Saturday, February 15, 2014

Theses - Justification by Faith - ELDONA

When will the other Lutheran groups
return to justification by faith?

Theses on the Article of Justification: and The Forensic Appeal to the Throne of Grace in the Theology of the Lutheran Age of Orthodoxy Paperback – February 15, 2014

This book contains the "Theses on the Article of Justification as Taught in Holy Scripture and the Confessions of Christ’s Holy Church with Special Attention to “Objective Justification" which were discussed during the 2013 Colloquium and Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Diocese of North America (ELDoNA) and which were later approved in the following form by the pastors of the diocese. As noted in the conclusion of the "Theses," this document was created for use within the diocese (thus it is clearly stated, in the conclusion: 

"Those inside our fellowship voluntarily agree with these theses and support them, but we also wish to have these theses function as a marker of agreement between Christians who are not yet necessarily in fellowship. Therefore, we invite all who agree with these theses to express their agreement without necessarily committing themselves to fellowship."). The diocese does not require other Lutheran synods to subscribe to the theses as a step necessary for retaining or establishing fellowship, nor is subscription to the theses sufficient for establishing fellowship. 

Fellowship is recognized only on the basis of agreement in the doctrine taught by Holy Scripture and rightly confessed in the Book of Concord of 1580. However, because some individuals outside of the diocese have objected to the clear statement of Lutheran teaching set forth in these theses, it was deemed best to publish the theses to make them available for others to read and assess for themselves the doctrine of the ELDoNA in light of God's Word and the Lutheran Confessions. 

As the "Theses on the Article of Justification" make reference to Pastor Paul Rydecki's 2013 paper, "The Forensic Appeal to the Throne of Grace in the Theology of the Lutheran Age of Orthodoxy: A Reflection on Atonement and Its Relationship to Justification," that paper is published by permission of it's author in conjunction with the theses as a supplemental resource for understanding the doctrine of Justification.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Rolf Synod Argues the Way Bill Nye Does - Making It Personal

The atheist Nye used the weakest form of argument at his recent debate, assuming he was only talking to evolutionists. Although he should have been aware of a vast amount of Creation arguments, he kept referring to Creation as "Ham's Creation" and "Ham's concept."

This is a personal attack - plus guilt by association. I read it all the time at the skunk patch called LutherQuest (sic). The snide tone conveys the thought that the subject matter in not worthy of consideration. Associating it with one person says, "Anyone who believes in Creation is a foolish follower of Ham."

Before Megatron met its untimely death (when Tom-Tom software destroyed it), I had a list of Creation statements from well known scientists of the past.

The Rolf Synod did the same thing, constantly referring to "Rydecki's justification." In fact, they begin with Paul Rydecki being received into ELDONA and giving a paper on justification by faith. Told in hushed tones of outrage normally reserved for the Protest'ants, the history of Christian doctrine is brushed aside in favor Walther's hand-picked parrot, F. Pieper. Fuerbringer specified that Walther changed the rules to get Pieper the job.

For Walther, the divine call was "whatever CFW demands as the Missouri pope."

First, A Matter of Definition: 
“Objective Justification” has been variously presented 
• as merely a synonym for unlimited atonement, 
• as properly referring to justification as the object of faith, 
• and as the ‘proper’ understanding of the teaching.3

This last view states that it is a fact4 that Mankind has been not only atoned for by Christ, but actually declared free from sin by God prior to faith. In the resurrection, it is said, God actually absolved the world.5
Acta Apostolorum, Rolfus Synodum.

The footnotes refer to Pieper, F. Bivens!, and Sig Becker. Thus the only possible definition comes from that self-perpetuating fanaticism known as UOJ.

Since the Rolf Synod considers UOJ canonical, any variation from their Enthusiasm must be rejected as the demonic negation of their true Gospel.

Every so often I try out the UOJ dogma on Evangelicals, who invariably say, "They are Universalists." In fairness, I say, "Not quite, according to them. If someone believes in their world absolution without faith, that persona is saved. But everyone is forgiven, absolved, and guilt-free whether they believe or not."

That only brings puzzled looks. My English students were not fooled by the New NIV, Romans 3. When I showed them the extra "all" - all are justified (contrary to the actual text), they said, "No, it still says justified by faith."

