Thursday, March 22, 2012

Missouri Demonstrates How Synods Grab Property:
No Relief from Waltherian Matt Harrison?

At Home in the Hoosegow of My Fathers
Walther left Europe early to escape arrest warrants for kidnapping.
Zion reports that other minor children, including girls, were also smuggled to  America.

bruce-church ( has left a new comment on your post "The UOJ Position Was Refuted Shortly after the Boo...":

It looks like the ULC chapel sale was a secret work in progress at the district level ever since 2001. Up to that year the Southern MN District held the deed, paid the property expenses, and paid for the chaplain. Then in 2001 an agreement was struck whereby the congregation became tenants who paid $42,000 in rent to the district, and the congregation paid the campus pastor. So the district in 2011 sold the building out from under the congregation based on the false charges that ULC was a bad tenant because they installed a washer and dryer and rented out space w/o authorization and kept the money. One can see the district was hoping to sell the building to real estate developers for an entire decade: 


GJ - Walther was an Antinomian legalist. He had a law for everyone except himself. The Saxon society got out of its financial crisis by robbing their bishop and sending to Illinois at gunpoint. Zion on the Mississippi says they all knew Stephan was a serial adulterer.

Today the Olde Synodical Conference claims that the Great Walther handled the matter well.

Fake-o-Bod Tim
"Jackson and his ilk will try all they want to discredit the WELS in connection with Joel Hochmuth's arrest. But WELS has handled the situation well." Yes, it sounds familiar - same UOJ DNA.

The UOJ Position Was Refuted Shortly after the Book of Concord

The UOJ advocates are sad because their favorite, Tom Hardt, mistakenly quoted P. Leyser, an editor of the Book of Concord, an expert on justification and the biographer of Martin Chemnitz.

The material in the two graphics is from Tom Hardt's essay in the festschrift volume given to Robert Preus.

Leyser and his associates made it clear, as Luther did, that Christ acquired all righteousness, but that this righteousness comes to us only through faith. UOJ fanatics pursue their delirium even farther than Knapp did at Halle University. That does not make them more orthodox but more false.

Leyser continued the work of the Harmony of the Gospels, which Chemnitz began and Gerhard finished - a monumental work of scholarship. Leyer's orthodox Lutheran credentials are impeccable, including members of his own family. He was fruitful (polykarp in Greek), and there was a Polykarp II, III, and IV.

Wikipedia on P. Leyser the Elder:

Supported by his father, his uncle Andreae and later his stepfather Osiander, and also with input from his teacher Martin Chemnitz, Leyser came to have an ingrained support for Lutheran orthodoxy - indeed, at a difficult time for Lutheranism, he was one of those who founded that orthodoxy. In the creative force of his Loci theologici (1591/92), Harmonia evangelica (1593), Postilla (1593) and De controversiis iudicium (1594), his theological position was forged by the dispute sparked by (Crypto-)Calvinism in Saxony, by the 'Exorzismusstreit', by the difficulties over Lutheran Christology and by Huber's debate. Leyser is thus to be accounted one of the key figures of the Lutheran concord in northern and central Germany and was constantly attacked in pamphlets as the 'pope of Dresden'. As one of the key movers behind the Formula of Concord, he used his books to defend Lutheran orthodoxy and attack Catholicism and Calvinism, was commissioned by the elector to join several of the meetings which led to the Book of Concord and advocated that the number of sponsors be limited to three people.

He wrote more than sixty theological works and an extensive corpus of sermons. He also dealt with the literary controversies of his time, cultivating an extensive correspondence of 200 written by him and 5000 written to him - an extensive selection from it was first published by his great-grandson Polycarp Leyser III as Sylloge epistolarum in 1706....

On 3 February he was formally inducted into his role at Wittenberg. Leyser then made quick trip from Dresden to Austria to "pick up his bags". On 12 May he was back in Wittenberg and took up his official duties, aged only 25. Such a young man holding the highest church office in Wittenberg, before even being noticed in theological circles in Saxony, attracted much attention and some imputed his appointment to nepotism - until 8 June he was not even a professor of the theology department and until 20 November 1577 not a member of the consistory.

However, Leyser's calming of the situation after the expulsion of the Crypto-Calvinists and the reorganisation of the university was so successful that his critics were soon silenced. He was best served by his rhetorical skills and by an undemanding and reliable character, increasing his popularity among his students, including Philipp Nicolai and Johann Arndt. Leyser's skills were also seen in the drafting of the Formula of Concord and the publication of the Book of Concord in 1580. He developed close links with Martin Chemnitz and Nikolaus Selnecker. Leyser and Selnecker were asked to sign up to a Commission in Saxony on the Formula, that Leyser himself had signed on 25 June 1577 as first minister.

