Saturday, February 11, 2012

Those Glory Days of Lutheran Orthodoxy at The Fort,
Concordia Seminary, Ft. Wayne.
Born Forgiven. Church Growth. Romanism.

Paul McCain on Steadfast Enthusiasts
He has a need to be regarded as some sort of expert on all things Lutheran. Suffice it to say, Mr. Jackson never understood Robert Preus, for he never, at any point, in spite of the many academic credentials he loves to mention, received a thorough orthodox and confessional Lutheran education.


Paul McCain, who is not a pastor, should not be so windy when he is off his medication. The more he writes, the more he exposes his ignorance. I am happy to provide some fact-checking, although I cannot take all evening.

I was often at Concordia, Ft. Wayne, when he, Jay Webber, and Jim Heiser were students. I took two classes there, attended some lectures besides, and went to conferences when I could.

Let me turn back the time machine for the Lutheran Orthodoxy of "The Fort." Here is a quotation from Robert Preus, which Jack Cascione and others have reproduced to show how orthodox UOJ the president of the seminary was (1981):

All this is put beautifully by an old Lutheran theologian of our church, "We are redeemed from the guilt of sin; the wrath of God is appeased; all creation is again under the bright rays of mercy, as in the beginning; yea, in Christ we were justified before we were even born. For do not the Scriptures say: ‘God was in Christ reconciling the world unto Himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them?'’ This is not the justification which we receive by faith...That is the great absolution which took place in the resurrection of Christ. It was the Father, for our sake, who condemned His dear Son as the greatest of all sinners causing Him to suffer the greatest punishment of the transgressors, even so did He publicly absolve Him from the sins of the world when He raised Him up from the dead." (Edward Preuss, "The Justification of a Sinner Before God," pp. 14-15) [GJ - Edward Preuss turned Roman Catholic, so he was not exactly an old Lutheran theologian!] Source - Reclaiming Knapp.

I attended a Kadai class. He was a mainline liberal who adored Karl Barth the Red.

I met Waldo Werning, the most fanatic of many Church Growth professors at Ft. Wayne. Kincaid Smith said his entire DMin at Ft. Wayne was Church Growth. For that reason Kincaid really resented my book Liberalism: Its Cause and Cure. Smith said so in the ELS journal of record, The Lutheran Sentimental.

Later I met Gene Bunkowske, another CG professor at Ft. Wayne. He started the missiology program at Ft. Wayne - more CG.

I recall one Ft. Wayne professor who became a Roman Catholic later. I think he was Klemet Preus' first father-in-law.

"The Fort" is famous for turning out graduates who join the priesthood or the Eastern Orthodox soon after. That was supposed the reason why Robert Preus wrote his last book, to stop the leakage to Rome, a flow encouraged by David Scaer and Bill Weinrich.

McCain did not attend graduate school, so he may be pardoned for his lack of knowledge about matters beyond the Bachelor of Divinity degree, his highest achievement. That is the real designation, changed only to suit the posturing of the clergy. The three professional degrees are bachelor's degrees (law, medicine, divinity), so an MD earns an MA when he becomes a specialist. A DMin is a drive-by STM, and no one wants an STD from any school, even though the truth about Stephan is not that well known.

My dogmatics professor, Otto Heick, was a favorite author for the Synodical Conference, and he often published in the Concordia Monthly. Ulrich Leupold was a world-famous musicologist. Nils Dahl, Paul Holmer, and Sydney Ahlstrom--all at Yale--are required or recommended reading. I attended Bainton lectures, who was so loved for his Here I Stand that one seminary made him an honorary Lutheran. I could drop a few more names, but that is enough for now. In fact, my real education in the Confessions came in Columbus, Ohio, when the WELS clergy showed their abhorrence for the Confessions and the Sixth Commandment.

I noticed McCain's slobbering reference to taking courses from Bob Preus on Steadfast Enthusiasts. It moved me to tears...of laughter. I was sitting in McCain's Purple Palace office when he bragged about pulling the rug out from under Preus. That arrogance and scorn came after two years of parish experience as Barry's duplicitous campaign manager. Shortly after that boast he was giving an award to Mrs. Preus, honoring the same man he bragged about sandbagging.


LPC has left a new comment on your post "Those Glory Days of Lutheran Orthodoxy at The Fort...":

>I noticed McCain's slobbering reference to taking courses from Bob Preus on Steadfast Enthusiasts. It moved me to tears...of laughter.

I am crying now too, tears flowing down my cheeks, but my mouth just keeps on laughing.



GJ - The UOJ Enthusiasts cannot stop blabbering about their one and only dogma, but they want to silence anyone who questions them. A discussion board (Steadfast Enthusiasts, LaughQuest) is for them to post dozens of remarks about how wise, loving, patient, and orthodox they are. The only thing missing is, "Thank God we are not like other men, like those Ichabodians." Oh, they say that too.

Best of all, the UOJ hive is just as spiteful with each other and they are with their opponents. Every so often they start biting and devouring each other on LQ. Everyone on the ALPB Forum laughs about it.

Mark Jeske, Furtive Head of Church and Change:
Can Anyone Accuse Him of Lutheran Doctrine?

The WELS Church and Change dogs have
a message for you.

David Becker has left a new comment on your post "New Change or Die! Gathering for 2012. Working wit...":

Last week, I sent Christian News an article titled “WELS Divided on Mark Jeske” and several other analytical articles on Pastor Jeske. None of them were printed in the February 6 CN, but that may have been because I encouraged Pastor/Editor Otten to forward the material to Pastor Jeske/Time of Grace Ministries for a response (if they had any) and therefore they may still be in a future edition of CN. If they are never printed in CN, I might possibly forward them to you. I am also considering writing an article titled “Paul McCain Denounces Gregory Jackson as ‘False Teacher,’ ‘Cult Leader.’” CN could print a picture of you with the caption “Cult Leader.” That would be laugh out loud funny. I think that I write some laugh out loud funny stuff too—the style of humor is just a bit different from yours.


