Saturday, September 25, 2010

Joseph Schmidt Leaving WELS

Joseph Schmidt with Gerhard

I Am Leaving The Wisconsin Synod
After much thought and consideration I have decided to leave the WELS due to the direction Church and Change is going. This group has repeatedly sought direction and instruction from false teachers such as Bill Hybels (, Craig Groeschel (, Andy Stanley ( , and Leonard Sweet ( to name a few. I have little confidence that WELS will enact any kind of church discipline to bring Church and Change into line with genuine Lutheran doctrine and practice, but I pray God's Word will do its work and lead those teaching, inculcating, and promoting false doctrine to repentance.


GJ - That is the negative evangelism of Church and Change. Apostasy drives out the very people who would oppose the cancer while embracing the emulsifiers who blend oil and water, light and darkness, sound doctrine and false doctrine.

"White-washed sepulchres full of dead men's bones." Let's be more like Jesus and identify the Shrinker Pharisees for what they are.


twissted_sisster has left a new comment on your post "Joseph Schmidt Leaving WELS":

'Lord, grant while words endure,
We keep ITS teachings pure
Throughout all generations. Amen!'

It a sad commentary but it should be a glaring wake-up call for the WELS when long-time or lifelong members are talking about quitting due to doctrinal issues. We - here in this little forum- are just the tip of the iceberg. I think the C&C crowd would be happy to see us go because are on to them, see what they are up to, and don't like the light shining on it. We should never have had to wonder what comes next after the WELS but it's come to that. THEIR leaders are well known but who will lead our cause of confessional Lutheranism? There are plenty of followers out here!

Exposing the Synods

This is not kelmed in order to show how bad ELCA is, but to show how all the synods behave. The website is now linked on the left for readers 'convenience:

This March, Rev. Jason Cooper of Emanuel Lutheran Church (ELCA) in Strawberry Point, Iowa, gave a sermon on the topic of sexual immorality using scripture from the lectionary on 1 Corinthians 10.  (read here and listen here)

Toward the end of the service, a former church council president approached the microphone and voiced his disagreement with the message and claimed that Rev. Cooper had violated his "Letter of Call" for stating that the ELCA's new policies oppose God's directive in Scripture. (listen here - the last minute of the service)

This incident led to a meeting between Rev. Cooper, Northeast Iowa Synod Bishop Steven L. Ullestad and Assistant to the Bishop Mark Anderson.  Rev. Cooper explained that during the meeting Bishop Ullestad informed him that if the former church council president followed through with his claim against the pastor, Bishop Ullestad "would rule against me, that I had, in fact, violated my Letter of Call.  The only two things he specified, that I recall, was that I was a little too Catholic in my understanding of the .  .  . reason for sex.  The second thing was that he said I couldn't say that the ELCA had violated the will of God."

At a second meeting, Rev. Cooper said that Bishop Ullestad told him "You don't understand.  You could be in really serious trouble."  Rev. Cooper replied, "Do what you have to do . . . I stand by what I said."

Rev. Cooper went on to say that during the meeting there "really was a feeling that either I recant or I was done, at least from the synod's perspective."

To set the context, Rev. Cooper had been the pastor at Emanuel Lutheran for 6 years, and it was his first call.  The year prior to this incident, Rev. Cooper submitted his papers with the ELCA seeking a specific call, to which the bishop's office encouraged him to consider two or three other calls as well.  But Rev. Cooper did not feel God was calling him to any of those positions at the time.

In February of this year, Rev. Cooper again submitted his papers seeking a new call.  As of the first week of September, 2010, he has not received any profiles from any of the four ELCA synods to which he submitted his name, and none of the synods have talked with him.

According to Rev. Cooper, "When I asked the Bishop (Ullestad) flat out, 'Am I blacklisted?'  He said, 'Well, congregations don't want pastors who cause problems.'"

So let's look at Rev. Cooper's record.  Over the last 6 years, Emanuel Lutheran has met their expenses every year.  Their benevolence has been at least 10% to 20%.  They have seen an increase in worship attendance every year and received 40 new members in 2009, all in a town with a population of just over a 1000 people.

The only "problems" that Rev. Cooper can be accused of causing are that he took a public stand against the denomination's homosexuality policies and clearly stated that the ELCA is elevating their own view over the authority of Scripture.  Rev. Cooper believes this is why the ELCA has refused to work with him as he seeks to find a new call.