He immediately took part in the important theological meetings in Saxony, acting as their recording secretary. The inhabitants of Wittenberg always saw him as an outsider, however, and acted as a thorn in his side. To neutralise this he married a local girl in March 1580, namely Elisabeth, daughter of the painter Lucas Cranach the Younger. The marriage took place in the Wittenberger Rathaus and was overshadowed by student rioting and heavy drinking, which the town authorities had to deal with later.

Tim Glende Slanders People by Name - Anonymousely:
Anxious about WELS Loathing of His Tactics?

Tim Glende:
On the Luther Quest ( discussion forum, there has been a thread the past few days focusing on objective justification. Mr. Joe Krohn, a gullible disciple of the false prophet Gregory L. Jackson, is trying to convince the participants of LQ that universal objective justification is not only un-scriptural, but un-Lutheran. He is offering ridiculous arguments and receiving at times ridiculous responses. There have been some good responses to Krohn's silly arguments, which he undoubtedly is being spoon fed from Dr. Greg Jackson. It's sad, though, that Mr. Krohn continues to be deceived by Jackson. He also continues to contradict the clear confession of his own new church body, the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod.

We want to share with you some quotes from Martin Luther himself that proves Luther taught universal objective justification. We thank Mr. Timothy Blank for sharing these on LQ:


GJ - Tim Glende has been known as a bully, ever since college. He also has a big problem with slandering people by name while hiding behind anonymity. He did that before, aiming at a lady in his own synod and Brett Meyer, under the guise of Anonymouse, which is what I called him before he gave himself away. He and his buddies seldom post to my blog now, because I can look at the map and see who is reading the blog and sending a comment.

Glende copies everything. He is famous for plagiarizing Groeschel, denying it, and excommunicating his own member, who patiently proved the case beyond a reasonable doubt. Glende's laziness is shown by his need to copy Timothy Blank's quotations, which are also copied from UOJ talking points.

Let detail some facts about Glende's latest slander:

  • Joe Krohn is not my disciple. He is not even a member of my congregation.
  • Joe is not gullible. He is quite intelligent, a requirement for his job, and does research on his own.
  • Glende claims, without support, that I am "undoubtedly" spoon feeding arguments to Joe. In fact, Joe writes his own material, unlike Glende, who cannot write, spell, or form a rational argument.
  • The LCMS does not have a "clear confession" of UOJ. Concordia Publishing House prints a KJV catechism that contains not a word about UOJ. I just bought one. Tim could buy a few with a Thrivent grant.
Tim pretends to be sad, but we heard about that emotion before, probably copied from a recent Oprah show. Tim invented a comment in Brett Meyer's name, then claimed he was sad about the remark he invented. When Brett told Tim to remove the falsehood and proved his identity, Tim refused to remove it.  The false comment is still on his blog - here.

Brett responded -

Brett Meyer said...
I am requesting your consideration. Please remove the comment that someone left in my name. I assure you that I didn't write the comment. I stand by everything that I've written and posted on the internet and have linked to most of it at one time or another so anyone interested can see the context in which it was written and consider my opinions and confession. Since you disagree with my opinions and confession written elsewhere there's no need to maintain a false impersonation of my statements. Just let my confession speak for itself.
Thank you,
Brett Meyer
November 9, 2011 8:22 PM

Real Ichabod said...
We won't be removing your comment, Brett, or whoever you are. How do we know you're the real Brett Meyer? Maybe the fake Brett wants us to remove the comment. No, it will stay, since the original comment is consistent with what you have written previously.

Joe wrote to Tim before:

Please don't pray for me. You are of another spirit that you revealed in a comment concerning our excommunication. And like the cowards you are and continue to be, you deleted it. You have bigger problems than Dr. Jackson. If I can't think for myself, then neither can the Intrepids since they are confessing said same. Why don't you attend to your own WELS house instead of being concerned with those outside of your fellowship who really have no say in the matter.

Joe Krohn


GJ - If anyone asks me, I suggest not bothering with McCain, Glende, or Steadfast Enthusiasts. They are Waltherian in their duplicity, divisiveness, and Enthusiasm. Below is the real Katy Perry, someone Tim posed with so he could display his trophy on Facebook. His pal Ski did the same thing.

Katy Perry without makeup.


Lito Cruz, PhD, sent this comment:

I see that Fake-Ichabod Tim quoted Luther there. This quote is allusion to the St. John passage, but the UOJ thinks that when Luther says forgiven, he thinks that is UOJ, but clearly Luther was speaking about it in the sense of the atonement. So it means paid for, in fact he even uses remit.

