The Concordia University System schools appear to be following this "trend":
- Concordia University-Wisconsin has their "Diversity and Belonging."
- Concordia University-Ann Arbor has their Office of Multicultural Engagement."
- Concordia University-Irvine holds a "Unity Week" with Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Coach, "Ms. Mo".
- Concordia University-Chicago has a course (EDU-6300 - Perspectives in Research and Literature Across all Grade Ranges) that includes using literature and research across all grades as "a basis for the promotion of diversity, equity and culturally responsive instruction."
- Concordia University-Nebraska has their "Acts 2 Commission" (a renamed Commission on Racial and Ethnic Diversity).
I posted long ago about the previous tenant of this house, now dubbed Ichabode III. He decided to cut the major root when pruning a small tree in the backyard. I slowly cleaned up the back and found that one small tree was wobbly. My neighbor across the fence said, "Do you know what happened? The guy before you cut the root. I told him that would kill it, but he did not listen."
I told my father-in-law about the same disaster, when he cut the roots sticking out of the ground. He finally told me it died and had to be removed.
Children were not allowed to climb on my wobbly tree. The tree remained for years before falling over from a gentle push. Some roots survived but even the branches were dead and brittle.
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Some entities will be able to use facilities, repurposed, soon enough. |
Now - much too late - the crybabies are saying something must be done to keep their LCMS-WELS-ELS colleges alive. Nota bene - two new gymnasia are being completed - one for the ELS and one for WELS, about 35 miles away from each other.
The nation's colleges probably all imagined that online education would lift them up and give them more options for overpricing student tuition, board (?), books, and amenities. Everyone jumped on UOP's wagon and all were keen on educating a receding population. HotChalk (online services) and one LCMS are in the courts figuring out who wins.
ELCA colleges were tanking a few decades ago. Now it is time for LCMS-ELS-WELS to face the executioners. Church magazines went kaput too, even with Thrivent subsidies. The synods had their fun with the Campus Growth Movement, and it is failing.
The root cause is simple - faith in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, born of the Virgin Mary, Teacher, miracle worker, Who healed the blind and deaf, raised the dead, and suffered torture and death to atone for the sins of the world, rising from the dead, ascending to Heaven, and governing His Church on the right hand of God.
ELCA is DOA, so let's ask about the Big Four above - LCMS-WELS-ELS-CLC(sic). They collectively followed ELCA into the Slough of Despond, gathering their demographics, stunned with fear and alarm, gobbling the business trash - "robbing the Egyptians" - at Fuller Seminary.
The Big Four do not teach faith in Jesus Christ. Without faith in Jesus Christ, nothing good happens. The supposedly conservative managers (not leaders, no guts) are crying like the disciples in a storm, the wind howling, the sky black, the waves crashing and swamping the boat.
They have made matters worse by creating their own Tower of Babel, a rainbow coalition of Scriptures. Some pastors who hate the NIV will use the ESV, which is like getting a better Edsel. The members and the youth may pick up on "Living" and "Amplified" Bibles, which are no better than badly written commentaries. The gay National Council of Unbelieving Churches have licensed the RSV, ESV, NRSV, etc. Everyone knows, anything goes.
Those who trust in Jesus Christ will be rewarded with many blessings. Lacking faith, they cannot even imagine the efficacy of the Word (an upcoming book). That is why Calvinists and Pietists succumb to the Unitarian-Universalist Creed.