Based on Rev. Cooper's testimony, it seems clear that the denomination wants to deny pastors the freedom to express publicly their "bound conscience," if it does not line up with the ELCA's decisions.  It can further be understood that pastors are not to preach or teach anything other than what the ELCA social statement says.

With that in mind, pastors should remember that their responsibility is to faithfully live out his or her calling and the vows taken at ordination, most especially to teach and preach in accordance with the Holy Scriptures, the creeds and confessions.  We all are ultimately responsible to God and God alone.

It is wrong for the ELCA or any denomination to prohibit or discourage pastors from teaching from the Word of God. It appears that the ELCA is trying to silence orthodox pastors, which should cause all of us to question the ELCA's motives and actions.

(Rev. Jason Cooper resigned from the ELCA, Sept. 2010)


From ALPB:

I am a pastor in the NE Iowa Synod. I know and vouch for Pr. Cooper. The blog article is accurate. I have both read and heard Pastor Cooper's sermon (back in April, about four weeks after the sermon). I've talked with Jason and with members of Emmanuel in Strawberry Point. The fact remains that Bishop Ullestad four times told Jason he had violated his letter of call by preaching the sermon he did (in which case, I have done that far more), yet the Bishop refused to initiate discipline, despite Pr. Cooper's repeated request that he do so; indeed, if the Bishop thought Pastor Cooper had violated his letter of call, then the Bishop should have been willling to back that up with the full weight of the discipline process.

Two more points of interest and follow-up:
1) Pastor Cooper is not a long-standing critic of the ELCA. In fact, he was dean of his conference through March of this year; he was a moderate who three years ago thought that pastors Hahn, Hatcher, and myself and others in Call to Faithfulness were a little too radical. Interesting thing is that the direction of the ELCA over the last two years opened Jason's eyes. BTW his sermon is not radical--it's simply Biblical and catholic.

2) Emmanuel, after Pr. Cooper left and led strictly by their lay leadership, passed a first vote to leave the ELCA on June 6, by 92-28. The second vote on Sept 12 fell one vote short with a 107-55 margin. The 28 pro-ELCA revisionists recruited 27 inactives who hadn't darkened the church doors for years (a lesson in the importance of having an up to date list of voting members). I doubt those 27 showed up this past Sunday at Emmanuel. Certainly the 107 did not--they, representing 75% of the active membership of Emmanuel, have left and begun a mission congregation (which I think will go NALC). My two congregations provided them with 70 LBW's for their first worship service this past Sunday (yesterday) at the Strawberry Point Civic Center--and the mission congregation worshiping at the civic center likely more than doubled the rump congregation that gathered at Emmanuel. Another pyrrhic victory for the revisionists at Emmmanuel and for the ELCA.


No one else in terms of being told directly that they have violated their letter of call, as Pastor Cooper was (but I note that the Bishop explicitly refused to bring discipline charges against Pr. Cooper which of course would have required the Bishop to make public such a case vs. Pr. Cooper, which would also have put his "neutrality" principle and "bound conscience" on public display--and demonstrated the unworkable and empty nature of such principles and terms). However, with 38 pastoral vacancies in the synod, something does indeed seem to "be up" in that other orthodox pastors besides Jason Cooper, who have filed their mobility papers with the synod have been told that "congregations do not want pastors at either extreme on this issue." I think the Bishop's generalization does not speak for all the congregations seeking pastors (and note then that to be orthodox and to have spoken out on these issues make one an "extremist.") I know personally of orthodox pastors in other synods who have sought to have their mobility papers sent to the NE Iowa synod and who have been told that "we have no vacancies at the present time." There are congregations among the 38 vacancies who are going into their 3rd year without a pastor.


GJ - This example can be multiplied many times over. The established synods--whether far Left (ELCA) or Methodist Mild (LCMS, WELS, ELS)--are fascinated with their own power and saturated with doctrinal, financial, and moral corruption. All of them have been yammering about evangelism while driving out faithful members and pastors for decades.

They all talk about doctrine, too, but what do they promote? They spend most of their time and money on the latest bilge. They do a little bit to publish older material and whine, "But nobody buys it."

Thrifty pastors whose computer skills are limited to copying my Photoshops and Groeschel's sermons have a potential solution that meets their felt-needs. is a user-friendly publishing service. Someone can write a book and publish it, with many promotional features, for free. The only cost will be ordering a proof copy, which is provided at the wholesale price (about 50% off).