David Becker has left a new comment on your post "This Is How Harrison, Schroeder, and Pope John Loo...":

Below is one of the articles that I submitted to Christian News on Pastor Mark Jeske/Time of Grace Ministries (which has not been published in CN, at least not as of February 6, maybe still forthcoming):

"Time of Grace" Statement of Faith Is Deficient

The rapidly growing Time of Grace ministry founded by Pastor Mark Jeske and others, and hosted by Mark Jeske, rarely mentions the word “Lutheran” on its web site, except in reference to the St. Marcus Lutheran Church that Jeske is pastor of. That is not NECESSARILY wrong; “Lutheran” per se isn’t in the Bible either. Nevertheless, Time of Grace is affiliated with the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod by virtue of Jeske’s status as a WELS pastor and with the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod via status as a Recognized Service Organization, even though this is downplayed or not even disclosed on the Time of Grace web site, for some reason.

However, this is the “Time of Grace” statement of faith in its entirety (no reference is made to any other creeds or confessions) at

“We believe in the triune God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We believe that God has revealed himself through his word, the Holy Bible, and that the Bible is divinely inspired and without error. We believe that all human beings are terminally sinful and that only through the innocent life and death of Jesus Christ can anyone be saved. We believe we are here on this earth to spread the good news of Jesus Christ to as many people as possible.”

Is it just me, or is this not an astonishingly weak Statement of Faith? It does affirm the Trinity and Biblical inerrancy. But it says little specifically about the person of Jesus Christ – does not refer to Him as true God and true man, or to His second coming. It doesn’t even specifically say Jesus rose from the dead! (This is not to say that Jeske doesn’t believe these doctrines, but why not say it in the Statement of Faith?)

Time of Grace doesn’t say anything whatsoever about Baptism or the Lord’s Supper either. Some today make the false claim that Walter Maier Sr. of the “Lutheran Hour” of the 1930s and 1940s was weak on Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. Maier has an entire chapter on Communion in his best-selling “For Better Not For Worse.” Yet the LCMS-WELS ministry Time of Grace says nothing on Baptism and the Lord’s Supper and receives little criticism from the same people who are critical of Maier.

Both the WELS and LCMS pride themselves about being extremely concerned about theology and doctrine. It is almost unbelievable that Time of Grace’s very minimalistic Statement of Faith is acceptable to either LCMS or WELS. Somebody needs to do something about this.


GJ - David, I am sure Missouri and WELS will discuss this at their next joint meeting with ELCA leaders.

The DP who protects Jeske will not do anything, and SP Schroeder claims to be helpless. Actually, Mark Schroeder is too busy trying to keep his shrinking flock from posting on Ichabod or playing the organ at the Mother Church of WELS.

David, feel free to send articles to Ichabod. I enjoy featuring many voices on a wide variety of subjects.

To be laughing out loud funny, just compare the claims of the Olde Synodical Conference to reality.

Mark Jeske's cat.

D.A.: No criminal probe in Bevilacqua’s death -
WELS Take Note.

D.A.: No criminal probe in Bevilacqua’s death -

"Montgomery County District Attorney Risa Vetri Ferman asked the county coroner to examine the body of Cardinal Anthony J. Bevilacqua last week because the timing of the 88-year-old prelate's death struck her as "peculiar," she said Friday.

Ferman acknowledged that she enlisted county Coroner Walter I. Hofman because the cardinal died one day after a Philadelphia judge said Bevilacqua could be called to testify at the child sex-abuse and endangerment trial of three current and former priests."

'via Blog this'

Many Ways To Do Missionary Work:
Free PDFs Allow Easy World-Wide Reading

Martin Chemnitz was the senior editor of the Book of Concord.
Another editor was P. Leyser, who rebuked  Samuel Huber
for his early UOJ heresy.
Leyser also wrote the biography of Chemnitz.

This post has all the free PDF links.

This link is where to order printed copies of the books.

I was providing a link for Moliners to read the reunion book when another webmaster said Word documents were not useful because of the many versions. I used Office 2010 (which I got legally for $10) and she had Office 2003. PDFs are the best because they are all-purpose. Lulu creates them, so all I had to do was put them in the same place and make them easy to download. I used Dropbox's public folder for that, which makes it easy for people all over the world and also provides an additional backup for years of work. Contact me if you want Dropbox, which is the great piece of software since Civ IV.

I noticed on Steadfast Enthusiasts that they cannot argue ideas. When they are not using personal attacks, their favorite method, and acting hysterical over being challenged, they show no knowledge of the subject matter. They repeat their talking points and call it a day.

The set of links on the publications page allows them to study Lutheran doctrine for free and to compare their Steadfast and LaughQuest Enthusiasm with the actual teaching of the Lutheran Reformation.

A Facebook event last night prompted me to put together all the links. One FB friend copied one of my favorite quotations from Chemnitz, about Holy Communion. Several of us got into a discussion about using Luther, Chemnitz, Gerhard, and other greats in the bulletin and newsletter. Lutherans have raged against me for doing that, both in WELS, in the CLC (sic), and now. I said I could provide sources for them, and they were interested.

A PDF is not so good for copying quotations, but I have several alternatives. One is to give someone a hand-crafted file, a service I have provided for 20 years, such as the times I gave essay writers 200 quotations at a time for their papers. Another is to provide a Word file of the entire book.

As I mentioned before, my main interest is to get people past the Lutheran-Talmud--the layer upon layer of recent synodical commentary--and have them read Luther, the Book of Concord, and the great theologians of that era. Chemnitz is also a great guide to the Patristic theologians, often neglected by the Waltherian navel-gazers - and far superior to the Kidnapper's eructations.

The links are useful for people all over the world. Nothing is quite so painful as buying a book from America and having it shipped overseas. The costs are jacked up by currency exchange and VAT tax charges.

A look at the map on the Martin Chemnitz Press and Bethany blogs will show that people all over the world use those blogs all the time. Both blogs have the same set of links to the books now. Those people can download all the books and save them on their computers. I know missionaries are looking at ways to communicate the Gospel and study while covering vast distances. The links are an easy, free service to use.

I would love to see a similar list of publications (free, of course) from such MDiv experts as Paul McCain, Tim Glende, Jay Webber, and the anonymouse tribe - those rodents who scurry around the Net leaving their precious little nameless droppings. Then we could compare concepts.

Kent Hunter, DMin Fuller, has been the guiding light
for "conservative" Lutherans for decades.
UOJ and Church Growth go together like Universalism and Unitarianism.
Ask David Valleskey, WELS Church Growth guru.

