Saturday, December 8, 2012

From a Layman Who Only Reads Luther and the Triglotta

Just wanted to let you know I watched the service from last Sunday and really liked the sermon, I intend to watch them each week.

The Concordia is coming great but slow, I am in the Apology article VII. and 2 Peter in the Scriptures.

It's really funny that I have found nothing that would lead me to believe this UOJ nonsense, quite the contrary it has done nothing but confirm more deeply in Justification by Faith.

Just a quick story, The organ had not been even turned on for 20 years after the organist died and when they found out my wife could play they asked her to play Christmas hymns. Well we got the organ working (it actually did not work either)!!!!!

Sunday after service they asked her to play and she played Silent Night and  there was not a dry eye.

Princess Kate Endorsement

He dood it again - source for massive post on Ambrose? Here it is, verbatim from No Call Paul:

Yup - The Catholic Encyclopedia.

Friday, December 7, 2012

UOJ Is Not Even Christian, So Let's Not Call It "Conservative Lutheran" But a Heresy from Halle Embraced by Slow-Witted Members of SynCon Sects and Break-Offs

Here's your "conservative Lutheran UOJ" guy!

Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Brett Meyer and Dr. Lito Cruz Answer Simpleman":

Simpleman, I don't disagree with your assessment.

"Conservative Lutheran UOJer" is an oxymoron.

It's interesting that most UOJists correctly define the doctrine of one Justification solely by Faith in Christ Alone - they just condemn it. 


Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Brett Meyer and Dr. Lito Cruz Answer Simpleman":

A. Berean, "From their (OJ/SJ) standpoint, the Law condemns all men and the Gospel says that God has forgiven all men."

Berean is correct. In fact, it's worse than that. A popular version of UOJ, which ELS Pastor David J. Webber teaches, confesses that God the Father looks at the whole world of believers and unbelievers as in Christ and forgiven all sin - and that God the Father looks at all believers and unbelievers outside of Christ and they all are under His wrath.

Pastor David J. Webber, "In Christ, as God looks at the world through Christ, all are under divine mercy and are forgiven, and are therefore invited to believe and be saved. But outside of Christ, as God looks at the world apart from Christ, all are under divine wrath and judgment, and are condemned. The same people - namely all people - are under consideration in each case."
(Page 35 when converted to PDF)

Where in Scripture or the BOC does God say that He looks at believers in Christ as being outside of Christ and are under his wrath?

So (W)ELS excommunicates those they say commit the heresy of teaching men are justified solely by faith in Christ alone while announcing God's forgiveness on the whole unbelieving world who reject Christ and are under the Law. I believe Proverbs 17:15 speaks to this, "He that justifieth the wicked, and he that condemneth the just, even they both are abomination to the Lord." 


Simpleman Jones has left a new comment on your post "UOJ Is Not Even Christian, So Let's Not Call It "...":

I would definitely not call LCMS and WELS pastors non-Christian. And I would still call them, like Buchholz, Patterson, and Lillo, conservative Lutherans.

I'm still waiting to hear from those Lutherans who teach universal objective justification concerning my assessment.

Until then, I have a question concerning the Knapp quote. I don't know anything about him, but his quote sounds like he taught the right thing, but just used the wrong phrase.

"Objective justification" is the wrong phrase.
God "proffers pardon to all through Christ" is a correct idea. For "proffers" means that He offers it to all (not that He already gave it to all)...which is atonement.

His "subjective" word then describes justification by faith.


GJ - I figured you were a troll, Tim Simpleman, so why not use your real name? 


Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "UOJ Is Not Even Christian, So Let's Not Call It "...":

Simpleman, let's take Siegbert W. Becker's essay on Justification. If we are to place the best construction on that effort by Sig to write, proof read and then publish that essay we would say he meant every thing he said.

Now, it is clear that Sig does not believe men are forgiven solely by the Holy Spirit worked faith which God works through the Means of Grace alone. Christ's Gospel declares that men are only forgiven by faith in Christ.

It's clear also that Sig does not attribute eternal salvation to Justification. Christ's Gospel teaches that Justification is eternal salvation: justification of life.