Old-fashioned publishing - $10,00 to 25,000 per title.
Computerized publishing - $3,000 for ordering 1,000 copies, which have to be sold at a profit to get into the black.
Lulu publishing - $10 proof copy to get the final version in public view, with promotion through Google. $200 to make it an e-book with Apple.

Starting a church:
ELCA/WELS/LCMS model - Spend $1 million buying land, providing mission or salary support.
Independent model - Find an inexpensive meeting place, use a computer and broadband to broadcast and save the services. Very little cost.

More people are now outside of the synods and calling themselves Lutheran than those who are members of synods. Decades of unfaithfulness to the Word have accomplished this.

MLS Graduate Makes a Suggestion

Buckle your seatbelts.
It's going to be a bumpy ride.

twissted_sisster has left a new comment on your post "More on Frey's Resignation - From WELS Laity, Curr...":

I am a huge fan of Pres. Schroeder. I was estatic when he was elected to lead our synod. I had high hopes to see real progress on putting an end to the sanctioned apostasy. I've written him emails of support and he's expressed a bit of frustration. I don't know where or how we can help. Maybe a good start would be a several page article in the next issue of FIC, written by Pres. Schroeder himself, laying out what is actually going on in the synod and his efforts to put an end to it. He should name names so that everything is an open book. Let the chips fall where they may. You could respect the guy for doing something like that. The average joe sitting in the pew may not even know and may be shocked to learn what has been going on. It may wake up alot of folks.


Last month's leading articles:

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Friday, September 24, 2010

Remember What It Takes To Be Removed from the WELS Pastoral List

This has been used to get rid of WELS pastors:

  • Criticizing reliance on AAL.
  • Questioning the use of the NIV.
  • Opposing the doctrine of the Church Growth Movement. 
  • Disagreeing with an article written by a Daddy Warbucks.
  • Tagging a public sidewalk, even though restitution was made immediately.
  • Writing a letter about the error of "making disciples."

The following events or reasons did not keep someone from receiving another call, being promoted, or being put on the CRM list.

  1. Murdering or helping to murder his wife.
  2. Molesting girls in the congregation while serving as DP for two decades.
  3. Teaching the Joy of Sex to minors in prep school.
  4. Embezzlement from the congregation, school, or synod.
  5. False doctrine.
  6. Adultery.
  7. Abandoning his wife and five children to run off - punished with an ELS call.
  8. Attending Fuller Seminary and lying about it.
  9. Obstruction of justice in a felony investigation.
  10. DUI conviction.
  11. Plagiarizing false doctrine. 
  12. Copying Groeschel's sermons and graphics, deceiving people about the source, even though Groeschel himself advises against such dishonesty.

ELCA Practices Fellowship

Gnesio “It is the nature of all hypocrites and false prophets to create a conscience where there is none, and to cause conscience to disappear where it does exist.” - Martin Luther

Faithful follower Stan Olson promoted communion with the Reformed and recognition of the Lavender Mafia.
One thing cannot be tolerated, as the post below reveals:

ALPB Forum:

I recently shared a post about actions I heard that was being made in our synod's.  I apologize that I was emotionally responding to something I heard.  To those I misrepresented I apologize to the bishop and the dean.  I pray that before we post on these web sites we take time to clarify what we heard and keep our emotions in check.  I am sorry to those I offended.  Hence, I removed the original post.  I contacted the dean to ask for clarity on what actually was said.  He graciously sent me an email of his report.  I would like to share what was actually written.

"Concerning the relationship to clergy who have left the ELCA -  Such conversations have already been taking place in conferences.    It was agreed that deaneries and clusters are for ELCA rostered leaders and synodically authorized ministers only.  In other settings, like local ministerial associations or lectionary study groups, relationships may be similar to those of other denominations, which are part of that group.  We trust that those who have left the ELCA will find collegiality with partners in their church body.

Concerning clergy (Retired, On Leave from Call, Specialized Ministry) who may be asked to provide  Sunday supply for a congregation which has left the ELCA -  Please remember that such congregations have decided to join a new Lutheran church body and should find such persons in that body for Sunday supply.  It is not appropriate for ELCA clergy to serve in such circumstances.  If there are specific instances you feel require conversation, please contact the bishop.