But the dimwits at Mequon promoting the NNIV race past that fact and yell, "See that - all are justified. It is in the Bible. All are justified."

Thursday, February 13, 2014

This Mission Satire Is Too Close to Home for WELS and Missouri.
Fox Valley Has Most of the Nimrod Strategy in Place


Make no mistake about it, we are the coolest church in town and we know it.  We have the coolest leaders, the coolest stage, the coolest fashions, the coolest music, the coolest light shows, and the coolest facilities.  In fact, if we didn’t have the word “church” in our name or on our marquee, you almost wouldn’t know that we are a church.  We pride ourselves on our ability to keep up with the latest trending fads both in the church and in the world.  We have the best of both worlds because your church experience should be cool.


We don’t ever want church to interfere with your private life. We understand that you’re often too busy for God so we provide many options by which you can have a weekly religious experience whether it be by offering only one service a week (so you don’t feel bad for missing two or three), service streaming, online tithing, in-foyer tithe kiosks, in-sanctuary food services, or by having the service pushed directly to your smart phone. We do what we can to make your church experience as easy as possible.


At Donut Church we don’t honor God with our best and we feel you shouldn’t have to either.  All of our services require very casual dress.  In fact, if you come dressed nice to one of our services you’ll feel very much out of place.  Everything we do at Donut Church is, in fact, very lax.


We aren’t looking to actually grow or disciple you so don’t feel pressured to commit.  Truthfully, we’re just happy you come to one service a month and help pad our numbers.  You’ve helped to make us the fastest growing church in town and in return, we don’t require anything out of you.


Through years of experience we have discovered that the Bible, when preached fully and fervently, is very confrontational and often downright offensive.  For that reason, we have slowly backed off the Bible teachings and are quite proud to offer lessons and messages we call “Bible-lite.”  While we do still teach the Bible, we purposely avoid all of the heavy-handed stuff about eternal judgment, wrath, repentance, dead works, holiness, and sin.  We consider this new Gospel to be a message of motivational positivity injected with a temporal hope, yet devoid of any truth-based accountability.  Hence our motto: Light, Fluffy, Sugarcoated.


Above all things, we at Donut Church aim to make things comfortable for you at church, after all, you’ve probably had a hard week at church. For this reason we somewhat disagree with all of Jesus’ talk about taking up your cross and taking His yoke upon us, and we totally disagree with Paul’s teaching on keeping your flesh under daily and crucifying the flesh with its desires and appetites. It is our belief that church should be a fun experience for the spirit, soul, and body. For that reason, be of good cheer, we will not expect you to mature in Christ nor will we not put a demand on you spiritually. At Donut Church, you get to serve God as you see fit, how you see fit, when you see fit, and you get to walk with him at your pace. In a sense, we see God as our Santa Claus, and we get to write the clause.

Rolf Synod's Nasty Little Introduction

The Rolf Synod began when Pope John the Malefactor began kicking pastors out of the Little Sect on the Prairie. Moldstad told Rolf's congregation they would be kicked out of the ELS if they did not fire Rolf, so they did.

This group calls themselves the ACLC, whatever that means, but they soon parted company with Rolf - who left the LCMS for the ELS, got kicked out of the ELS, formed the Rolf Synod, got pushed out there, and came crawling back to the LCMS, rejected at first but finally (and reluctantly) accepted. Nevertheless, Rolf publicly supports his former sect.

Those who teach a universal forgiveness and absolution - without faith - cannot get along with each other. Thus Rolf's synod broke with him. Paul McCain turned against his back channel pal Herman Otten, even though both adore UOJ and sneak in Romanism however they can.

The SkunkPatch called LutherQuest (sic) is famous for their Max und Morris behavior with their "friends," but they are united by UOJ.

WELS and the Little Sect on the Prairie despise one another, but they teach nothing except UOJ. The only thing they like about the LCMS (besides money) is UOJ.

I could tell this would be a weak piece of whining when the Rolf Synod began their report by complaining they were robbed by ELDONA.

