Friday, May 15, 2009

WELS Convention, July 27-31, 2009 - Saginaw

Synod President Mark Schroeder's leadership will be put to a vote. Church and Change would like to create the effect of a no-confidence vote.

The 2009 synod convention will be held July 27-31 at Michigan Lutheran Seminary, Saginaw, Michigan.

Church and Change is seeking to regain its momentum in taking over the Wisconsin Synod and the Little Sect on the Prairie. Those who confess the truth of the Scriptures and Confessions should make a point to be at the Saginaw convention, whethey they have an official role as delegates or not.

The fine details are often handled at the end, with continued business, so no one should go home early. The apostates will be trying to reverse their losses to the bitter end. An old trick of the liberals is to use motions to reconsider and other maneuvers to win as delegates and visitors are trying to head home.

Click on this link for the WELS convention pages.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "WELS Convention, July 27-31, 2009 - Saginaw":

I like how you encourage people to go to the convention. Unfortunately most people won't because they have to work. The younger generation of conservatives will once again have the decisions made by the pompous, old and scabby party-members.

Kudu Don Patterson just added ex-SP Gurgel to his staff. Patterson has also asked for two free staffmembers this year. Oh yes, the synod should pay to expand his kingdom while people are fired right and left. If you like what Gurgel did for the schools and finances of WELS (while shrinking it), vote for the Church and Change agenda. You may win a free trip to Africa to shot down zebras and other carnivores.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "WELS Convention, July 27-31, 2009 - Saginaw":

Remember Ichabod readers, those of you that are going to be there have to have a way to recognize each other, aside from your wit and sharp attire.

I suggest a password exchange.

Challenge: "Popcorn"
Answer: "Rosebud"

Or sidle up to someone at the buffet and say sotto voce, "What this place *really* needs is a popcorn machine."

+ Diet O. Worms

"I declare this convention OPEN!"


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "WELS Convention, July 27-31, 2009 - Saginaw":

Meet select insiders like Ski, Katie, Jeske, Patterson, and members of a secret society plotting against you to deliver you to false doctrine and false teachers.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "WELS Convention, July 27-31, 2009 - Saginaw":

I don't know where you get your information from, but you are misinformed. "Church and Change" has no agenda to oust President Mark Schroeder. It is not an organization devoted to church politics. It is simply a forum for sharing ministry ideas.

Please get the facts straight before you publish.


GJ - My bad. I must have awakened on the wrong side of the bed. Someone wrote a comment about Wheaties too, but I couldn't publish that. Seriously, the Church and Chicaneries are political, kidney-punching apostates. My information is solid and multi-sourced.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "WELS Convention, July 27-31, 2009 - Saginaw":

The upcoming convention certainly warrants the attention of Time and Newsweek magazines and other denominations like ELCA and LCMS. There are valuable lessons to be learned from the sinking HMS WELS, for example, things gone right, and things gone wrong.

Prodigal leaders rearranging the chairs on deck will inspire many a line in press releases to the public.

Adiaphora, Church and Change

Church and Change, losing momentum in WELS,
and filled with incoherent rage.
For examples, read the printable negative comments on Ichabod.
The favorite speakers of this disgruntled rump group are: Leonard Sweet (New Age Methodist space cadet), Ed Stetzer (Babtist ex-pastor), and Andy Stanley, (Babtist).

Question - Can you cite the sections in the Book of Concord that deal with adiaphora. As you know WELS claims just about everything is adiaphora. That seems to be a cop out for synod to do anything it wants.

Answer - The key section in the Fomula of Concord is Church Rites, Commonly Called Adiaphora, Article X in the Formula of Concord, on Adiaphora. The controversy arose because Melanchthon compromised with the papists in the era after the death of Luther. Melanchthon argued that ceremonies imposed on the Lutherans were adiaphora, matters of indifference, neither commanded nor forbidden by the Word of God.

However, the WELS use of the word adiaphora shows that the Church Shrinkers have no idea what the term means.

5] Namely, when under the title and pretext of external adiaphora such things are proposed as are in principle contrary to God's Word (although painted another color), these are not to be regarded as adiaphora, in which one is free to act as he will, but must be avoided as things prohibited by God. In like manner, too, such ceremonies should not be reckoned among the genuine free adiaphora, or matters of indifference, as make a show or feign the appearance, as though our religion and that of the Papists were not far apart, thus to avoid persecution, or as though the latter were not at least highly offensive to us;

In other words, the faithful may not compromise on these adiaphora during a time of persecution. They may not accept ceremonies as adiaphora when those very acts lead people back into error.

