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"Bird? Bird? I don't see no bird." |
People forget - or perhaps never learned about - the Johnstown Flood. David McCollough's Johnstown Flood book is a classic. The Johnstown Flood movie, narrated by Richard Dreyfuss, is available free on YouTube.
Chief among their findings, which Dr. Davis Todd presented last week at a meeting of the Geological Society of America in Portland, Ore., was that the lake held about 23.5 million cubic yards of water, which at one point passed through the breach at nearly 11,800 cubic yards per second.
The Johnstown Flood in 1889 is a staple in journalism classes, because of its national and international fame. Clara Barton organized a team to help with rescue efforts.
The St. Francis Dam in California, which failed in 1926, proved that human stupidity is resistant to logic, common sense, and recent history. Notice that the California disaster was only 37 years after the famous Pennsylvania debacle.
The Pennsylvania dam was refashioned to suit the needs of a private club for the very rich, but they never replaced the system of pipes for managing the water level. Doubtless they enjoyed the increasing size and debt, not worrying about the earthen dam (like the ones above Sanford and Midland Michigan, now collapsed and famous).
Because man-made dams are inherently fragile but look majestic, people overlook the disastrous possibilities.
America is in the same shape as the Pennsylvania, California, and Michigan dams. Many people know we are a few steps away from catastrophic failures in the banking system, plus complete tyranny in education, communication, and technology.
I am still optimistic, because I see the results of Marxist socialism and lawlessness. This dominant foolishness is building an opposition base too large to be conquered by sweet words and dream-weaving drugs.
In the examples above, people knew the dam water had to go somewhere. They wished it were not so, and some were quite alarmed at all the obvious signs.
I said in 2016, "If Hillary wins, America will become Bosnia or worse." On election night I had to talk several friends off the ledge, because criminal efforts to rig the election had already been stopped in Florida. They did not see it for the longest time, even though Hillary had already canceled the fireworks days earlier.
The situation today is a man-made disaster:
- Lack of interest in the US Constitution, especially the Bill of Rights;
- Willingness to accept political demands which are inherent - born - rights in the Bill of Rights;
- Lack of knowledge about the elected officials;
- Indifference about the radicalism and bullying of education, and propaganda disguised as news;
- Voluntary slavery accepted in socialized medicine and pharmaceuticals;
- Acceptance of fraudulent Bibles which are neither the best nor accurate;
- Allowing and participating in the shift from books to smartphone toys;
- Legalized marijuana lobotomies;
- Christian values turned into Hefner values.