Friday, October 26, 2018

Krauth - Not Ashamed of the Chief Article

 No, they are Jesuiterans, the UOJ/CG faction that lusts for union with ELCA and Rome.
I long to be like ELCA,
because they have the loot;
I long to be like ELCA,
they bear such lively fruit;
I long to be with ELCA,
amid the Thrivent thugs,
to sing the pothead praises,
to take the ELCA's drugs.
Sing to Aurelia

She claims a historical right to exist. Her history proves her divine origin and necessity; and as our Church has been needed in the past, so is she needed in the present. She is needed not only for her motherhood to her own children, but for the great wants of Christendom and of the world. She is needed as a witness to that doctrine which is conceded in terms by the whole Protestant world, but which is invaded primarily or by necessary inference by every system which is at war with ours — the doctrine of Justification by Faith. Inadequate views of the person and work of Christ; false views of election and reprobation; of the means of grace, the Word and Sacraments; the mode and subjects of Baptism; the nature of the validity and efficacy of the ministry, — all are in conflict, covertly it may be, but really, with the true doctrine of Justification by Faith. Romanism and Ritualism directly assail it; Rationalism destroys it; Fanaticism, sometimes with an affectation of zealotry for it, confounds justification by faith with justification by sensation, and leads the penitent to rest, not on the old, eternal promise, but on a new personal revelation. No Church holds the doctrine of Justification by Faith in that consistent integrity and harmonious relation within itself and with all other doctrines, in which it is held and confessed in the Lutheran Church.
From Charles Krauth. “The Relations Of The Lutheran Church To The Denominations Around Us.” paper given at the First Free Lutheran Diet, 1877. Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry, Alec Satin.
 "I will sell you the Truth about Luther, which will tear down the Reformer and prepare you for the final steps into ELCA and union with Rome. You will be incensed."

Judge the Words of the False Teachers - The Ones They Use and the Ones They Abhor

 Books by Norma A. Boeckler
We must discern the spirits and judge the words the false teachers use - or abhor.

The Jesuiterans (Lutheran Jesuits) abhor Justification by Faith and the Means of Grace, following the example of their Enthusiast masters.

Christian News should be using those terms in October, especially in its Deformation issue. Funny how one letter turns the Reformation into the Deformation. But a lot of human effort is behind the change.

The October 29th issue does not mention Justification by Faith at all, not once. The Means of Grace? - same result, zero for October 29th. The October issues are similar. With the use of Justification by itself, or Objective Justification, a simpleton from Mordor would assume that Justification means universal salvation without faith.

 I have seen too many magic acts to be fooled by an amateur using the same tricks, but without skill or talent.

Rolf is quoted in the 10-29-2018 issue of CN, based on his epoch lectures in North Dakota. He is the Williston Wonder, but all the fracking in the world cannot distill the Gospel from his Enthusiastic Pietism.

“The denial that God required the bloody sacrifice of his Son to satisfy his wrath is a denial of the vicarious satisfaction. It is a denial that Jesus is the propitiation for our sins. This denial of the vicarious atonement became part of the official dogmatic textbook for much of the ELCA in the publication of Braaten and Jensen’s (sicDogmatics in 1984, two years before the formation of the ELCA. We read:..." Deformation issue, p. 5.

This sounds like a genius announcing that water is wet and the sky blue. Boo hiss, Braaten and Jenson, even though some in LCMS-WELS-ELS think their partner Forde (rhymes with murdah) is a great theologian.

The lectures are - once again - Objective Justification, so the words used refer to that peculiar falsehood about the Atonement being the universal declaration of forgiveness and salvation of the world, without the Word (Enthusiasm). So - just as much as Braaten and Jenson - Rolf denies the Atonement.

I tried valiantly to follow Rolf's lectures, and commented on them. He clearly tried to answer the monstrous flaws in his thinking, but was fearful of addressing objections honestly or quoting/citing sources.

This continues the Jesuiteran method of warning about a great threat to Holy Mother Sect without simply saying, "I, Rolf, son of Bob, son of Jake Preus, reject and repudiate Justification by Faith, the Means of Grace, and the efficacy of the Word."

 Why did Rolf fail to mention this book, which he supposedly helped edit? I know from his father's lectures that he loved Quenstedt and wanted to name a son after Q.

Let Us Make Good Use of the Resurrection

 Books by Norma A. Boeckler

From Luther's House Postil, "Second Easter Sermon. On The 28th Chapter Of St. Matthew."
...let us make good use of the resurrection of Christ, coming unto Him as to our brother, in whom we have all confidence, fully believing that His life is the guarantee of our salvation and our defense from all wrath to come. If we were firm in this belief no misfortune could disturb us; for amid all suffering which may fall to our lot, we know that Christ liveth and that we shall live with Him.
Why should the fact of our earthly sufferings distress us, when we are sure of eternal happiness in Christ; or why should we entertain enmity toward those who abuse us? We ought rather to pity them, since by their hatred and envy toward us they clearly show that they are not of this brotherhood and can have no part in the eternal inheritance.