Friday, February 10, 2012

This Is How Harrison, Schroeder, and Pope John
Look Down on ELCA -
While Working with ELCA.
Epic Fail for Matt Harrison and Mark Schroeder

Mark Jeske is now the media man for WELS and the LCMS,
and he gladly does joint-ministry with ELCA.
What does that say about the leadership of Matt Harrison and Mark Schroeder?
Will Pope John the Malefactor extend the left foot of fellowship to Mark Jeske?

christfocused ( has left a new comment on your post "New Change or Die! Gathering for 2012. Working wit...":

Ten Talents for Christ
2011 – Present (1 year) Milwaukee, WI
Connecting people and organizations with needs to people and organizations with resources by providing opportunities to give.

Ten Talents Calendar:
Feb. 23rd 2012
Change or Die III
Contact: Brenda Kuske
Description: Stories of Growing Lutheran Ministries

Sept. 16 2012
Time of Grace Fundraiser
Danae Oldenburg


DanaƩ Oldenburg

DanaƩ Oldenburg's Summary

Catalyst who quickly identifies issues and initiates solutions. Drives positive change by building consensus and focusing on organizational objectives. Analytical thinker who leverages business, technology and administrative abilities to improve operations, saves money and increase productivity. Outstanding communication, organizational, interpersonal, training and team-building skills. Traveled throughout Germany, Italy, Japan, Korea, Kuwait and North America; possesses a solid understanding of foreign protocols and cultural diversities.

Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE), Project Management Professional (PMP), Certified Professional Guardian, Microsoft Certified: Trainer, System Engineer, Database Administrator, Office User Specialist and Certified Software Manager

National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM): Performance Enhancement Specialist, Corrective Extercise (sic) Specialist, Certified Personal Trainer

Board of Directors
Ten Talents for Christ
2011 – Present (1 year) Milwaukee, WI

Connecting people and organizations with needs to people and organizations with resources by providing opportunities to give.
The Educator Group
January 2001 – Present (11 years 2 months)

Business Genetics
2006 – 2007 (1 year)

Technical Manager
NorthPoint Communications
Public Company; 1001-5000 employees; NPNT; Telecommunications industry
1999 – 1999 (less than a year).

NorthPoint Communications Group, Inc. provided high speed network and data transport services, allowing Internet service providers, broadband data service providers, and long distance and local phone companies to meet the information needs of small and medium-sized businesses, people who work in home offices, and telecommuters, as of September 2000. In January 2001, NorthPoint filed for chapter 11 protection under the U.S. Bankruptcy Court.


Danae' Oldenburg

Is this you?

Thrivent Financial for Lutherans

Financial Advisor Waukesha, WI

Be the first to review Danae' Oldenburg — write a review

Disappearing Web Evidence.
Silencing Martin Luther

"Error 404 - Page Not Found" is a common response, when I go back to an old link preserved on this blog. I decided the message needed an icon, so I created this one, especially appropriate since the UOJ hive regularly goes Medieval on me.

I learned early to copy and paste content along with the link. The actual URL may go away, but the evidence remains. People also back up the blog from time to time, since nothing lasts forever on the Net - except the pictures people wish would go away.

If you want to know about apostasy, look around at the synods. ELCA is beyond hope and dwells on one topic only, even though the leaders have already won that battle.

The Olde Synodical Conference tolerates all doctrines and opinions - including ELCA's - but not the Biblical core, justification by faith alone. The leaders loathe Luther and know almost nothing about him. They are managers who realize their income depends on an insurance business. Decades ago, the liberal Lutheran Forum journal wondered aloud about how AAL/LB controlled the synods with their grants. They received one and dropped the topic. I offered to write an article on the subject, but no one responded.

Roland Bainton was famous for his drawings. Some students got one.
Ours has Martin Luther holding our first two children.

Today I was reading Ludwig Fuerbringer on Luther. He constantly read Luther and knew the content of Luther's Works better than anyone today. He even took his family counseling advice from Luther. Does anyone do that today? Fuerbringer also focused on German, Greek, and Hebrew studies.

"Planned Giving Counselors" Are Licensed Insurance Salesmen


Usually when Christian giving counselors work with donors, a lot of their time is spent letting people know how their money can work for themselves—and for the Lord.

This time, however, counselor Gerry Heckmann was working with a pro. “In Daniel’s* work-a-day world, he had been working for secular non-profit agencies, helping donors set up charitable gift annuities,” says Heckmann.

When it came for Daniel and Sarah to retire, they knew they wanted their money to also work in WELS’ ministry and started a CGA. As he set up the paperwork, Daniel was already thinking ahead to the possibility of doing another and said, “Charitable gift annuities are like potato chips, you can’t have just one.

Here’s how it works. Daniel and Sarah made an irrevocable cash gift to the WELS Foundation. In exchange, they receive a fixed amount of income each year for the rest of their lives. When the annuity ends, the remainder of the gift will move to their designated ministry.

Even as this couple provides for themselves in retirement, Daniel and Sarah also experience the joy that comes from financially supporting the spread of the gospel. That’s even better than potato chips!

* Names have been changed to protect donor confidentiality.


GJ - How many members will show up for a Thrivent Insurance Sales Presentation?


But no one says that. They are invited to "Estate Planning Seminars." They hear from "Planned Giving Counselors." WELS lists them as divine calls.

Get that - God calls insurance salesmen into Word and Sacrament ministry.

Notice the example above from the WEL$ Foundation. The couple is buying an annuity. The only way someone can sell them an annuity is to have an insurance license in that state. For a variable annuity (geared to match stock funds) he needs another qualification.

The rules also allow that he work on a commission. As soon as the money is received for the annuity, he gets a percentage of the total.

Once the papers are signed, the gift is irrevocable. They may be giving it to the "church" and think it is their congregation. It may be the synod instead. Try getting the money back once the papers are signed. Not likely.

I checked with a reliable source. He said, "It is commonly understood that all giving counselors will obtain an insurance license. That is probably why they leave the job and become financial consultants. They already have a free list of fat-cat donors."

They are working for their own gain, and Thrivent gives them "grants" to travel around for presentations.

Would anyone call this unethical, greedy, and dishonest? What if the person manipulates a dying woman into buying an annuity?

Annuities are marketed for those expecting to live a long time. My mother got a small one and got a big return on it, because she was old but very healthy. It was a good way to protect part of her money. Some of it was left when she died and the remainder went to her heirs.

