Saturday, October 3, 2015

Jackson Rose Farm, Part Two

These are the red KnockOut doubles in full bloom after a severe pruning 3 weeks ago.
There are also two pink KnockOuts and two white KOs.

Each Queen Elizabeth Rose has a memorial plaque.

Close up of the second one.

Mr. Lincoln - ok, I will use the tripod next time.

Veterans Honor glows like red velvet in the garden,
and the blooms are fragrant and long-lasting.
This was the straw bale and slug mating center.
Now the soil is extra fertile for tomatoes next summer.

Peace would not stand still in the autumn breeze.

The rustic fence is an extension of the Jackson Bird Paradise.
Elderberry just fruited. Lantana is blooming - my bargain plants from Lowe's.
Stage one of cardboard and newspaper mulching
to let the Honeysuckle Vine take over and swamp the stump
next summer.