: Yes, it is this, that will completely bring on the calamity, and make an end of everything among this people.

35. Therefore, as merciful and compassionate as he showed himself to be to the poor multitude of people who are so wretchedly misled to their destruction; so great was the anger he showed against those who are the cause of this destruction. Otherwise he did not often resort to physical force and cause an uproar, as he does here, so that it is a strange act for an excellent and kind man, so full of love. But the cause of it is the great and powerful zeal and fervency of Spirit, which sees whence all affliction and sorrow come, namely, because the true worship of God is abolished and the name of God is so blasphemed that it is used merely for a show.

36. For the temple and the whole priesthood were ordained for the purpose of enforcing God's Word, to praise his grace and mercy, etc.; and to testify to this and thank him for his Word by an external worship of offerings. However, they did not teach praise and thanksgiving to God, but instead they perverted it into the doctrine of monks and works, so that with such offerings one merited the grace of God, and if they only offered a great deal, God would give them heaven and every good thing on earth. And hence they built their hopes for everything, which they ought to look for out of pure grace and mercy of God, on their own works and merits. And besides they were misled so far in the devil's name, that their avarice set up there in the temple tables for bankers and counters for traders in doves and all kinds of cattle used for offerings, so that those coming from distant lands and cities could find enough there to purchase, or if they had no money, they might barter for or borrow it, so that there might by all means be as many and as great offerings as possible. Thus under the name of divine worship the true worship of God was overthrown and rooted out; and they substituted for God's grace and goodness their own merits, and for his free gift their own works, which he was obliged to accept from us and thank us for them, and allow himself to be treated as an idol, compelled to do what pleases us, be angry or laugh, just as we wish it; and besides satiate their outrageous greed, by such idolatrous doings, and without any sense of shame carry on a public annual fair.

37. Just as our Pope's crowd, priests and monks, also did, who taught nothing but to trust in human works, and on this doctrine constructed everything in their church government, so that the people are compelled to purchase these things from them, who thus established a daily public fair over the whole world. And nothing was omitted that could be made to serve their greed, and for money they sold God, Christ, the Sacrament of the mass, absolution, and forgiveness of sins, the loosing and binding key. And to this must be added their own invented human nonsense, which they pretend is divine worship, such as the brotherhood of monks, and their own superfluous merits; yea, even to put upon the dead a monk's hood and cords; likewise the bishop's and priest's nasty oil, all kinds of bones of the dead which they call holy, letters of indulgence to eat butter, married women, children of priests and the like. All this had to bring and yield them money daily.

38. And especially the great rat king at Rome with his Judas purse, which is the great money gulch that in the name of Christ and the church has appropriated to itself all the possessions of the world. For he has reserved unto himself the power to forbid whatever he pleased and again to allow it for money, even to take and give kingdoms, whenever and as often as he pleased, and taxed lords and kings as it suited him. This is a much more infamous and barefaced perversion of the temple of God into a house of merchandise, than was perpetrated by the Jews at Jerusalem. For it belonged to Antichrist, as is prophesied of him, to levy and collect for himself the treasures of the world; and St. Peter speaking of such a hoard in 2 Pet. 2:3 says: "And in covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose sentence now from of old lingereth not, and their destruction slumbereth not."

39. Therefore Christ is justly angry at such desecration of his temple by these bloated misers, who do not only despise and forsake the true worship of God, but also pervert it and trample it under their feet. And thus they truly make out of the temple which God ordained for the purpose of teaching the people the Word of God and guiding them to heaven, nothing but a den of robbers, where nothing but the destruction and the murder of immortal souls take place, because they silence God's Word, through which alone souls can be saved, and instead they are fed on the devil's lies, etc. This is truly the chief sin and principal cause, why the Jews with their temple and all they had, deserved to go to destruction and ruin. For, as they destroyed the kingdom of God itself, he will no longer build up their kingdom for them. Wherefore he says: Because you go to work, and instead of my kingdom you build the kingdom of Satan, so will I also work against you, and will destroy everything utterly, that I have built for you. This is an example he began to do on that very day when he rushed among them in the temple, as his last public act before his death, which after his departure the Romans would effectually complete; namely, they with all they had would be totally swept away, as he cleanses his temple of them, that they may no more possess either their worship, temple nor priesthood, country or people.

40. He has, God be praised, even commenced to overthrow our idols and spectres, and Popery's abominable merchandise of perfidy, and to purify his churches through the Gospel, also as a prelude, that it may be seen that he will also make an end of them, as before our eyes they have already begun to fall, and they must daily fall more and more, and they will be much more horribly dashed to the earth and everlastingly destroyed, than the Jews were destroyed and exterminated, because theirs is still a much more shameful abomination. This shall first properly begin when the Gospel has departed on account of their disgraceful, horrible blasphemy; but it will finally come to an end on the last day and be completely and forever destroyed.

