Saturday, May 2, 2009

Baby D -
With Andy Stanley,
Your Drive 09 Host

Babtist Andy Stanley with nominal Lutheran Ski.
Andy's Babtist minister father divorced his wife,
but still carries on his Atlanta ministry - Charles Stanley, an early follower of occultist Paul Y. Cho.

Ski's Drive 08 Journal: The final Main Session with Andy Stanley was just phenomenal. We began with awesome worship. Today though, they began with a Christian rapper, Toby Mac. Our school kids would have loved it. I’m not sure that they would have believed that it was church though.

When Andy began his session. He started by saying that he was not going to follow his notes in the Drive ’08 Journal Book. Instead he was going to do something that he called, “Recent Random Thoughts On Church Leadership.” He shared 5 points and 5 takeaways. I think that he was at his absolute best this afternoon.

Will Bishop Ski, Popcorn Cathedral of Rock, be at Drive 09? We know from the Suffragen Bishop's Tweet that she is going, with three pastors. Dying to know. Tweet me when you get a chance. Totally awesome if you would. Thnx, Dude.

Baby D at Northpoint Babtist Church/Buckhead Babtist

[What you can expect at the celebration]
We will reserve a table (seats 10) for your family and close friends. • We ask that the only other young children are the siblings of the new baby. This will ensure that you can focus on this special event with no distractions. • You will have an opportunity to share what you’ve decided from your homework assignment in STEP 1. • We will lead you in a prayer of dedication. • You will have time to eat cake and take pictures with your family. • We will have a professional photographer to take your picture with your child. • The event will last about an hour.

• babyD is so much more than an event. You must complete STEP 1 and STEP 2 before your Baby Dedication Celebration registration is confirmed. [Temple Recommend?]
• You must be a church member, member of a community group, or serving on a volunteer strategic service team to participate in the Baby Dedication Celebration.
• There is no time limit to completing STEP 1.
• The only time limit you need to consider is that your child must be under two years of age to participate in the Baby Dedication Celebration.
• Space is limited for Baby Dedication Celebration and each event usually fills up quickly. This event is offered several times a year. It is very likely that the next available opening could be 6 months from the time that you sign up.

[Not Infant Baptism]
This event is not infant baptism. We believe that when people are old enough to understand what it means to put their faith and trust in Jesus Christ as their personal Savior, they should have the opportunity to make that choice for themselves. A preschooler is not able to understand sin, forgiveness, the sacrifice our Savior made for us, and what it means to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. This event is about your commitment as a parent to lead your child into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ, so that as he gets older, you are able to guide him and to help him understand what that means.


BONUS Track: Download Message These early years are unique in that they require your intentional love and attention. We know that parenting is not for the faint of heart, so we wanted to share what we think it takes to raise great preschoolers. [Finger-painting geniuses?]

This is by no means the complete word on parenting preschoolers. But it is an opportunity, an opportunity for you to be INTENTIONAL, an opportunity for you, at the very beginning of this new life, to begin with the end in mind. What do you hope they know and never forget?

This is not a guarantee that you will raise perfect children, but a promise that time WILL pass and you will be looking into the eyes of adults some day. What will you wish you had said or done from the very beginning to give them all of the tools they needed? [I woulda baptized them as infants, as Jesus commanded, "Let the children come to me and do not forbid them...Unless you believe as a child you shall in no wise inherit the Kingdom."]

We would like for you and your spouse to listen to each message, talk about it together, and complete the homework.


I Love Thy Kingdom, Lord
The Lutheran Hymnal, #462

Should I with scoffers join
Her altars to abuse?
No! Better far my tongue were dumb,
My hand its skill should lose.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Baby D - With Andy Stanley,Your Drive 09 Host":

Here's five of my own between-the-lines take away points:

* 'A professional photographer will be available' means: no taking your own photos. Buy the package; we get a juicy kickback.

* '...must be a member or volunteer to participate.' After all, if a Baby Dedication actually had an eternal spiritual meaning, then they probably wouldn't deny it to strangers. For a donation in lieu of 10% hard tithe anyway.

* '...time for cake..' Whoopee! Let's be sure to focus on important details here people.

* '... a preschooler is not able to understand sin, or the sacrifice of a Savior.' I'm guessing that even a third grade Lutheran Elementary School student could tear this nonsense apart. Don't think a baby knit together in the womb by the very hand of God can be moved by the Holy Spirit? Luke 1:41-45 has a clarification on that point.

* '...No small children at the table to prevent distractions.' I guess when you think that childrens' souls aren't quite yet in need of salvation, they can be thought of as mere distractions at the party.

Where did I read, "Let the little children come to me." Where did I see that?!? Zut alors! Sounds really familiar, but I can't remember who said that.

I wonder if any synod/seminary employees are among the "3 pastors" ready to go?

+Diet O. Worms


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Baby D - With Andy Stanley,Your Drive 09 Host":

Apparently the LC-MS is also in a quandry as to the fasination with famous Churh Growthers.

Measuring WELS by the Numbers

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Massive Cuts in WELS, But Safari Don Patterson and...":

So numbers do make a difference when you want them to make a difference.


Ever since 1977, when the Shrinkers launched their hellish TELL magazine, the secret followers of Fuller Seminary have been nagging the innocent to look at the numbers. Their hero, Kent Hunter (DMin, Fuller) actually published a book with graph paper bound into the pages.

The Scriptures only teach faithfulness to the Word, but the wizards of Willow Creek misdirect our eyes, making us focus on something else.

But the Shrinkers do not want anyone to discuss what they have done to WELS since they usurped power dishonestly.

WELS has had fewer members each each year since 1977. I used to publish a graph on a website where I charted all the numbers in Excel and converted it into a graph. All the facts are in the WELS Book of Statistics.

As the membership numbers went down, The Love Shack staff members increased. WELS administration officials get more money than any other category on the wage scale, significantly more than the seminary professors. Needless to say, The Love Shack always voted for more staff and against the schools. The percentage of the budget given to the schools was strangled, ever so slowly.

The Church Growth Movement in WELS:

  1. Closed three out of seven schools in the system.
  2. Decreased the membership of the synod in all categories.
  3. Increased the staff of The Love Shack.
  4. Jacked up tuition so high that everyone finds it unaffordable.
  5. Abused money entrusted by the membership.
  6. Left the synod insolvent.

PS - Larry Olson's church never grew, so they made him the Waldo Werning Professor of Church Growth at Martin Luther College.

The best way to start a mission church, according to the Church Shrinkers, is to train and worship with the Babtists.


Anonymouse has left a new comment on your post "Measuring WELS by the Numbers":

Same old, same old from you, GJ. What I think is so interesting is that you always talk about faithfulness to the Word, but I never EVER hear you share the gospel on Ichabod. You've replaced the good works of catholicism that you learned at Notre Dame with the "good work" of being faithful to the Word. A real Lutheran would always tie in faithfulness to God's Word with the gospel of Christ that Word contains. Your own words condemn you.


GJ - Don't look now, Mouse, but your own publishing house distributes my book.

I publish a sermon every week, but I am sure you never ever discern the Gospel. We even had Advent and Lenten services, which are unknown at Rock and Roll Lutheran Church and The CORE Lutheran Church.

Your comments remind me of the Jehovah's Witness who came to my house. He said, "How can God pray to God? I can't understand that." He was speaking of Jesus praying to the Father.

I said, "My dog can't understand it either."

Your blind hatred does not prove anything, but I am glad you keep reading. Wesley said, "If you can't convert them, at least make them angry."


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Measuring WELS by the Numbers":

"The Church Growth Movement in WELS:
• Closed three out of seven schools in the system.
• Decreased the membership of the synod in all categories.
• Increased the staff of The Love Shack.
• Jacked up tuition so high that everyone finds it unaffordable.
• Abused money entrusted by the membership.
• Left the synod insolvent."

When the above items are considered along with new synod budget measures, we finally get a picture of total financial incompetence and irresponsibility that must get turned around to refocus on the Work of the Lord.

Synod is out of control for very good reasons. Too many clergy/leaders treated it as their sandbox to play in and do as they will. Due to inadequate visibility and controls they got by with that reckless behavior for years. Instead of serving member congregations, member congregations came to serve synod by making up for misused monies and high-risk, losing investments. Still, how they managed to go through so much money amazes me.

