ICHABOD, THE GLORY HAS DEPARTED - explores the Age of Apostasy, predicted in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, to attack Objective Faithless Justification, Church Growth Clowns, and their ringmasters. The antidote to these poisons is trusting the efficacious Word in the Means of Grace. John 16:8. Isaiah 55:8ff. Romans 10. Most readers are WELS, LCMS, ELS, or ELCA. This blog also covers the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodoxy, and the Left-wing, National Council of Churches denominations.
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Thursday, April 21, 2011
Here It Comes Again
Looking for Luther has left a new comment on your post "Doing the Lindee Two-Step":
Just seeking some clarification here.
Have you spoken with Pastor (sic) Lindee? Attempting to take his words and actions correctly- perhaps my universal grace he simply was trying to state that God's grace isn't only for some people, but for all people. (For God wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth) I can see how saying universal grace might give the impression of the world recieving Grace apart from the Means of Grace. Again, I would hope this is not Pastor Lindee's stance. Rather, God so loved the world- that's grace. The world did not deserve such love. And yet God, in his grace, sent his son to die for the sins of the World.(Does this mean the whole world is going to heaven? Sadly, no.) I think perhaps this is what was meant by "universal grace"- a counter to the Calvinist idea that God's grace was only for the elect.
GJ - Have you spoken with him? I do not know which entity appointed you as his guard dog. I would call this a case of ordination-by-comment. He is a computer guy who attended Northwestern College.
I have read his previous excuses for UOJ, which are posted on the Intrepid blog, unless they were euthanized. I take him at his word until he repudiates his errors.
That weird cracking noise you might hear happens when you open the Book of Concord the first time. The glue on the binding crackles a bit. Be gentle and the Triglotta will last a long time, even after being thrown under the bus.
According to the Large Catechism, published doctrine can be debated in public without resorting to the Matthew 18/Eighth Commandment Two Step. The charge of slander cannot be against discussing doctrine.
Let's say Luther, Chemnitz, and Paul are wrong about justification by faith. It does not hurt to debate the topic in public.
Pastors and laity are doctrinally comatose because the Pietistic leaders prevent any honest discussion. What happened to the synod that held meetings all over the US about fellowship with Missouri? Now they go to Fuller events with Missouri, ELCA, and anything that moves.
In addition, a careful reading of the Large Catechism will also show that notorious criminals can be discussed in public, to serve as a deterrent against similar crimes. Instead, WELS has covered up for its criminal class of clergy.
WELS DP Ed Werner was known for arranging the adoption of illegitimate children from his former parish. The babies were from minor girls. Who was their daddy?
As soon as the Werner story came out, WELS had a cover story, which was fronted by a DP's son, Keith Free, now head of American missions. Keith did not seem to buy the story, which was quickly buried under the enormous heading of "Things We Never Discuss."
There is a close relationship between refusal to clarify doctrine (beyond the repeat-after-me stuff) and the criminal cover-ups of murder, embezzlement, molestation, and more.
Looking for Luther has left a new comment on your post "Here It Comes Again":
Meine schult. Forgive me for my error. Honest mistake. I read Intrepids frequently, and tend to just blur the group together as "pastors".
Anyways,I'll shoot Lindee an e-mail to ask him about the "universal grace" thing. I just would hate for his words to be taken out of context and misconstrued. I understand you feel very strongly from his past remarks that you know exactly what he meant, but I'd prefer to hear him explain himself and then, without a shadow of a doubt, eithe (sic) exonerate him or condemn him.
Thank you for your time.
GJ - When sending a snarky comment, spelling counts.
We all await--with bated breath--your verdict.
I was forgiven before I was born, according to your bunch, so your response seems less than gracious.
I would be happy if the entire UOJ crowd would say "Jackson teaches justification by faith" (linked) "We are against it, for the following reasons..."
But no, they argue without evidence, beat around the bush, and expect everyone to know their target. Lindee was not being polemical in the post cited, but he was not being candid either.