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Boisclair and Lillo get cranked up over spelling. This dog won't eat their homework. |
The Holy Spirit is present with the means of grace no doubt, but one wonders about the presence on this blog of the infernal spirit.
David Boisclair has left a new comment on your post "Brett Meyer Answers the Unclear Boys of UOJ":
It is posted here:
"Calvin rejected the Means of Grace. UOJ Storm-Brownies are incapable of discussing Lutheran doctrine intelligently, dealing with the Means of Grace or the efficacy of the Word. The UOJ Hive is just as buzzy about the Holy Spirit as Calvin was."
Well, as far as discussing Lutheran doctrine intelligently here on the part of Gregory Jackson and Brett Meyer that is something that has never happened. The posts do not discuss theology at all. They belittle, trivialize, lampoon, slander, and defame our pastors and theologians and demonize our doctrine by their clever, cultic terminology like "Storm-brownies" and "UOJers." I wonder if Jackson got "brownies" from C.S. Lewis's "The Pilgrim's Regress" because I remember that "brownie" was a term from there.
[GJ - Icha-slang comes from my fertile mind, not from Clive Staples Lewis' quirky theology.]
When you excise the biblical doctrine of Objective Justification, then "faith" becomes a good work that completes the work of Christ. You also remove universal grace.
[GJ - Circular reasoning. When someone cuts out an invented term and a bastard dogma, terrible things happen. UOJ sounds threatened rather than threatening lately.]
The reason that this blog is Calvinistic is that it interprets Romans 5 and 2 Cor. 5 to refer only to believers, which begs the Calvinist contention for limited atonement.
[GJ - I had the advantage of studying Calvinism rather than repeating dog notes from seminary. There is quite a difference between a bachelor of divinity and a graduate degree where synodical politics are absent.]
Jackson's argument that our doctrine is wrong because it was taught by the Reformed theologian Knapp is the logical fallacy of "guilt by association." Should we say that Monotheism is wrong because the Mohammedans believe in it? Come on.
[GJ - The syphilitic founder of the LCMS studied at Halle University and taught his Pietistic justification to Walther, as everyone acknowledges. The Calvinist translation of Knapp used the double-justification language approved by Walther. Research is the energy behind good writing, which is why the bitter comments are so laughable.]
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Woods was the Calvinist wonder-boy of his time. Halle University was the center of Lutheran Pietism and Rationalism, teaching such luminaries as Bishop Martin Stephan, Muhlenberg, and Hoenecke. |
David Boisclair has left a new comment on your post "Brett Meyer Answers the Unclear Boys of UOJ":
Since this blog prides itself on proper spelling, I would appreciate it if my name were spelled correctly: not "Bosclair" but "Boisclair."
That said, I can truthfully say that this post of Brett Meyer's and many of the other posts that I have seen here identify it to be the fruits of a pernicious cult that seeks to vilify biblical doctrine and the Gospel of Christ. The shameful lampooning of Christians and Christian organizations would make the publishers of American tabloid gossip sheets blush. What gross slander and blasphemy are committed here by people who call themselves Christians! I wonder where Brett Meyer learned his theology from. It is evident that the people who post this type of stuff really do not know the first thing about Lutheran theology or what we really teach as pastors and theologians of LCMS, WELS, and ELS. This blog is a travesty of diabolical proportions.
GJ - Larry Olson and John Lawrenz are also touchy about their names. How's that for guilt by association? And Lillo - a (sic) makes him go ballistic. All it means is (thus) in Latin. That is a writer's way of saying, "I am copying it the way it was written." It does not mean, "This guy is a real dope," but it does seem to shatter the self-esteem of these amateurs.
Lillo and Boisclair should thank the stars (since they deny God at every opportunity) that they have a platform where they might get more than 10 reads a day - their extended family members not doing time.
If things were as bad as they claim in their farrago of unwarranted accusations, Ichabod would not have almost 1 million page-reads a year. Nor would people from all over the world read it each day.
I glance at the futile efforts of many bloggers, but I seem to be the only to have published all of Luther's sermons (8 volumes of Lenker), most of the Book of Concord, and many other Lutheran classics. When that is impractical, I link people to the PDFs or text files.
That is my purpose, to get people reading orthodox Lutheran doctrine instead of reciting synodical talking points. Luther's quotation about the Holy Spirit is read about 4,000 times each month.. I consider that good work. It is my doctrinal trust fund, teaching the Means of Grace on interest alone, but gaining more equity each day.
David Boisclair has left a new comment on your post "Boisclair Clearly Upset by Spelling and Orthodox L...":
Sorry, Greg, Walther did not study under Knapp. Walther went to Leipzig, not Halle.
GJ - I am sorry you cannot read with comprehension, David. I said the syphilitic founder of Missouri (Stephan, obviously) studied at Halle. Walther was not the founder. He did not lead the Saxons over - Stephan did.