41. Let Germany, which, praise to God, now has the Gospel, beware, that she may not meet the same fate, as it already so strongly everywhere indicates she will. For we dare not think that the contempt and unthankfulness, which are gaining control among us as great as among the Jews, will remain unpunished. After that he will let the godless world complain and cry: If the Gospel had not come, such things would not have come upon us; just like the Jews at Jerusalem blamed all their calamities to the preaching of the Gospel, and they themselves at the risk of their own necks prophesied that if Christ with his Gospel should continue, the Romans would come and take away their place and nation. And afterward also, even the Romans blamed their destruction to this new God and new doctrine. Just as it is said at present, since the Gospel has appeared things have never been right.

42. And thus it will also go with the world; as its people despise and persecute God's Word, and become so hardened and blinded, they will blame no one as the cause and merit of their destruction but the precious Gospel itself; which nevertheless alone preserves, thank God, what is still preserved; otherwise all things would long since lay in one common heap of ruins. And yet it must bear the blame for everything that the devil and his clans transact. Because people continue to blaspheme and will not recognize what our sins deserve and the grace and mercy which we have in the Gospel, God must thus repay such blasphemers, so that they become their own prophets, and for a double wickedness receive a double reward. This premonition has already gone forth, except that it is yet withheld on account of the faithful few; just as he beforehand admonished the Jews by this example when he cast those that sold and bought out of the temple, and afterwards went into the temple himself and finally taught until the day of his death, and yet for a time withheld as long as he could, and afterwards by his Apostles until they would no longer tolerate them; so now we, who cleave to Christ, restrain punishment as long as we live; but when these too shall lay down their heads, then the world will realize what it once had.

Joe Krohn Shows How Much the Translation Matters.
No Wonder The Sausage Factory Loves the NNIV

The transition from NIV to NNIV means that previous deliberate ambiguities are now outright falsehoods. Defeat the NNIV.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Eats, Shoots and Leaves

The blog title is a far cry from the intended meaning about a panda bear who 'eats shoots and leaves'.  That is the title of a book by Lynne Truss in 2003 that addresses the lack of responsible use of punctuation in modern day English.  And it has spilled over into Bible translations.

On Romans 3:21-26:

Here is the KJV translation, whose translators took their cue from William Tyndale who in turn took his cue from Martin Luther:

Romans 3:21But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets;
 22Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference:
 23For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;
 24Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus:
 25Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God;
 26To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus. KJV.

Notice how the punctuation sets off the latter part of verse 22 and all of verse 23 from verses 22 and 24.  Verse 22b and 23 is a parenthetical thought and has no relationship to verse 24 other than the fact "all have sinned."  A parenthetical thought does not change the meaning of a text but only helps to clarify.  So if you deleted 22b and 23, you have the intended meaning.  This puts Romans 5:18 & 19 in a whole new light of which those who hold to a universal absolution of all men use as proof, which is incorrect.  'The many' of all have sinned is not the same as 'the many' that are justified.

Here is what further exacerbates the problem...from the NIV 1984; punctuation is entirely lacking:

21 But now a righteousness from God, apart from law, has been made known, to which the Law and the Prophets testify. 22 This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference, 23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24 and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus. 25 God presented him as a sacrifice of atonement,[i] through faith in his blood. He did this to demonstrate his justice, because in his forbearance he had left the sins committed beforehand unpunished— 26 he did it to demonstrate his justice at the present time, so as to be just and the one who justifies those who have faith in Jesus. NIV

And the NNIV (NIV 2011) is even worse adding an extra word 'all':

21 But now apart from the law the righteousness of God has been made known, to which the Law and the Prophets testify. 22 This righteousness is given through faith in[h] Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference between Jew and Gentile, 23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24 and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus. 25 God presented Christ as a sacrifice of atonement,[i] through the shedding of his blood—to be received by faith. He did this to demonstrate his righteousness, because in his forbearance he had left the sins committed beforehand unpunished— 26 he did it to demonstrate his righteousness at the present time, so as to be just and the one who justifies those who have faith in Jesus. NNIV.

As the WELS South Central DP opined at the recent convention, 'we just may be pitching our tents towards Sodom' by accepting such translations.  I agree.  It hints at Universalism and enables pastors to say you are forgiven before you are born. 

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Walther - The American Pope

So true.

Just reading the big "i" - All this Dreck WELS is giving Joe Krohn reminds me of someone being sick.

