Thursday, May 23, 2019

David Scaer's Easter Absolution - Not Pietistic?

Objective vs. Subjective Justification 

"While biblical inspiration and authority was foundational for Pieper’s Christian Dogmatics, Franz Pieper was absorbed with the doctrine of objective justification throughout his three volumes. Also known as universal justification, it distinguished the Missouri Synod from other synods as no other doctrine in the second half of the nineteenth century and the early twentieth century did. At the heart of the doctrine was that God justified the entire world in the resurrection of Christ."

Scaer, David P.. Surviving the Storms: Memoirs of David P. Scaer. Luther Academy. Kindle Edition. #5539.

In the OJ cult, no one teaches the Chief Article - they "deny Objective Justification."

 Where is this taught in the Bible?