The ELDoNA scheduled Rev. Rydecki as sole presenter on the topic of Justification at their 2013 Colloquium. Unfortunately, following his presentation of “The Forensic Appeal to the Throne of Grace” only about 15 minutes of the scheduled time remained for discussion. At the beginning of Rev. Rydecki’s colloquy interview, the bishop of the ELDoNA, the Rt. Rev. James Heiser, stated that no questions on Objective Justification would be entertained. At the conclusion of the interview, Bishop Heiser informed Rev. Rydecki that the ELDoNA found no error in his theology at all, but nevertheless his application would be put on hold until the ELDoNA had adopted her theses on Justification. This, he said, was in order to be fair to Rev.
Rydecki so that he would know for certain the ELDoNA’s position on this doctrine before entering the diocese. Acta Apostolorum, Rolfus Synodum.

I have no connection with any of this, but I can guess why Heiser did not let the Rolf Synod or anyone else get on the topic of UOJ. I have experienced their madness whenever they latch onto the topic. They brush aside Luther's doctrine, Paul's epistles, the Bible itself, and the Book of Concord - to obsess about their one and only term, which did not appear until recently, coming from Calvinistic and Pietistic sources.

As one of their mindless leaders, F. Bivens, wrote - in harmony with all of them - UOJ is the Chief Article of the Christian Faith, the master and prince, etc - directly contradicting the Reformation.

Unbelief rages against faith, which explains why UOJ finds complete unity among all its allies (including ELCA) and opposes justification by faith with demonic wrath.

Navigation - Rolf Synod Rejection of Justification by Faith - Attacks ELDONA

Pastor Steve Brockdorf, Rolf Synod UOJ Advocate

ELDONA Justification by Faith Links

Free copy of Thy Strong Word - UOJ and JBFA Arguments Compared

Pastor Paul Rydecki's Scholarly Works on Justification

Rolf Synod Opposes Justification by Faith - Link to Report

Fresh Blast of Flatulence from SpenerQuest

Rolf Synod's Nasty Little Introduction

Using the Ad Hominem - "Rydecki's Justification"

"Steadfast Lutherans", Jay Webber, Etc - Pastor Rydecki Answers

Luther-Queasies at Work and Play

"Steadfast"Fallacies - Blaming Ichabod for Justification by Faith

Steadfast Author Scheer Picks Fight about UOJ

Hitler Tries To Quash Rolf Synod's Attacks on Justification by Faith

Unsteady Lutherans versus Brett Meyer

Rev. Paul Rydecki
February 24th, 2014 at 17:17
I haven’t kept up with the discussion, but I did note that someone above referenced Jack Kilcrease’s article from 2012 about me, so I figured I’d also link my two responses to him:

Jim Pierce, "Steadfast Lutherans" UOJ Stormtrooper

Author Archive -- Jim Pierce

Jim Pierce is a layman from Seattle, Washington. He is a blogger and author. He is a graduate of the University of Washington and has a career in systems administration. By the mercy and grace of God, his journey has taken him away from Pentecostalism into eighteen years of atheism, and he is now at peace as a Confessional Lutheran where he attends Messiah Lutheran Church in Seattle with his dear wife Suzanne and their two children.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Remember When the Church of England Still Had Some Dignity and Integrity?

Oxford University Confers Honorary Doctorate on Episcopal Presiding Bishop

By David W. Virtue
February 10, 2014

An Oxford Don and Anglican sociologist described the announcement as "disastrous and derisory...I'm ashamed of my alma mater." Episcopal liberals and progressives rejoiced in the announcement while one blogger described it as Scandalum magnum.

Across the Atlantic, Archbishop Justin Welby welcomed news that the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church, Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori, is to be awarded an honorary Doctor of Divinity by the University of Oxford. He commented, "I am delighted by the news that the Most Rev. Dr. Katharine Jefferts Schori is to receive an honorary Doctor of Divinity from the University of Oxford. This award, richly deserved, reaffirms Bishop Katharine's remarkable gifts of intellect and compassion, which she has dedicated to the service of Christ."

Conservative bloggers were so shocked by the announcement that there was immediate disbelief that Welby had either not written the announcement or had simply bought into a press release from 815, the Episcopal Church's national headquarters in New York City.

However, a spokesman from Lambeth Palace wrote VOL confirming that, "the press release was issued with the full knowledge and endorsement of the Archbishop."