Nothing will change significantly until member congregations stand up and demand improvement, for example, better visibility and explanation of how monies are used, the trends, an oversight committee staffed by representatives of member congregations, etc.

Synod leaders have shown themselves a clever bunch when it comes to shifting the burden and responsibility to members. Somehow they link the shifted burden back to showing love and gratitude to Christ. I wonder if Christ feels used.

Friday, May 1, 2009

WELS Budget Measures

WELS Synod President Mark Schroeder

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Massive Cuts in WELS, But Safari Don Patterson and...":

Finally a breath of sanity.


"SC adopts budget proposal
A special message from President Mark Schroeder

The Synodical Council (SC) met last Friday and Saturday to adopt a proposed budget that will be recommended to the synod convention in July.

The WELS constitution requires the SC to submit a budget proposal that is balanced and in line with the anticipated financial support from all sources. A budget that would call for spending greater than anticipated support is not an option. The projected support for the next two years made it necessary for the SC to reduce the synod's ministry program by more than $8 million (from $38.4 million to just under $30 million). As it considered this situation, the SC was very much aware of the painful and difficult choices confronting us. It was clear that significant budgetary reductions in all areas of ministry will be necessary. Recognizing that, the SC made every effort to find ways to limit the size and scope of the reductions that will need to be made.

Some of these reductions will involve the loss of called and hired positions in our mission fields, at our schools, and at the Synod Administration Building. Since the boards and groups that oversee these ministries will be responsible for communicating with the called workers, congregations, and mission fields that will potentially be affected, the budget information in this communication is in summary form only; details will be released in the coming weeks. This will give those responsible the time to speak personally to those that will be affected. Complete financial information will be included in the Book of Reports and Memorials and will also be posted online.

Some of the features of the proposed budget include:

A salary freeze for all synodical workers in the first year of the biennium and a one percent increase on the base salary in the second year.

A re-amortization of the synod's debt (projected by the end of June to be reduced from $22.4 million to $15 million by Year of Jubilee offerings and by budgetary payments toward the debt). Re-amortizing in this way will reduce annual debt payments from $2.7 million per year to $1.6 million per year, making $1.1 million per year immediately available for the support of gospel ministry. The re-amortization payments would begin in the second year of the biennium (2010-11).

Increasing the portion of health care costs paid by workers by changing the plan deductible from $500 to $1,000, resulting in an annual savings of approximately $400,000.

As the budget was constructed, the SC was keenly aware that there are clear differences of opinion in the synod as to which ministry programs should be given priority. As it weighed the many different scenarios, the SC decided to present a budget that offers two options or alternatives. This approach reflects the SC's recognition of the priority preferences expressed by recent conventions, as well as the current economic conditions and other factors which may have changed since then. The SC is also convinced that presenting two options will help to create an atmosphere in which brotherly discussion and debate will be conducted based on the factual information and a careful consideration of the long-term ramifications of any decision.

There is really only one significant difference between the two proposed options. Both options require significant reductions in all areas of ministry. The difference: in Option A, Ministerial Education receives a synodical subsidy allocation of $9.1 million; in Option B it receives $8.1 million. In Option A, World Missions receives $5.9 million and Home Missions receives $5.2 million. In Option B, each mission area is allocated an additional $500,000 in subsidy.

This chart is a comparison of synodical subsidy allocations under the two options. Please note that these figures represent synodical subsidy only and do not include funding from special funds, gifts, or fees.

*Ministry Support includes the President's Office, Conference of Presidents, district ministries, Synodical Council, special called worker support, Ministry of Christian Giving, Finance, Technology, Human Resources, Communications, and facilities.

The specific impact of these allocations under both options will be described more fully in the coming days after the areas of ministry have had an opportunity to revisit their plans and priorities. Regardless of the specific decisions they make, under both options above significant numbers of missionary positions, mission locations, faculty and staff positions at schools, and administrative positions will no longer be able to be funded.

Because of the size and scope of the reductions in ministry programs, steps to reduce ministry will need to be taken immediately. In fact, some have been taken already, as vacant positions have not been filled and various programs have been scaled back. In cases where reductions cannot be made until after the new fiscal year begins in July, transition funding has been included in the 2009-10 budget proposal.

As the picture becomes clearer and as the time approaches for final decisions to be made at the synod convention, we recognize the need for continued faith and trust in God's promises. We will need to maintain our trust that even in these painful and difficult decisions God will graciously work to bless his church. And we will want to conduct our discussion and debate with the prayer that God will use this situation to unify us in our common mission for the good of his kingdom.

Serving in Christ,
Mark Schroeder"

Suffragen Bishop Katie, Popcorn Cathedral of Rock, Will Attend Babtist Drive '09

My proposed logo for The CORE.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Suffragen Bishop Katie, Popcorn Cathedral of Rock,...":

The new CORE logo gets my vote. Cute isn't he.

[GJ - Dude, where's my prize?]

Every cathedral needs a bishop, and every bishop needs an assistant. High church Rock and Roll pastors prefer lofty titles, so the pricey executive assistant (the one who does the heavy Tweeting) is the Suffragen Bishop.

The Suffragen Bishop's Twitter:

@loswhit three pastors from Milwaukee and I want take you to dinner (your choice) on Wednesday after Drive. You game?
about 5 hours ago from Tweetie in reply to loswhit

[GJ - Translation: Katie's Tweet to Carlos Whittaker is an invitation to dinner after Drive 09. Apparently three WELS pastors and Katie are going to Drive 09 together. Carlos is on the staff at Northpoint/Buckhead Babtist Church. Ski went to Drive 08 with John Parlow, a member of the Willow Creek Association.]

About Carlos Whittaker
Carlos Whittaker is an artist, pastor, thinker, experience architect, and Web 2.0 junkie.

Carlos was at Sandals Church in Riverside California where he served for 10 years as the Pastor of Worship and Creative Arts. Sandals Church is an authentic community of believers whose goal is to be real with themselves, others, and God. His passion for leading the church into a relational worship experience each and every Sunday was his hearts goal.

In August of 2007 Carlos and his family made the move from Southern California to Atlanta, GA. Carlos became the Director of Service Programming at Buckhead Church which is one of the three North Point Community Church campuses. He oversees all the Sunday adult experience and design. He directly oversees all areas Hosting, Production, Creative, Video, Music, and Programming at Buckhead Church. He also sits on the creative sermon planning team for Andy Stanley.

Carlos and Heather Whittaker make up a blogging power couple in and They have 3 children. In November 2006 Carlos and his wife Heather adopted their son Losiah from Seoul Korea.

:: This whole Ragamuffin thing is simple. I'm just a screwed up man, in need of adoption, trying to be real. I was poured into, mentored, taught, and sometimes beat into authenticity by my family at Sandals Church. They created this beautiful mess of me and I'm forever grateful.

:: Now in the ATL with my hot wife and kids, I get to create relevant & engaging worship experiences every week. I am being shaped by Jeff Henderson and Andy Stanley at Buckhead Church. From creative sermon planning, to off the hook music experiences. This place is stretching me to my limits and I love it.
:: My life goal is to inspire a movement of authenticity among all generations of Christians that morphs the face of the evangelical church into a place of being real with yourself, others, and God.


Add the Drive Conference badge to your
Facebook profile!

My group does not speak English. How can we make arrangements for translations?
Translation equipment is prohibited during any of the sessions, breakouts or round table discussions. This is due to the disruption to other guests and the possible interference that may occur between translation devices and audio equipment used throughout our facility.

Monday, May 4
5:00 p.m.-7:30 p.m. Check-In
7:30 p.m.-9:30 p.m. Main Session One
Tuesday, May 5
8:30 a.m.-9:30 a.m. Breakout Session One
9:30 a.m.-10:00 a.m. Break
10:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m. Breakout Session Two
11:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Lunch
12:30 p.m.-1:30 p.m. Breakout Session Three
1:30 p.m.-2:00 p.m. Break
2:00 p.m.-3:30 p.m. Main Session Two
6:30 p.m. Drive Thru
Wednesday, May 6
8:30 a.m.-9:30 a.m. Breakout Session Four
9:30 a.m.-10:00 a.m. Break
10:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m. Breakout Session Five
11:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m. Break
11:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Main Session Three

Breakouts Inside Admin
Welcome to a behind-the-scenes look at how we've established our administrative culture. Over the past thirteen years, we have brainstormed, strategized, tweaked, and modified our model. In this breakout, we'll share philosophies, strategies, practices, and processes in an effort to help other churches learn from our successes and failures. We'll also talk about the why behind the things we do.