An annuity is not a good buy for a dying person, but it is great for the salesman. There is no health requirement, only a contract and the money. He would make at least 3% of the total, perhaps more. The money is paid to him immediately rather than slowly.

There are many forms of estate planning, many options. Annuities are sold by hundreds of companies. Why trust only one avenue, one company?

Fifth Annual Emmaus Conference

Fifth Annual Emmaus Conference:

The Fifth Annual Emmaus Conference on “The History and Prospects of Lutheran Free Conferences” was held at Parkland Lutheran Church and School in Tacoma, WA, on 9 – 10 February 2012. While this is the fifth annual free conference, it is the second time the presidents from The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod, The Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod, and The Evangelical Lutheran Synod met together “to share information on a selected topic of interest to confessional Lutheranism in a setting outside the realm of church fellowship…. The conference is not to be viewed as having any official status of formal doctrinal discussions between church bodies.” The organizers of the Emmaus Conference did express the desire that this conference in Tacoma might lead to “the establishment of such official free conferences among confessional Lutheran church bodies in America.”

In 1856, Dr. C.F.W. Walther, President of the Missouri Synod, first proposed the idea of free conferences to “bring together American Lutherans who unreservedly confessed the Augsburg Confession.” The proposal of free conferences was Walther’s “first major ecumenical effort.” President Harrison noted, “The now famous free conferences were proposed by Walther in Lehre und Wehre in 1856, and actually held during: October 1856 at Columbus; October 1857 at Pittsburgh; August 1858 at Cleveland; and July 1859 at Fort Wayne.” Unfortunately, Walther was unable to attend the fourth free conference. A large section of President Harrison’s paper addressed the historical trifecta that threatened Lutheranism: Reformed Theology, Pietism, and Rationalism. This “three-fold battering ram,” manifested as Samuel Simon Schmucker’s Definite Synodical Platform – An American Recension of the Augsburg Confession of 1855,  threatened Lutheranism in America and was the impetus for the free conferences based upon the Augsburg Confession.

'via Blog this'

Weaning People from the Synodical Experts

"Night of the Lepus" failed as a horror film because
large bunnies are not that frightening.
UOJ fanatics are just as terrifying.

The closer we are to the Word itself, the more we understand.

I always look beyond the argumentation to the sources. Anyone can tell the authorities used from the argumentation. UOJ circles around the infallible writing of Walther, Pieper, JP Meyer, and Jack Kilcrease. Walther picked Pieper to carry on his false doctrine. JP Meyer was trained in it. Kilcrease needs a full-time job.

The UOJ Enthusiasts do not quote Luther except to look for one sentence that will supposedly prove their case, as if 99.9% of his writing is justification by faith, and the rest (the crucial passages!) are UOJ.

On LaughQuest they tried to prove UOJ from the Book of Concord. I remember one knock-out quotation on their side. I looked it up. The next sentence says that forgiveness comes only through faith. When I pointed that out, my response was buried under comments from the Stormtroopers.

Tom Hardt's essay had great material about Samuel Huber, the forerunner to WELS UOJ. The Stormtroopers answer that by avoiding the historical material and arguing Hardt as their authority, since he was in the bag for UOJ. Like the Little Sect apologists, Hardt dithers and plays with one version of UOJ versus another, as if it is better to die from arsenic than cyanide.

And then we have the living authorities. They have the Deposit of Faith (a Roman doctrine) that preserves the truth of UOJ from generation to generation. They agree with each other, so they must be correct. They remember that Robert Preus always taught UOJ, even though his final book contradicts their stories.

Best of all, Holy Mama Synod agrees with them. They actually have votes for it. That reminds me of this description of the Council of Ephesus, given during a travelogue, "The Council of Ephesus was where they voted that Mary was a virgin."

WELS advocates for the New NIV rely on Dr. Moo,
their Babtist expert from Wheaton College,
an obvious shill for Murdoch's mytho-porno NNIV.
They will say UOJ is Biblical because the apostate Leftist NNIV added an "all" so
"all" are now justified. Ta da!


Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Weaning People from the Synodical Experts":

"This is basically why they contend so strongly for 'objective' justification and go a step further than our Lutheran Confessions insisting that Objective Justification is the Chief article of Christian Faith, while our Confessions give that honor to justification by grace through faith" 


bruce-church ( has left a new comment on your post "Weaning People from the Synodical Experts":

Sometimes church growth ideas backfire, like naming a church after the town or geographical location. For example, this pro-evolution church is named: Crooked Creek Baptist Church of Indianapolis. Now is it the Creek that is crooked, or the church?

Evolution Weekend in Churches—An Atheist’s Fizzle:  

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Synodical Kittens - When Their Eyes Open -
They Read the Book of Concord

Page Reads in a Day

Snowbird, Membership Initiative, Joy Radio Show,
Change or Die! Conferences, 2011 and 2012.

Google Blogger starts the new day at 6 PM Central.
By midnight there are often 500 new page-reads.
By morning the total is 1000 page-reads.
Mid-afternoon will total 1500 page-reads.
Closing will have around 2000 page-reads.

If something new comes up, I publish it, sometimes through "Blog This!" One layman in the East looks for late night posts, which Joe Krohn calls Icha-peeks. Joe's wife is an Icha-widow, but my wife claims to be the very first Icha-widow.

New Change or Die! Gathering for 2012.
Working with ELCA Pastors Again.
Abortion in Their Health Plan? No Problemo!

Didn't WELS and the LCMS throw Gausewitz under the bus a long time ago?

Change or Die 2012

Stories from Lutheran Ministries that Are Growing

Thursday, February 23
The Harley Davidson Museum Conference Facility


1:00 p.m.               Registration
1:30                       Welcome, Introductions, Thanks, Instructions                       ….Rev. Mark Jeske
1:45                       The Story of St. Andrew’s, Middleton and Waunakee    ….Rev. Randy Hunter
2:15                       Discussion
3:30                       The Story of Hephatha, Milwaukee                  ..…..Rev. Mary Martha Kannass
3:00                       Discussion
3:15                       Break
3:30                       The Story of Faith, Milwaukee   …Revs. Richard Peterson and Richard Suerro
4:00                       Discussion
4:15                       The Story of Risen Savior, Milwaukee                                     .…Rev. Ken Fisher
4:45                       Discussion
5:00                       Roundtable Reflections (Cocktails)
5:30                       Dinner
6:30                       The Story of LINC Twin Cities                                                …..Mrs. Sue Hewitt
7:00                       Discussion
7:15                       The Story of Shepherd of the Hills, Pewaukee                       …..Rev. Tom Wink
7:45                       Discussion                                                                                   
8:00                       Wrap-Up


GJ - Hephatha, Milwaukee is ELCA. Here is one link from their ELCA partner.