Also clear that UOJists like Buchholz, Schroeder, Webber, Moldstad, Harrison etc believe and teach that if men are Justified solely by faith in Christ alone then faith becomes a work of man and is synergistic - which is condemned by God. Scripture teaches exactly the opposite.

Clear to is the fact that UOJ anathematizes one Justification solely by faith in Christ alone. Scripture teaches what UOJ condemns.

Every teaching of the various versions of the doctrine of UOJ contradicts Scripture and subsequently contradict the Lutheran Confessions.

What then is your thought process in which those who teach and defend UOJ to the point of excommunicating those who have faithfully taught one Justification solely by faith in Christ alone - are considered Lutheran? Even conservative Lutherans? And since Buchholz clarified just how wide the gulf is between UOJ and Justification by Faith Alone - how is it you consider him a Christian?

Interested in your explanation as I believe it's also held by the Intrepid Lutherans and others. 

Answering Simpleman

bruce-church ( has left a new comment on your post "Brett Meyer and Dr. Lito Cruz Answer Simpleman":

What's helped me in sizing up the UOJ debate is my previous studies and experience talking to (more like debating) Baptists, Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, etc. The UOJers remind me of these other groups who like to cite passages that supposedly prove their literalistic interpretation, and they think are debate enders, e.g., "...the Lamb who took away the sins of the world." The key is to realize that each side has these supposed debate ending passages, which fact blunts their force. One must look for a more convincing case to be made from the many passages that don't necessarily lend themselves to any literal interpretation, and from history.

For instance, the Baptists put up a good case until one looks at the archaeological evidence which shows that in the early church, the pools used for baptism were nowhere deep enough for immersion baptism, and the mosaics all depict baptism by pouring from a shell or pitcher. Thus, all the Baptist's arguments are just pseudo-scholarship. It is interesting to note though that Dr. Siegbert W. Becker received his doctorate from a Baptist seminary. Anyway, I find it sad that UOJers are content to quote their supposed proof passages, and are content having such a shallow theology as UOJ.

For example, the first and last book-length treatment on UOJ came from the 19th C and was by Preuss.

The doctrine of faith or the doctrine of works?


Becker awarded Naumann Fellowship:

...doctorate from Northern Baptist Seminary, Chicago.


A. Berean has left a new comment on your post "Brett Meyer and Dr. Lito Cruz Answer Simpleman":

Simpleman Jones, I encourage you to keep doing what you are doing, namely trying the spirits whether they are of God - trying them against the Scriptures (both English and Greek).

When examining this doctrine, it is of vital importance to keep in mind the proper distinction between Law and Gospel. Article V of the Formula of Concord does a wonderful job setting forth these two great doctrines of the Bible to the glory of God. One of the problems set forth by the OJ/SJ teaching is that the Law and the Gospel are contradictory. This is NOT the teaching of Holy Writ (Gal. 3:21; Rom. 3:31). From their (OJ/SJ) standpoint, the Law condemns all men and the Gospel says that God has forgiven all men. So one is under both spheres at the same time. From the scriptures, (specifically Romans and Galatians) one finds that he is either under the curse and condemnation of the Law OR under grace (Rom. 6:14; Gal. 3:10-14). From passages such as Romans 3:19-20, and 5:18a that all men by nature are under the condemnation of the law. BUT, Romans 8:1 tells us that for those who are in Christ Jesus there is no condemnation.

As I said before, Art. V of the Formula of Concord sets forth a wonderful distinction between the Law and the Gospel. If you have the opportunity, read it. The effects of this OJ/SJ teaching spread to all the doctrines of the Bible.


GJ - The essentials of the Book of Concord and many more resources can be found under the Ichabod masthead, but I have made it easy for Berean and others by linking and posting below.

The Formula of Concord

V. Law and Gospel

1] As the distinction between the Law and the Gospel is a special brilliant light, which serves to the end that God's Word may be rightly divided, and the Scriptures of the holy prophets and apostles may be properly explained and understood, we must guard it with especial care, in order that these two doctrines may not be mingled with one another, or a law be made out of the Gospel, whereby the merit of Christ is obscured and troubled consciences are robbed of their comfort, which they otherwise have in the holy Gospel when it is preached genuinely and in its purity, and by which they can support themselves in their most grievous trials against the terrors of the Law.