Teaching That Sticks
What if you could significantly improve how much the people in your ministry learn each week? You'd do it, wouldn't you? As teachers, preachers, and leaders, we often try to pack as much as possible into our lessons, messages, and events. We think we are doing a disservice if we don't "download" all the information we have. More often than not, people leave our environments so overloaded with stuff that they forget what should have been the bottom line. In this breakout, we'll unpack bottom-line communication and discuss how we have implemented this "less is more" strategy in our teaching environments.

From Crib To College
Are you interested in creating a Family Ministry environment that is intentional about what it teaches children and students at every stage of life? Do you believe that the investments into the life of a child from birth to high school have a cumulative effect on that child's spiritual life? In this breakout, we'll share the significant mile markers for each age group and the critical handoffs from one stage to the next.

The Volunteer Experience
Every Sunday, an amazing group of people wakes up early and heads to church. They lead small groups, direct traffic, run cameras, and lead worship. We know we couldn't survive without them. One of the most frequent questions we get is, "Where do you get enough volunteers and what do you do when you get them?" In this breakout, we'll explain how we find, equip, place, inspire, and lead our volunteers to serve strategically.

Developing A Healthy Staff Culture
Whether you intentionally communicate it or not, your staff members know what is valued in your organization by what is celebrated, what happens relationally, and what is questioned consistently. Join us as we talk about how you can deliberately create a healthy staff culture.

Connecting Adults Into Small Groups
For most churches, connecting people into groups is challenging. And for most church attendees, it is confusing. Providing multiple opportunities for an adult to take the next step is the key to assimilation. In this breakout, we'll talk about our assimilation strategy and how events such as NEXT, Fusion, and GroupLink function as steps to connect adults into small groups.

A Starting Point For New Believers
Where in your church can new Christians and non-Christians go to explore faith and experience community? Starting Point groups are safe places for people to ask their questions about God, as well as to learn about the Bible and Christianity. Come learn about Starting Point, a conversational environment where people can explore faith and experience community.

Developing A Small Group Strategy
There is a road map you can follow when developing your small group ministry. In this breakout, we'll talk about the key principles that form the framework of our small group strategy. And we'll discuss how you can contextualize them to your own adult ministry, regardless of the size.

Developing Group Leaders Who Lead Well
Imagine a network of small groups led by people who truly understand their roles, a development strategy that focuses on the irreducible minimums of leadership, and a leader coaching system that actually works. Possible? Absolutely! Join us as we unveil the practices and principles for building an effective leader development strategy.

Student Impact
Some of our best volunteers are high school students. If you walk around our Sunday morning environments, you'll see students running soundboards, leading worship, facilitating small groups, and caring for babies. Find out how we create specific opportunities for students to be connected, grow spiritually, serve strategically, and make a difference in the lives of others.

Multi-Site Strategy
Developing a multi-site strategy can sound complicated. But it can also be the key to leveraging the abilities of your leaders to reach even more people in your community and beyond. How do you determine if multi-site expansion is right for you? What are your expansion options and which is best for your organization? Which practices are integral to your DNA, and which ones are optional? In this breakout, we'll share what we are continuing to learn about multi-site strategies.

Guest Services
We want everyone who walks through our doors each Sunday to feel like an invited guest. Our volunteers and staff are consistently challenged with the task of removing obstacles that would keep a guest from having a great first experience. Find out what it takes to make a positive first impression as you walk with us from the parking lot to the children's environments to a seat in the worship service.

Worship Service Programming Model
It's the number one question on all of our minds: "Sunday's coming and what are we gonna do?" Our programming team has developed a strategy that makes planning the worship services fun and exciting. We'll walk you through the process from creation to implementation . . . and everywhere in-between.

Memorable Experiences
What do people remember after they leave your environments? For the last thirteen years, we've been creating, evaluating, and recreating ministry environments that keep people coming back. In this breakout, we'll pass on the key principles we use to create memorable experiences.

Putting A Creative Idea To Work
Have you ever had a great idea and wondered how to actually make it happen? The secret to moving from a great concept to a highly effective product lies within the creative process. We'll help you move from the brainstorming phase to the actual implementation of the idea.

The North Point Model
This session is designed to give you a look at the founding principles of North Point Ministries and the philosophies that shape our environments. We'll explain our mission and strategy and encourage you to clarify your mission, fine-tune your strategy, and focus your environments.

Essentials For Leading Student Small Groups
The 5 Essentials are vital ingredients of our student ministry's small group leader training. These simple but rich values describe how our best volunteers positively influence students in our ever-changing culture. In this breakout, we'll share with you the insight we have gained from conversations with our most effective leaders.

Round Table Discussions - As an alternative to attending one of your breakout selections, you can choose to attend a round table discussion on a very specific topic. Groups will be limited in size to maximize discussion time. Topics have been chosen based on your input and roles of those attending. You can discuss anything you want concerning the discussion topic with the staff and other leaders at your table. Our hope is that you will walk away with your specific questions answered and some real, practical implementation strategies. Tickets for the Round Table Discussions will be available at the Ticket Exchange Stations at the conference.

Click here to download this information as a PDF file.

Pricing and Policies Early Bird ($239) through February 15
Regular ($269) from February 16 through April 20.
Pricing includes conference materials, snacks, lunch and dinner on Tuesday, and lunch on Wednesday. Transportation is not included.

Terms and Conditions, Cancellation Policy - Please note that a full refund less $50 per person will be given for cancellations made on or before April 1, 2009. There will be no refund for cancellations made after April 1, 2009, or for no-shows. Registrations may be transferred from person to person within your group or organization at no charge. Transferring or selling your registration to anyone outside of your church or organization will forfeit your entire registration. Registrations are not transferable to future conferences. All cancellations must be made online at Please do not ask the Drive staff to make exceptions to this policy.

Payment - Payments may be made by Visa, MasterCard, or check. For credit card payments, the full amount will be charged to your account at the time you register. For check payments, you will be emailed an invoice for the full amount due when you register. We must receive a check for the full amount due within 10 days or your seat will be released without notification.

If you elect to pay by check and then cancel your seats before your check has been received, you are still obligated to pay the cancellation fees ($50 per person for cancelled seats before April 1 or the full conference fee for cancelled seats on or after April 1).

Waiting List - Once we have reached our maximum conference capacity, a waiting list will be opened. Names will be added to the list in the order they are received, and they will be removed from the list in the same order as space becomes available. Priority will not be given to churches or organizations that already have a group attending or those who have already purchased airline tickets. PLEASE BE SURE THAT YOUR CONFERENCE REGISTRATION IS CONFIRMED BEFORE PURCHASING AIRLINE TICKETS.
Registration Fees - Price includes registration fees, conference materials, and snacks on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Please register early to ensure your spot and to have the best breakout selections for Drive 09.

North Point Community Church
4350 Northpoint Parkway
Alpharetta, GA 30022

Drive 08 Highlights - Ski's Blog.

Registration for DRIVE 2009 is now closed. Registration for DRIVE 2010 will open on Monday, May 4.

Is there a discount for churches that use 252 Basics or First Look?
These two curriculums are produced by an organization called "The reThink Group," which is not a part of North Point Ministries. Therefore, we are unable to provide any discounts for anyone who uses their products.

So it is the end of ‘08.We are choosing to trim in ‘09 as an organization in lieu of the current economic slump.This isn’t rocket science.It needs to happen.One of the ways that my dept and others are choosing to save is by not catering for Christmas parties and having pot lucks in each others.

"I'm Doug Englebrecht, in charge of doctrinal discipline in my district. Oh yes, the COP expressed concern...that they weren't going too!"


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Suffragen Bishop Katie, Popcorn Cathedral of Rock,...":

Ok, Ichabodians,

Let's presume a church's website reflects a bit about the people that worship there. Perhaps as Lutherans we can associate with calling it an outward "confession" of the congregation. "This is what we believe..."

Here are the two church home page websites of the fellow that three WELS pastors and the Bishop of Butter want to take out for dinner, or as it used to be known "break bread with." Mr. Whittaker is "Director of Service Programming" at Buckhead and he is on the creative sermon team for Andy Stanley.