Concerning persons who interfere in the life of a neighboring congregation -  It is inappropriate at an ELCA event (congregational or conference) to distribute information from other church bodies (e.g., LCMC/NALC/etc.) and encourage members to pursue leaving the ELCA.  This has happened mostly by laypersons who have attended a Bible study, fellowship event, etc., and who have brought written information to share.  The local pastor is encouraged to speak privately with such person/s to prevent such interference and invite such person/s to leave the event if the interference continues.

Again here is what actually was shared.  Thank you for reading this post.


GJ - Does anyone else see the hilarity of this information? ELCA is in fellowship with Rome (joint parish), all the Reformed sects, the liberal Baptists, and in a de facto merger with the Episcopal Church USA. Someone in the far out all religions lead to God UCC sect can also have a call in ELCA and vice versa. BUT - they are not in fellowship with anyone who has left ELCA. Those dreadful people have no business being anywhere near an ELCA gather of any type. Nor should they expect mercy for they deserve none.


Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "ELCA Practices Fellowship":

Pastor Jackson, I believe you are pointing out the hypocrisy in the fellowship actions of the ELCA and are not implying that fellowship should continue where confession of doctrine has divided them.

Correct me if I'm making the wrong assumption.

Doctrine has divided them and that division needs to be maintained fully while their confession of doctrine is opposed. Scripture isn't man's doctrine but God's. Certainly for ELCA it is merely removing the fly legs from the soup and leaving the rotting carcass basting. Nonetheless it's something to be considered by every member of the Lutheran [sic] denominations.

So far there hasn't been any WELS spittle the ELS wouldn't lick or imitate.

Just sayin'...


GJ - Yes, ELCA is hypocritical, but they do have standards. ELCA works with Missouri, WELS, and the ELS, too, but only on ELCA's terms. ELCA's problem is with those who have left, which proves that they really do care that so many are leaving, so much money is disappearing, and the come-outters are urging their ELCA brethren to join them.

I have read hints that a number of ELCA seminaries are in deep financial stress.

They Trust in Foundations, Daddy Warbucks, and Thrivent,
Not in the Word of God

I expect nothing to happen among the Syn Conference partners. The leaders are committed to keeping the status quo, which means not offending the Daddy Warbucks while kissing up to the foundations and Thrivent.

Long-time readers will recall that the solution for Rock N Roll Lutheran Church in Round Rock, Texas (WELS), was a $200,000 grant to hire a worship leader. At one point, Rock N Roll had 30 people attending and two full-time staffers. Most people think the pastor is the worship leader, but Doebler probably had his hands full planning growth and listening to Kudu Don's hunting tales.

The Daddy Warbucks are consistent Enthusiasts. They always back Shrinker programs, in spite of the obvious false doctrine, laziness, and stupidity involved. Businessmen are experts in their own business but nothing more. However, the woebegone milkman in Fiddler on the Roof had it figured out in "If I Were a Rich Man."

The most important men in town would come to fawn on me!
They would ask me to advise them,
Like a Solomon the Wise.
"If you please, Reb Tevye..."
"Pardon me, Reb Tevye..."
Posing problems that would cross a rabbi's eyes!

And it won't make one bit of difference if I answer right or wrong.
When you're rich, they think you really know!

That is why the synods drift off into the pseudo-business lingo of the Shrinkers.

The synods do not trust that God will work through the Word. Therefore, anyone who rocks the boat is the enemy.

The ELS was furious, long ago, when I sent an article about Marvin Schwan to Christian News. In that article, Daddy IcecreamBucks bragged that he got rid of his first wife for $1 million and a Cadillac.

As I recall, Otten told me about how upset the ELS was about that article. I said, "It was not a secret. It was already in Forbes." He said something like this, "They say no one in the ELS reads Forbes."

The ELS did not want a harpoon in their whale, even if it came from Schwan in the first place. St. Marvin married the wife of one of his managers. Mrs. Schwan.2 became a Lutheran, but returned to Romanism when Marvin suddenly reached room temperature. That cluster of events probably sealed the ELS conviction that money is efficacious. Money converted Mrs. Schwan.2 to Lutheranism and unconverted her when the bulk of the fortune was left to his foundation.

