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Gregory L. Jackson UOJ and Calvinism have the same rationalistic philosophy. For example both consider the Atonement and Justification as equal and THE SAME EVENT. The Calvinists seeing that not all are justified, pulls atonement towards it and declares Jesus died only for some - Limited Atonement. The Waltherians and UOJers seeing that the two are the same seeing the atonement is universal pulls justification to it and declares all have been justified already. Indeed Calvin truly has no real concept of means of grace. For example, here is how Calvin concluded that baptism does not do anything. He observed these Romanists behaving badly and so he said, nothing happened during their baptism. Is that all that is going on when you observe something. So he says, baptism regenerates only the elect. All these are effective if you are elect. Which means that they are not needed anyway since if you are elect, God will make it effective for you when you come to baptism. But if not, you can get yourself baptised until the cows come home, you are doomed. Live life cause that is all you have here, your next stop is hell. So his means of grace is nothing, his means election. Which is circular reasoning. John Gill took Calvinism to its ultimate conclusion eventually teaching, no need to preach or evangelize.
Eventually faith is of no effect in both Waltherian UOJ and Calvinism. Both do not look at faith for anything. They are cut from the same cloth. Paul McCain said I got an ax to grind, I admit I do and that is to excise Waltherianism from Lutheranism because he was a cultic leader.He had this habit of overstating the case. When people say to me but ... Walther attacked Calvinism! Well you can attack it at the same time unknowingly support it, is it not what the Anti-Christ does in the reverse? An anti-Christ promotes Christ but behind the scenes chops off Christ. So did Walther, attacking Calvinism but borrowing from them, for example the quia vs quatenus debate came from American Reformed distinction, his followers got into that. Calvinist writers are very silent in giving credit to where credit is due even though most times they borrow from Lutheranism, eg they call Law/Grace, we call Law/Gospel.
Indeed, there was sinister usurpation from Calvin and his followers. For example, I saw an article by a certain Lindbeck claimed that Calvin made specific statements to his French counter parts to block Lutheran missionaries there. When I read this, I said - typical Calvin.
GJ - I mentioned how Calvin pretended to be one with the Lutherans, until Westphal smoked him out. Therefore, Calvin's polemic
Against Westphal is a great expose of Calvin's dogma.
The Other Side of Calvinism is also quite good.
Benjamin Milner's book on Calvin is often priced at $600, used.
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Pr Gregory, I will try and get those books. But did you notice, how Calvinists always want you to come down to their terms? For example, if you oppose a Calvinists, he calls you Armenian. Huh? There are only two alternatives? Yours and not-yours and the not-your alternative is always wrong. I find Walther behaving this way too. You disagree with Walther and the Waltherians - eyyy you are not confessional, you are not Genuine Lutherdude because you do not believe Walther. They want you to believe extras as well. When I was in Calvinism, there was a joke floating around - Could the Real Calvinist Please Stand Up. It was an inside joke because they are at war among themselves and they were hypocritical - which we see also in the Sin-nods. |