Tuesday, June 29, 2010

As Predicted - Another Quitter -
Or the Same Quitter Again

He scampered away, again.

The Anonymouse blogger--with his cat eating from a toilet and tales of vomit--has quit.

He was not content to attack me alone. He had to vilify others by name, but what is his name? He is so careful to deny he is an Appleton pastor. Did Doug the Unready finally put his foot paw down and say, "Find some way to deny this"?

Anonymouse removed his posts. What passes for GA humor does not amuse the general population. Most adults have outgrown the scatological obsessions of the typical four year-old.

Here is his Schwan song, which sounds so familiar:


Monday, June 28, 2010

The Jackson Tactic

Dear Readers;

I apologize for my tardiness. I had not signed up for e-mail notification about comments posted to this blog, but in the last few days have received a few from readers. I'm told that after testing the waters with a number of specifics (pastor, Appleton, Mac user, etc.) and eliciting no reaction from me, Jackson decided that it was time to make an assertion, and implicated Pastor Joel Lillo as being myself. He is wrong on all counts.

To any readers from Appleton:

Please forgive me if I have in any way caused you to raise eyebrows at one another or your pastors. As mentioned previously, I was foolish to start the blog from the beginning. It was also foolish to leave it up while not attending to it. Maybe my deletion of the posts will wane Greggy's anger, at least to the advantage of the victims I created by him. I will be apologizing to Pastor Lillo by e-mail very soon.

To random stumblers and searchers:

I refer you to this blog on the issues at hand. It is well-written and scholarly. My blog was never intended to be such -- it was meant for jokes and satire.

I probably won't be checking back any more.

-Anonymouse L. Shrinker, PhD.


GJ - It takes a strong man to read his post and not break down into tears...of howling laughter.

The sanctimony tops the deception, reminding me of the prelate who claimed the Church of Rome brought morality to the world. That is true, if your taste runs to homosexual cardinals warning people about sin.

Notice that Anonymouse links to his own fake Ichabod blog, which is "scholarly." Yes, by WELS standards!

Did you know that I agree with everything Reu ever wrote, even though he changed his mind about the Scriptures? Yes, that what the fake Ichabod claims because I linked an important but difficult to find document. The horror. The horror.

This is a little insight I have been saving for some time. I got my copy of Schmid at a Mequon book sale. He was a favorite among WELS pastors for decades. This is just between you and me, if you can keep a secret. That is how the WELS grapevine works. NPH is publishing Schmid at this very moment. That means everyone in WELS/ELS agrees with everything Schmid ever wrote, using fake Ichabod's logic.

Audience: "The horror. The horror."

I think the fake Ichabod will quit soon, too. That wannabee author is afraid of being discovered. A blog may be superficially anonymous, but the name, address, email, are all registered and relatively easy to find. The problem arises when someone engages in defamation, which is a crime punishable by the law, even if the broadcaster is a sanctimonious Mequon graduate.

I love the smell of burning blogs in the morning. It smells like...victory.

Four anti-Ichabod blogs have started and sputtered to a stop. All of them have been tepid copycats of this modest production. They pretend to rectify all that is evil, but, as Samuel Johnson said about Chesterfield's books: "They teach the morals of a whore, and the manners of a dancing master."

A WELS observer said this about Anonymouse:

Unbelievable. They all end (all, being probably the same guy) with some sort of claim like "having their conscience pricked because they're acting like Jackson," and with a confession of some sort of pious enlightenment allowing them to rise above the sin of others by quitting their endeavor. The fact is, they are not motivated by love -- love for God, for God's word, and concern for the souls of men -- but from bitterness. Perhaps their consciences rightly are pricked as a result. They don't know what righteous indignation is, since their weak theology won't permit them to be indignant over error. Good riddance.

Harrison Appears To Be Winning,
The Kieschnickians Are Frantic

A mustache is the new black, even when it is white.

Pastor Harrison's parents knew their baby was headed for a special role in life.

Characteristics of Pietism

Start them young.

Below are characteristics of Pietism:

1. Because the Holy Spirit is separated from the Word, little or nothing is said about the efficacy of the Word or the Means of Grace.
2. Following Spener's program, there is a hostility toward sound doctrine and the Confessions, an animus expressed by such mocking terms as - legalism, Luther complex, head religion (compared to their heart religion), lovelessness, unbrotherly attitude, divisiveness.
3. Sermons often express gratitude toward God for being separate from and superior to the sinners out there. That often includes synods in fellowship, although that is expressed in conversation rather than sermons.
4. Because the given synod is perfect, anyone doubting this has broken fellowship.
5. Thanks to Enthusiasm and its works-righteousness, people are motivated by the Law, because sinners go to Hell from their lack of generosity and witness. "Every hour - 5,000 souls are going to Hell. What are you going to do about it?"
6. Lack of trust in the Word leads pastors and vicars into dramatizing whatever liturgy they have not removed. Nothing is more pathetic that a passionately delivered benediction botched when the vicar forgets where he is.
7. The sacraments divide, so baptismal regeneration is forgotten and Holy Communion is hidden. Infant baptism may be turned into a cute little spectacle.
8. Evil-doers (who have questioned Holy Mother Synod) are shunned. This practice keeps the body pure and sinless.
9. Uriah Heep confessions of generic sin are accompanied by an Antinominan attitude - there is no Law. Paradoxically, the Antinomian Pietists are the worst legalists of all. Horror is reserved for those who break the unwritten rules, not for doctrinal or marital infidelity.
10. As Augustine noted about all false teachers, Pietists demand tolerance until they are in power. Once toleration has established them, they purge all the Lutherans, delighting in their evil, relishing their vindictiveness.

Your Guide to Pietism

WELS Church and Change children enjoy the latest electronic tools,
like flat screen TVs.
Another TV is Timotheus Verinus.

Several have asked me about Pietism. Anyone can do research using Wikipedia for background reading and the links at the end of the article. Google Books is an excellent resource for theology, because most of the old books can be converted to text mode and copied into an essay.

We all have the same library now, bigger than Harvard's, so no one can say, "I did not know that."

Northwestern Publishing House offers both the History of Pietism and T. Verinus. Both books are challenges to read but worth studying.

This is the trail I would follow if I were a newbie to the topic of Pietism. Check out the linked words. Wikipedia is flawed, but it is a place to start:

1. The St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre of the French (Calvinist) Protestants led to the exile and exodus of these noble Huguenots (my kin). Many settled in the German territories and influenced an amalgamation with German Lutheran doctrine, leading to union efforts.
2. Spener borrowed the cell group method from Labadie, a Calvinist who had been Roman Catholic.
3. Francke vastly expanded the Pietist network, which Spener had begun with great energy.
4. Halle University was founded to provide a mandatory Pietistic education. It was one of two major centers of Pietism but clearly the citadel for the movement. UOJ came verbatim from the Woods translation of George C. Knapp, Halle professor, one generation before Tholuck, who was Hoenecke's mentor.
5. Zinzendorf became a key influence upon the Methodists and all union mission societies. His son founded a Party-in-the-Black-Forest group, if you catch my drift.
6. H. Muhlenberg graduated from Halle and came to America, founding what became the General Synod, which was unionistic and Pietistic.
7. Walther was profoundly influenced by the Pietist Stephan and became the leader of the Perry County group after driving out Stephan.
8. Midwestern Lutheran groups of the 19th century were Pietists.
9. A. Hoenecke graduate from Halle University.
10. The Wisconsin Synod began as a unionistic, Pietistic sect, but several leaders like Bading influenced the group away from its mission society origins, Hoenecke being the best known.

Follow the trail, fellow students.