Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Some Pratfalls at the Democrat Convention, Third Night


First of all, the media report that their rental charges are double what it cost at the Republican convention, with half the space allotted! I tell people - that is Chicago - they skim everything and run up the charges. The Chicago theme  -  "This city is perfect - it is 100% corrupt."

Second - As many disgruntled blog readers should know, it is not wise to irritate the media. At one WELS convention, every laptop had Ichabod on their screens and looked for the updates.

Third - I finally looked up the Project 2025 scare story, which this convention is brandishing as Donald Trump's autobiography. Here is a description -


Project 2025 is a historic movement, brought together by over 100 respected organizations from across the conservative movement, to take down the Deep State and return the government to the people. Its Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise, published in April 2023, is a product of more than 400 scholars and policy experts from around the country. The book offers a menu of policy suggestions to meet our country’s deepest challenges and put America back on track, including:

  • Secure the border, finish building the wall, and deport illegal aliens
  • De-weaponize the Federal Government by increasing accountability and oversight of the FBI and DOJ
  • Unleash American energy production to reduce energy prices
  • Cut the growth of government spending to reduce inflation
  • Make federal bureaucrats more accountable to the democratically elected President and Congress
  • Improve education by moving control and funding of education from DC bureaucrats directly to parents and state and local governments
  • Ban biological males from competing in women's sports
I listen to as much as I can tolerate, hearing the sounds of despair, clear fallacies, and rotten solutions. If they hired me as a media consultant, I would begin with two concepts.

A. Do not attack the opponent with false accusations. That will always fail.
B. Do not get behind abortion on demand and call it virtue, especially when the open borders are serving as a gigantic money machine for trafficking children and the unborn.