While his endorsement of this award has sent shockwaves around the Anglican Communion, it should be noted that the Archbishop of Canterbury has said nothing about her [lack of] spiritual gifts and theological utterances that puts her at odds with 90% of the Anglican Communion.

Over the course of her tenure, the Presiding Bishop has received a total of nine honorary doctorates all from liberal Episcopal seminaries. She has not received such accolades from Nashotah House or Trinity School for Ministry. The secular academy, it seems, has taken no notice of her.

The surprise announcement Thursday (Feb. 6) left many in the Anglican world, other than the Archbishop of Canterbury, scratching their heads in wonderment and disbelief, considering the American Presiding Bishop's well known and thoroughly documented trail of unChristian and anti-Christian actions and theological stances boarding on heresy and apostasy.

Consider the following:

In Katharine Jefferts Schori's version of reality, Jesus Christ is not necessarily male nor is He "the Way, the Truth, and the Life." She thus repudiates Christ's claim in John 14:6 that "no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me."

Just days after the 2006 General Convention, where she stated: "Mother Jesus gives birth to a new creation -- and you and I are his children," TIME magazine asked the XXVI Presiding Bishop-elect a pointed question: "Is belief in Jesus the only way to get to heaven?" She answered: "We who practice the Christian tradition understand him as our vehicle to the divine. But for us to assume that God could not act in other ways is, I think, to put God in an awfully small box."

Then on July 7, 2009 at the Opening Eucharist for the 2009 General Convention, she declaimed "the great Western heresy" in Anaheim, California where she questioned if "We can be saved as individuals, [or] that any of us alone can be in right relationship with God." 

The Presiding Bishop has made worldwide headlines with some of her unique theological pronouncements. 

Jeff Walton, Anglican program director at the Institute on Religion & Democracy, says that the Presiding Bishop "has a long record of first establishing theopolitical positions and then conforming Scripture to align with her predetermined purpose."

This was clearly visible last May. While making a pastoral visit to Curacao, Venezuela, the Presiding Bishop denounced the Apostle Paul for his actions in Acts 16:16-34 where he exercised the spirit of divination from a slave girl. The American primate claimed that St. Paul was "depriving her of her gift of spiritual awareness.

"Paul can't abide something he won't see as beautiful or holy, so he tries to destroy it," Jefferts Schori told her Venezuelan congregation. "It gets him thrown in prison. That's pretty much where he's put himself by his own refusal to recognize that she, too, shares in God's nature, just as much as he does - maybe more so."

Mere Comments, a blog by the Fellowship of St. James, dedicated to the promotion of fidelity to Jesus Christ, encourages greater Christian unity, and defends traditional Christian doctrines and moral teachings, says that Katharine Jefferts Schori's sermons are remarkable for what is not said, "Bishop Schori's sermons make little mention of the cross, or of Jesus' death, or of His rising again."

To prove that point, she said in her 2012 Easter message, "We talk about greenness and new life and life springing forth from the earth when we talk about resurrection." The name of Jesus never crossed her lips. She is uncomfortable with belief in the bodily resurrection of Jesus, preferring to see it as a spiritual rising.

As a trained oceanographer, the Presiding Bishop couches much of her orations in scientific terms and creation references. 

"Both science and religion lead people to see the world with enormous awe. The response can either be a burning desire to understand the workings of the physical world, or an equally burning desire to connect with whatever has brought this world in existence," Jefferts Schori told a Corvallis (Ore.) Gazette-Times reporter in 2007. "Both kinds of passion can help us to care for this world and all its inhabitants and both are going to be needed if we are going to relieve the suffering of many and bring increasing hope to our own species and all others."

For those who have listened to her, the former oceanographer turned presiding bishop is more interested in protecting the environment than in proclaiming the Gospel.

Theologically, a Doctor of Divinity (DD) degree is usually conferred because the conferee is an outstanding religious scholar of distinction. In the UK, the Doctor of Divinity (DD) has traditionally been considered a "higher doctorate" thus the highest earned religious studies doctorate, even above a theological Ph.D., granted by a university such as Oxford. In the United States, a DD is traditionally an honorary degree granted by a church-related college, seminary, or university to recognize the recipient's ministry-orientated accomplishments.

