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Desperate but not serious. |
LPC has left a new comment on your post "Paul Wendland's Mytho-Porno Living NIV Paraphrase ...":
It is remarkable that they even placed Holman as an option. That translation is a Southern Baptist translation.
GJ - The NNIV will be a big hit in the mainline denominations of the National Council of Churches. However, those groups do not make a particular translation into an excommunication offense, the way WELS does.
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Classic Pinto gas tank fire |
WELS emphasized the KJV for a long time, then kicked pastors out of the ministry for daring to criticize the original NIV, now called the Classic NIV. That is like a Classic Pinto, no?
WELS leaders spend a lot of time drooling on Southern Babtist leaders' feet. DP Patterson took a group of WELS workers to Exponential in Orlando, Florida. Stetzer spoke there, and Stetzer was soon hired to teach a Church and Change convention of WELS Shrinkers.
Those who pay attention to Southern Babtists realize that the group rejected the NNIV but favored the Holman, which sprang from the New KJV, more or less, now quite less.
The Holman uses the Anything Goes Aland New Testament text plus dynamic equivalence (Living Bible) paraphrasing, so it is a double winner for all the apostates. Holman began changing from the beginning and will change again soon. So will the NNIV.
The ESV is Calvinist Communist. It uses the Anything Goes Aland for the New Testament and a modified version of dynamic equivalence: demi-semi-dynamic equivalence.
The three modern translations discussed so far have two things in common -
- Constant rapid change in language. As the graphic shows, the NIV has more babies than a welfare daddy.
- Constant change in the New Testament text - based on the whims of liberal academics. They meet and vote on whether a verse or word belongs.
How odd of God - to accomplish so much for sinful man, and leave behind a confused and contradictory New Testament text! The Latter Day Saints must be right - we need a Book of Mormon to explain everything to us.Lacking that, we have the politicians appointed to the various Bored of Doctrine committees. They eat up almost as much offering money as the professional charity guys.
The traditional New Testament text has its basis in the thousands - yes thousands - of Greek texts preserved by the Byzantine (Eastern Orthodox) Church. The Eastern Roman Empire became Greek and Christian under Constantine and his successors. This Christian empire lasted 11 centuries. Ponder that a wee bit. The Nicene Creed comes from the early days of Constantine, Equal to the Apostles (his title), and lasted until the beginning of the Reformation. The Greek Christians revered the Word of God and preserved the manuscripts and liturgical texts as well.
As much as WELS and Missouri hate the KJV now, the KJV still exists in its older books, many still in print or at least circulating as used books. Liturgical books are therefore useful as witnesses to much older texts. The Greeks had those too.
The radicals began by beating up the NT text. They could not get at the Hebrew text easily, because the traditional text has been carefully guarded and copied with great precision by the rabbis. When scholars found a much earlier manuscript of Isaiah (by 800 years or so) at Qumran, the Hebrew wording was the same in Isaiah, except for "holy, holy, holy" being "holy."
The radicals in the NCC did not worry about the text of the Old Testament, because they could translate their way into apostasy heaven. Thus the great miracle of a "Virgin shall conceive" in Isaiah became "a young woman will conceive."
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By Norma Boeckler |
That followed (note well - followed) the rationalistic church trend of expelling the Virgin Birth. The Wesleyan hymn had already been changed to "offspring of the Chosen One" instead of "Offspring of the Virgin's womb." Who were the pinheads who did this? The Methodists! The printed music for "Chosen One" is still floating around - appropriate for a Unitarian Christmas service.
Lutherans, especially the SynConference types - do not cluck your tongue at the Methodists. You participate daily in the same nonsense. You do not read Luther. You do not respect the greatest Biblical expositor of the Christian Church. You sit back and let your leaders rave against justification by faith. That is why your synods are dead in the water, just like the Methodists. That is why you will get bad translations foisted on the next generation.
"That is a hill I will not die on" - Soon there is nothing worth a fight, as long as the pension fund beckons. I know several pastors who had nothing to say until they retired. No one could bother them because no one cared.
The ELCA bishops who formed the NALC should serve as an example for all. They led ELCA into the abyss for 20 years, jumped aside at the last minute, and complained, "This is just plain wrong."