Was the ELS furious that Floyd Stolzenburg was their new sugar-daddy, working with Thoughts of Faith to build a Ukraine parish building? Not at all. Someone got involved and won a matching grant from Schwan, to leverage the gift from Floyd's Masonic CG church. Sure, the female treasurer working for Floyd went to jail for embezzling, but that probably had nothing to do with the wonderful work they were doing with John Shep, Roger Kovaciny, and Jay Webber. To make an omelet, a few eggs must be broken.

The synods are so much in awe of their foundations, Daddy Warbucks, and Thrivent that they will throw everything away while the foundation of the Church--the Word--is abandoned.

Two Synods, One Organization - WELS

twissted_sisster has left a new comment on your post "More on Frey's Resignation - From WELS Laity, Curr...":

I am WELS and also a MLS grad. Scott, like you, I believe a split in the WELS is inevitable. I say the sooner the better. There are two different churches playing out and the time is coming when we will all have to make a choice. Even those people who don't know, don't care, or just have their heads in the sand will have to soon stand up and make that choice. The silence coming from Milwaukee makes me wonder where is our SP on these vital matters? I'm sure he's in the minority being a confessional Lutheran in the synod headquarters but he would surely gain alot of respect from the rank and file if he'd start cleaning house. Most people would back him for routing out those who would 'set at naught all He hath done.'


erickel ( has left a new comment on your post "Sesame Street Goes Soft Core, In Spite of Katy Pe...":

Even Sesame Street practices higher moral standards than The CORE!


GJ - A clue about what is happening - all the DPs were re-elected. In WELS, a DP has to be convicted and sent to state prison, like DP Ed Werner, before he leaves office.

AnnMarie, the visiting theologian at Mary Lou College, thinks Islam is tolerant. No sect is more tolerant than WELS.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

ELCA Today, Your Synod Tomorrow

Lutherans Love: God Does Not Hate!

WELCOME to LUTHERANS CONCERNED / LOS ANGELES:  A Christian Ministry for all sexual orientations and gender identities.
Screening of "8: The Mormon Proposition" see below

GOD DOES NOT HATE! This is the message the LGBT community wants to hear--the real message of the Gospel!  The Christian faith is a gift of love not hatred, joy not dread, hope not defeat. God is love! God hates no one, since God made us as we are!
"Lutherans Love!"  If you are not familiar with Lutheran Christians, this one thing is most important to know:  we are not part of the "religious right."  
We are people with deep faith in God's abiding love for all!  And we believe it is our mission to proclaim God's grace for all people including lesbian/ gay/ bisexual/transgender/ queer/ questioning people (and everyone else)!

How can I find a gracious God?  Where can I find a welcoming church?
We've been working with local Lutheran congregations for 25 years to identify places where LGBTQ people can feel safe and experience love without judgment or condemnation.  About 400 Lutheran churches nation-wide have joined the Reconciling in Christ program, which encourages and enables local churches to affirm their welcome publicly.
See:  Welcoming Congregations for complete listing of Reconciling congregations in the Los Angeles area.

What's new in Lutherans Concerned?
Join us for the Annual Meeting of the LC/Los Angeles Chapter, at St. Matthew's Lutheran Church, North Hollywood, beginning at 5:30 pm.  St. Matthew's is at 11031 Camarillo Street at the intersection with Vineland and Lankershim.  Light refreshments will be served.
Following the 90 minute meeting, the recent documentary film "8: The Mormon Proposition" will be screened.
If you have not yet seen this fascinating documentary hosted by Dustin Lance Black you MUST join us! And even if you have seen it you will want to see it again. The documentary exposes how the Mormon leadership deceitfully manipulated the voters of California into taking away marriage rights from same-sex couples. You will be shocked, you will be angered, and you will hopefully be compelled to fight the tyranny of this dangerous cult.

SYNOPSIS: Director Reed Cowan initially planned on making a documentary about gay teen homelessness and suicide in Utah but soon realized that the homophobia that prompts otherwise loving parents to kick teenagers out of their homes is deep-seated in current Mormon ideology. Cowan, with his fellow filmmakers, experienced first-hand what it was like to grow up gay in Utah in the Mormon faith, then turned their attention to the historic campaign by the Mormon Church to pass Proposition 8 in California believing that it was the cornerstone of an ideology that has worked for decades “to damage gay people and their causes.” The film is their emotional outcry to what they found. See the trailer at

On the NEWS pages, find these recent stories:
Pastor Anita Hill approved for admission to ELCA Clergy Roster
September 20 Annual Meeting
Also see: LC/LA at Outfest 2009
 Demonstrations against Proposition 8

Did you see us? Christopher Street West PRIDE Festival, June 13-14, 2009 in West Hollywood!