2] Now, here likewise there has occurred a dissent among some theologians of the Augsburg Confession; for the one side asserted that the Gospel is properly not only a preaching of grace, but at the same time also a preaching of repentance, which rebukes the greatest sin, namely, unbelief. But the other side held and contended that the Gospel is not properly a preaching of repentance or of reproof [preaching of repentance, convicting sin], as that properly belongs to God's Law, which reproves all sins, and therefore unbelief also; but that the Gospel is properly a preaching of the grace and favor of God for Christ's sake, through which the unbelief of the converted, which previously inhered in them, and which the Law of God reproved, is pardoned and forgiven.

3] Now, when we consider this dissent aright, it has been caused chiefly by this, that the term Gospel is not always employed and understood in one and the same sense, but in two ways, in the Holy Scriptures, as also by ancient and modern church teachers. 4] For sometimes it is employed so that there is understood by it the entire doctrine of Christ, our Lord, which He proclaimed in His ministry upon earth, and commanded to be proclaimed in the New Testament, and hence comprised in it the explanation of the Law and the proclamation of the favor and grace of God, His heavenly Father, as it is written, Mark 1:1: The beginning of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. And shortly afterwards the chief heads are stated: Repentance and forgiveness of sins. Thus, when Christ after His resurrection commanded the apostles to preach the Gospel in all the world, Mark 16:15, He compressed the sum of this doctrine into a few words, when He said, Luke 24:46,47: Thus it is written, and thus it behooved Christ to suffer, and to rise from the dead the third day; and that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His name among all nations. So Paul, too, calls his entire doctrine the Gospel, Acts 20:21; but he embraces the sum of this doctrine under the two heads: Repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ. 5] And in this sense the generalis definitio, that is, the description of the word Gospel, when employed in a wide sense and without the proper distinction between the Law and the Gospel is correct, when it is said that the Gospel is a preaching of repentance and the remission of sins. For John, Christ, and the apostles began their preaching with repentance and explained and urged not only the gracious promise of the forgiveness of sins, but also the Law of God. 6] Furthermore the term Gospel is employed in another, namely, in its proper sense, by which it comprises not the preaching of repentance, but only the preaching of the grace of God, as follows directly afterwards, Mark 1:15, where Christ says: Repent, and believe the Gospel.

7] Likewise the term repentance also is not employed in the Holy Scriptures in one and the same sense. For in some passages of Holy Scripture it is employed and taken for the entire conversion of man, as Luke 13:5: Except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish. And in 15:7: Likewise joy shalt be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth. 8] But in this passage, Mark 1:15, as also elsewhere, where repentance and faith in Christ, Acts 20:21, or repentance and remission of sins, Luke 24:46-47, are mentioned as distinct, to repent means nothing else than truly to acknowledge sins, to be heartily sorry for them, and to desist from them. 9] This knowledge comes from the Law, but is not sufficient for saving conversion to God, if faith in Christ be not added, whose merits the comforting preaching of the holy Gospel offers to all penitent sinners who are terrified by the preaching of the Law. For the Gospel proclaims the forgiveness of sins, not to coarse and secure hearts, but to the bruised or penitent, Luke 4:18. And lest repentance or the terrors of the Law turn into despair, the preaching of the Gospel must be added, that it may be a repentance unto salvation, 2 Cor. 7:10.

10] For since the mere preaching of the Law, without Christ, either makes presumptuous men, who imagine that they can fulfill the Law by outward works, or forces them utterly to despair, Christ takes the Law into His hands, and explains it spiritually, Matt. 5:21ff ; Rom. 7:14 and Rom 1:18, and thus reveals His wrath from heaven upon all sinners, and shows how great it is; whereby they are directed to the Law, and from it first learn to know their sins aright-a knowledge which Moses never could extort from them. For as the apostle testifies, 2 Cor. 3:14f, even though Moses is read, yet the veil which he put over his face is never lifted, so that they cannot understand the Law spiritually, and how great things it requires of us, and how severely it curses and condemns us because we cannot observe or fulfil it. Nevertheless, when it shalt turn to the Lord, the veil shalt be taken away, 2 Cor. 3:16.