I also read on Wikipedia that Walther shunned anyone who did not agree with him. I think they should call him the first American Lutheran pope NOT the American Luther that Otten and the ole Syn Conf would like us to believe  - whether you believe it or not. The ole Syn Conf is just like the Pharisees of Jesus`s day. They offer a gospel of man-made laws but not of the hope that Jesus gives us with his gospel. That is what you get when an organization becomes a god of its own.

Saints Aint - In Murdoch's NNIV

Intrepid Lutherans on the NNIV
Brian G. Heyer said...
1. For all the "holy people," who from their labors rest,
Who Thee by faith before the world confessed,
Thy Name, O Jesus, be forever blessed.
Alleluia, Alleluia!

7. O may Thy soldiers, faithful, true and bold,
Fight as "His people" who nobly fought of old,
And win with them the victor’s crown of gold.
Alleluia, Alleluia!

10. But lo! there breaks a yet more glorious day;
The "Lord's people" triumphant rise in bright array;
The King of glory passes on His way.
Alleluia, Alleluia!

Our culture holds "saint" in a much higher and rarely achievable regard than does Scripture. Eliminating the word from Scripture erodes the comfort of knowing we are at church every week in the common company of Saints, and not merely 'holy people."
Anonymous said...
What will Intrepid Lutherans do if the WELS accepts the NIV 2011?

Tom Wyeth

Excommunication Meeting This Sunday at Holy Word.
Patterson and Gurgle Pile On.
Typical Kelmish Borrowed Theology

"It's just easier for many people to work backwards from the subjective to the objective in their thinking. In fact, upside-down evangelism may start with gospel and work back to law, stating the solution as a prelude to the problem and clarifying both at the cross." [This is Moravian Pietism, as shown by Walther's Law and Gospel.] Paul Kelm, The Evangelism Life Line (WELS), Fall, 1985 p. 5.

I was looking for the quotation from Paul Calvin Kelm, above, when Megatron, the legendary database, vomited up a bunch of Kelm and Olson quotations. The Kelm quotation is significant for several reasons.  
One is that Kelm and Patterson gave papers on how to improve pastoral education at The Sausage Factory!
Two - Universal Objective Justification necessarily leads to the kind of nonsense now being showcased at Holy Word (WELS), Austin, Texas.

WELS is always saying that people should a) write a letter, or b) meet with the person.

Writing a letter starts the process of excommunication because no one is allowed to question the infallible WELS, no matter how many times the infallible WELS changes its doctrinal opinions.

Meeting with one of these leaders is akin to picking up a bar of soap in a hot shower. Rather than discuss doctrine with Joe Krohn, Kudu Don Patterson chose to cut off all communication from the parish to him and send a certified letter to get rid of his own congregational elder. Patterson accused Joe Krohn of persistent false doctrine without meeting with him. He was only willing to meet if Joe sat there without saying a word. The Protes'tants remember that scenario.

Patterson gets a free vicar from WELS offering money--every year--so he loves to play the role of synod big shot. However, his call is not synod big shot, but parish pastor. He is doing what Kelm urged above. "Every single pagan in the world is already forgiven and saved." Second - "You disagree, so you will feel the full force of man-made law." Ethics and pastoral practice fly out the window because UOJ excuses everything already. Likewise, Walther did not excommunicate very often, because he hated people out of his life, unless he needed a mob to do his dirty work.

The Wisconsin Sect makes a show of being all-Gospel, but it is really all-law. The extent of the hypocrisy can be viewed in the facile lies of the quotations below. I would rename Megatron The Vomitorium except that I have preserved hundreds of examples of sound doctrine in the same file. I do not know how people can call themselves Lutheran or Christian while flinging such effluent in all directions.

SP Schroeder, the conservative dream candidate, continues to do nothing while Kokomo is replayed and the Changers are rewarded. At first he could play the helpless role - stuck with the incompetent and evil staffers of the Gurgle era. After four years of rewarding the Changers and silencing dissent, he is clearly leading from his bunker deep beneath the Love Shack.

Quotations from Megatron - Read and Weep
"The role model for this carefully choreographed and rehearsed service, referred to by Rev. Dan Kelm as a 'seeker service,' is Willow Creek Community Church in Barrington, Ill., near Chicago, an independent congregation formed 14 years ago...Rev. Kelm said he viewed a videotape of a service at the Chicago-area church before planning the first seeker service for Divine Savior, which is affiliated with the Milwaukee-based Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod."
Carol Elrod, "Pastor Hopes Seeks Will Find Way to Special Church Service," Indianapolis Star, May 12, 1990 Reprinted in CN

"The mistaken announcement by a reporter from another Lutheran body was clearly repudiated in the March 15, 1992 issues of The Northwestern Lutheran. Yet you boldly state that the WELS continues to be a part of this project, in which it never participated. Dr. Jackson, I ask you to repent of your slanderous lie and retract it publicly. Galatians 6:1-2 leads me to ask this of you, for the sake of your spiritual life. Titus 3:10 urges me to ask this of you for the sake of the church.
cc: District President Robert Mueller, Vice President Paul Kuske, Vice President Gerald Schroer, Rev. David Grundmeier, Rev. Gary Baumler."
Pastor Paul Kelm (WELS), Letter to Gregory L. Jackson, 9-23-92.