Ok class, you seen those two websites. What is missing? What extremely important 'confession' is missing from those homepages? Is the name of any particular Savior missing entirely? What does that congregation emphasize to world instead?

Based on what they show to the world, assess what appears to be more important to that congregation: music concerts or Christ.

No wonder Ski wanted the big screen and subwoofers.

+Diet O. Worms


GJ - Somewhere on the Northpoint Babtist Church websty there is a page opposing infant baptism. The WELS workers going to Drive 09 are saying by their attendance and fees, "We agree. Infants cannot believe and baptism is just an ordinance to be obeyed by man." As Ski observed ecstatically at Drive 08, they worship with the Babtists.

Massive Cuts in WELS, But Safari Don Patterson and Mini-Me Doebler Want More Funds

Busta Gut asks a musical question.

Here is the link showing VP Don Patterson and Rock n Roll Doebler asking for more funds.

The district board is meeting May 1 and 2. Someone converted the PDF to Word for me. Thanks.

Field Reports: Mission Enhancement
6) Holy Word, Austin, Texas. Pastor Don Patterson. Holy Word is a self-supporting congregation. However, there is a mission opportunity with the Hispanic community nearby. Holy Word would like to enhance their ministry by calling a Staff Minister to coordinate Hispanic ministry. Holy Word's request for Mission Enhancement funding will be determined at the BHM meeting on May 1-2, 2009.

Strategic Planning 2003
Introduction & Background

Holy Word has grown from a church with 26 chartering members to one of over 500 today. This is a wonderful testament to the power of the Gospel, and it is a welcome blessing to have a large body of believers.

Holy Word is an affluent congregation - read here.

Holy Word Staff Members, Not Including the Newest: Ex-SP Gurgel (Is Campaign Manager a divine call?)

Field Reports: Mission Establishment
7) Christ the Rock Lutheran, Round Rock, Texas. Pastor Matthew Doebler. In just three years, this mission has developed the resources required to support a ministry plan that includes a full-time pastor and rented worship space. However, the mission would like an additional year of subsidy to cover increased staffing and establish their ministry. Christ the Rock’s request for Mission Establishment funding will be determined at the BHM meeting on May 1-2, 2009.

Doebler's assistant, Gretchen, was given a raise to $50k. They live high on the hog in Patterson's circle.

15) Christ the Rock, Round Rock, Texas. Pastor Matt Doebler. The ministry has a specific need for some equipment to enrich their ministry. Pastor Doebler contacted the DMB and they located some designated BHM funds that may be available. [If you looking to fund a specific Mission Enrichment project, contact the DMB Chairman to see if there are designated BHM funds available.] Christ the Rock’s request for Mission Enrichment funding will be determined at the BHM meeting on May 1-2, 2009.

Doebler wanted $200,000 from the Antioch Foundation, but only got $20,000 of the request. I thought Rock and Roll was doing so well?

Round Rock, Round Rock, is everything they say
And no place that I'd rather be.
Where else can you do almost nothing,
All at a quarter to three.
When they play their music, ooh that rockin' music
They like it with a lot of style.
But it's still that same old back beat rhythm,
That really drives 'em wild.

They say the heart of rock and roll is still beating
And from all those grants I believe 'em.
Now the old WELS may be barely breathing
But the heart of rock and roll is still beating.

The DPs (Doctrinal Pussycats) met at Holy Word a few months ago, blessing Rock and Roll.

You got a grant so you could hunt zebras in Africa?

Vote for the new grants for Patterson and Doebler, and you could be hunting in Africa too. Missionary Johne went. How cool is that?


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Massive Cuts in WELS, But Safari Don Patterson and...":

It must be nice to have so much time and money to take safaris. I am in the wrong profession.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Massive Cuts in WELS, But Safari Don Patterson and...":

Of all the gull [GJ - gall?], expecting additional assistance when they have 500 members. This is unfair and unbalanced.


GJ - Church and Change exists to funnel money and power to the fraternity. Over the years, all the frugal leaders 2929 were replaced with the "cool guys" from Church and Change. Headquarters became The Love Shack, the exclusive haunt for their little group. At each convention they spoke and voted as a block - more funds and staffmembers for themselves.

The president of Northwestern College was not allowed to speak against amalgamation on the floor of the convention. He said, "It was the lowest day in my ministry." No, the lowest day was when he first imagined he was the college president instead of a Love Shack lackey.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Massive Cuts in WELS, But Safari Don Patterson and...":

One of the worst fallacies of political conservatism is that government should do for people what people cannot do for themselves.

You can see all the nonsense that this line of thinking fails to prevent. (I cannot bailout Wall Street all by myself, so I'm glad Uncle Sam does it for me. )

If a local congregation cannot support its own expansion efforts, it should not expand. Period. Crying "I have a big unchurched mission field nearby," isn't good enough. We all have one; here's your map and some walking shoes.

If a congregation relies on a constant steam of external funds to keep afloat, all the extra cash results in superfluous expenditures that wouldn't otherwise exist. It becomes bloated. Now that the tide has gone back out we can see who is swimming naked and cannot support themselves.

Worse, lining up for grant money lets synod political (or marriage) connections grow in importance when they shouldn't matter at all in the church. If a congregation is jockeying for position and staffing, it's losing sight of its purpose.

Ultimately this radical downsizing at WELS will be a good thing, because it will cut the number of fingers in the offering plate. Just as tax dollars should be left closest to the people, contributions to synod must also be slashed to force a radical change in synod's purpose.

Froo-froo vicar and "mission" work just builds up a synod-welfare soaking constituency voting itself largess and status quo at convention.

+Diet O. Worms


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Massive Cuts in WELS, But Safari Don Patterson and...":

No bailouts for the Peterson gang.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Massive Cuts in WELS, But Safari Don Patterson and...":

What must one do to drive Patterson and his ilk out of synod? Either he goes or our money does.

I hope the BHM reads this blog.


GJ - Drive them out? The Sausage Factory asked Kelm and Patterson to give papers on how to improve their product!


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Massive Cuts in WELS, But Safari Don Patterson and...":

It is truly fraudulent that these WELS pastors have their handsout just one week after the Synodical council makes drastic reductions.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Massive Cuts in WELS, But Safari Don Patterson and...":

Just what is the truth? Holy Word is not self-supporting when it seeks more handouts -- especially at the expense of struggling congregations.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

One Hundred WELS Positions To Be Eliminated

The WELS income freefall is so steep that perhaps 100 positions will be eliminated. Some may see that as a catastrophe, but what is the advantage of paying a full-time salary and benefits to a Lutheran who promotes the empty doctrine of Fuller Seminary?

I would love to discover some DMin from Fuller, a Baptist or Pentecostal, secretly advising his followers:

The Lutherans have more followers than any other Protestant group. I think we should copy the Means of Grace, the liturgy, the Creeds, and their hymns. I have had with Fanny Crosby hymns - up to here! I cannot sleep at night reading the Book of Concord. There is nothing like it in all of Schwaermerdom.

Of course, we have to ease people into this. If anyone says, "You have been reading Luther," deny it three times, with curses.

We will get our people trained at...Wait at minute. There aren't any Lutheran seminaries left. How did that happen?

We will have to form our own Luther study groups and Book of Concord societies. I got the legal papers together to form the North American Society for the Means of Grace.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "One Hundred WELS Positions To Be Eliminated":

So, where does a WELS reject get that bit of news from? Those of us in the trenches haven't heard anything like that, yet.


GJ - An information maven is supplied with plenty of data. If the anonymous writer is always so rude and full of misinformation, he may be short-circuiting any chance to learn anything real, relevant, and relational.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "One Hundred WELS Positions To Be Eliminated":

The parties seeking handouts show no empathy for those losing their jobs. Surely they have a convenient rationalization for their attitudes and behavior. After all, rationalization has been, is, and will continue to be their modus operandi.

Liberal President of Bowdoin College Coined the Two Justifications Loved by Rolf Preus and all UOJ Stormtroopers

UOJ Stormtroopers read Justification and Rome by Robert Preus but miss the clear, plain passages about justification by faith - rejecting UOJ.

Leonard Wood coined the double justification wording loved by the Synodical Conference, in print in English before C. F. W. Walther landed in America.