11] Therefore the Spirit of Christ must not only comfort, but also through the office of the Law reprove the world of sin, John 16:8, and thus must do in the New Testament, as the prophet says, Is. 28:21, opus alienum, ut faciat opus proprium, that is, He must do the work of another (reprove), in order that He may [afterwards] do His own work, which is to comfort and preach of grace. For to this end He was earned [from the Father] and sent to us by Christ, and for this reason, too, He is called the Comforter, as Dr. Luther has explained in his exposition of the Gospel for the Fifth Sunday after Trinity, in the following words:

12] Anything that preaches concerning our sins and God's wrath, let it be done how or when it will, that is all a preaching of the Law. Again, the Gospel is such a preaching as shows and gives nothing else than grace and forgiveness in Christ, although it is true and right that the apostles and preachers of the Gospel (as Christ Himself also did) confirm the preaching of the Law, and begin it with those who do not yet acknowledge their sins nor are terrified at [by the sense of] God's wrath; as He says, John 16:8: 13] "The Holy Ghost will reprove the world of sin because they believe not on Me." Yea, what more forcible, more terrible declaration and preaching of God's wrath against sin is there than just the suffering and death of Christ, His Son? But as long as all this preaches God's wrath and terrifies men, it is not yet the preaching of the Gospel nor Christ's own preaching, but that of Moses and the Law against the impenitent. For the Gospel and Christ were never ordained and given for the purpose of terrifying and condemning, but of comforting and cheering those who are terrified and timid. And again: Christ says, John 16:8: "The Holy Ghost will reprove the world of sin"; which cannot be done except through the explanation of the Law. Jena, Tom. 2, fol. 455.

14] So, too, the Smalcald Articles say: The New Testament retains and urges the office of the Law, which reveals sins and God's wrath; but to this office it immediately adds the promise of grace through the Gospel.

15] And the Apology says: To a true and salutary repentance the preaching of the Law alone is not sufficient, but the Gospel should be added thereto. Therefore the two doctrines belong together, and should also be urged by the side of each other, but in a definite order and with a proper distinction; and the Antinomians or assailants of the Law are justly condemned, who abolish the preaching of the Law from the Church, and wish sins to be reproved, and repentance and sorrow to be taught, not from the Law, but from the Gospel.

16] But in order that every one may see that in the dissent of which we are treating we conceal nothing, but present the matter to the eyes of the Christian reader plainly and clearly:

17] Therefore [we shall set forth our meaning:] we unanimously believe, teach, and confess that the Law is properly a divine doctrine, in which the righteous, immutable will of God is revealed, what is to be the quality of man in his nature, thoughts, words, and works, in order that he may be pleasing and acceptable to God; and it threatens its transgressors with God's wrath and temporal and eternal punishments. For as Luther writes against the law-stormers [Antinomians]: Everything that reproves sin is and belongs to the Law, whose peculiar office it is to reprove sin and to lead to the knowledge of sins, Rom. 3:20,7:7; and as unbelief is the root and well-spring of all reprehensible sins [all sins that must be censured and reproved], the Law reproves unbelief also.

18] However, this is true likewise that the Law with its doctrine is illustrated and explained by the Gospel; and nevertheless it remains the peculiar office of the Law to reprove sins and teach concerning good works.

19] Thus, the Law reproves unbelief, [namely,] when men do not believe the Word of God. Now, since the Gospel, which alone properly teaches and commands to believe in Christ, is God's Word, the Holy Ghost, through the office of the Law, also reproves unbelief, that men do not believe in Christ, although it is properly the Gospel alone which teaches concerning saving faith in Christ.

