Add a few jabs to every heart-felt apology,
just to show the brethren you never meant it.
They will appreciate what you really meant. Wink.
For those outside the Wisconsin cult - "brethren" means fellow pastors.
The Appleton WELS pastor--who started and stopped
his anonymous blog in one day--is another good example of WELS contrition.
I am glad he has not erased his posts on vomit and toilets. Notice his typical WELSian eye-pokes, where he blames me for his own miserable posts. Yes, I held a gun to his head and forced him to reveal the blackness of his vindictive soul. The problem with that scenario is - I do not know who he is.
UOJ teaches them they are already forgiven. That gives WELS pastors leverage in alcoholism and adultery. Sig Becker was appalled at their behavior when he joined, even though he backed the Kokomo Statements himself.
Here is the formula for a WELS apology, which is nothing like a real apology:
1. Express sorrow and make a long face.
2. Deceitfully explain it was all an accident or someone else's fault.
3. Blame someone if at all possible and express forgiveness for that dastardly individual for causing the sin.
The MLC gay video stars used the same formula, because WELS trains for conformity.
A. They did not know they were copying a gay video!
B. They blamed me, although I made it clear I posted it for a disgusted WELS layman.
C. They were taking it down on their own. (They posted it on Facebook and put it back on YouTube.)
D. They were willing to forgive me for objecting to their video sodomy.
WELS teacher Al Just blamed his dead wife for turning over and over on a steak knife in bed. No one ever said WELS guys were good liars. Bad lies are OK in WELS - they just do not survive a court trial. The president of DMLC helped defend Just, but the jury found Al guilty. Because Al never confessed in public, many WELS workers still claim he was innocent. They all have the status of guilt-free saints, so that makes sense...if someone is permanently three sheets to the wind.
When DP Ed Werner was arrested, it was because a confirmation girl mouthed off to him and he slapped her. DP Free's son told me that whopper and added, "At least I hope that is the reason."
DP John Seifert put Fred Adrian back into a divine call, imitating the doctrinal and moral discipline of DP Robert Mueller - less than zero. (Check with Deputy Doug Englebrecht for additional tips, such as pretending to meet with clergy and laity but sending a letter instead.)
One WELS member wrote about the drama queen blog from Appleton:
Unbelievable. They all end (all, being probably the same guy) with some sort of claim like "having their conscience pricked because they're acting like Jackson," and with a confession of some sort of pious enlightenment allowing them to rise above the sin of others by quitting their endeavor. The fact is, they are not motivated by love -- love for God, for God's word, and concern for the souls of men -- but from bitterness. Perhaps their consciences rightly are pricked as a result. They don't know what righteous indignation is, since their weak theology won't permit them to be indignant over error. Good riddance.
The Appleton WELS pastors all know who their drama queen blogger is. He posts from a Mac OS X, and I am sure he brags about who he is.
Joe Krohn and Tim Felt-needs knew who he was, long ago. I called him Anonymouse because he was frightened about using his own name and always sent extremely nasty posts. I figure he has an addiction problem because many comments in the past have been completely jumbled up. Anonymouse used to rage when I posted his worst comments with all the corrections noted.
The drama queen blogger chose to use the
Anonymouse name I gave him at the beginning, often using mouse graphics for fun.
Various readers noticed how venomous he was when I criticized Church and Change, but especially when I wrote posts about Appleton.
Here are old Anonymouse comments:
It is amazing for someone who is no longer WELS and who is so doctrinally correct, that the direction to "mark and avoid" has been swapped for "mark and antagonize." The latter attitude in the heart is sinful spite. You talk about others whining and venting. Look in the mirror, dear Ichabod. The WELS is far from pure (no visible church body or congregation is) and will always be so ... but the Gospel is proclaimed in Word and Sacrament. As I recall those are the marks of the Church (big C) and believers are gathered there. I don't think that WELS is a place of either white-washed tombs or a body of folks that serve the devil below (as Brett likes to chide.)
Back to whistling while I work. This blog would be funny if it wasn't (sic) so sad. I'm praying for both Mr. and Mrs. Ichabod's needs this morning. Peace in Christ.
Anonymouse has left a new comment on your post ""Judge Us By Our Results" - WELS Church and Change...":
No wonder Mrs. Icky has a heart problem. It is filled with hatred much like the Ichabod faithless.
Anonymouse has left a new comment on your post "Popcorn Cathedral of Rock Ready To Go Live":
“PROCLAIM HIS WORD and leave the rest up to the Holy Spirit. You don't need to help Him.”