"Your September 21 article in Christian News perpetuates a lie, slanders leaders of your church and risks spiritual offense to weak brothers and sisters. You describe a conference on leadership in which fellowship lines were clearly drawn and at which testimony to the truths which separate Lutherans was publicly given as 'a joint ministry conference with a liberal agenda.' Then you add, 'Months later, the three groups [ELCA, LCMS, WELS] joyfully announced a joint religious radio show, Joy, also funded by Lutheran insurance money. WELS participated in 'Joy' from the beginning and continues to be a part of the project.'" Pastor Paul Kelm (WELS), Letter to Gregory L. Jackson, 9-23-92.

Finding the Receptive: People in Transition, by James Witt - "The Bible illustrates the people-in-transition receptivity principle very well. Converts such as Naaman, a leper; Ruth, a widow; the woman at the well, a five-time divorcee; the thief on the cross, a convict near death; were all people who in a period of transition were receptive to hearing the Gospel. The Receptivity-Rating Scale shown at left...
Paul Kelm, editor, The Evangelism Handbook, WELS Evangelism Appendix III,

"Lifestyle evangelism is the merger of visual and verbal witness, by the people Jesus intended, in the way that He modeled. It's the primary element in a church's strategy to win the lost."
[Other endorsements from Rev. Burton Bundy, Church of the Lutheran Brethren, and Dr. Erwin Kolb, LCMS] Rev. Paul Kelm, Evangelism, WELS Your Invitation! Kent Hunter, (D.Min., Fuller; S.T.D., LSTC) Church Growth Center, Corunna, Indiana 46730 Phone 219-281-2452 Invitation for Heart to Heart Workshop, Paul Kelm quotation.

"TELL has served the church faithfully for 15 years. Three editors have served; Ronald Roth (1977-84), Paul Kelm (1985-88), and the undersigned since 1989...The lead article in the first issue of TELL was titled 'Church Growth - Worthwhile for WELS.'...The author of this article in April 1988 issue of TELL concludes, 'It's obvious by now that I believe we in WELS can profit greatly from the writings of the church-growth leaders.' ... TELL as a separate publication ends with this issue. Nevertheless, the focus of The Evangelism Life Line will continue for years to come as an integral part of the new Board for Parish Services journal - PARISH LEADERSHIP.
Rev. Robert Hartman TELL (WELS Evangelism) Summer, 1992.

"The church growth movement has made inroads into nearly every denomination in America. Once considered only the turf of conservative evangelicals, you will now find church growth practitioners in the United Methodist Church, in the Presbyterian Church in the USA, and among the Episcopalians. The LCMS has more pastors enrolled in the Doctor of Ministry program at Fuller Theological Seminary, the seedbed of the movement, than are enrolled in the graduate programs at their Fort Wayne and St. Louis seminaries combined, and most of them include church growth as part of their studies."
Lawrence Otto Olson, D. Min., Fuller Seminary, "See How It Grows: Perspectives on Growth and the Church," EVANGELISM, February, 1991, Parish Consultant for the WELS Board of Parish Services and his district's Coordinator of Evangelism. p. 1.

"Donald C. McGavran died at home in Altadena, California, on July 10, 1990. He was 92 years old. Dr. McGavran is widely recognized as the founder of the church growth movement, a movement which has sought to put the social sciences at the service of theology in order to foster the growth of the church. In August of 1989 I borrowed a bicycle and pedaled several miles uphill up from Pasadena to Altadena. I found Dr. McGavran in his front yard with a hose in hand, watering flowers." Lawrence Otto Olson, D. Min., Fuller Seminary, "See How It Grows: Perspectives on Growth and the Church," EVANGELISM, February, 1991, Professor, Martin Luther College (WELS), p. 1.

"Don't let the world paint us into a corner of antiquarianism on subjects like a six-day creation or verbal inspiration."
Rev. Paul Kelm, "How to Make Sound Doctrine Sound Good to Mission Prospects," p. 13.