20] However, now that man has not kept the Law of God, but transgressed it, his corrupt nature, thoughts, words, and works fighting against it, for which reason he is under God's wrath, death, all temporal calamities, and the punishment of hell-fire, the Gospel is properly a doctrine which teaches what man should believe, that he may obtain forgiveness of sins with God, namely, that the Son of God, our Lord Christ, has taken upon Himself and borne the curse of the Law, has expiated and paid for all our sins, through whom alone we again enter into favor with God, obtain forgiveness of sins by faith, are delivered from death and all the punishments of sins, and eternally saved.

21] For everything that comforts, that offers the favor and grace of God to transgressors of the Law, is, and is properly called, the Gospel, a good and joyful message that God will not punish sins, but forgive them for Christ's sake.

22] Therefore every penitent sinner ought to believe, that is, place his confidence in the Lord Christ alone, that He was delivered for our offenses, and was raised again for our justification, Rom. 4:25, that He was made sin for us who knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him, 2 Cor. 5:21, who of God is made unto us Wisdom, and Righteousness, and Sanctification, and Redemption, 1 Cor. 1:30, whose obedience is counted to us for righteousness before God's strict tribunal, so that the Law, as above set forth, is a ministration that kills through the letter and preaches condemnation, 2 Cor. 3:7, but the Gospel is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth, Rom. 1:16, that preaches righteousness and gives the Spirit, 1 Cor. 1:18; Gal. 3:2. As Dr. Luther has urged this distinction with especial diligence in nearly all his writings, and has properly shown that the knowledge of God derived from the Gospel is far different from that which is taught and learned from the Law, because even the heathen to a certain extent had a knowledge of God from the natural law, although they neither knew Him aright nor glorified Him aright, Rom. 1:20f.

23] From the beginning of the world these two proclamations [kinds of doctrines] have been ever and ever inculcated alongside of each other in the Church of God, with a proper distinction. For the descendants of the venerated patriarchs, as also the patriarchs themselves, not only called to mind constantly how in the beginning man had been created righteous and holy by God, and through the fraud of the Serpent had transgressed God's command, had become a sinner, and had corrupted and precipitated himself with all his posterity into death and eternal condemnation, but also encouraged and comforted themselves again by the preaching concerning the Seed of the Woman, who would bruise the Serpent's head, Gen. 3:15; likewise, concerning the Seed of Abraham, in whom all the nations of the earth shall be blessed, Gen. 22:18; likewise, concerning David's Son, who should restore again the kingdom of Israel and be a light to the heathen, Ps. 110:1; Is. 49:6; Luke 2:32, who was wounded for our transgressions, and bruised for our iniquities, by whose stripes we are healed, Is. 53:5.

24] These two doctrines, we believe and confess, should ever and ever be diligently inculcated in the Church of God even to the end of the world, although with the proper distinction of which we have heard, in order that, through the preaching of the Law and its threats in the ministry of the New Testament the hearts of impenitent men may be terrified, and brought to a knowledge of their sins and to repentance; but not in such a way that they lose heart and despair in this process, but that (since the Law is a schoolmaster unto Christ that we might be justified by faith, Gal. 3:24, and thus points and leads us not from Christ, but to Christ, who is the end of the Law, Rom. 10:4) 25] they be comforted and strengthened again by the preaching of the holy Gospel concerning Christ, our Lord, namely, that to those who believe the Gospel, God forgives all their sins through Christ, adopts them as children for His sake, and out of pure grace, without any merit on their part, justifies and saves them, however, not in such a way that they may abuse the grace of God, 26] and sin hoping for grace, as Paul, 2 Cor. 3:7ff , thoroughly and forcibly shows the distinction between the Law and the Gospel.