 In recent years we have featured "My BIG FAT Gay Church Wedding" booth at the CSW Festival.  Hundreds of couples were photogeraphed in wedding outfits.

MONTHLY CHAPTER EVENT!! Lutherans Concerned/Los Angeles gathers every 3rd Sunday, 5:30 pm at Hollywood Lutheran Church, 1733 N. New Hampshire Avenue, Los Angeles, for worship, potluck and food for thought!  For map/directions, see:  For more information, join our e-mail list!
Lutherans Concerned/Los Angeles     Mail: 7336 Santa Monica Blvd. Box 749, Los Angeles, CA 90046-6616
Lutherans Concerned/Los Angeles is a Chapter of Lutherans Concerned/North America  - Since 1974.  

All Time Favorite Posts - Since New Stats Began - Appleton Sweeps

Appleton owns the most-read post list since June.
Congratulations, Fox Valley, and Deputy Doug Englebrecht.
You worked hard for this achievement.
Take your bows and salute your Father Below.

Jun 3, 2010, 8 comments
941 Pageviews
Dec 17, 2009, 24 comments
727 Pageviews
Jul 31, 2010, 3 comments
478 Pageviews
Aug 2, 2010
405 Pageviews
Aug 10, 2010
389 Pageviews

Sweet Promoted by a Graduate of Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary,
Better Known as The Sausage Factory

The Man of the Hour, Leonard Sweet, Methodist New Ager,
aging hippy slob.


Wee Wille

Professional growth day
teachers' conference

Oct. 29, 2010 • 8 a.m-2 p.m.
Lake Country Lutheran High • Hartland

For teachers and administrators in the SWD and English District. Dr. Leonard Sweet will focus on education and learning in his and our Google world or better yet a "TGIF" world — Twitter, Google, iPhone, Facebook — as he defines our world today and in the future. The $35 registration cost includes lunch and break. Register online at before Oct. 15.  Flyer (PDF)

More on Frey's Resignation - From WELS Laity, Current and Ex

How many pastors did Seifert remove from the ministry for criticizing Church Growth?
But suborning promiscuity makes a pastor CRM.


That Katie Perry is not even a good looking tramp. Sorry I do not see the thing about her. I guess Fox Valley does however.

I think there is something rotten in Denmark as they say about this whole Frey resignation. I think you are right in that MLS will close soon. I think Frey knew or knows and does not want to be the guy doing the dirty job of closing this school. I think the closing is very close and once announced enrollment will as you say drop like a lead balloon. WELS is out of money. I do not think folks are going to give anymore than they are, not only because of the economy, but what is going on in this synod.

WELS leaders think everybody is dumb as to what is going on. Well, as with what is going on in this country, folks have just about had it with the way WELS does things. So folks may not speak up but they will close the wallet and if all else fails hit the door. The SP needs to get tough and go after these C&C jerks or else resign himself. I do not care. Time to stand up or stand down.
The above comments you can most certainly print on Ichabod.


Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Fake-O-Bod Dodges the Islamic Question at Martin L...":

"What were the circumstances? That’s the thing, my friends. I can only serve the school by this resignation if I am able to take the reasons with me."

What a pathetic display of mental hand wringing meant to portray sincere angst while deceiving most people by kicking up as much silt as possible to muddy the water.

At this point, regardless of the reason he's leaving, it's quite clear he never should have been there in the first place since he cannot be honest. He clearly lacks the bone structure to speak clearly and truthfully much less stand erect.

Just another wonderful example of the deceptive characters the laity in the (W)ELS have entrusted, without question, with the care of their souls.

They love to talk about the Bereans and how iron sharpens iron but there is very little of either in the (W)ELS and of what there is they seem to be intent on salvaging the very institution that has committed itself to their destruction.

Can someone please post the last public statement Pres. Schroeder published which condemns the false teaching and practices that's running rampant through the Appleton district? I can't seem to find it.

(no wonder the Intrepids won't post my comments)


GJ - Mr. Frey has unfriended me. Sigh. DP Seifert and Frey agree that he is eligible for a call, which reminds me of the Tabor and Just cases. Pastor Tabor aided in murdering his wife but moved to a new call in Escanaba, where he served for a period of time. Al Just murdered his wife, but WELS defended him with a busload of supporters at his trial and VP Huebner's father testifying about Al's sterling character.