Here is an ELCA news story mentioning Hephatha.

Randy Hunter is well known in WELS for the Latte Church - with the woman pastor "administering the Means of Grace."

Ken Fisher is the WELS expert on getting grant money, not that Jeske is slack on using Other People's Money.

LINC seems to be a front for ABCD, whatever that is or does.

Shepherd of the Hills is a Missouri Synod cell group congregation.

Faith, Milwaukee is another ELCA parish:

"Richard Suero student at Lutheran School of Theology in Chicago, and member of our Mission partner congregation, Faith/Santa Fe Lutheran Church in Milwaukee  (The pastor at Faith/Santa Fe is a “son of Augustana,*” Richard Peterson) the Grow-Hanson family ELCA missionaries in Senegal."

*Augustana is a Reconciled in Christ congregation.

Febreeze has left a new comment on your post "New Change or Die! Gathering for 2012":

I wonder if any of these are growing liturgical churches.


GJ - I remember when WELS had a gathering of mission congregations. One pastor was truly confessional and put up a cartoon about someone saying on a couch, "I can't stop going to Church Growth conferences." He got a severe dressing down soon after. His congregation was growing from LCMS defections. He said to me, "I hope my members all die before they find out how WELS is lying to them."

I am guessing the latest Jeske extravaganza is Thrivent-funded. It has that aroma: WELS, LCMS, ELCA.


David Becker has left a new comment on your post "New Change or Die! Gathering for 2012":

When I first saw this, I thought it was a parody or something that was made up, but I checked the link and it is indeed an actual event. Intrepid Lutherans reported it too.


GJ - David, you laugh out loud when you read Ichabod? All I need to do is report the WELS and Missouri news for LOLs and ROTFLs. They denounce ELCA for abortion and homosexual pastors while working with ELCA congregations. And I am the bad guy. LOL.

PS - This conference is connected with Ten Talents for Christ. Intrepid research and spelling:

The address of "Ten Talents for Christ" listed on their website is:

2323 N. Mayfair Rd., Suite 104

Coincidentally, that's right down the road from the synod office, and it's in the very same building as WELS Kingdom Workers:

2323 N. Mayfair Rd., Suite 400.

The Registered Agent with the State of Wisconsin of Ten Talents for Christ Inc is one -

Danae S Oldenberg, who it appears is an agent for Thrivent and who's (sic) office appears to be 2323 N Mayfair Road Suite 104.

Ten Talents for Christ Inc has not filed paper work with the state of Wisconsin to be recognized as a Charitable 501(c)3 Organization yet, but is a NonStock, Non-Profit Corporation.

Was not able to find out Board of Directors.

The above is all from Public Records available in Wisconsin.


GJ - I tolja it smelled like Thrivent. Big grant for the schwaermerpalooza, I promise.

Emmaus Conference, 2012

Brett Meyer:

"I have 50 copies of Justification by Faith, 40 copies of Jesus Priceless Treasure, 20 copies of Jesus Lord of Creation (attempting to offset CPH's promotion of evolution), 50 UOJ vs. BOC and Scripture printouts, 50 Catechism comparison printouts."

The retail value of the books given away is $2,000, made possible by gifts from members. I get bulk orders at wholesale and various people get free copies when they ask about doctrinal issues.

Luther versus the UOJ Pietists, Justification by Faith contains all the favored quotations in support of UOJ. However, the UOJ Stormtroopers pretend that there are no possible arguments against their precious theory.

All three book covers are by Norma Boeckler, who donates all her time for this work.


Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Emmaus Conference, 2012":

Final distribution tally is 19 Justification books, 15 Jesus Priceless Treasure and 5 Jesus, Lord of Creation books distributed at the conference.

Overall it looked like attendance was down from last year. I recognized all but 8-10 people from last year's Emmaus Conference. I had many great conversations with people interested in the Justification book. Most laymen and a few clergy had never heard of the Lutheran Synod's teachings concerning Universal Justification. One Pastor was stunned to see what was being taught. The Synod clergy quotes caused them to ask more questions and the removal of Huber over his UOJ teaching from Wittenburg University caused them to ask even more questions. Overall an excellent level of interest from laity and less from the clergy.


GJ - Brett reports that attendance was not impressive, which was no surprise with the theme being so uninteresting.

Don't Take My Word for It

The most frequent rant posted--one hoary with age--is against my extensive quotations. In fact, the most popular post of all times is a list of quotations - no commentary.

I began databasing quotations for my writing projects and increased the number when VP Wayne Mueller claimed there was "no Church Growth in WELS."

Unlike the MDiv popes, I do not want you to take my word for it. If you do not have clarity through the Word and the Confessions, you will not get it through me. If I can get people studying the Word itself and the Book of Concord, I am happy.

The UOJ Thought Police are eager to have everyone get out their authorities and pledge allegiance to this person or that one. They enjoy tying people in knots about what someone really thought or said. They are like the mama birds that struggle on the ground with a broken wing, to lead danger away from the nest of eggs. We had a plover in the church parking lot who did that dance perfectly. We would take children out, show them the next hidden in the rocks, and gently interrupt the mom. Off she would go, wing cocked as if broken, away from the nest.

The nest is the revealed Word of God. The Holy Spirit at work in the Word is our professor.

WAM.2's Justification Paper in the WELS Holy of Holies

"Target acquired. Target lock.
Fire for effect."

WELS commentary on the essay itself:
In this paper Maier opposes the Synodical Conference view of objective justification. Many of Prof. Siegbert Becker's papers on objective justification were in part directed against Maier's views.  Similar views were held by some members of the WELS congregation in Kokomo, Indiana, who objected to WELS position on this doctrine.  The LCMS rejected Maier's position in their statement on justification, though they do not mention his name.

Dropbox link to the free PDF file.

I did not read every word of the Maier essay, but I read a lot of it, especially as it relates to the UOJ Stormtrooper dogma and the exegesis, plus the 17th century quotations that relate to Huber's error.

Maier writes along the same lines as Pless, which is also what Robert Preus wrote in Justification and Rome.