27] Now, in order that both doctrines, that of the Law and that of the Gospel, be not mingled and confounded with one another, and what belongs to the one may not be ascribed to the other, whereby the merit and benefits of Christ are easily obscured and the Gospel is again turned into a doctrine of the Law, as has occurred in the Papacy, and thus Christians are deprived of the true comfort which they have in the Gospel against the terrors of the Law, and the door is again opened in the Church of God to the Papacy, therefore the true and proper distinction between the Law and the Gospel must with all diligence be inculcated and preserved, and whatever gives occasion for confusion inter legem et evangelium (between the Law and the Gospel), that is, whereby the two doctrines, Law and Gospel, may be confounded and mingled into one doctrine, should be diligently prevented. It is, therefore, dangerous and wrong to convert the Gospel, properly so called, as distinguished from the Law, into a preaching of repentance or reproof [a preaching of repentance, reproving sin]. For otherwise, if understood in a general sense of the entire doctrine, also the Apology says several times that the Gospel is a preaching of repentance and the forgiveness of sins. Meanwhile, however, the Apology also shows that the Gospel is properly the promise of the forgiveness of sins and of justification through Christ, but that the Law is a doctrine which reproves sins and condemns.

Speaking of Books - The Great Ones Are Out There and Being Ignored.
The Bright Side of Lutheran Backsliding

Anticipating the next question from Joel Lillo -
"What's the connection between the books post and that Medieval dude?"

quercuscontramalum ( has left a new comment on your post "Lasting Values":

Speaking of books, a local thrift shop displayed 20 or so volumes of Luther's Works on the shelf next to Purpose Driven Life and The Prayer of Jabez.The comic collections of Garfield the Cat were $2, and each volume of LW was a bargain at $1.50. Note the decimal. The Blessed Reformer's thoughts on Galatians, Romans, and Genesis will be fine company this long winter.

The Galatians volume had the only sun-faded cover, which I hope means the previous owner kept it separate from the rest of LW because it was the most-referenced. The great joys of buying used theological books are the margin notes, highlights, underlined passages, and dogeared pages.  

Most Popular the Last 30 Days.
Click on the Embedded Link for the Post

May 18, 2008, 5 comments

Lasting Values

We have moved a few dozen times. Our new neighbor said she does not know where to start in cleaning her house, so she was a bit jealous of our  radical change. Readers who have been in the same home for 30 years or more have said the same thing.

My favorite books are in a bookshelf that I remember from childhood, because my mother bought it and used it wherever she lived. We also have a table and a rocker she bought, plus a small set of shelves. Siblings have furniture my father built during the Depression, when he stayed in high school and took woodshop, because there was so little work. All that furniture is still being  used, after 80 years, because it was well made and real wood.

Some things are remembered for being lost. Most of our diplomas are gone now, because a certified transcript has more value than a diploma. Some items pass out of history, like the Ark of the Covenant, and all we can do is recall when we last had them. The most important are memories, such as often-told stories of the children and remembering when the grandchildren were tiny.

LI put the chapel network online last Saturday. When he was doing this, I had a flashback to a time we put his Atari computer together. "Dad, help me put this together." That was 30+ years ago. I endlessly brag that the two of us sold Mrs. Ichabod on the Atari as an educational tool. In fact, we really wanted to play games on it - and we did. But LI also went through the manual, page by page, and learned things that amazed a chemical engineer who also owned an early Atari. LI's venture into Unix got him his first and only professional job, and mine into Cisco got him involved in network engineering. I also took Unix, which was my entry point in university teaching.

Roland Bainton did not earn a photo in Wikipedia.

I learned from doing some research about Yale professors that the famous ones from a few decades ago are now mostly forgotten. Roland Bainton was a super-star for writing gonzo bestsellers while earning praise for scholarship and teaching. I had to work hard to gather a few digital photos of him. I was reading his booklet about buildings named after famous Yalies. Many of them are known only through the booklet today.

Long ago I put together a collection of letters about Roland Bainton, all written by his former students. The letters are now in the Yale University archives. Bainton supplied me with the names and addresses, and I wrote to his distinguished graduate students, many of them retired now. One of them was a Roman Catholic bishop, the same one who marched with the Bethany Lutheran Seminary (ELS) faculty when one of the Marvin Schwan buildings was dedicated. When I got the announcement from the Mankato paper, I wondered, "Is that the Bainton student?" The PR announcement from Bethany boasted about the bishop's status as a Roman Catholic. He gave the lecture to start the ecumenical series. The same Erling Teigen event, when printed in the Bethany yearbook, omitted the salient facts for some reason.

When we pare things down, as we must, many values diminish. Do I really want to keep JFK Reckless Youth? No, but it is a good book to give away.