Leonard Wood, who translated Knapp's Lectures, was president of
Bowdoin College. Today that college is in the news:

...he made a translation of George Christian Knapp's Christian Theology, which became long used as a textbook in American theological seminaries. When he became president of Bowdoin in 1839, he was only 32 years old. He held his position until 1866. During his tenure, the College built Appleton Hall, the Chapel, and Adams Hall, which housed the Medical School of Maine and the undergraduate laboratories. A recipient of advanced degrees from Colby College, Harvard University, and Bowdoin, Woods died in 1878 in Boston, Massachusetts.

Welcome New Reader Kit

The Love Shack staff promises to be good while the SP is on a trip.

Kit from Wisconsin has left a new comment on your post "Is Jesus Liturgical?":

Before the WELS will grow there will have to be Qualitative Growth from within. Then the Quantative Growth may occur. I found your website yesterday. I can't stop reading.



Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Welcome New Reader Kit":

Kit - welcome aboard. I too was hammered by Ichabod when I stumbled upon it googling a WELS issue. I think I stayed up until 2AM that first night trying to absorb it.

"No wonder I feel a mild rebuke in my gut when we talk about UOJ," I remember thinking.

You'll start to sense some mixed emotions, though. Pretty soon you'll enjoy finding yourself talking to your spouse like a lolcat... "Iz at ur table, stealin' ur taco belle noms."

Then you'll start noticing all the church growthy things your pastor had been doing lately. "Oh, merde, another survey?!?"

Then you'll see and understand the open chess games played at WELS HQ between the competing factions. And wonder where the money really went. Can they really spend that much that fast?

Your Ichabod transformation will be complete when you relish wondering what would happen if you mailed a "read Ichabod-expose the CORE" postcard to the older WELS donors in the Fox Valley. heh heh.

The Jelly-Tele-Tubbies Make Their Debut

John Parlow, Mark Jeske, Paul Calvin Kelm, and Kudu Don Patterson form the Gang of Four known as the Jelly-Tele-Tubbies.
One DP said, "Talking to these guys is like trying to nail jelly to the wall."

They have group lovies at Church and Change board meetings, Church and Change conferences, Church and Change pilgrimages to learn from Babtist Stetzer, Babtist Stanley, Methodist Groeschel, Methodist Sweet, and the patriarchs of Church Shrinkage - Kent Hunter and Waldo Werning.

The Jelly-Tele-Tubbies never admit their real doctrinal standards (none) and act offended if anyone questions their Lutheranity. However, they have devoted their careers to erasing all influences of Luther, the Confessions, and the orthodox Christian faith.

In addition, they live from synod, Thrivent, and foundation grants. Pretending to be great successes, they are really liabilities in every sense of the word.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "The Jelly-Tele-Tubbies Make Their Debut":

Judge not lest ye be judged.


GJ - Luther wrote that false teachers are the surest sign of God's wrath. God allows false teachers to smite and flail those believers who were too timid to argue for sound doctrine.

The Wisconsin pastors and Doctrinal Pussycats knew 20 years ago that the Shrinkers ran the synod. The Love Shack only needed to make the DPs cower. The DPs intimidated the parish pastors into silence and cooperation. Like their Missouri counterparts, the WELS DPs were "helpless" to deal with adulterous and false-teaching clergy (often the same thing) - but full of the Spirit and God's righteous wrath whenever some poor bloke dared to question a syllable from The Love Shack.

Slick Brenner predicted this for WELS while the Shrinkers mocked him for being a traditional Lutheran. They called him a "legalist."

The Savior warned believers to judge between sound and Satanic doctrine, to avoid evil. He did not say, "Think not," or "Discern not," or "Study the Word not."

From Paul McCain's Concordia Publishing House: Batman Theology

Real, Relevant, Relational

Product Description
The Dark Knight, one of the highest grossing films of all times, is filled with images and themes which reflect our Lutheran Confessions. The use of the film as a vehicle for discussion of theological concepts helps make this study of interest to those who might not otherwise attend a Bible class on the Lutheran Confessions.
The flexible sessions allow this study to be used in both small group and larger Bible class settings. Depending on the level of discussion, the six sessions could easily expand to provide additional weeks of instruction.
Participant pages
Leader discussion guide
Customizable PowerPoint

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Expert in New Testament Scholarship Got Justification Wrong - WELS AnswerMan

WELS AnswerMan

Q: In Bible class the New Testament Commentary of R.C.H Lenski was mentioned. It was commented by someone that they thought Lenski was Reformed. Could you please comment on his New Testament Commentary as well as on his denominational/synodical affiliation? I love using his commentary in my personal devotions, but I would like a bit more info on where he came from and what his various doctrinal/theological biases (read quirks) were.


A: R.C.H. Lenski was trained as a pastor at the old American Lutheran Church seminary in Columbus, Ohio, and eventually became a professor there. This was at the time when the ALC was still fairly conservative and before it joined with the more liberal LCA and AELC to become the ELCA.

Lenski's commentary was for the most part very good. Most WELS pastors acquired a set of Lenski's commentaries and used them as one resource for NT study since these commentaries reflected a conservative Lutheran theology. One major drawback of Lenki''s commentaries was his rejection of universal justification - a belief shared by most ALC pastors of his time.


GJ - The Wisconsin Synod, like Missouri, likes to pride itself on its ability to study the Bible. For both synods and many in the ELCA, Lenski is the ultimate 20th century New Testament scholar. No one else provided extensive exegesis for the entire New Testament. There are some shorter commentaries, but nothing like Lenski.

Lenski knew the history of dogmatics quite well, as shown in his comments on various passages.

Notice that AnswerMan did not address the real issues, but danced around them as maladroitly as Rolf Preus and Wilken did on the radio show.

AnswerMan should have said,

  1. "We think God declared everyone free from sin, whether they believe or not. Lenski refuted us with Biblical scholarship.
  2. We think everyone in Hell is a guilt-free saint, but Lenski showed that was impossible.
  3. We think everyone is already saved, but Lenski undermined our opinions with scholarship.
  4. We think Lenski is a great Biblical scholar, but we prefer the decision theology of J. P. Meyer, because J. P. taught at The Sausage Factory."


rlschultz has left a new comment on your post "The Expert in New Testament Scholarship Got Justif...":

"This was at the time when the ALC was still fairly conservative and before it joined with the more liberal LCA and AELC"........"

How about?
There was a time when the WELS was still fairly conservative before it joined Willow Creek, Fooler Seminary, and some of their pastors became card carrying members of the Ed Stetzer Fan Club. Back then, there was hope because there was much opposition to false doctrine.

Humble Suggestion For Reducing Pork in the Synod Budget

Church and Change's Campaign To Oust the Synod President

I could not find a photo of Gurgel on the Holy Word, Austin website, so I had to PhotoShop Kudu Don Patterson into this picture.
Gurgel squandered the MilCraft estate
and got the synod into a losing lawsuit.
Gurgel went through the Schwan grants
and devoured designated funds.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "The CORE's Real Message":

It is evident that the C&Cers have set-up their southern headquarters at Patterson's church with the arrival of president in exile Gurgel.

Patterson's odious network and web of control sprawls further than even you know.

Patterson has been following the lead of Jeske and aspires to become a TV evangelist..through his own radio/tv programming..."a reason for hope" As you listen to Patterson's and Jeske's messages it is hard to tell if they are Lutheran or Methodist.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "The CORE's Real Message":

You got it. With Kudu Don all the synod will get is someone with a big head.


GJ - Karl Gurgel was told to leave the office of Synod President, WELS. If not, the alternative suggested was unpleasant.

Gurgel's return as a pastoral member of Patterson's staff is a clear message to all the Shrinkers - Patterson is his man to oust SP Schroeder.

Gurgel's 14 years of incompetent leadership closed Northwestern College in the name of saving money. (Mark Jeske loved the idea.) SP Mischke let Church Growth doctrine take over WELS, but Gurgel fanned the flames and emptied the coffers to support it. First Veep Wayne Mueller ran the show, according to some observers. When Wayne quit in a huff, after Schroeder became SP, pastors and laity were overjoyed.

Why is WELS paying back WELS in the current budget crisis? Because Team Gurgel spent designated funds on their pet projects, blamed the synod treasurer, fired him, and went their merry way. The treasurer drove Gurgel to work every day, but good ol' Karl had no trouble throwing his friend under the bus.