"Thesis Seven: Sound Apologetics Can Make Sound Doctrine Sound Good...Logic never converted anyone; but Christianity is logically defensible, once one makes reason ministerial to God and His Word...Read C.S. Lewis, Francis Schaeffer and Josh McDowell for practical apologetic tools. In fact, lend your copy to the prospect whose intelligence and education have become his curse. Once you've read Josh McDowell's 'Lord, Liar, or Lunatic' argument for the deity of Christ, you'll find yourself using it." Rev. Paul Kelm, "How to Make Sound Doctrine Sound Good to Mission Prospects," p. 14.

"We can't do a thing to make his Word more effective. But surely we can detract from its effectiveness by careless errors and poor judgment. It just makes good sense to utilize all of our God-given talents, to scour the field for appropriate ideas, concepts, and material (sic), to implement programs, methods, and techniques so that we do not detract from the effectiveness of the gospel we proclaim. Church growth articles, books, seminars, and conferences can offer such ideas and programs."
Pastor James Huebner, Spiritual Renewal Consultant, Notebook, School of Outreach IV, Seventeen Ways to Keep Your Church from Growing, p. 178. First VP of WELS!

"While only the Word is efficacious, the methods we use to minister to people with that Word may vary in their effectiveness." Lawrence Otto Olson, D. Min., Fuller Seminary, "See How It Grows: Perspectives on Growth and the Church," EVANGELISM, February, 1991, Parish Consultant for the WELS Board of Parish Services and his district's Coordinator of Evangelism. p. 2.

"McGavran leaned toward me and said, 'The fields are white unto harvest. But you can't harvest a field of what with a penknife--you need a sickle, you need a scythe. Harvest intelligently."
Lawrence Otto Olson, D. Min., Fuller Seminary, "See How It Grows: Perspectives on Growth and the Church," EVANGELISM, February, 1991, Parish Consultant for the WELS Board of Parish Services and his district's Coordinator of Evangelism. p. 2.

"Our synod now has a full-time executive secretary for evangelism. He's the Rev. Paul Kelm; and we need him. We need him to be our evangelism advocate."
The Late, Great Ron Roth, The Evangelism Life Line (WELS), Winter, 1985 p. 2. He also founded Cornerstone, a joint LCMS-WELS business for getting congregations deeply indebted.

"Please stop exaggerating the amount of study that I have done at Fuller. After four years of study at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, which involved sixty-two different courses and a year of vicarage, I graduated in 1983. From 1987 to 1989 I took four courses where I was in a classroom with a Fuller instructor. That is the extent of my Fuller coursework...In addition, I have taken two courses at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and one at the University of Wisconsin--Madison. Because of Fuller's liberal (would you expect anything else?) policy on transfer of credit, and because of two independent studies I undertook, I could complete the degree by simply writing a dissertation." Lawrence Otto Olson, D. Min., Fuller Seminary, "A Response to Gregory L. Jackson, Ph.D.," Christian News, 3-28-94, p. 23

"To the best of my knowledge, only three WELS pastors have ever taken classes at Fuller Seminary: Reuel Schulz in the 1970s, and Robert Koester and I in the 1980s."
Lawrence Otto Olson, D. Min., Fuller Seminary, "A Response to Gregory L. Jackson, Ph.D.," Christian News, 3-28-94, p. 23.

"You may reply that by 'Fuller-trained' you mean anyone who has attended a workshop presented by the Charles E. Fuller Institute of Evangelism and Church Growth, an agency which is independent of the Seminary. If that is the case, your attribution of 'Fuller-trained' is still simply not true. It would surprise me if even half of the two dozen people on your 'WELS/ELS Who's Who' list have attended a Fuller workshop; I personally know of only five who have."
Lawrence Otto Olson, D. Min., Fuller Seminary, "A Response to Gregory L. Jackson, Ph.D.," Christian News, 3-28-94, p. 23.

"Paul says that people can, in some way, 'adorn the doctrine' (KJV). Does that mean adding anything to the Gospel, thereby making the Means of Grace more 'effective'? Of course not. But it does mean that a Christian, a Christian slave in the original context, can discredit the Gospel--and thus erect a human barrier--through actions and words that contradict the profession of faith."
Lawrence Otto Olson, D. Min., Fuller Seminary, "A Response to Gregory L. Jackson, Ph.D.," Christian News, 3-28-94, p. 23. Titus 2:9-10

"To believe, teach, and confess that truth is not inconsistent with being able to recognize that one approach to ministry may be more effective than another. It is more effective to hold worship services at 10:30 am on Sunday than at midnight on Tuesday; this is true, even though it is the same Gospel that is preached at either time." [another example, preaching in German to an American audience] Lawrence Otto Olson, D. Min., Fuller Seminary, "A Response to Gregory L. Jackson, Ph.D.," Christian News, 3-28-94, p. 23.