I have owned Luther's Sermons, Lenker edition, for decades. Some volumes look very beat up from reading in various locales. At least one is missing. Eight volumes cost me $40 new. That set and Galatians (Kregel) are my favorites for reading at any given time.

UOJ is going to be a passing fad, as time goes on. Knapp is so forgotten that Lutherans will not admit the Stephan-Walther cult got its double-justification from him.

The Biblical concept of justification by faith alone will be taught and remembered, if only by a few. UOJ turns into brassy Universalism, because it is only one step away from that heresy while remaining impossible to teach from the Scriptures, Luther, or the Confessions.

Walther approved the double justification language,
which appeared first in the Woods translation,
then took root in Germany.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Brett Meyer and Dr. Lito Cruz Answer Simpleman

Simpleman Jones has left a new comment on your post "The Keys Quotation Again":

GJ, does your response mean that I am correct in my assessment?


Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "The Keys Quotation Again":

I know of at least 4 different versions of UOJ that are currently being taught, confessed and defended in the Lutheran Synods. Each of them contradict the others and all contradict Scripture and the Lutheran Confessions. UOJ does not have a BOC style confessional document to which they must hold.

I can tell you that your comparison is only 10% of the differences between UOJ and Christ's Gospel. Every aspect of UOJ is false and contradicts Scripture.

For instance you state, "OJ-SJ'ers say: When Christ died/rose, God declared all people forgiven and righteous." It is more involved than that. In general most UOJists will state that when Christ paid for the sins of the whole world, God removed the sin from the whole world and placed it on Christ. Therefore the world has no more sin, God the Father sees them as guiltless and sinless by His Divine verdict. Buchholz currently teaches that the whole world died to sin the moment Christ died to pay for their sins - this is rejected by most UOJists. UOJists are undecided as to when God declared the unbelieving world forgiven. Some believe it was when Christ declared, "It is finished" on the cross. Others believe it was when He died on the cross and others believe it was when Christ rose victorious from the grave.

You state, "Because God is timeless, this applied to Adam as well as to all people today." No, some UOJists believe Abraham was justified by faith alone but that following Christ's atonement it all changed. UOJists believe Abrahams faith was created by trusting the promise of forgiveness of sins through Christ. Modern UOJists teach that faith cannot be created by a promise. They teach faith can only be created by something that is already true - therefore the preaching that your sins are already forgiven to an unbeliever is the only thing which will create faith. The object of UOJ's faith is the declaration that your sins are already forgiven before you ever believed. The object of the Holy Spirit's faith is Christ and Him crucified.

I could go on and on through the entire UOJ confession.

I recommend reading (W)ELS Siegbert W. Becker's essay on Justification for a foundational view of UOJ. Most UOJists subscribe to what he writes. Buchholz is only publishing his version of UOJ to defend his excommunication and persecution of Christ's Church and is still trying to convince clergy and laity that his version is preferable to other weaker versions.

Becker's essay can be read here:


LPC has left a new comment on your post "The Keys Quotation Again":


My advice to you is not to say things in your own words rather, let the UOJer say things as they are and let the Scripture say also things as they are.

The reasons is because you could be misrepresenting UOJ in your head. For you can eventually conclude as some others that this difference is just semantics and there is really no harm to it.

So my advice is that you take the teaching of UOJers at face value and match them with Scripture and see where they fall. This is a more accurate procedure and a safe method to follow.

I have a different rendition than you.

For example, according to C F W Walther, father of US UOJ teaching, you are saved to believe. That is you are saved already, you just need to believe that you are.

JBFA people say what Scripture says. For example, St. Paul says, to the Philippian jailer, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved.
Acts 16:31

Also, Rom 3:
24 Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus:
25 Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God;
26 To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus.

This passage clearly shows that faith in the atonement results in justification.

This is not the same in UOJ, in UOJ faith in justification as a finished fact is what they teach, so faith results in nothing.


To the UOJer justification has no present nor future aspect. To the JBFA justification is present and has a future aspect, consistent with Scripture.

UOJ is a complete opposite from Scripture.