Gurgel and Patterson share the same stewardship concept. Holy Word has 500 members, many of them wealthy. Patterson owns two properties - his ranch and his suburban house. But Patterson needs synod subsidy so he can have a free vicar each year.

Gurgel's participation in the Church and Change campaign shows that he has no respect for the office he once held. A parish pastor has barely begun to get settled after two years in a new church, something Gurgel might remember from long ago. A synod leader is going to need even more time to accomplish anything.

Mormon Beehives Prove They Are Also Schwaermer

Joseph Schmidt sent me a link to a Mormon beehive doorknob. The linked photo seems to be protected, so I decided not to copy it.

I was going to mention Mormon fondness for the beehive symbol. Here is an interesting article from Mormon No More. Mormon girls were trained to be busy as bees.

Note the beehive in the center. Milwaukee.

Readers might assume this beehive is at The Love Shack, WELS headquarters, but it is found at the Public Service Building where the trolleys gathered. Now it is the WE Building. I hope they do not have two buildings in a row.

The caption seems to be wrong. This appears to be the Beehive House.

"The Bee Hive, Masonically, is an emblem of Industry....When and why the hive of the bee entered Freemasonry as a symbol no one knows....In the book, The Early Masonic Catechisms, the bee in Masonry is mentioned as early as 1724..." (The Craft and Its Symbols, by Allen E. Roberts, Macoy Pub., 1974, p.73)
Utah Lighthouse Ministry

There is also the Beehive House, with the symbol on top. I decided not to buy the stock photo for $49! I found one for free.

The Beehive House was built in 1854 and served as the official residence of Brigham Young when he was President of the LDS Church and Governor of the Utah Territory from 1854-1877. The home has now been restored and furnished to reflect living conditions of that period. Visitors can step back in time during a free 30 minute tour of the house. Things To Do in Salt Lake City

Beehive House

It was a good tour, too; I'd never felt so inspired by Brigham Young. The way he lived his life was just amazing. Did you know that he'd let his children interrupt him at any time, for any thing? That's the kind of father I want to be, though I'd definitely have to practice a lot of patience.

One thing he said really hit me, though: "Eight hours of work, eight hours of sleep, eight hours of play." It's perfect! Since hearing that, I've tried to live it.
Nathan Cunningham


GJ - Brigham Young had around 55 wives - the exact number is unknown.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Issues Etc Needs $300K a Year To Help Teach Universalism?

Norman Teigen (left) and Rolf Preus

This episode of Issues Etc (audio linked) asked for $300,000 from congregations to continue their world-wide ministry. Holy moly, I am blogging for free and they are soliciting a small fortune to support the doctrinal foundation of ELCA and the Church Growth Movement.

Pastor Rolf Preus and Pope John the Malefactor (Little Sect on the Prairie) agreed about everyone forgiven without faith, without the Means of Grace, but Pope John kicked out Rolf anyway, by threatening Rolf's congregation.

Rolf has been stuck on Universal Objective Justification for a long time. In this interview, Todd Wilken scattered rose petals before this ambiguous and misleading presentatation of false doctrine.

Rolf danced around the central tenet of UOJ, which is found in the Brief Confession of the LCMS - that God has declared the entire world free of sin. Although Rolf kept insisting that message is found in the New Testament, he did not identify a single verse where God said, in effect, "I don't care if you have never heard the Gospel or never believed the Gospel, you are all forgiven anyway. Faith in My Promises is irrelevant."

Someone who separates grace from the Means of Grace is an Enthusiast.

In a startling display of doctrinal ineptitude, Wilken and Preus tried to associate Calvin's limited Atonement opinion (Christ dying only for the elect) with justification by faith.

Neither pastor conceded that Lenski wrote consistently against their UOJ opinion, that Rolf's dad repudiated UOJ in his final book, Justification and Rome.

UOJ is from Pietism, from Reformed doctrine. Clearly, Walther borrowed UOJ from his Pietistic circle. Double justification was in print in America before Walther landed in Perry County. Norwegian Pietism was quite comfortable with this new, oddball twist on justification.

The dishonesty of this conversation shows a studied indifference to scholarship. Unfortunately, graduates of The Surrendered Fort are full of themselves, because the faculty teaches them that they are the greatest. (Ditto - Our Lady of Sorrows, St. Louis; The Sausage Factory, Mequon; The Little Schoolhouse on the Prairie, Mankato; and The Beehive, Eau Claire). Wilken and Preus imagine there are two sides to the issue: UOJ and Calvinism.

A Lutheran layman recently made this point, and a Jew in my class said almost the same thing - there is no scholarship among Protestants today.


rlschultz has left a new comment on your post "Issues Etc Needs $300K a Year To Help Teach Univer...":

Many years ago, I had objective justification explained to me this way by a vicar from the Sausage Factory, "we are all saved, but unbelievers forfeit their salvation". Make sense to those who accept UOJ, I guess.


GJ - I removed the Issues, Etc. icon from the blog. Wilken's poor grasp of Christian doctrine is additional evidence of the state of Lutheran apostasy.


L P has left a new comment on your post "Issues Etc Needs $300K a Year To Help Teach Univer...":

This is the reason I am not able anymore to be a supporter though they were instrumental in my becoming Lutheran. I used to send support and listen, now I just listen.

This has made me sad. Because as I listened, they are talking about 2 justifications, one without faith, the other through faith. This is logically inconsistent. Either you are justified without faith or justified through it.

They get into this conundrum because they collapse Atonement with Justification.

Calvinists collapse the two also but arrive at another conclusion.

Amazing, these Lutherans are doing the same - collapsing Atonement with Justification.


The CORE's Real Message

DK's Inner Speech Writer

Luther identified Enthusiasts as Schwaermer, because they were always buzzing around someone's head.

DK's inner speech writer has left a new comment on your post "Church and Changer Offers More Deep, Deep, Deep, D...":

Press Release:
My fellow Confessional Lutherans,

We must not rest in our War on Error until the threat of Enthusiast Insurgence has been quelled. We know full well that those who would do harm to pure doctrine work tirelessly, and so I must ask my fellow Confessional Lutherans to meet adversity head on, sticking to the principles that have made our Church great. Even now, covert Errorist training camps in the Milwaukee region are recruiting an army of rictus-afflicted socialites, confused but well-intended college students, and those who have rejected the teachings of their youth in favor of glam-sham-flim-flam Christianity.
The time has come for all Confessional Lutherans to study the Bible and the Confessions. Arm yourselves with Truth, preparing an answer for the hope that you have--not in the machinations of human Christians, but a hope that rests purely on the efficacious work of the Holy Spirit through Word and Sacrament. Reject and fight the notion that human-born ideas and methods can make the Holy Spirit more efficient in Evangelical ventures!

With this knowledge you will then be prepared to approach your fellow laymen and pastors, encouraging those who have remained true, and gently correcting those who have turned an ear to the slippery lies of the Errorist factions. Discernment and action are necessary in these dark times, especially when considering the future generations of Confessional Christians. Above all, most importantly, PRAY for your fellow Christians and PRAY for the Errorist cells that so threaten our fair church.

We will prevail with God's direction and help.
God bless the Confession Lutherans of America!

More Anonymous Spiritual Wisdom--Cloaking False Accusations, As Usual

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Brief Autobiography":

So sad Pastor Jackson. Your postings indicate that you are bitter. This is just plain sour grapes. Do you put as much time in at (sic) church as you do maintaining this blog? You are on the edge... Thou shalt not bear false witness..


GJ - The accusatory posts make me chuckle, but I post them so the readers can see how nasty and cowardly the Church Shrinkers are. I am still waiting for them to give their names, addresses, and email addresses. I hear from confessional Lutherans all the time. They phone, write, and send me emails. I have not met most of them face to face, but I know them from their many personal emails.

The apostates have spent an inordinate amount of time trying to silence Lutheran orthodoxy. I wish they knew a few more logical fallacies than the ad hominem and the straw man.

Have the readers noticed that the Shrinkers have no defense, no positive witness? Their method is to brag about themselves and attack anyone who doubts their glory.

Paul Tiefel in the CLC (sic) used to quote Pieper to the effect that false teachers are Christians too. Just as charming as his cousin James Tiefel, Paul constantly justified his Xeroxing of the Reformed and Roman Catholics. He also loved the cryto-Calvinists and Unionists in WELS. If people dared to question any WELS Shrinker, Tiefel and his buddy David Koenig jumped on them like hobos on a hotdog.