Stormtrooper dogma is clear, and this is sold as Gospel in Missouri, WELS, the Little Sect on the Prairie, and the scattered fragments of the Olde Synodical Conference. If you thought Bishop Stephan's syphilis was contagious, that disease was nothing compared to the UOJ he caught at Halle University.

Stormtrooper dogma: 
Every single person on earth has been declared forgiven. In fact, they are born forgiven. That includes cannibals, polytheists, and atheists, but not those who oppose this wonderful if invisible decree from heaven.

Maier, Pless; Robert Preus in Justification and Rome:
Christ has died for the sins of the world and earned forgiveness. However, there is a difference between forgiveness acquired and forgiveness received. This forgiveness is received only through faith and is not declared before faith.

I fault all three (Maier, Pless, Preus) for not being more pointed in their rejection of UOJ. Maier has plenty of choice comments about Pieper's errors and about bad exegesis, but one should not need a commentary on the commentary to figure that out.

I also fault those three for not being more pointed about the efficacy of the Word in the Means of Grace. Once that Biblical concept is grasped, the UOJ castle falls down faster than a house of cards. It doesn't take a tornado - only a sneeze.

I get the impression that LCMS leaders never start with the heart of Luther's doctrine, the basis for all Biblical wisdom. All three men got touched on this issue but not enough to clarify things for the next generation or two. Rolf Preus (son of Bob) and Andrew (son of Rolf) are two examples of this neglect.

I believe Knapp's original statement in his dogmatics book, as translated by the Calvinist Woods, was more vague that what the Olde Synodical Conference communicates today. Walther promoted the Easter absolution of the entire world and installed minions who would repeat his and Stephan's error. WELS has enhanced the expansion of the error with Sig Becker's blessing of J. P. Meyer's hyperbole (Ministers of Christ, now reprinted on Bible paper by WELS).

Comic relief: When UOJ Canon Lawyers are raving against justification by faith, they are repeating the criticism of Calvinists against the Arminians. The Arminians taught faith as a decision or virtue. Thus the UOJ Squadrons are role-playing Calvinists while pretending justification by faith is Calvinism. Ignorance and bigotry arise when the Means of Grace are lost.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Useless Degree - By Itself - Just As I Said

$100,000 for a useless degree at Concordia, St. Louis?

Theology/Religious Studies This is probably the least career-driven of all the majors on our list. Each major, though listed as “useless” has a definitive job that goes along with it. But theology does not. This field garners you a median starting salary of $34,700 per year. While you can work as a professor or in other related fields if you double major, directly using your divinity degree requires you to be in some way involved in a church. However, churches are not soliciting new ministers. This is why theology/religious studies as a degree by itself is fairly useless. Read more: The Most Useless College Degrees |


GJ - You cannot work as a professor with a double major - only if a real degree is earned at the same time, such as an MA at Washington U. in St. Louis.

A Master of Divinity degree is useless by itself. If someone wants to spend that much money, I suggest getting something the LCMS really values - an MBA degree. Then he or she can make enough money to earn an MDiv later.

C. F. W. Walther only had a four-year degree plus cell group experience to be ordained a minister. Why do people need 8 years of higher education to teach against Luther and sinuflect to Rome?

"Another class of St. Louis MDivs!
More priests for us!"

Open Thread - Emmaus Conference

Last year's conference.

Post comments to this thread and I will copy and paste them into the main part.


Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Open Thread - Emmaus Conference":

Leaving for the Conference. I have 50 copies of Justification by Faith, 40 copies of Jesus Priceless Treasure, 20 copies of Jesus Lord of Creation (attempting to offset CPH's promotion of evolution), 50 UOJ vs. BOC and Scripture printouts, 50 Catechism comparison printouts.

Vernon Harley's Essays - Also Linked on the Left

Defeat the Dark Side (UOJ)
with the Means of Grace.

bruce-church ( has left a new comment on your post "LCMS Pastor Vernon Harley - Synergism -- Its Logic...":

Vernon Harley's combined papers (pdf):

We could use WAM's as well. The WELS Holy of Holies is not downloading it - probably due to demand from the Steadfast Enthusiasts.


Maier PDF - direct Dropbox link.


Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Vernon Harley's Essays - Also Linked on the Left":

You rang?


LPC has left a new comment on your post "Vernon Harley's Essays - Also Linked on the Left":


I have reviewed Maier's paper once more and there are no alternative verses that he claimed teach OJ.

In fact he explicitly stated, Scripture teaches only ONE justification, the justification by faith.



bruce-church ( has left a new comment on your post "Vernon Harley's Essays - Also Linked on the Left":

Thanks LPC. Can the Maier paper on UOJ be made to square at all with this published statement?:

The book "Doctrine is Life: The Essays of Robert D. Preus on Justification and the Lutheran Confessions," Ed. Klemet I. Preus (CPH, 2006) says in the "Objective Justification" chapter which was written by Robert D. Preus during or shortly after the Maier UOJ conflict:

"...Dr. Maier has remained unpersuaded that his interpretation of the pertinent passages is faulty. At the same time he has consistently assured all that he has always taught the doctrine of objective justification as understood in the Missouri Synod. He has, however, referred to other Biblical evidence for the doctrine" (p. 151).

That would be "other" passages besides the "pertinent" ones given as: "Romans 4:25; Romans 5:16-19; II Corinthians 5:19" (p. 150).


bruce-church ( has left a new comment on your post "Vernon Harley's Essays - Also Linked on the Left":

If Maier (WAM2) reportedly was a UOJer his whole life, and reportedly taught UOJ at Ft. Wayne, yet his writings indicate the exact opposite, it adds credence to Dr. Jackson's contention that Robert Preus rejected UOJ before he died, despite those who are skeptical of that claim. 


GJ - The faculty voted that they were all orthodox when I was there. That made it true, of course. One of the Preus clan laughed about that. I went to a class where Kadai was teaching. He was one of their liberals. He wanted a summary of Barth, so I said, as a visitor, "He suggested speaking with a newspaper in one hand and the Bible in the other." Kadai liked that - it was the right answer. I added, "But others say Barth spoke with the newspaper in one hand, a Kalashnikov in the other, while standing on the Bible." Kadai was not happy with my reference to Barth the Marxist. But they were all orthodox. 