"Faithfulness is the standard by which God judges those he calls into the public ministry. That faithfulness may or may not be 'effective' in terms of visible results; results are up to God, not us. But part of faithfulness ought to include striving to be as 'effective' as we can be in the methods that we use to take the Means of Grace to people." Lawrence Otto Olson, D. Min., Fuller Seminary, "A Response to Gregory L. Jackson, Ph.D.," Christian News, 3-28-94, p. 23.

"Make no mistake; I am under no illusions here. I fully expect to be publicly pilloried in print again. You will no doubt do so with some wit, with a good selection of quotations instantly imported into your world processor from your ready-to-go database, and with my own words twisted and used against me. So be it; I can live with that."
Lawrence Otto Olson, D. Min., Fuller Seminary, "A Response to Gregory L. Jackson, Ph.D.," Christian News, 3-28-94, p. 23.

"While I would not encourage it, it would not surprise me to see my name in some future writing of yours. If it does appear there, please use my given [underlined] name, Lawrence."
Lawrence Otto Olson, D. Min., Fuller Seminary, "A Response to Gregory L. Jackson, Ph.D.," Christian News, 3-28-94, p. 23.

"It is appropriate to make use of educational research to improve the functioning of our small group Bible studies." Lawrence Otto Olson, D. Min., Fuller Seminary, "See How It Grows: Perspectives on Growth and the Church," EVANGELISM, February, 1991, Parish Consultant for the WELS Board of Parish Services and his district's Coordinator of Evangelism. p. 3.

"Contemporary social and behavioral sciences are a working out of the reason which God has given to humanity. Granted, the assumptions of some sociologists or anthropologists may be inconsistent with the Christian faith. That calls for discernment, but it does not invalidate the proper use of the social sciences by the church; it is, however, essential that they be used in a 'ministerial' manner."
Lawrence Otto Olson, D. Min., Fuller Seminary, "See How It Grows: Perspectives on Growth and the Church," EVANGELISM, February, 1991, Professor, Martin Luther College, (WELS), p. 3.

"We cannot add anything to the Word, but we may be able to remove the human barriers which might be in the way of the Word." Lawrence Otto Olson, D. Min., Fuller Seminary, "See How It Grows: Perspectives on Growth and the Church," EVANGELISM, February, 1991, Parish Consultant for the WELS Board of Parish Services and his district's Coordinator of Evangelism. p. 3.

"But when our Lord told us what our mission should be, he was quite clear: 'Make disciples.' Lawrence Otto Olson, D. Min., Fuller Seminary, The Evangelism Life Line (WELS), Summer, 1988, p. 3. Matthew 28:19.

"PLANNING, long-range or short-range, should be S-M-A-R-T...specific...measurable...accepted...realistic...timed...." Paul Kelm, editor, The Evangelism Handbook, WELS Evangelism p. 3.

"A last word on sound doctrine is in place. Sound doctrine must be distinguished from tradition, praxis and preference. The liturgy, translation of the Bible, vestments and organizational policies of the church are not equatable with sound doctrine." Rev. Paul Kelm, "How to Make Sound Doctrine Sound Good to Mission Prospects," p. 3.

"Non-Christians usually become good prospects for personal reasons or as I like to say: 'They come for sociological reasons and stay for theological reasons.'" [Note: this is the felt needs approach of Fuller, also endorsed by Pastor Forrest Bivens, now a professor at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary:

"I went to Fuller Seminary and I happen to believe we can use sociological methods to bring people to church so we can apply the Means of Grace." Midland circuit get together, attended by Pastor - now DP - John Seifert.] Rev. Paul Kelm, "How to Make Sound Doctrine Sound Good to Mission Prospects," p. 4.

"Upside-down evangelism may begin with different diagnostic questions. What do you want out of life? lets the other person pick the path for witness. How do you feel about where our society is heading? uncovers fears and needs without becoming too personal. What makes people happy (or unhappy) do you think? allows someone to express preceived [sic] needs in the third person." Paul Kelm The Evangelism Life Line (WELS), Fall, 1985 p. 5.

"Upside-down evangelism doesn't begin with personal sin and guilt, but rather with the consequences of sin. Societal consequences (for which each day's newspaper provides evidence) are the 'perceived need' door to understanding the alienation of life and people from God." Paul Kelm The Evangelism Life Line (WELS), Fall, 1985 p. 5.

