ICHABOD, THE GLORY HAS DEPARTED - explores the Age of Apostasy, predicted in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, to attack Objective Faithless Justification, Church Growth Clowns, and their ringmasters. The antidote to these poisons is trusting the efficacious Word in the Means of Grace. John 16:8. Isaiah 55:8ff. Romans 10. Most readers are WELS, LCMS, ELS, or ELCA. This blog also covers the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodoxy, and the Left-wing, National Council of Churches denominations.
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Wednesday, August 29, 2018
Pople Francis Should Resign.
Exact Parallels with WELS and LCMS Cover-Ups
Pope Francis was known to be dirty when he was elected in 2013. Stories circulated about how destructive he was in South America, but there is another story about the disappeared people during the reign of the military junta in Argentina.
A high-ranking official has accused Pope Francis of covering up the scandals, chiefly Cardinal McCarrick in this case.
Calls for his resignation have increased. Whatever appears in the press, the truth is far, far worse.
American Spectator - the pope and all other officials supporting the corruption should resign.
Roman Catholics have recognized that the leaders elected Francis because they all participate in the same corruption and protect it as well.
The Curia and others imagine this will go away, but indications suggest just the opposite. Unlike the situation in Lutherdom, powerful leaders have spoken up to say that they know the reporting is factual and verified by many witnesses.
The WELS and LCMS leaders have deluded themselves into thinking that their cover-ups and lies are effective. They have intimidated many into silence and shown that the corrupt are the ones who get promoted. However, their management expertise does not bring people to church or students to their schools.
The Michigan District of WELS leaders proved time and again that they favored adulterous pastors, alcoholic pastors, and false doctrine. In fact, those three characteristics often came in the same package - except for the lavender contingent. There are many stories about that kind of abuse in WELS, but the facts have a half-life of 10 minutes. Soon after, "What? Who? Never happened. I don't know. I'm not in that district. Who told you?"
In light of the Hybels meltdown, imagine listening to the bragging of WELS leaders about how pure they are, how Lutheran they are, how orthodox, how strict, how heaven is not good enough for the Wisconsin sect.
Then ask, "Why were they so bankrupt that they funneled millions into sending clergy and others to Fuller, Willow Creek, Andy Stanley, and other anti-Lutheran cesspools? Why did this precious sect - that dropped from heaven and kept dropping - bless and promote DMins from the worst schools?"
I used to read books about sales. One was especially interesting. It said, "If you hire someone to train salespeople and that person was not successful, then the trainees will be no better. They will capture that person's inability, no matter what materials are used to teach."
The parallel in the churches should be apparent. Dimwits like Valleskey, Bivens, Werning (all buddies in Church Growth) went to anti-Lutheran at Fuller and loved it. No matter what they claimed for themselves, the essence of their hatred for Luther's doctrine came through in all their work. And what is worse - so did their cancerous hypocrisy.
I remember Kovaciny repeating the bromides of WELS Church Growth -
"Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater!" I said, "Don't wash the baby in sewage."
Mirthless Mark Schroeder's buddy said, "Larry Olson is harmless. Everyone knows he is a false teacher."
Meanwhile, people write to me about the abuse they have suffered from WELS leaders, not to mention the rampant lying and denials in the face of the facts.
Every time I read the sarcastic responses of the Roman cover-up artists, I remember the same approach used by WELS and the CLC (sic). Even as they all shrink to nothing, the same script is followed. Tim Glende used the same tactics practiced in Columbus to prop up Floyd Luther Stolzenburg to save face in Appleton. The rich adulterers can be counted upon to say, "Yay. Amen. You are our hero!"
Pope Francis,