Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Pastor Nathan Bickel Gives Ichabod Kudos for Being Hip

The old church is bad, no room for the big screen.
The altar and communion rail get in the way of the praise band.
"I pulled my coat tight against the calling crowd."
Boy that sure beats "A Lamb Goes Uncomplaining Forth."

The former architect for Holiday Inn and Motel 6
got rid of all that worship stuff so Team Glende
could entertain the masses.

Pastor emeritus Nathan Bickel has left a new comment on your post "St. Peter in Freedom To Revise Its New, Holiday In...":

Ichabod -

You stated in your one pic:

Why build a Lutheran church without an altar and font, but with two giant screens? Because - the screens are the new Means of Grace.

I'm proud of you, Ichabod! You are finally getting it. You are finally understanding what modern Christianity is all about and that the Lutheran Synods are on the cutting edge!

Nathan M. Bickel

What is Ski doing?
Is he still being paid?
Is he coming back?
How much did St. Peter have to pay out for sexual harassment?

Pastor emeritus Nathan Bickel has left a new comment on your post "St. Peter in Freedom To Revise Its New, Holiday In...":

Ichabod -

Are those people in the yellow "Ask Me" shirts the church greeters?

I've always thought that it was easy to tell if a church wasn't genuinely friendly when the greeters stick out like a sore thumb.