As a trained oceanographer, Jefferts Schori earned a Ph.D. in Oceanography from Oregon State University (Corvallis, Ore.). As an Episcopal clergywoman, she earned Master of Divinity from the Church Divinity School of the Pacific, the same Episcopal seminary that awarded her first honorific Divinitatis Doctor.

Since Jefferts Schori does not have a qualifying body of theological works nor is she a religious scholar of standing and distinction, the conferring of the Oxford scarlet and black academic robes comes as a result of "...her enduring deep commitment to the environment [which] has evolved into a profound dedication to stewardship of our planet and humankind, especially in relieving poverty and extending the love and hospitality of Christ to those on the edges of society ..." explains the Archbishop of Canterbury.

The English archbishop is a strong proponent of women in the episcopate and is lobbying to see women break through the stained glass ceiling and become bishops in the Church of England, and even, perhaps, one day the Archbishop of Canterbury. Therefore he lauds his American counterpart as a shining example of "a powerful model for women seeking to pursue their vocations in the church." 

Katharine Jefferts Schori was a weak Bishop of Nevada. Her weakness was highlighted in 2004 when she allowed a self-professed Roman Catholic pedophile monk-priest, -- Bede Parry -- who was dismissed from his Catholic Benedictine abbey for sexual misbehavior with young men, to convert to The Episcopal Church. She received him, recognized the sacramental validity of his Catholic priesthood, and gave him sacerdotal faculties that allowed him to minister in a Las Vegas church that has an attached school. 

Even when the sordid story broke during the summer of 2011, and the priest (who has since died) resigned his position, Jefferts Schori remained mum while the media clamored for answers and explanations. 

In singing Katharine Jefferts Schori's praises, the Archbishop of Canterbury said, "This award, richly deserved, reaffirms Bishop Katharine's remarkable gifts of intellect and compassion, which she has dedicated to the service of Christ." 

The charge that she has an "authentic Christ-centered Christian "compassion" is unknown to the Presiding Bishop. Under her tenure, she has revamped Title IV and amassed enormous centralized power. Her clergy quake in fear. More than 700 deacons, priests and bishops have been defrocked by her hands with a stroke of the pen. One case in point involved retired Bishop Edward MacBurney (VII Quincy) who on April 2, 2008 was inhibited by the Presiding Bishop; on April 4, his son died, leaving the grieving father and bishop unable to conduct his son's funeral rites. 

The Presiding Bishop, too, is the powerful force behind the legal scenes, which have seen more than $30 million funneled into litigation as departing Episcopal congregations, vestries, and clergy -- including bishops -- fight for their long-held church edifices and real estate. She would much rather see an Episcopal church building fall into the hands of Moslems for non-Christian worship or become a museum, or a private home or even a bistro than be compassionately placed into the hands of devoted North American Anglicans. 

Inherently, the Oxford's famed Encaenia (yearly academic awards celebration) takes place on the Wednesday of the ninth week of Trinity Term or the third term of the academic year. So on June 25, 2014, the Presiding Bishop will be one of six leading figures from Britain, the United States and France to travel to Oxford's Sheldonian Theatre to receive honors in their chosen fields of endeavor -- science, the arts or religion. In addition to being the youngest so honored in this term, the American clergywoman is to be presented with an honorary Degree of Doctor of Divinity. Other honorees include British sculptor Sir Anish Kapoor and American magazine editor Robert Silvers who are slated to receive honorary Degrees of Doctor of Letters; while honorary Degrees of Doctor of Science are to go to Professor Wallace Broecker of Columbia University and French chemist Jean-Marie Lehn, an earlier recipient of the Nobel Prize for Chemistry; finally the honorary Degree of Doctor of Music is to go to Sir Harrison Birtwistle, a visiting professor at the Royal Academy of Music.

Nothing has been mentioned of Jefferts Schori's failure to proclaim the Christian Gospel and to adhere to Scriptural standards, biblical truth and the ancient apostolic faith. Nothing, because in truth she doesn't believe it. Oxford University should have known better.

