Friday, August 6, 2010

The Purpose of the Confessions

Martin Chemnitz, Concordist, argued in effect,
"Our truth is the truth of the ages,"
not the truth of the moment.

Recent posts from WELS members show they have no concept of the Confessions.

The Ecumenical Creeds are the Apostles, the Nicene, and the Athanasian. The Apostles Creed is so old that no one knows the exact origin. Each phrase is from the Scriptures. The Nicene Creed is the result of bitter controversy over the Two Natures of Christ.

Like the Apostles Creed, the Athanasian Creed has mysterious origins. The newest of the Ecumenical Creeds is over 16 centuries old.

They are called Ecumenical Creeds because the entire Christian Church uses them or accepts them. WELS covets anti-confessional sects that do not use the Creeds in worship, but those denominations (Babtist, Mission Covenant, Ev. Free, United Methodist) are not opposed to the three Creeds. Didja ever wonder why the Creeds disappear from Shrinker services? They emulate the Enthusiasts in abandoning the Creeds.

When we recite the Creeds, we are confessing the truth of the Word of God, with the believers of all ages, all nationalities. Every Lutheran should be familiar with the three Ecumenical Creeds and recite them during a calender year. They begin the Book of Concord to show that Lutherans are confessing the truth of the ages.

Therefore, WELS is arrogant to pretend that their tiny sect can alter a Creed to satisfy its misbegotten feminist agenda. The Nicene Creed does not belong to WELS by virtue of being used in previous hymnals. The Athanasian Creed, which was also butchered, did not originate with the Wisconsin unionists who gathered together in 1850, 15 centuries after the fact.

A non-believer or believer should hear the same confession of faith, regardless of denomination. There may be slight changes in wording, but a wholesale slaughter is the same as saying, "We can do whatever we want."

Liturgical traditions are extremely conservative. That is why a lectionary from a much later date is just as valuable to a text critic as a manuscript from an earlier time. Churches and synagogues have been loathe to change wording for the sake of novelty.

Once started, what prevents a sect from avoiding the male terms altogether in a future edition of the unionistic creeds? WELS is simply following a trend set by the LCA/ALC in placing themselves over the Word of God as judges of His revelation.

Lenski said, "Resist the beginnings."

"We did it before and we can do it again" was a great WWII motto, but it is death to a Lutheran synod.

Anyone can glance around and see that WELS, Missouri, and the ELS are not confessional Lutheran bodies. They are far more serious about confessing Fuller or Rome than agreeing with the Book of Concord. The CLC (sic) is simply worse - more hypocritical, more immoral, more corrupt.

See Sasse on this point. Missouri treated him like dirt.

All the apostasy trends of 25 years ago are stronger than ever now. This process is similar to politics. People become de-sensitized to the latest vulgarity and error, so new steps can be taken in the same direction.

As several posted, "I don't see what is wrong with the WELS Creeds."

That is the problem.