"It's just easier for many people to work backwards from the subjective to the objective in their thinking. In fact, upside-down evangelism may start with gospel and work back to law, stating the solution as a prelude to the problem and clarifying both at the cross." [This is Moravian Pietism, as shown by Walther's Law and Gospel.] Paul Kelm The Evangelism Life Line (WELS), Fall, 1985 p. 5.

"Upside-down evangelism follows the path of least resistance to the God of gracious acceptance." Paul Kelm The Evangelism Life Line (WELS), Fall, 1985 p. 5. "Small churches need not be small thinkers, but small-thinking churches will always remain small. Churches and people seldom go/grow beyond their expectations." Rev. Paul Kelm, "How to Make Sound Doctrine Sound Good to Mission Prospects," See Waldo Werning and Robert Schuller for the same thought. Did the Apostles know this? p. 6.

"Thesis One: Sound Doctrine Sounds Good When Good People Sound it. Normally, people respond to other people before they respond to doctrine." Rev. Paul Kelm, "How to Make Sound Doctrine Sound Good to Mission Prospects," p. 7.

"Small thinking churches typically budget to remain small." Rev. Paul Kelm, "How to Make Sound Doctrine Sound Good to Mission Prospects," See Waldo Werning and Robert Schuller for the same thought. Did the Apostles know this? p. 7.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Order Your St. Christopher St. Walther Medal Now

Here is a picture of the front of the medallion, above. The medal will be cast in bronze, in honor of the Bronze Age Missourians who worship C. F. W. Walther, Ed Preuss, Stoeckhardt, and F. Pieper.

From Cyber-Bronzies Walther Medallion Opportunity —

Act Now to Reserve a Copy August 23rd, 2011 No comments

In honor of the 200th anniversary of Dr. C.F.W. Walther’s birth, Concordia Publishing House is pleased to be the exclusive provider of a commemorative medallion. We are asking people to express their interest in receiving a copy by placing advance orders. We have to receive at least 200 orders to move forward on this project. So, if you are interested in having a keep-sake, limited edition commemorative medallion, please reserve a copy before September 1.

Place your reservation order here. Here is more information. Honor Walther’s Lasting Leadership This October will be the bicentennial celebration of one of the most influential leaders in the history of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, C.F.W. Walther. As the first president of our synod, Walther used his passion and outspoken nature to ensure that Lutherans in 19th century America remained faithful to the Scriptures and Lutheran Confessions. A beautiful reminder of Walther’s lasting leadership, this antique bronze medallion is now available for pre-order.

The front features a timeline of his accomplishments, while the back pays homage to his most popular work, The Proper Distinction Between Law and Gospel. This impressive 3″ medallion will make a striking statement on your desk or library shelf! This limited edition medallion requires a minimum order quantity be achieved by September 1, 2011. In the event this minimum order is not reached, your pre-order will be cancelled with no strings attached.


narrow-minded has left a new comment on your post "Order Your St. Christopher St. Walther Medal Now":

Does anyone recall this kind of a big deal for Loehe in 2008 for his 200th Birthday?

Colloquy for the WELS Leadership
LCMS and ELS Should Answer Too

Without a doubt, WELS has promoted the false doctrine of Church Growth from the top down, beginning with SP Naumann endorsing it in the first issue of TELL magazine.

SP Mischke did more of the same, with Paul Calvin Kelm serving as his Iago.

Next came SP Gurgle, the conservative dream candidate who would stop promote amalgamation and drive even more CG advances through God's Counselor, Wayne Mueller, SP-in-Waiting.

SP Gurgle was shown the door, before the kitchen silverware disappeared with the rest of the loot. For some reason, the DP who supervised the bankruptcy of MilCraft--estate gift to the district, followed by losing a lawsuit to the defrauded widow--was entrusted with a much larger legacy, the Schwan Indulgences.

Most wealthy adulterers are not preached into heaven until they die. Marvin was assumed into heaven while still alive, with a three-sect chorus of voices praising his leadership. And for good reason. Rather than adopt a congregation or denomination, Marvin adopted the entire Synodical Conference, building cathedrals to honor himself in St. Louis, Mankato, and New Ulm.

The next conservative dream candidate* was Mark Schroeder, who has promoted Church and Change leaders to positions of greater influence while threatening and silencing critics of Fuller Seminary.

To quote DP John Seifert, "Wisconsin Synod practices say more about our doctrine than we care to think." Yes, indeed. And that includes Silent Seifert.

WELS members and pastors have begged Mark Schroeder to do something about members being excommunicated by such rascals as Glende, Patterson, and Gurgle. (The ex-SP keeps turning up, like a bad penny.) Schroeder says he is powerless. Tis funny how so many men covet powerless positions. Buchholz is powerless too. If they want to experience a powerless position, they should try blogging. I could not get a certified letter acknowledged by the SP, let alone answered.