And Preus wrote an entire book about justification without mentioning OJ or UOJ, because...? 

The UOJ Enthusiasts used the same excuse with the Book of Concord, whose authors would have taught UOJ if they had realized how much we needed to comprehend the mystery. They just took it for granted, doncha know.


LutherRocks has left a new comment on your post "Vernon Harley's Essays - Also Linked on the Left":

It is all about child like faith. The way the Gospel is laid out cover to cover in the Bible, is easily understood by children. And yet men feel the need to turn God's cheerful willingness to forgive into some kind of philosophical argument. I posted the example of the brazen serpent which succinctly shows faith=forgiveness/salvation; lack of faith=eternal damnation on BJS and the philosophers immediately went to work...oh, I almost forgot. LOL. 


LPC has left a new comment on your post "Vernon Harley's Essays - Also Linked on the Left":


Very good insight, UOJ once again demonstrates its fallacy.


Emmaus Conference

Emmaus Conference:

February 9-10, 2012
Lecturer: President, The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod, St. Louis, Missouri Assistant Pastor, Village Lutheran Church, Ladue, Missouri.

The Reverend Matthew C. Harrison is the 13th person to serve as president of the 2.3-million-member Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. Before becoming president, Harrison served for nine years as the executive director of LCMS World Relief and Human Care. He has also served as a parish pastor at St. Peter’s Lutheran Church in Westgate, Iowa, and Zion Lutheran Church in Fort Wayne, Indiana. He later founded the National Lutheran Housing Support Corp. - a faith-based housing organization that helps revitalize communities and renew neighborhoods across the country.

Harrison and his wife Kathy spent a year as missionaries in a remote Canadian Cree Indian village with the Lutheran Association of Missionaries and Pilots. He received a Master of Divinity degree from Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Ind., and a Master of Sacred Theology degree from the same institution. He has authored, edited and translated several articles and books, including The Lonely Way: Selected Essays and Letters by Hermann Sasse; At Home in the House of My Fathers; A Little Book on Joy; and Christ Have Mercy: How to Put Your Faith in Action. Harrison and his wife live in Ballwin, Mo., and are members of Village Lutheran Church in Ladue, Mo., where he also serves as assistant pastor. They have two sons.


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VirtueOnline - News - Exclusives - VIRGINIA:TEC Bishop Lauds Legal Win but Faces Financial Uncertainty in Takeovers

VirtueOnline - News - Exclusives - VIRGINIA:TEC Bishop Lauds Legal Win but Faces Financial Uncertainty in Takeovers:

By David W. Virtue
February 6, 2012

Seven Episcopal congregations in Virginia, including two prominent, historic congregations that trace their roots to George Washington: Truro Church in Fairfax and The Falls Church, now face the fact that after a 6-year legal battle they must walk away from tens of millions of dollars worth of real estate - a loss that just might turn out to not be quite the victory roll for the liberal Episcopal diocese.

Jim Oakes, a spokesman for the seven churches, said the theological problems are very deep. "We didn't separate over a dispute about the color of the draperies," he said. "These are very serious issues." Indeed they are. Communion breaking.

Fairfax County Circuit Court Judge Randy Bellows reversed a ruling he made in 2008 giving custody to the conservative congregations. The Virginia Supreme Court overturned that ruling in 2010 and ordered a new trial. At issue for orthodox Anglicans in that diocese was the denomination's dangerous and unbiblical drift into pansexuality, a drift that is now a rift that has torn the very fabric of the Anglican Communion.

The judge still has to construct a final order to put Tuesday's ruling into effect, which will be complicated: It involves 42 separate deeds, as well as sorting out various personal property within the church. The one minor victory Bellows gave to the conservative congregations was that they could keep any donations and personal property associated with the churches they acquired since the split.

According to their budget, the diocese spent $2 million dollars last year in legal fees on this continuing battle with more fees due for this budget year. In his diocesan address, Bishop Johnson promised the departing congregations would be dealt with "graciousness" and no animosity. He then announced a "Dayspring Initiative" with three approaches: Vision - for the remaining congregations and their properties; Resources - meaning what can be used to implement the new visions; and Messaging - i.e. communicating the stories of how this Diocese is handling the new properties and visions. Of course, it remains to be seen how the Presiding Bishop will allow him to deal "graciously" with those who have left. Her track record to date has been abysmal. One should take nothing at face value from a sitting bishop or presiding bishop. She is on record as saying she would sooner sell parishes to be "saloons" than allow them to be sold to another Anglican jurisdiction.

"The future is absolutely bristling with possibilities. This is a truly historic time in the life of our diocese. It is not overstating the case to say that this is one of the most defining moments in all of our 400 year history," opined Bishop Shannon Johnston. However it is hard to see just what those "bristling" moments are. "Defining", perhaps; certainly in its 400 years, the diocese has never lost so many parishes and thousands of its adherents over such a short span of time. One wonders if the bishop was smoking something when he uttered those words or perhaps had seen a vision of Gene Robinson's ungodly consecration float before his eyes. His diocese voted overwhelmingly to "provide a generous pastoral response" by moving forward with guidelines to publicly bless same gender unions. Virginia Theological Seminary has been an incubator of pansexual staff and faculty adding fuel to an already glowing blaze. Ironically, no such "generous pastoral response" with regard to property was given to those with orthodox views and those who disagree with the "bristling" bishop on gay sex.

Then came a new twist in the settlement. The Episcopal Diocese of Virginia, which said it was holding out an olive branch to the departed CANA parishes, had their attorneys file a motion with Judge Randy Bellows for an award of prejudgment interest, a decidedly sneaky move, but one you might expect from a liberal bishop more concerned with property than "with the faith once for all delivered to the saints."

"Pre-judgment interest" means just what the name says -- it is interest on an amount made payable for a time period before any actual judgment is entered. (After a judgment is entered against a defendant for a sum of money, post-judgment interest begins to accrue on the amount of the judgment, and continues to accrue until the judgment is paid in full.)

When VOL confronted officials at the Diocese of Virginia, they responded, "The motion for pre-judgment interest was filed on January 23, two weeks ago. Assuming the 'olive branch' reference is referring to the Bishop's pastoral address that occurred five days later. The motion was filed in light of the fiduciary duty of the Diocese of Virginia to recover all Episcopal Church assets and return them to the ministry of the Episcopal Church in Diocese of Virginia. We remain open to creative solutions and are in discussions in a variety of circumstances," wrote Henry D.W. Burt, Secretary and Chief of Staff for the Episcopal Diocese.