10] We believe, teach, and confess also that at the time of confession [when a confession of the heavenly truth is required], when the enemies of God's Word desire to suppress the pure doctrine of the holy Gospel, the entire congregation of God, yea, every Christian, but especially the ministers of the Word, as the leaders of the congregation of God [as those whom God has appointed to rule His Church], are bound by God's Word to confess freely and openly the [godly] doctrine, and what belongs to the whole of [pure] religion, not only in words, but also in works and with deeds; and that then, in this case, even in such [things truly and of themselves] adiaphora, they must not yield to the adversaries, or permit these [adiaphora] to be forced upon them by their enemies, whether by violence or cunning, to the detriment of the true worship of God and the introduction and sanction of idolatry. 11] For it is written, Gal. 5:1: Stand fast, therefore, in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not again entangled in the yoke of bondage. Also Gal. 2:4f : And that because of false brethren unawares brought in, who came in privily to spy out our liberty which we have in Christ Jesus, that they might bring us into bondage; to whom we gave place by subjection, no, not for an hour, that the truth of the Gospel might continue with you. 12] [Now it is manifest that in that place Paul speaks concerning circumcision, which at that time had become an adiaphoron (1 Cor. 7:18f.), and which at other occasions was observed by Paul (however, with Christian and spiritual freedom, Acts 16:3). But when the false apostles urged circumcision for establishing their false doctrine, (that the works of the Law were necessary for righteousness and salvation,) and misused it for confirming their error in the minds of men, Paul says that he would not yield even for an hour, in order that the truth of the Gospel might continue unimpaired.]

Why must WELS congregations have a contemporary service, a Praise Band or Rock and Roll Band? By imitating the Enthusiasts, the WELS Shrinkers argue they can make the church grow?

Why must the WELS, Missouri, and ELCA CGM ministers wear a suit or casual clothes on the performance stage? (The pulpits are gone, dontcha know.) They think that by aping the Enthusiasts they will have big congregations. Note that Parlow's Willow Creek congregation seeks to clone the worship of the Enthusiasts, down to his addiction to Stanley-vision.

Those who seek to warp the faithful confession of Biblical truths are destroying the souls they should be shepherding:

16] Moreover, by such [untimely] yielding and conformity in external things, where there has not been previously Christian union in doctrine, idolaters are confirmed in their idolatry; on the other hand, the true believers are grieved, offended, and weakened in their faith [their faith is grievously shaken, and made to totter as though by a battering-ram]; both of which every Christian for the sake of his soul's welfare and salvation is bound to avoid, as it is written: Woe unto the world because of offenses! Also: Whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in Me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea [Matt. 18:6, 7].

Readers will note that adiaphora are also being used to entice people into the Church of Rome and its sister cult, Eastern Orthodoxy. Ministers become captivated by the Cult of Mary, smells and bells, and better dresses than one can buy from QVC. Thus the deceitful ministers sinuflect toward Rome and take souls to Hell with them. When some stop half-way at Constantinople, they only prove they are too chicken to take a stand on anything.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Adiaphora, Church and Change":

Yes, there really are pastors who enjoy the maneuvering room provided by declaring things adiaphora at will. That is one reason they despise the Book of Concord.

UOJ and Antinomianism

Chuck and Change, the Antinomian mascost - he wil take over the denomination and leave people with nothing but their change.

L P has left a new comment on your post "UOJ from the Calvinistic Babtists":

Dear Pr. GJ.

Would you think UOJ is the cause of antinomianism and why false teaching is not taken seriously in our churches?

I seem to think so.



GJ - Definitely. Since UOJ declares that the entire world has been absolved of sin, pronounced innoncent - without the Word, without the Means of Grace, without faith, there is no Law.

In fact, one of the most enthusiastic Church Growthers in WELS also told his congregation that the Law was obsolete, taking the exact same position of Antinomianism condemned by the Book of Concord (and the Scriptures).

For as Luther writes against the law-stormers [Antinomians]: Everything that reproves sin is and belongs to the Law, whose peculiar office it is to reprove sin and to lead to the knowledge of sins, Rom. 3:20,7:7; and as unbelief is the root and well-spring of all reprehensible sins [all sins that must be censured and reproved], the Law reproves unbelief also.

Antinomians espouse and live lawlessness, but they have plenty of man-made law for everyone. The visible church must grow, etc. Instrumental music is an adiaphoron, a matter of indifference, but the congregation cannot use the organ and must have a Pentecostal Praise Band.

The Antinomians take the Gospel exhortation of Jesus in Matthew - Go, therefore and teach all nations - and turn it into man-made law - "Manufacture disciples!"


L P has left a new comment on your post "UOJ and Antinomianism":

"Manufacture disciples!"

Absolutely Pastor!

I have knowledge of this "manufacturing" process being in charismania for some years, and to continue the metaphor...most of these disciples have factory defects and must be recalled!