My conclusion is that Luther's quotes are being taken and must be taken with a tweak to support UOJ but entirely based on the BoC and how the BoC authors presented Luther's thoughts clearly now rejects that UOJ notion. For it stands to reason that since they claim Luther taught this, the BoC authors should have presented it that way in no uncertain terms. Yet they themselves conclude that the BoC does not have UOJ in it. 


GJ - Reading comprehension is lacking among the UOJ Enthusiasts, so they do not grasp the distinction between the atonement and justification by faith.

O Word of God Incarnate

1. O Word of God Incarnate, O Wisdom from on high,
O Truth unchanged, unchanging, O Light of our dark sky,
We praise Thee for the radiance That from the hallowed page,
A lantern to our footsteps Shines on from age to age.

2. The Church from her dear Master Received the gift divine,
And still that light she lifteth O'er all the earth to shine.
It is the golden casket Where gems of truth are stored;
It is the heaven-drawn picture Of Christ, the living Word.

 3 It floateth like a banner Before God’s host unfurled
It shineth like a beacon Above the darkling world;
It is the chart and compass That o’er life surging sea,
Mid mists and rocks and quicksands Still guides, O Christ, to Thee.

 4 Oh, make Thy Church, dear Savior, A lamp of burnished gold
To bear before the nations Thy true light as of old!
Oh, teach Thy wand’ring pilgrims By this their path to trace
Till, clouds and darkness ended, They see Thee fact to face!

William W. How, Anglican Bishop, wrote:
O Word of God Incarnate,
For All the Saints,
Jesus Name of Wondrous Love,
We Give Thee But Thine Own.

Joe Krohn in the Lions' Jackals' Den

Mr. Pierce, nice to see you again. Here is what precedes your Colossians quote...again all this in the context of faith:

"Alive in Christ

6 Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, 7 rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.

8 See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits[a] of the world, and not according to Christ. 9 For in him the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily, 10 and you have been filled in him, who is the head of all rule and authority. 11 In him also you were circumcised with a circumcision made without hands, by putting off the body of the flesh, by the circumcision of Christ, 12 having been buried with him in baptism, in which you were also raised with him through faith in the powerful working of God, who raised him from the dead."

I have been witnessing to a co-worker. He tells me he believes in God and he hopes to get to heaven. I made the mistake of telling him his sins are forgiven in Christ instead of convicting him of his lascivious living. He thought he was golden and continued on in his life perversely. I have seen a change come in him now since I have been leading with the law. This is where I am coming from. Even the devil believes in God and the forgiveness of sins...but if there is no faith, it is in vain.


GJ - The debate continues on LaughQuest, with the UOJ Stormtroopers digging up "proof" that all unbelievers are forgiven, without the Word, without the Means of Grace, without faith.

Joe has made an important point, which I have considered many times. Various people have contacted me about being abused by WELS, and I know of many cases in the LCMS as well.

UOJ is ideal for making people think they can do anything the Old Adam wants, because "I know I am a sinner and I know I am forgiven."

This false doctrine has been fatal for many clergy, whether it has been the path of alcohol abuse, adultery, embezzling, or murder. The hierarchy has an easy excuse for their pals, especially their classmates.

The clergy have learned they can do anything, even against minor children in their own congregation, and it will be absolved and denied at the same time. Murder? Just concoct a feeble lie and the abusive synod will provide backers and a call to another state.

In WELS a teacher can murder his wife, lie about it, do a few years in prison, marry his children's baby-sitter, and lead a youth group in WELS after getting out of the hoosegow. That happened at ALA, which also gave birth to Jeff Gunn's CrossWalk.

But they also know there is One Sin they cannot commit--The Synodical Sin Against the Holy Spirit--criticizing the apostasy of the organization.

In WELS, the Church and Changers have been welcome to savage people and practices they want destroyed, so even the One Sin is a matter of nuance, subtlety, and Jesuit logic.

There are two groups of victims. Many souls are hardened and blinded by the anti-Christian UOJ propaganda, which comforts unrepentant sinners. UOJ sends many to Hell this way - but they know they are guilt-free saints in Hades, so there is a good side to Walther's Halle dogma.

The other group consists of those who do not realize what the cult is doing to them. They have Stockholm Synod Syndrome. After many years of abuse they still crave the abusers and want their love and attention. They are deeply conflicted because many in their family are still loyal. They listen to the double-talk, from the Synod President on down, about Biblical principles.


raklatt ( has left a new comment on your post "Joe Krohn in the Lions' Jackals' Den":

An excerpt from Luther's discussion of what 1 Peter 2: 21-22 has wrought:

[I]ndeed, the ecclesiasts distribute their own merits and works. Oh, shameful abomination, that in the temple of God and in the Christian Church must be taught things which make wholly insignificant the sufferings and death of Christ.