I have heard this from WELS pastors for years while they side-step the question of “to whom?” The statement calls for disambiguation.
WELS pastors enjoy proclaiming his word over and over to fellow WELS members, children of members, the choir, etc. Generally speaking they are not talking about sharing the Word with the unchurched, non-members, etc. Without clarification the listener must infer or guess at what the pastor is saying or intending to say.
Along come pastors like Ski who strive to reach out to the unchurched in need of the Word. Anything he does is threatening because it makes the typical pastor look lazy by rehashing sermons to existing members.
What to do about it? The coup de grace results in attacks on Ski stating that he is not proclaiming the Word in the one and only acceptable way – like fellow pastors preaching to the choir.
No wonder WELS members feel confused!
Anonymouse has left a new comment on your post "Measuring WELS by the Numbers":
Same old, same old from you, GJ. What I think is so interesting is that you always talk about faithfulness to the Word, but I never EVER hear you share the gospel on Ichabod. You've replaced the good works of catholicism that you learned at Notre Dame with the "good work" of being faithful to the Word. A real Lutheran would always tie in faithfulness to God's Word with the gospel of Christ that Word contains. Your own words condemn you.
Anonymouse has left a new comment on your post "Massive Cuts in WELS, But Safari Don Patterson and...":
So numbers do make a difference when you want them to make a difference
Anonymouse has left a new comment on your post "The Four Horsemen of St. Marcus":
GJ, have the men in white jackets come for you yet? Keep posting your terribly ridiculous pictures, and they'll be knocking on your door sooner than you think!
GJ - I do get a few anonymous outpatients sending comments. Thanks for the encouragement.
Anonymouse has left a new comment on your post "More WELS By the Numbers":
Who appointed GJ to be the conscience of the WELS? He hasn't been a member of the synod for over a decade.
He publishes his site simply because he has an axe to grind.
GJ - Who required Mouse to read this blog daily? Who held him at gunpoint and made him comment daily? Perhaps VP Don Patterson needs a minion to do his work for him. Kudu Don Patterson's only communication was limited to name-calling (You are a fool and a liar) and denying his safari guy was still a congregational president.
Who taught Mouse mind-reading? I know the Church and Chicaneries specialize in long-distance diagnosis of everyone who is onto them. Corky wrote his essay (posted on the left) because "he was brain-damaged." The former seminary president was against amalgamation because "he was senile." And so forth. Who is the first to say, "That's not loving"? Answer - the Church and Chicaneries.
Anonymouse has left a new comment on your post "Church and Change Day at Martin Luther College":
Don't you feel this is misleading to copy the MLC Evangelism Day speakers list, label it as Church and Change Day at MLC, and post it with this sign? "Get rid of all bitterness" Eph 4:31
GJ - You are right. I should have labeled it - Crypto-Babtist Day.
What happened to "mark and avoid," or "beware of false prophets," and false doctrine being like gangrene or cancer?
Anonymouse has left another clueless comment on your post "Conversation with a Layman":
Poor guy. You're the last person I would ever ask advice from. I bet that really feeds your ego when someone who doesn't know you calls, seeking your "wisdom."
Anonymouse, revealing his Church and Chicanery education, has left a new comment on your post "Anonymouse Yells "Coward" Again":
Nice one, ya putz. As always you never addressed my charge about the sacraments. Instead you just parrot more of your own garbage. I looked at the viewer stats mostly in single digits. You call that reaching the world? Certainly you could do more in your community if you made half the effort you do now.
You are no more a Lutheran than those you run down and are just as guilty. You don't administer the sacraments because you can't and won't.
Anonymouse has left another clueless comment on your post "Rev. Kristen Administers the Means of Grace":
For someone who claims to be such a staunch Lutheran, your Ascension 'communion' service was a joke. You call that administering the sacrament? How do you do a baptism?
You may not agree with how some people are conducting church, but at least they can administer the sacraments. You should be ashamed of your behavior and hiding in your little box. Get out in the world. Start your own church instead of hiding your light.
I have posted on this subject before and I'm sure you will in cowardly fashion delete this as you have the others because you know that I am right and you have no defense. But you still have to read this and maybe some day it will sink in. Your arrogance will do you in.
From a signed email:
Good evening Pastor,
What a beautiful Ascension Service! Thank you! It was very interesting the way you used the four Gospels and showed how they are each separate books but yet all mesh together. I really enjoyed everything.