Given the record of Church and Change false teachers promoted and funded, but never canned, anyone would agree that Frey is eminently and immanently callable. All he did was express the WELS philosophy, honed--or rather dulled--by years of UOJ hyperbole. Fred Adrian's married vicar had an affair with a minor girl in Fred's earlier congregation, resulting in a very expensive lawsuit. Nevertheless, Adrian was pronounced callable by no less a personage the DP Seifert. More could be said on that score, but the deeds of Michigan get tedious, even if they would make a scandalous prime time reality show.

Question in doctrine class, led by MLS ex-president Frey: "How far can a minor go sexually, since many of us are as young as 14?" I used my own wording, since Frey is not providing a verbatim account.

President Frey: "As far as your conscience allows."

Encouraging children to add themselves to the sex  offenders list is not a good idea, from a litigation perspective - which is the only thing that matters to WELS. If it costs them money, they are not pleased. However, they are willing to forget in a few years. Al Just is innocent, although he was convicted and also confessed. Tabor was never convicted, so he must be innocent. Only his mistress was guilty.

Criminal behavior, even among clergy, is expensive. After enough time has elapsed, the innocent may still help pay the bills. Many more simply flee the evildoers. Why bother to argue with people so bent on self-destruction? They will not listen to law enforcement. They resent the insurance people clamping down on their forgiven-in-advance style of excuses. The corrupt leadership says, "Sit down with them" and "Write letters to them." Once that is done, the same leaders get even. Sitting down with them or writing a letter is the equivalent of a signed confession of sin. Such people must be expelled to keep Holy Mother Synod running smoothly.


More from Aaron Frey's blog, suggesting his ex-employers would like him to zip it, immediately:

Aaron Frey 
Actually, college-aged WELS-ian, I can and I must. God called me to serve a lot of people at MLS, and there are many whom I served by respecting their privacy and keeping information that only I needed to know about them safe. I will continue to serve them in that way.

I think you’ll feel better if you re-read the Large Catechism, especially Dr. Luther’s comments on the Eighth Commandment. I have committed no great, public sin that has to be covered up. There are just the unnecessary conjectures and false accusations that have been made since my resignation.

And I’m afraid I don’t understand the reference to Scott Jungen. Did he mention something of importance I should be aware of on a website or something?


I hope that your online experience will help to wake up some people in our circles who slobber after a certain para-Lutheran blogger. They hang on his every word because he supports certain opinions they have about the synod. His behavior here shows that he has no love of the gospel. He only wants to spread as many negative rumors about the “higher ups” in the synod that he can. I hope that his treatment of you will get them to see his true nature as a vengeful rumormonger.


grumpy has left a new comment on your post "More on Frey's Resignation - From WELS Laity, Curr...":

Off the record,
On the QT,
And VERY Hush-Hush...

So, Doc Jackson, what is it....resignation because you don't want to be the Captain of the Titanic, or resignation because you don't want to be forced out because of contributing to the delinquency of minors?

Gentle readers, I think NEITHER is the solution to THIS mystery. Doesn't make sense...

If a sinking ship, what has changed so dramatically for MLS in less than 10 months?

MLS has such a strong backing in WELS that it will, in all likelihood, outlast most of the readers and writers of this blog.

If granting young ones' libidos free reign, why no mass postings on Facebook, Myspace, various blogs, etc.

Watergate could not be covered up by a somewhat competent government (competent compared to today anyway...)...can we believe silence would rule in this case? Surely the class that heard this, as well as the rest of the student body, would twitter, tweet and squawk all over the WEB by now.

Hep cats and cool kitties, I think we are being played by both those story lines.

Off the record,
On the QT,
And VERY Hush-Hush...

GJ - Frey has managed to make things even worse with his public no-comment comments and his labored explanations and self-absolution, called by Nixonians a modified limited hang-out.

I verified what happened. The anonymous thug at Fake-O-Bod demands to know my sources. So he can picture them and name them eating cat excrement from a toilet bowl? That is the Church and Change method of honoring the Eighth Commandment, also translated as - WHO TOLD YOU?

Then genius of WELS lying - there are always two or more stories to digest: one is true, one is false, and others are variations and blends. Getting to the true story is a sin against Holy Mother Synod, aka, the Holy Spirit. Unforgivable.