There is a great divide across the Lutheran landscape. Most of the synodical leadership is Reformed and lying about it. The synodical leaders are protecting and promoting the false teachers - and deceiving everyone about it. All the seminaries teach Reformed doctrine and practice.

Great Idea


dk, in a moment of genius has left a new comment on your post "Time of Enthusiasm":

This comment is to every anonymous poster who is a C&C Enthusiast. We confessional Lutherans are fine to let you remain anonymous if only you leave the WELS and join Elmbrook. If you choose to stay in the WELS and continue in errorist teaching then I must request that you give up anonimity so that we can warn our children about you.

Church and Changer Offers More Deep, Deep, Deep, Deep Insights for Bored-Again Lutherans

Real, Relevant, Relational

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Time of Enthusiasm":

The only thing that is piling up is the crap that this blog dishes out. GJ, SJ, DOW, BM, and the rest can't stand the fact that Time of Grace, The CORE, St. Marcus, Parlow, Church and Change, etc., are actually making a difference and are reaching people with the Gospel.


GJ - Collecting bored-again Lutherans for a rock service is not my idea of evangelism. As someone noted, the CORE makes the ELCA churches in Fox Valley look confessional.

and the Brew Crew pulls off the win. nice work guys!
about 11 hours ago from TweetDeck
make that 5 runs!!
about 11 hours ago from TweetDeck
SOOOO excited about the Brewer's 8th inning comeback right now - tacked on 4 runs. can they finish strong?
about 11 hours ago from TweetDeck

Interview prep to find the Suffragen Bishop of the Popcorn Cathedral of Rock:

1. What's your favorite baseball team? Give three reasons why.
2. What's your favorite baseball star's lifetime batting average?
3. What is the best rock station in America? Explain.
4. What are the Four Noble Truths of Buddha?
5. How many books by Drucker do you own?
6. Name the most influential emerging churches in America.
7. How can we make the Word effective?
8. Is popcorn better with coconut oil, canola oil, or peanut oil? Explain.
9. Beer and popcorn. Good combo or not?


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Church and Changer Offers More Deep, Deep, Deep, D...":


Don't look now but your WELS training is showing. This is obvious when a one paragraph statement is met with a response that is four times longer and has nothing to do with the original paragraph.


GJ - I was just demonstrating how to copy and paste honestly, legitimately. Of course, you can start your own blog and demonostrate the proper way to do this sort of thing. I am sure everyone in Pewaukee will read it.

Drew Lomax Quoting Ichabod Citing Herescope

Drew Lomax

Drew Lomax has a blog on Lutheran doctrine. He quoted a recent Ichabod copy and paste from Herescope, which was found by a reader.

Naturally, I am waiting for a Church and Changer, three sheets to the wind, posting an angry comment, asking "Why can you copy and paste?"

The short answer is, "We give credit where credit is due."

Secondly, "We copy good material. You copy garbage."

Monday, April 27, 2009

Bailing Water: Rock and Roll

WELS Pastor Mark Freier did "Rock and the Christian's Role" for the synod. He does atheist weddings now.

Bailing Water has some good material about Rock Music. The comments have appeared and disappeared so often - I thought I was looking for Brigadoon. Here are some:

Anonymous said...
Joe, I only ask out of boredom, not thinking it will effect anything, but if someone took a Rammstein tune and used "solid" gospel lyrics with it, would that be acceptable in church?

What about the beats and instrumentation associated with Madonna, Britney Spears, Lady Ga Ga or Elton John? OK for church as long as the lyrical content is "solid"?

Do you see any difference between "Indescribable" and "Salvation Unto Us Has Come"?

Is it just a false conception that rock and roll has been historically associated with rebellion? Is it only the lyrics that make something "solid"?

And do you think there is something that defines historic and/or confessional Lutheran worship?


April 21, 2009 9:06 PM

Freddy Finkelstein said...
Angry Andy uses the phrase “Cultural Discernment.” This is important. This entire discussion was opened by TIMiAM's post regarding the satanic nature of popular music, and I have made the point on this blog, rather recently in fact, that the pagan signature on popular Western culture is now unmistakable, and ought to be recognized as such and regarded with all seriousness. Modern entertainment forms, being distinctly pagan, should not be invited into the Church. The forms and expression of the Church ought to remain as distinct from Society as our true citizenship. We are not of the World, only in it, and we are only in it temporarily.

There was a time when Western culture was overtly Christian. Western cultural forms and Christian forms were similar enough that the Church could adopt cultural forms with little incongruity. Such is no longer the case. While Christian apologists will point to the fundamentals of Western society as Christian, referring to “borrowed capital” from 2000 years of Christian influence, today such capital is only thematic and abstract, institutional in a broad but non-specific and virtually indiscernable sense. Even in an apologetic application, Christian influence in Western society needs to be drawn out and obviated. Today, we are principally a pagan society with Christian overtones.

So how is it that the Church on earth, laymen and pastors alike, can exercise “Cultural Discernment?” How can we equip ourselves to judge cultural forms, given that we are all a product of modern culture, and that aspects of it permeate our thinking and reasoning? Some will say that we need to immerse ourselves in the Bible, and only the Bible, and that nothing else matters. While I appreciate, and don't entirely disagree with this, we have to admit that given this approach, even Scripture will be, and is, twisted by our cultural bias to permit what has become for us culturally acceptable and desirable. Only those things directly prohibited in Scripture will be grudgingly avoided, while everything else will be uncritically embraced, or at most regarded with the ambivalence of “personal choice.”

In my opinion, the answer lies in historical contrast. Supposedly, our pastors have a broad Liberal Arts education, an education of the Great Tradition (a good thing for pastors, especially, to have). Yet, most (that I have met) are culturally illiterate, unable to discuss literature, art, or music in any objective sense, and instead are captive only to the popular forms of their youth – which even by modern standards are no longer relevant. Without the Latin once required for pastoral studies, it seems that most are unable to comprehend the vast history of Western culture from the context its native idiom. The laity, for lack of any such education, suffers all the more. In my opinion, for us to become effective judges of modern culture, we must understand it from the standpoint of its foundation and development through history. We must become students of Western Civilization. The application of Biblical norms does not skip 2000 years to become applicable only today; rather, today is a product of 2000 years of applying Biblical norms. Let's understand that first.

Freddy Finkelstein

April 21, 2009 9:11 PM

Freddy Finkelstein said...
Another theme that has been sounded on this blog entry is that of Confessionalism. Why do we have Confessions and what is their purpose? What authority do they have?

I have often heard, and offered in this forum, the following explanation: "To establish Fellowship and enjoy Unity, it is not enough to say, 'I believe everything the Bible says,' for the very next question is, 'What do you say the Bible says?' Confessions, not the Bible, answer this second question." An appeal to the Confessions of a Church Body distinguishes those who commonly subscribe to them from the heterodox, and confirm their unity under those Confessions. They are definitive in every sense. Klemet Preus, in his The Fire and the Staff: Lutheran Theology in Practice makes this point rather directly.

Charles Porterfield Krauth, in his definitive Conservative Reformation has much to say about this Confessional Principal, as well. Therefore, in the interest of providing a "historical" commentary on the role of our Confessions -- that is, our Creed -- I offer the following excerpt from Ch. V this work. It is rather lengthy, and I apologize for that. Nevertheless, it is important to understand the independently normative nature of our Confessions, and C.P. Krauth does a better job of explaining it than anyone I have read thus far. Pay attention, especially, to the last sentence.

