Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Paul by these words, “Abraham believed,” maketh of faith in God the chiefest worship, the chiefest duty, the chiefest obedience, the chiefest sacrifice.

Paul by these words, “Abraham believed,” maketh of faith in God the chiefest worship, the chiefest duty, the chiefest obedience, the chiefest sacrifice. Let him that is a rhetorician amplify this place, and he shall see that faith is an almighty thing, and that the power thereof is infinite and inestimable; for it giveth glory unto God, which is the highest service that can be given unto Him. Now, to give glory to God, is to believe in Him, to count Him true, wise, righteous, merciful, almighty, briefly to be the Author and Giver of all goodness. This cometh not of reason, but of faith.

This is it which maketh us divine people, and (as a man would say) it is the creator of a certain divinity, not in the substance of God, but in us. For without faith God loseth in us His glory, wisdom, righeousness, truth, and mercy. To conclude, no majesty or divinity remaineth unto God, where faith is not.

Martin Luther, Kregel, Galatians 3:6, p. 125.