VOL correspondent Mary Ann Mueller contributed to the story


Fresh Blast of Flatulence from the SpenerQuest Skunk-Patch.
Rolf Commends Their Apostasy and Obstinancy

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Rick Strickert (Carlvehse)
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Username: Carlvehse

Post Number: 4421
Registered: 10-2003
Posted on Sunday, February 09, 2014 - 10:18 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

A lengthy September 24 - December14 LQ thread, "ELDoNA Rejects Objective Justification," discussed ELDoNA's Theses on Justification, which rejects Objective Justification.

The Association of Confessional Lutheran Churches has posted on its website its February 9, 2014, 50-page report, "Critique of the Evangelical Lutheran Diocese of North America’s Theses on Justification." Here's the Abstract:

The critique points out logical fallacies thesis by thesis. In general, the conclusions of the theses are built on three fallacies: Straw Man, Equivocation, and Exclusion. The critique is thorough, but not exhaustive due to the quantity of error and volume of material.
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Rev. David R. Boisclair (Drboisclair)
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Posted on Monday, February 10, 2014 - 1:55 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

This confessional document published by the ACLC takes the bold step of declaring fellowship sundered with the heterodox ELDoNA. Of course, it was ELDoNA itself which sundered fellowship with all orthodox Lutheran fellowships by declaring that its Justification theses delimited its doctrinal fellowship. I thank Rick Strickert for posting a link to this fine critique.

We need to earnestly contend for the faith once delivered to the saints against the gainsayers (deniers).
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Rev. Guillaume Williams (Revhardheaded)
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Posted on Tuesday, February 11, 2014 - 10:34 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I wish the ELDoNA quotes were better formatted. Other than that, so far, a good defense.

The Rev. Guillaume J. S. Williams, Sr
God justifies the ungodly. Rom 4:5 And to the one who does not work but believes in him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is counted as righteousness, 
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Pastor Rolf David Preus (Rolf)
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Posted on Wednesday, February 12, 2014 - 1:25 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

The pastors of the ACLC have made a good confession. I commend them for their patience and theological integrity. While it appears that the ELDoNA, at the moment anyway, is not listening, the ACLC is doing a service to the church by publicly addressing this vital issue in accordance with the Scriptures and the Lutheran Confessions. I thank God for the faithful witness of these men!

Pastor Rolf David Preus
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Rev. David R. Boisclair (Drboisclair)
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Posted on Wednesday, February 12, 2014 - 5:47 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

The way in which The Critique takes on the beheading of the Gospel known as "Theses on Justification"--it was promulgated on the Festival of the Beheading of John the Baptist--is to expose the logical fallacies that are committed by ELDoNA and its friend Greg Jackson of "No Glory to God." Jackson constantly accuses orthodox theologians (sic) of committing logical and grammatical errors. Well, he and his followers commit both logical and grammatical errors generally, and in particular in their new theses.

The most damning aspect of the ELDoNA Theses is their lack of BOTH Scriptural and Confessional grounding. At least The Brief StatementThis We Belive, and The Critique base their confession on Scripture. For any Lutheran Christian to make a confession to the world that is not soundly based on the Holy Scriptures and witnessed to by the Lutheran Confessions is unthinkable, but that is what ELDoNA has shamelessly done. They have separated themselves from the fellowship of orthodox, confessional Lutheranism to the point that they dishonor the "Fathers" that they claim to follow religiously.

Their theses on Justification should go down in history with the disrepute of The Altered Augsburg Confession, The Definite Synodical Platform, the Leuenberg Concord, the concordats of the ELCA with the Reformed, and the JDDJ of the Lutheran World Federation. It is an utter disgrace to Luther and all his true spiritual heirs.
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David Breitenfeld (Dbreitenfeld)
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Posted on Wednesday, February 12, 2014 - 8:06 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

With the rejection of Justification of Christ's work on our behalf by faith, do other synod's say they are still Christian? Or are they just not sure?
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Jim Denger (Jim_denger)
Junior Member
Username: Jim_denger

Post Number: 36
Registered: 11-2013
Posted on Thursday, February 13, 2014 - 12:28 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Dear David,




GJ - Williams reads an entire chapter on justification by faith - Romans 4 - and finds UOJ.

Hey - how did Rolf sneak back into the Missouri Synod again? How many synods is that for him now?