"The thetical statements of the [General] Council and the declaration which follows, exhibit, as we believe, the relation of the Rule of Faith and the Confessions, in accordance with the principles of the Conservative Reformation. Accepting those principles, we stand upon the everlasting foundation – the Word of God: believing that the Canonical Books of the Old and New Testament are in their original tongues, and in a pure text, the perfect and only rule of faith. All these books are in harmony, each with itself, and all with each other, and yield to the honest searcher, under the ordinary guidance of the Holy Spirit, a clear statement of doctrine, and produce a firm assurance of faith. Not any word of man, no creed, commentary, theological system, nor decision of Fathers or of councils, no doctrine of Churches, or of the whole Church, no results or judgments of reason, however strong, matured, and well informed, no one of these, and not all of these together, but God's word alone is the rule of faith. No apocryphal books, but the canonical books alone, are the rule of faith. No translations, as such, but the original Hebrew and Chaldee of the Old Testament, and the Greek of the New, are the letter of the rule of faith. No vitiation of the designing, nor error of the careless, but the incorrupt text as it came from the hands of the men of God, who wrote under the motions of the Holy Spirit, is the rule of faith. To this rule of faith we are to bring our minds; by this rule we are humbly to try to form our faith, and in accordance with it, God helping us, to teach others – teaching them the evidences of its inspiration, the true mode of its interpretation, the ground of its authority, the mode of settling its text. The student of theology is to be taught the Biblical languages, to make him an independent investigator of the Word of the Holy Spirit, as the organ through which the Spirit reveals His mind. First of all, as the greatest of all, as the groundwork of all, as the end of all else, we are to teach God's pure Word, its faith for faith, its life for life; in its integrity, in its marvelous adaptation, in its divine, its justifying, its sanctifying, and glorifying power. We are to lay, as that without which all else would be laid in vain, the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets – Jesus Christ being the chief corner-stone.

"Standing really upon the everlasting foundation of this Rule of Faith, we stand of necessity on the faith, of which it is the rule. It is not the truth as it lies, silent and unread, in the Word, but the truth as it enters from that Word into the human heart, with the applying presence of the Holy Ghost, which makes men believers. Faith makes men Christians; but the Confession alone marks them as Christians. The Rule of Faith is God's voice to us; faith is the hearing of that voice, and the Confession, our reply of assent to it. By our faith we are known to the Lord as his; by our Confession, we are known to each other as his children. Confession of faith in some form is imperative. To confess Christ, is to confess what is our faith in him. As the Creed is not, and cannot be the Rule of Faith, but is its Confession merely, so the Bible, because it is the Rule of Faith, is of necessity not its Confession. The Bible can no more be any man's Creed, than the stars can be any man's astronomy. The stars furnish the rule of the astronomer's faith: the Principia of Newton may be the Confession of his faith. If a man were examined as a candidate for the chair of astronomy in a university, and were asked, 'What is your astronomical system?' and were to answer, 'I accept the teaching of the stars,' the reply would be, 'You may think you do – so does the man who is sure that the stars move round the world, and that they are not orbs, but gimlet-holes to let the glory through. We wish to know what you hold the teachings of the stars to be? Do you receive, as in harmony with them, the results reached by Copernicus, by Galileo, by Kepler, by Newton, La Place, and Herchel, or do you think the world one great flat, and the sun and moon mere pendants to it?' 'Gentlemen,' replies the independent investigator, 'the theories of those astronomers are human systems – man made theories. I go out every night on the hills, and look at the stars as God made them, through a hole in my blanket, with my own good eyes, not with a man-made telescope, or fettered by a man-made theory; and I believe in the stars and in what they teach me; but if I were to say or write what they teach, that would be a human creed – and I am opposed to all creeds.' 'Very well,' reply the examiners, 'we wish you joy in the possession of a good pair of eyes, and feel it unnecessary to go any further. If you are unwilling to confess your faith, we will not tax your conscience with the inconsistency of teaching that faith, nor tax our own with the hazard of authorizing you to set forth in the name of stars your own ignorant assumptions about them.'

"What is more clear than that, as the Rule of Faith is first, it must, by necessity of its being, when rightly used, generate a true faith? But the man who has true faith desires to have it known, and is bound to confess his faith. The Rule cannot really generate two conflicting beliefs; yet men who alike profess to accept the Rule, do have conflicting beliefs, and when beliefs conflict, if the one is formed by the Rule, the other must be formed in the face of it. Fidelity to the Rule of Faith, therefore, fidelity to the faith it teaches, demands that there shall be a Confession of the faith. The firmest friend of the Word is the firmest friend of the Creed, first the Rule of Faith, and then the Confession of Faith.

"What shall be our Confession? Are we originating a Church, and must we utter our testimony to a world, in which our faith is a novelty? The reply is easy. As we are not the first who have used with honest hearts and fervent prayers, the Rule, so we are not the first who have been guided by the Holy Ghost in it to its faith. As men long ago reached its faith, so long ago they confessed it. They confessed it from the beginning. The first adult baptism was based upon a 'human creed,' that is, upon a confession of faith, which was the utterance of a belief which was based upon a human interpretation of divine words. The faith has been confessed from the beginning. It has been embodied in a creed, the origin of whose present shape no man knows, which indeed cannot be fixed; for it rose from the words of our Saviour's Baptismal Commission, and was not manufactured, but grew. Of the Apostles' Creed, as of Him to whom its heart is given, it may be affirmed that it was 'begotten, not made.' The Confession has been renewed and enlarged to meet new and widening error. The ripest, and purest, and most widely used of the old Confessions have been adopted by our Church as her own, not because they are old and widely received, but because they are true. She has added her testimony as it was needed. Here is the body of her Confession. Is her Confession ours? If it be, we are of her in heart; if it be not, we are only of her in name. It is ours – ours in our deepest conviction, reached through conflicts outward and inward, reached upon our knees, and traced with our tears – ours in our inmost hearts. Therefore, we consecrate ourselves to living, teaching, and defending the faith of God's word, which is the confessed faith of the Evangelical Lutheran Church. Fidelity to the whole truth of God's word requires this. We dare not be satisfied simply with recognition as Christians over against the Jew, because we confess the Rule of Faith, of which the New Testament is a part, has taught us faith in Jesus Christ; we dare not be satisfied simply with recognition as holding the Catholic Faith as embodied in the three General Creeds, over against heresies of various forms and shades. Christian believers holding the faith Catholic we are – but we are, besides, Protestant, rejecting the authority of the Papacy; Evangelical, glorying in the grace of the Gospel; and Lutheran, holding the doctrines of that Church, of which the Reformation is the child – not only those in which all Christendom or a large part of it coincides with her, but the most distinctive doctrines, though in the maintenance of them she stood alone. As the acceptance of the Word of God as a Rule of Faith separates us from the Mohammedan, as the reception of the New Testament sunders us from the Jew, as the hearty acquiescence in the Apostles', Nicene, and Athanasian Creeds shows us, in the face of all errorists of the earlier ages to be in the faith of the Church Catholic, so does our unreserved acceptance of the Augsburg Confession mark us as Lutherans; and the acceptances of the Apology, the Catechisms of Luther, the Schmalcald Articles, and the Formula of Concord, continues the work of marking our separation from all errorists of every shade whose doctrines are in conflict with the true sense of the Rule of Faith – that Rule whose teachings are rightly interpreted and faithfully embodied in the Confessions afore-mentioned. Therefore, God helping us, we will teach the whole faith of His word, which faith our Church sets forth, explains, and defends in her Symbols. We do not interpret God's word by the Creed, neither do we interpret the Creed by God's word, but interpreting both independently, by the laws of language, and finding that they teach one and the same truth, we heartily acknowledge the Confession as a true exhibition of the faith of the Rule – a true witness to the one, pure, and unchanging faith of the Christian Church, and freely make it our own Confession, as truly as if it had been now first uttered by our lips, or had now first gone forth from our hands.

From The Conservative Reformation and Its Theology: as Represented In the Augsburg Confession, and In the History and Literature of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, by Charles P. Krauth, D. D. J. B. Lippincott & Co., Philadelphia, 1871 (pages 165-169)

Freddy Finkelstein

April 21, 2009 9:50 PM

Angry Andy said...
Freddy said " we must become students of Western Civilization"

...interesting that The Core says essentially the same thing: "We must become students of our culture" but for the opposite reasons that Freddy suggests. Go Freddy!

But if you want to be fastidious about the supposed Satanic roots in rock n roll, what about this Blog's reader "TimiAm"?

I see his moniker as a misuse of Gods name. Same with Popeye and several other popular songs who's lyrics use 'I am" as the central theme.

That happens to be God's name for himself. I don't think it proper to go bandying that about.

April 22, 2009 6:44 AM


GJ - We had absolutely no rock music in our house. We played classical music and hymns on our stereo. We never played rock on the car radio. We like some pop music, but the message of rock, especially now, is essentially Satanic. Children who grow up with classical music and great Christian hymns (not the arky-warky ditties) will develop a great love for good music.