But as Canon Law Attorney A.S. Haley told VOL, "The Diocese was applying maximum pressure on the CANA congregations by going after prejudgment interest while telling them 'we can settle this.'"


The Episcopal Diocese may have won the legal battle, but they have lost the hearts and minds of thousands of parishioners who will never again darken the doors of their hard fought for parishes. The brokering in of sexual sin has come at a huge price, which can never be reversed unless diocesan officials formally repent of their "progressive" sexual and unbiblical views. Furthermore, there is the real possibility that they cannot, over time, sustain the victory in any meaningful way.

A report by the Institute on Religion and Democracy said that the legal victory may prove "pyrrhic." Most of the "continuing congregations" that stand to take possession of the disputed properties - bodies that split off from the seven congregations when they voted to separate from the denomination - simply cannot afford them. "The state of these continuing congregations - often by their own admission - can be described as at best poorly prepared to maintain and operate large church properties, or at worst, teetering on the edge of being non-viable," noted the IRD report.

The Falls Church, for example, has average weekly attendance of around 2,000 and a $6 million annual budget. The continuing congregation of that church has a reported average attendance of 74. Similarly, the continuing congregation of the Church of the Epiphany in Herndon reported 2010 income, including pledges, of $50,000 and average attendance of 20, according to the Institute for Religion and Democracy. The congregation that now maintains the facilities has average attendance of 380 and a budget of $800,000.

The diocese, itself financially stretched, may be in no position to offer the continuing congregations much aid. "According to self-reported statistics, the diocese has lost 26 percent of its attendance in the past decade and has ceased planting new churches, despite significant population growth in Virginia. With the rapid increase of the median age of Episcopalians, there may not be 'a future generation of Episcopalians' to worship in these properties," continues the Institute report. Anglican officials have suggested they may end up selling "non-consecrated" properties not received in the judgment to pay legal fees.

Johnston said that "while we are grateful for the decision in our favor, we remain mindful of the toll this litigation has taken on all parties involved, and we continue to pray for all affected by the litigation."


Johnston said it would be a big mistake to characterize this simply as a "legal" battle. "Rather, at its core, this is (make no mistake about it) about theology, meaning who we are as a Church in relationship with Christ and the world. At stake is our polity, that is, our ancient and defining order of our being the Church. Thus, it is altogether a matter of nothing less than our very faithfulness. It will therefore take more than the courts to settle things."

The truth is "theology" and "polity" are not the same thing and only tangentially connected. Nowhere in St. Paul's epistles does the apostle make any case for the church's polity being of equal status with theology and his (St. Paul's) rejection of any kind of sexual behavior outside of marriage places the church's teaching on sexuality as it relates to marriage and the Body of Christ well above polity. Polity might be closely related with ecclesiology if in turn it is aligned with the "sound teaching" that St. Paul talks about. Johnston and St. Paul are on a collision course. But when you step over that line, as TEC and the diocese have done what matter polity if the theology of the Body and sexuality has been violated and soundly trashed?

Can one say at this point that TEC or the diocese is in "relationship with Christ and the world?" Perhaps the world, but certainly not Christ. "At stake is our polity," says Johnson. Not true. At stake is the veracity of gospel teaching about how we should behave as human beings who are made in the image of God. Scripture and 2000 years of apostolic preaching has never deviated one iota from the true nature of marriage and "same-gender" unions are not now nor have ever been on the church's agenda until recently.

Johnston then candidly admitted that while his legal efforts are bearing abundant fruit, that same fruit is making ecclesial life even more complex. Really. "Despite the recent court ruling in our favor, we simply don't know now what the future holds. Nonetheless, we have reason to be more confident than ever that our properties will be returned. For nearly two years, we have considered and discussed such a positive outcome, and now we must move to put contingency plans in place. We will be fully prepared for any eventuality."

Johnston then stepped into high gear to a real fantasy level by stating in his pastoral address, "No community of faith, no ministry program will be summarily thrown out of its current place. We will be as open as possible to creative agreements, generous provision, and true mutuality, while protecting the needs of our own ministries and the integrity of our witness... I want to have a witness to the world, particularly the Anglican world, not just an 'outcome' in the court. In my view, the Diocese of Virginia is best positioned of all Episcopal dioceses to make such an epoch-shaping witness. "

Does he imagine planting his diocesan flag say in the Anglican Province of Nigeria? He should run for president of Pogo Land if he does. CANA is the North American plant of Nigeria and he has just tossed them all out of his diocese. Does he think he would be welcome in Anglican provinces like Uganda, Kenya or Rwanda? What world is he living in?

The Episcopal Church's harsh, take-no-prisoners approach to dealing with church property has become the hallmark of Katharine Jefferts Schori's imprint. The denomination should have allowed the diocese to sit down at the table with the departing congregations and negotiate a fair settlement, as was initially proposed by Bishop James Lee. Alas, Jefferts Schori would not allow it. Johnston was happy to roll over even at a cost of $3 million... after all what are a few million bucks when it comes to holding on to properties at the price of mission?

As if to excite his followers, Johnston declaimed, "[But] be confident. God is faithful and gracious, and will continue to bless the Diocese of Virginia as we serve our Lord Jesus Christ: 'For this time. For all time.'"

Fantasies die-hard. Time will reveal all, but to date there is not a single diocese in TEC, which has embraced TEC's pansexual agenda that has grown as a result. Not one. God can never go against His own character or revealed will. He can never bless what is clearly sinful behavior. Johnston is whistling Dixie.

As the grieving begins, the Rev. John Yates, rector of the Falls Church breakaway congregation, issued a letter to his flock saying that while "feelings of anger, grief, fear or just uncertainty" are "surely normal, and healthy," that "we must, for planning purposes assume we'll be leaving. And while a move may be delayed for some time, we must be prepared for a move within the next six weeks."

They will lose their buildings, but as Stephen cried out as he was being stoned (Acts 7:48), "...the Most High does not live in houses made by men." Bishop Johnston might reflect on that. He has stoned the CANA parishes, but in the end he will lose, just as those who persecuted and stoned Stephen. The church went on to great triumph and growth and so will CANA. The epitaph of the Diocese of Virginia will be the epitaph of The Episcopal Church.

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