Long ago I proved that the entire structure of WELS was nothing more than a franchise operation to benefit Fuller Seminary, with their Love Shack leaders and Sausage Factory professors promoted chiefly because they attended Fuller, Willow Creek, and Trinity Divinity: Valleskey, Bivens, Kelm, Olson, Huebner, Oelhafen, Adrian, and many more.

Colloquy Questions

Rather than plead for mercy for the excommunicated from WELS, why not put the DPs and Synod President through colloquy, to see if they are Lutheran? Or even Christian? Here are the questions.

1. Does the Holy Spirit work only through the Word, as Hoenecke taught in harmony with the Scriptures, Luther, and the Confessions?

2. Is God's grace given to us only through the Means of Grace, the Word and Sacraments?

3. If God declared the entire world forgiven the moment Christ died, where is this found in the Scriptures?

4. If God declared the entire world forgiven the moment Christ rose from the dead, where is this found in the Scriptures? Please account for the time difference between #3 and #4.

5. Was anyone justified in the Old Testament? If not, then why does Paul declare that Abraham was reckoned righteous because of his faith?

6. Please explain the contradiction between Abraham justified by faith and the entire world declared forgiven the moment He died, or rose? Clarify the time differences between #3, #4, and #6.

7. Are you willing to accuse Paul of promoting intuitu fidei, because he wrote, inspired by the Holy Spirit: KJV Romans 4:24 But for us also, to whom it shall be imputed, if we believe on him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead; 25 Who was delivered for our offences, and was raised again for our justification.

8. Do you equate the atonement with justification and salvation, in agreement with the convention essay by DP Buchholz? (Buchholz has to be asked if he agrees with his own essay, because he denies that WELS has ever said everyone is saved.)

9. Do you agree with the Seventh Day Adventists about justification, because they have exactly the same statement as WELS and Missouri? If you do agree, why have you not declared fellowship with the Adventists?

10. Do you agree with the Universalists, who say that everyone is forgiven and saved? If not, please explain. Clarify the contradiction between #9 and #10.

11. Are babies born already forgiven, as Ed Preuss wrote before he joined the Church of Rome, while still teaching as a Lutheran? If so, why baptize them?

12. Are Hottentots already forgiven, as Ed Preuss wrote in his famous booklet on justification? If they are, why have foreign missions, except for the beaches in Rio and the Riviera?

13. Why was Gausewitz head of the Synodical Conference and the author of a Small Catechism edition used by most congregations, since his work does not even mention Universal Objective Justification?

14. When WELS replaced Gausewitz with Kuske's catechism, why did you fail to notice the change in doctrine?

15. Are you promoting the porno-mytho-anti-Sacramental NNIV because it butchers Romans to teach universal absolution?


GJ - The so-called conservatives should read Norris' The Octopus, where the farmers used their money to buy someone a seat on the railroad commission, only to find out he was a slave to the railroad monopoly.


marco has left a new comment on your post " Without a doubt, WELS has promoted the false doc...":

Apology of the Augsburg Confession, Art IV (p.151).

"Is. 53:11: By His knowledge shall He justify many. But what is the knowledge of Christ unless to know the benefits of Christ, the promises which by the Gospel He has scattered broadcast in the world?"

Does this quote leave any doubt where Luther stood on Romans 5:15,19 with the word "many"? and also, by the way, where he stood on John 1:29 since John the Baptist's reference was not to the Day of Atonement, but to Isaiah 53:7,11?

Only by knowing Christ through faith are the many justified. Only by knowing Christ through faith does the Lamb of God take away their sins.


AC V has left a new comment on your post "Colloquy for the WELS Leadership LCMS and ELS Shou...":

Oops, did that slip out? In an interview with the San Diego Reader (; reprinted in the Sep. 2011 FIC-l), WELS pastor Kevin Schultz answers this question:

SDR: What is your main concern as a member of the clergy?

PS: The most important concern I have is getting people interested in God's Word....

Wow, what a burden to bear! It's all up to "me." If people aren't interested in God's Word, it's because I'm not doing it right. All I need is the right CG method, and they'll become interested.

Seems the knee-jerk reaction for WELS clergy now (at least for this WELS pastor), when asked what a pastor's "main concern" is, is to "get people interested in God's Word." Better check your ordination vows again, PS. That's not what you swore to do.

The right answer would have been, "The most important concern I have is being faithful to God's Word and his Sacraments because it is through the preaching of God's Word and the administration of the Sacraments that sinners hear of and receive God's grace in Jesus Christ. And I pray that by God's grace many will believe when they hear that good news. It's best job in the world because the results are up to God, not me."